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Radiance Slumbers

Freohr Datia

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lol *returns each hug*

Well, I think I'm going to try much much much harder now! I guess hugs make me more... idk what the word would be... but you get the idea...

I'll get things as soon as I can.

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lol *returns each hug*

Well, I think I'm going to try much much much harder now! I guess hugs make me more... idk what the word would be... but you get the idea...

I'll get things as soon as I can.


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What? No me? It's only AWESOME when I am in[/sarcasm] No. It's a good story either way, you managed to catch just about everyone's personality too.

I made a topic asking who wanted to join, and I don't think you were even around at the time... The story is still open for recruitments though!

btw, I've got mroe written, just not finished yet.

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I made a topic asking who wanted to join, and I don't think you were even around at the time... The story is still open for recruitments though!

btw, I've got mroe written, just not finished yet.

No. I don't think I was around. :( Still open for recruitments? Where would I go?
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No. I don't think I was around. :( Still open for recruitments? Where would I go?

To me! :) I guess you could pm me or something and tell me stuff about your character's name, class, weapon (if it's a class you made up), and if possible but not needed, a description.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, this has taken quite a while. This is going to happen a lot more than usual though since I have less time to come on here now... :(

The ShadowMists spent only one day at any towns they remained at. The reason, though was because the pegasi were starting to sense womething. The way the knew was if they became very nervous and would sometimes try go off course to the direction of the source.

"Once our mage and thieves cross a path where the demons have already been, then they will sense their paths," Hikari told them. "They are extra sensitive to this type of stuff than other humans. Mages sense them because they are alert to spiritual magic. Thieves can because they're just extra sensetive and that's waht makes them great trackers."

They got an example of that after a couple of days.

"Okay, I can feel it now," Masu told Lyle.

"Me too," CGV said.

Now they were traveling with CGV, Masu, and Knife leading, and Kiryn and Hikari sometimes.

After a couple of days the three agreed that they were close.

"How can they tell how close we are?" Nairen wondered.

"I'm not sure how to tell," Blue Knight answered, "but according to them," he said indicating toward the three leading, "the... trail - I guess you could say - left by the demons becomes stronger and easier to sense as you get closer."

They were in the country Velfaend for a while. The place seemed more populated than Ameryll's own country, Daresk. There were more towns in Velfaend than Daresk, plus they each setting, and therefore felt uncomfortable. She noticed Nairen seemed to feel the same way.

Finally, they found a town and the trackers were sure the demon was in there.

"Good," Lyle said at the report. "Which town is it?"

The three were thinking, trying to remember, Slayer said for them, "If I'm correct in our location, this town should be called Luteran."

One thing that Ameryll and Nairen had come to know was that Velfaend was Slayer's ( and Ardeth's) homecountry. He would definitely be the one to know.

Once they entered, Lyle ordered everyone split into five groups. Each had to have one of the trackers with them. That meant three in each group. Kiryn said she'd take Ameryll and Nairen. After they were set up, they split.

* * *

"There's something wrong with this place."

The first traveler regarded his friend, not fully surprised, though. "Why so?" he asked.

"A couple days ago," he explained, "I've been sensing something here... It's starting to bug me. Whatever it is, I don't like it."

The first traveler stared at his friend, confuse. He never felt anything different. So it must've been something only he felt.

"Do you want to leave? We could get our stuff ready and leave tomorrow."

His friend was silent for a bit. Then he said, "We don't have to leave. It doesn't bug me that much."

The first traveler almost laughed. "Tell me when it does."

The two went to the tavern. They had become pretty good friends with Hesse... or, at least the first traveler had. He wasn't sure about the other.

Then something happened that the first traveler wasn't sure was a coincidence or not.

"Something feels wierd here..." Jesse mentioned. "Recently it feels as if... like someone like an enemy is watching me right now. I don't know why I feel this way or who it is, so it's very disturbing."

"Hmm..." Why can't I feel this? "You're not the only one."

"You've noticed it too?" Jesse asked, surprised.

He shook his head. "Not me," he said, pointing to his friend, who was more silent than usual.

Suddenly, his friend's head jerked up. Then his head turned towards the door. Someone had entered at the same time.

"Something wrong?" he asked his friend. He got no reply. Soon he turned back and just stared at his drink.

The person approached the counter. He reached in his pocket and pulled out money. He addressed Jesse, saying, "I'd like a vodka."

The first traveler noticed that Jesse suddenly tensed and looked incredulously at the new arrival. Then he shook his as if coming out of a trance and then nodded. "$10." (sorry, but I have no idea of the normal price of vodka)

The stranger set the money on the counter as Jesse left to get the vodka. He handed it to him and grabbed the money.

The arriver sat at another table nearby.

"What's happening?" the first traveler asked the two as they were both silent.

After a moment's hesitation, his friend said, "He's who I've been feeling this whole time. I knew it right when he stood outside the entrance to the tavern."

"Same here too," Jesse added.

He sat there, pondering what was heppening. Is this good or bad? He strongly felt it was the latter.

About ten minutes passed before someone behind them said, "Hey! What do you think - "

He didn't finish. The first traveller, his friend, and Jesse (and everyone else) turned in alarm. The man who had recently entered was grabbing a man by the neck and thrust him against the wall.

A woman exclaimed, "He's choking him!"

There was much excitement. Woman who were all weaponless ran our tf the building. Some men ran to their homes to grab their weapons. That was most since villagers never carried them with them. Besides the other three, two had remained with weapons drawn. They most likely were travelers who didn't have anywhere else to put them.

Jesse grabbed a knife from the back room. The first traveler's friend pulled out a wind magic tome. He himself pulled out a sword. The sword was not ordinary sword. It was special, and never broke. It had a name: Ragnell.

Ike wielded the sword and approached the man, with his friend, Soren, and the bartender, Jesse not far behind him.

So now you know! :) Here's why I thought of this.


Once he saw stability returned, Ike left on a journey to lands still unknown. He was never seen again.


(A support with Ike)

When peace had settled on the land, Soren packed lightly and set off with the only person he had ever trusted.

... though I may end up breaking the rules a bit!

So, that's the end of that. Hope this was also worth the wait. :D

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Yay i just read it an it's awesome hope the next one will come soon. :D

Yesterday? Well, I hope the next day's soon enough for you! :lol:

First of all, I am hoping to have the next chapter up either the same day as this, or the next time I get on! I've already gotten it written! And (somewhat sadly) it was all thanks to ISTEP! The first day, we only had third period, and the teacher gave all the students who didn't have ISTEP an assignment and the ones who did would only do it if they wanted to. I had a whole bunch of ideas pop into my head. Then there was only a make-up day and I had almost nothing to do. Once I finished, I had more ideas, enough to finish a whole bunch. Though the chapters are somewhat shorter than usual I think... Okay, I will start now. XD

Chapter 5: Guidance

"Rayleth feels it in there," Kiryn said, pointing to what looked like a tavern. People were also rushing out, their other hint.

For a bit, Ameryll was confused, then she realized, "Is that the name of your pegasus?"

As she dismounted, Kiryn said, "Did I never tell you? I'm sorry, I thought I did."

Nairen got off Sceath and helped Ameryll off. They hurried inside. Ameryll gasped at what she found.

A man had another man against the wall and was choking him. Three others were ready to attack (Talk about good timing!). One had a knife. The other looked lika a type of mage. The third wielded a sword, with a golden blade.

The person with the knife said, "Let him go, or we will hurt you!"

The man, who must've been under the demon's control, acted as if he didn't hear him. Then, suddenly, he was blown away from the mage/sage. The person with the sword started to approach him. He raised the sword.

With a sudden realization, Ameryll said, "Wait! NO!!!"

She ran between the controlled person and the swordsman.

"Ameryll!" she heard Nairen call.

"What are you doing?" the mage/sage asked angrily.

"Calm down, Soren," the swordsman said. "Why must I not hurt him?" he asked patiently.

Then Kiryn shot forward at the same time the man behind her grabbed her. Kiryn hit the man witht he blunt end of her lance and poked him in the ribs. Ameryll was released just seconds after he grabbed her. Nairen hurried over to her and blocked her from the man.

Then, Hikari, Musashi, Blue Knight, Masu, EmeraldFox, and Artemis all entered at the same time.

"Hikari!" Kiryn called. She then pointed at the man.

"Grab him!" Hikari said. Kiryn obliged. The man snarled and tried escaping. EmeraldFox and Musashi ran and helped. The man stood no chance. Then Hikari started singing. Ameryll didn't understand the language she was using, but she did know it was a beautiful tune... The song was being ruined by the man's screams, though.

Once it ended, there was a loud screech before the man crumpled. The other three stared aghast. After a long silence, the person with the knife said, "What just happened?"

"The reason why I told you to not hurt him," Ameryll explained, "was because that man wasn't doing everything on purpose." Before she could get questioned, she hastily added, "He was being controlled by a demon."

The three were quiet before the swordsman shifted. "So they are real," he mused.

Suddenly, CGV, Lyle Dayek, and Slayer burst in. They looked upon the scene. "Is it gone?" Lyle asked. Masu, the closest, nodded.

After Lyle sent CGV for the others, Kiryn started explaining what was going on.

The person called Soren pointed at Hikari and said, "She was using the galdrar."

The swordsman nodded, "I thought that I should've known what she was doing."

"You know the galdrar?" Hikari asked. "Do any of you know how?"

The swordsman shook his head.

"How do you know about it, then?" Nairen asked.

"We've known others who know it," the swordsman said.

Everyone of the ShadowMists gasped as each realized the same thing.

"Who are they?" Lyle asked urgently.

"Well, the first we've known from was the Heron clan."

Almost everyone of the ShadowMists said, "What?"

"Oh... sorry. They probably only exist in the continent Soren and I traveled from."

"You aren't from here?" Ameryll asked, amazed.

He nodded. Soon he started explaining that they traveled from the continent, Tellius, and said his name was Ike.

"Wait," Lyle said slowly. "You said the... Heron clan all know the galdrar?" After he nodded, he continued, saying, "well... do you think we could possibly get their help? These demons are causing trouble throughout the continent. It would be nice to have their help."

Ike remained silent for a while, then replied, "That depends on how much danger that will get them into. The Herons do not fight... and as far as we know, there are only four remaining, and three healthy."

Everyone was shocked. It took a while for Lyle to be able to speak again. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't realize what I was asking for."

"It's fine. You wouldn't've known. It is possible for us to get them. I've guarded them in the past, so I'd probably be the only one he'd trust... Well, we'd probably also have one other to ask also."

"How long would it take to get them?" Masu asked.

"Hmm... That would also depend. The problem is, I'm not entirely sure where they all are at the moment. But I think I can see a solution past that.

"Me and Soren aren't the only ones I know to have traveled here. And he is a great tracker. He could possibly accomplish all that's needed in about one to two months... For all I know, he almost never sleeps.

"Since I know where he's at, I could lead you to him, let him know all he needs to, pay him a lot of money, then send him to his task."

The ShadowMists thought on it, and agreed to try it.

Everyone of the ShadowMists was together and prepared of tommorow's journey. One thing that was unexpected was that Jesse approached Lyle.

"I was wondering if you would be okay with me joining your journey."

"But wouldn't you want to stay here? This is a dangerous trip."

"I normally travel a lot," Jesse said. "Plus I could help you. If you want, I could handle your weapons for you. I sell some too. I can also fight," he added, pulling out a knife.

Lyle stared at the knife. "Another thief? We could use as many as we can get." He explained the abilities theives, assassins, and rogues had.

"Does that mean," Jesse pondered, "I was sensing the demon the whole time?"

Lyle nodded, "Most likely... Plus, a lot of the people who've joined have come up with nicknames for themselves. Would you have anything you would like to change?"

"Hmm... I think I might, I will just have to think on that for a while..."

"You can take all the time you need," Lyle said. "It's not all that important that you choose one. You just could if you want."

And there you go! Usually, I end the chapter with some kind of cliffhanger or something, but... This could be a cliffhanger, but it's not the usual ending I usually make.

Again, I should be able to get the other sooner than I have with others.

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Chapter 6: Moonlit Fears

Ameryll's eyes fluttered open. She was sweating. She could feel her heart beat slowly settling down.

She chided herself. It was only a nightmare, calm down!

She rose out of her bed (which was only straw covered by sheets; a matress was too large for travel). Everyone else in the tent - Knife, Nairen, Emeraldfox, and Hikari - were still asleep. She left the tent quietly.

Ameryll looked around the campground. They had decided to remain in Luteran for the rest of the day. They went to the place where Ike and Soren settled. The clearing they'd chosen was large enough to accommodate all of them.

Ameryll absent-mindedly walked into the woods. She followed the trail.

Ameryll always loved the woods. But she liked them better during the day.

Ameryll shivered, remembering what had caused her to walk in the woods at night instead of day. It really disturbed her. Dreams weren't supposed to be real... so why did this one feel so realistic?

Suddenly the thoughts were erased as she entered a clearing where there was no canopy to block the sky. she gasped in awe. There was a full moon and the stars shone in great brilliance.

Stargazing: that was something that Ameryll found most enjoyable. The world was always peaceful if you were in the right place at the right night, when there were no clouds. Stars always lulled Ameryll into a composed state of mind.

Then harsh words cut into the moment and Ameryll jumped.

"What are you doing here?"

It was Soren.

"What are you doing here?" Ameryll retaliated.

Soren paused in slight surprise at the retort, then asked, "Do you fight at all?"

"Um... No, not yet..."

"You're foolish!"


Soren, who was standing in the middle of the clearing, approached her. "You are weaponless! And you walk in the woods in the middle of the night? Do you think this world will just let someone just explore unharmed? That never happens! You were also foolish to get anywhere near that man controlled by the demon! Did you think it would just stand there and let you create peace? You shouldn't even be here if that's how much of a false sense of security you have!"

Ameryll was stunned at his words. She was also hurt at how little anger he hid. But as she thought about it... she couldn't disagree.

Should I have stayed home? The reason she came was because she didn't want to leave Nairen alone and she wanted to avenge Ninevla. If she acted this way, would she ever be able to accomplish that?

"So, what? Do you want me to go back?"

Soren turned around suddenly and didn't reply. Knowing that she wouldn't get an answer, Ameryll sighed and walked.

The nightmare returned and haunted her on the way back.

I don't know why they took her! Are they just as stupid?

"I had a feeling I'd find you here."

Soren jumped, but didn't bother turning around. His voice was easy to recognize.

"Something's bothering you again."

"Like what?" Soren asked bitterly.

"I thought we were past all this hiding stuff," Ike said wearily.

"There's no hiding!" Soren said angrily.

"Soren, I always know when something bugs you. Talk."

Soren cursed to himself. Ike may have been just about the only good friend he had, but he always seemed to know if there was anything troubling him.

He heard Ike sigh. "When you're ready to tell me, you know you can," he said. Soren was slightly angered even more that he didn't leave. He shut his mind and eyes against the world. Why was he the only one in this world to understand his own needs?

"I saw a girl coming from here when I got out of the tent. I knew that since you obviously left the tent, she was coming from where you went..."

"... So?..."

"So, that was just another hint for me knowing that something was wrong. You sent her away. You want to be alone... soemtimes that's not always the best path."

Just as Ameryll had, Ike left once he knew he'd get no more... He could understand why Soren wanted to be alone at the moment. Later, though, he should quit hiding his thoughts soon enough.

I think this is my favorite chapter so far! The way Ameryll feels about the forest and night sky... that's exactly like me! This was the chapter where there wasn't any part where I had no idea what to write next, like what happens as usual.

Well, I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter!

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