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halfrohp's 2nd sprite drop off & correctional facility


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is that a penis

i'm serious

This made me laugh.

On topic. His eye is HUGE his hair has no shading and it just looks sloppy. As rude and abrupt as everyone is being, they are right. FC is difficult and splicing is not. Stick to splicing for a while than move to FC.

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That arm is just ugly and awkward, the one that sticks out behind him. And yes, I thought that one thing was a penis too :V

Looking over the whole image, this is really just 8 frames constantly repeated over and over again. And some of the frames are rather ugly.

The outline on his left arm (OPOV) needs to be more defined here.

There is something so unnaturally wrong about the angle that arm is bent at, it's not even funny.

And I could do a far cooler double person effect in FEXP than this sheet will ever be able to achieve. I just think it's rather silly. There's really only 4 serviceable frames here, the rest need some TLC.

Edited by Adolf Klokler
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Not only is the arm just... completely broken off of the body, but the body angling is just way off. The reason for that is because of how you replaced the cape from the Monk sprite; you kept the left edge of the cape outline (the black line directly to the right of the arm at the side of the body) and then filled in the remaining area of the body that was uncovered with a semi-pillow-shaded patch of green. I'm assuming that it's supposed to be the body since the normal frames at the top don't show any kind of thing coming down his back. If it's supposed to be something like the hoods used on academic regalia or a mini-cape/half-cape, then it would need to be shown on the top frames and be shaped and shaded differently on the lower frames.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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See? Right there? THAT ISN'T BAD. Stick to splicing, and you'll get the knowledge and experience to full custom. Just be patient.

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As a sprite: Not bad, much better than that other...thing. (basically seconding furet)

As a mercenary: ...not so much. He has the body of a merc but te helmet really throws it off. Give him hair instead of the helmet and it'll look more like a merc.

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As a sprite: Not bad, much better than that other...thing. (basically seconding furet)

As a mercenary: ...not so much. He has the body of a merc but te helmet really throws it off. Give him hair instead of the helmet and it'll look more like a merc.

Oh, I guess I was a little unclear. He is a mercenary, a hired lanceman. Sorry 'bout that. And just to have some filler while I toil away on stuff, Who did I use?

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canas cameron/maxime raven elbert

moving on, you should really ditch that helmet because it doesn't work on canas' head at all, it's also shaded very badly, the original helmet wasn't shaded like that

the neck is eh as well

i think you changed the shading on elbert's clothing as well because it also looks bad

random: why would a soldier(which i'm assuming from helmet), have no armor

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Clearly he's a soldier who hasn't gotten rid of his training wheels lance yet. He's still in training so is kind of an idiot about wearing armor, see? :D

Fabulous. Sparkle. Sparkle.

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Clearly he's a soldier who hasn't gotten rid of his training wheels lance yet. He's still in training so is kind of an idiot about wearing armor, see? :D

Perfect description for a character from say, MoH, The Zombie Hack, A Ragefest Entry or any other game with a silly funny twist to it :D

However, from what I saw of halfrohp's hack before he got banned (from FE Cafe), it was far from such a type of hack, and was indeed very serious plot line and was not intended to create lolz.

SOOOOOO...you should still fix that sprite because the body and the helmet do not look right together. A Mercenary Class would not have a helmet and A soldier class would wear armor, not cloth.

Edited by fuzz94
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moving on, you should really ditch that helmet because it doesn't work on canas' head at all, it's also shaded very badly, the original helmet wasn't shaded like that

the neck is eh as well

i think you changed the shading on elbert's clothing as well because it also looks bad

try not ignoring the actual post next time

and the top of the helmet is cut off

and there's no shading where the helmet meets the face

and it's like 300% zoomed in which is useless

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These are some things I noticed, though as people mentioned, this one is certainly a step up from the last mug. I especially like the dents and scratches.

Anyways, going over the things I circled, for the sake of specificity:

-The line in the center of the top of his helmet isn't very smooth, nor is the left side of the outline of his helmet. You might want to even out those lines and add some more AA, or like Kitty of Time suggested, ditch the helmet, because it's sorta hard to implement and at the moment doesn't seem to be on his head correctly.

-Where the helmet touches his face, your shading is only done in one color there and makes it look kinda flat, I suggest using some of the dark skintones in the corners to help this.

-The bottom edge of the helmet I circled has inconsistent shading too, making it look like the inner part of his helmet is at a different angle than the outside, giving the helmet a strange, misshapen kind of look.

-The circle on the neck is because the trim becomes very uneven and thick towards the outer edge, pretty easy fix, just keep the trim consistent in width.

I assume you're still going to finish the neck too? Needs more dark skin tones, especially under his chin. I also don't really understand the design of the helmet, that grommet-like fish-eyeball circle thing on the side makes it seem as if the helmet would have a visor that can raise up and down--does that have a purpose?

Edited by Mewiyev
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Welp. Bad attitude is breeding. Next time I won't bother I guess, I am just so sorry for taking my time to give you advice.

The line in the center of the helm looks a lot better, it still sticks out like a sore thumb though, needs some more of the darkest color around the line to blend it in. The overall shape is much better too. As for the right side of the helmet, it does look better, except now the top part of the inner trim thing is angled weirdly to the left, might wanna make that straight up and down. Trim on collar is better too.

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Unlike some of the other people who go on the attack when they see a splice that somehow manages to offend them, Mew actually wants to help make you better, not beat you down with insults. Let's try to be nice to my team's artist because she's really quite a nice person.

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Unlike some of the other people who go on the attack when they see a splice that somehow manages to offend them, Mew actually wants to help make you better, not beat you down with insults. Let's try to be nice to my team's artist because she's really quite a nice person.

klok wtf are you talking about

we've all been trying to help him, no one is attacking him

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