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I'm bored, so here's my endgame team

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Well, I've come to the end game. I just wanted to know what y'all thought on my final choices. It was really really tough choosing because I rose a lot of really strong units. I played favorites a little bit with Astrid, Rhys, Soren, Nephenee, Rolf and Makalov because they were all in my endgame in PoR. And even then I didn't stray too far from the older characters. Still, I never thought I'd replace Brom.

If you notice how badly the skills are situated, well... I was entering the final level so that Micaiah would class up, then planned on going back to the base. That's what I did in PoR, so I would know who to give extra BEXP to. However...it wouldn't let me go back to the base. So I thought "Well...better turn off the game" but then my brother says "Hey, what's outfit/manage (don't remember what it was)?" and then I see all the base options in there and I think "Hmm, guess I can save after all". But then when I go to change skills.... I REALIZE THE OPTIONS NOT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I was so upset... I felt a little bit better after I realized most people still had some skills on but still...

But yeah, this is my final team in all it's glory

I put their stats in, I felt like typing a lot for no reason.

H is hp, ST is strength, etc, etc. (M) means maxed

Skill's with *'s are starting skills that I never removed.


Vanguard Lv11

H-58 ST-35 M-7 SK-38 SP-32 L-20 D-32 (M) R-14





Sup- Soren (A)

Atk +2


What can I say about Ike... Really, nothing that hasn't already been said. Yes, he's probably a bit low in level but there's still a fair chunk of enemies left, and with paragon he should reach 20 pretty easily.

I must say though, I've had a lot of poor level ups with Ike. I'm shocked he's only maxed one thing by now, and that it's defense. I'd have expected strength.


Arch Sage Lv13

H-47 ST-19 M-39 SK-30 SP-28 L-18 D-20 R-35








Sup- Ike (A)

Soren's my better magic user of the four that are in the final level. He actually double attacks regularly and unless it's a Bishop or a Saint, the attacking victum dies. He seems to double a lot too, I never really have to look out for Soren. I wish his magic maxed but it probably will next level. And his luck is...lackluster. Actually I have both Tormod and Ilyana up to arch sage and they both beat him in certain areas and they're lower levels (Tormod's only lv1, Ilyana is lv9). Ilyana's already maxed her speed and Tormod had more defense. Still, they're both dwarfed by his magic. Soren's got the best support out of the 3 too.


Light Priestess Lv1

H-44 ST-13 M-32 SK-25 SP-20 L-40(M) D-20 R-32





Sup- Sothe (A)




Eh...Micaiah's annoying... I had to BEXP her up about 5 levels before I entered the final level. She's definately my least favorite mage/sage/whatever in the game. Her speed is atrocious! If I knew it would be like this, I'd have saved a speedwing. And she was unlucky enough not to have a skill equipped at the time... Well, at least she has thani... ... Heh... Thani could be pronounced as 'fanny' ... Hehehe butt magic


Whisper Lv9

H-46 ST-28(M) M-18 SK-36 SP-33 L-35(M) D-18 R-17





Sup-Micaiah (A)

I've got nothing against Sothe. I think he might have taken my PoR Sothe's stats (I'm not 100% sure but I remember his strength maxed very early on and I always thought it was unusually high. Maybe not though). I'm surprised to see his speed is only 33. Heather maxed her speed and has more defense, just less strength. If I could swap the whisper's, I'd have taken Heather instead.


Empress Lv9

H-35 ST-5 M-37 SK-28 SP-25 L-36 D-11 R-30








Sanaki is fragile but packs a punch, I prefer her more then Micaiah. She's yet to max a stat and maybe never will but when it comes down to it, she's well set for a magic class. What makes her less helpful then the others is that she has no skills or supports. Sorry Sanaki... At least you get Rexflame? It gives you +3 speed~


Raven King Lv33

H-62 ST-20(M) M-7 SK-22(M) SP-24 L-24 D-15 R-14





Sup- Leanne (B)




I've gotta say, quite frankly, the only reason Naesala is here is because I wanna get an A with Leanne. I would have replaced him with Marcia and then Leanne with Rafiel. But beyond that, Naesala is pretty tough. Nothing hits him half the time, he's got acceptable defenses and he kills anything he attacks. He's the only royal laguz I brought and you already notice that I wouldn't have brought in any of the others if I took him out. Something about Naesala fits my strategy, the way I play.


Heron Lv15

H-31 ST-0 M-7 SK-1 SP-9 L-35 D-4 R-13

Skills- Regular for a Heron

Sup- Naesala (B)

Leanne is terribly underleveled and is only here for support with Naesala. The dual effect while untransformed is really the only upside. I...don't really ever transform Leanne.


Gold Knight Lv13

H-58 ST-34(M) M-16 SK-35(M) SP-31 L-23 D-28(M) R-22






Sup- Rhys (A)




Titania is the only unit who uses axes from the start that I use. I let Nolan slip off the map, Kieran's about as smart as a plank of wood and Boyd never double attacks. Maybe it's because she has good skill...well, either way, I hate axes so I only really need one unit for Urvan. Titania was my first third tier character and she continued to kick butt. She actually has a good skill on and the magic stat to use it. She's got 3 maxed stats already and a lot of potential so way to go Titania, you make me hate axes a little less.


Saint Lv14

H-48 ST-17 M-36(M) SK-29 SP-30(M) L-35(M) D-15 R-40(M)





Sup- Titania (A)

I brought Rhys into my endgame in PoR and I'll do the same now. He's just the easiest healer to go with and he's not speed screwed unlike in PoR. His light weapon...I had to use an arms scrolls, I was tired of ellight. I was so annoyed when I learned he couldn't use Nosferatu because it was S in the level with Oliver in it. I could have abused those bishops so much more if he was S at the time. I've never actually bought a shine, all the light magic I have was stolen from other bishops. I'm such a cheapskate. He's already maxed his essential stats, so Rhys if definately a must in my team right now. Shut up, I like the magic peoples!


Marksman Lv17

H-60(M) ST-36(M) M-8 SK-40(M) SP-34(M) L-29 D-28 R-23




Sup- Nephenee ©



Old Sup- Oscar (A)

Rolf is god in my game, 'nuff said. If I attack with the silencer, the enemy DOES NOT SURVIVE. He double attacks all the time, and never misses, even three spaces away, even when on the low ground (well, 3 spaces away on the low ground? that might be hit or miss) he activates corrosion alot, thats why I give him an iron bow, just to let the enemies stand around with no weapons. I'll always like Rolf, mostly because I loathe Shinon. I hold grudges, I haven't forgiven him or Gatrie for leaving the Greil Mercenaries... Ike better be docking their pay. He had an A with Oscar but Oscar fell behind the pack and wasn't strong enough to come into the last chapter. So I supported him with Nephenee due to the lack of Brom.


Sentinel Lv19

H-58(M) ST-30 M-14 SK-35(M) SP-34(M) L-30(M) D-33(M) R-30(M)





Sup- Rolf (C )

Old Sup- Brom (A)

Nephenee really is just a must for me. She's just too good. You can't really say anything bad about her, maybe she lacks in strength but thats about it. She got stuck with Birdfoe...it's sorta embaressing ... She'll be the one getting the wishblade so she'll probably be a force to be reckoned with.


Gold Knight Lv19

H-59 ST-33 M-10 SK-26 SP-33(M) L-30 (M) D-30 (M) R-18





Sup- Astrid (A)




There's just something about Makalov that I like. Maybe it's the hair, maybe it's the attitude (or somewhat lack there of) or maybe it's drunken banter. Either way, I like Makalov. His low skill is made up by using swords, the most accurate weapon. I'll admit, there are better paladins/knights out there but for me, Makalov is just fine. Also, you'll notice that I have two gold knights. Well Makalov and Titania are polar opposites. Especially in the skill department. If their weapons were switched, I'd probably never even touch Makalov. Oh...and I like his name. Makalov...MAKALOV...Makalov. Sounds like Makin' love. Hehehehe I'm such a weirdo. He was lucky enough to have daunt, one of my favorite skills.


Silver Knight Lv19

H-50(M) ST-31 M-19 SK-36(M) SP-34 L-35(M) D-20 R-30(M)





Sup- Makalov (A)

Yes, magic and arrows and swords, I'm sure most of you out there are bashing your head into your keyboard. Fron what I gather, majority of people like axes and hate swords and find archers useless. Astrid's odd for a paladin/knight. Her defense is low...like magic user low. It'd be cool if she was a mage knight like in Sacred Stones but arrows are fine. This is saved a bit by the +2 defense she gains through Makalov. I don't use lances often, only against sages. It saves me uses on silencer and silver bows (oh, I bought a silencer so i have 2). And she activates adept often so it makes up for her less then perfect strength.


TrueBlade Lv12

H-48 ST-30 M-12 SK-39 SP-38 L-21 D-23 R-20





Sup- Meg (A)



I won't lie, Zihark and Mia were the same level and Mia was mostly better except in resistance. However, seeig how he still has 8 levels to go, I think Zihark could easier surpass her. Especially since he's got paragon. Actually he was only a lv 15 swordmaster in the last chapter. I rose him 13 levels and then 4 more with BEXP. I just couldn't pass on him and Meg's support. They're untouchable next to each other. Mia's support was Ilyana ( B ) but I have too many sages already. He's definately the weakest of the group right now next to Leanne.


Marshall Lv20

H-60(M) ST-36(M) M-18 SK-33(M) SP- 32(M) L- 30(M) D-35(M) R-32(M)







Sup- Zihark (A)

Meg is amazing. She maxed every essential stat and her magic is so close. With fortune and imbue she can't be criticaled and recovers 18 hp a turn. Here's the problem: I've never actually seen her use it. When next to Zihark every enemies attacking on a 0-10% hit. I'm not sure why I decided to 20/20/20 Meg, I guess because everyone was bashing her. (just so you know, I base everything on gaming sites, not this forum. Everyone here just think Meg is ugly >.<) Technically she had potential for using all 3 weapons, I should have given it some time. If she was SS, S, A...well...I wouldn't want to be the enemy.

Kurthnaga & Ena

Both the dragons have their starting stats and skills. The only thing I can say really is that they're both getting laguz gems so they'll be transformed the whole endgame.

Other people I considered:

Mia, Brom, Marcia, Ilyana, Gatrie, Mist

Please don't quote entire post

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For Leanne, i recommend that you aboose of her in the Lucia as the leader chapter in part 2. that map has infinite turns, which allows you to raise her up until level 40 if you have the patience....

or you could just wait for the paragon skill and have an easier job raising her a bit later.

once leveled up, herons become very useful, especially with their final galdrar, recover, which will make you not have to rely on staves as much!

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In the third stage of endgame, take your time to level up Kurthnaga to 40. He's amazing.

Careful though, my Kurth was amazing in everything but skill, and it really annoyed me to see him have around 46% hit on


Does this always happen or did I just get screwed? If you're planning on using him, I suggest giving him Paragon and bringing some Secret Books. Also, you really need to have a Satori Sign in order to realise his true potential, but you probably have lots lying around in storage, after all, there's very few characters who they are worth using on.

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My Kurthnaga also got skill screwed. Try to get his weapon to SS though, that'll help a lot (although it'll take a millennium).

I believe he has a generally low skill growth.

EDIT: And yes, a Satori Sign would make him very awesome. I also gave him Imbue and Daunt; he couldn't die, no matter what.

Edited by Nightmare
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You really took time writing this.

anyway i want to ask you how did you maxed illyana's speed.

and how did you maxed meg.

I mostly got lucky with Ilyana. The entire game she had medicore stats but something told me to keep trying. Once she hit arch sage (it wasn't too hard, she was a thunder sage lv 3 by the end of part 1) she started doing rather well. I don't think I used a speed wing, I might have gotten lucky with BEXP but even then, I didn't use too much on her. Ilyana's my favorite mage/sage behind Soren.

Contrary to popular belief, Meg is actually a good unit if you give her the time and effort. Granted, I'm pretty sure I had given her a dracoshield and a seraph robe in part 1. But she maxed 5 out of her 8 stats at 20/20/17 anyway so I don't think it would have been much different in the end.

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I prefere to Give Imbune to Ena... Awsome results :D

My Ilyana always cap every EXCEPT luck, well we can't be perfct ~_~

Meg is sure good... She became my Female Black Knight :D

Capped every thing except def...

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My Kurthnaga also got skill screwed. Try to get his weapon to SS though, that'll help a lot (although it'll take a millennium).

Don't forget about Discipline. It's a pretty handy skill a lot of people seem to overlook because they think "Oh, weapons rank up just fine on their own."

I was going to say buy a ton of Arms Scrolls, but then remembered they don't work on Laguz. :( Sadface.

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Don't forget about Discipline. It's a pretty handy skill a lot of people seem to overlook because they think "Oh, weapons rank up just fine on their own."

I was going to say buy a ton of Arms Scrolls, but then remembered they don't work on Laguz. :( Sadface.

Discipline is fucking amazing on Micaiah, but on my first playthrough, I didn't use it at all. And this is off-topic.

Edited by ChaosNinji
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I did the first two part of the final level.


UGH! I'm so embarressed... The first time I tried, someone died in the first enemy turn, it really ticked me off. I had put Sothe up front with Micaiah behind. I thought "Hey, he'll just dodge everything, he'll be fine" No, Hetzel sniped with sleep and he was killed by generals. I HATE sleep, even my sleep staff was wasted because I had it on Laura in the end of part 3. She used it twice. So, 2nd try, I killed Hetzel first turn using a blizzard tome I'd been saving. It took 4 hits! Soren double attacking plus Leanne. Beyond that, it wasn't that hard, I accidently leveled up Nephenee the last time and she missed on +1 strength and got magic instead. I had been planning on BEXPing it. Still, her final stats are elite.


I finished off the boss before I got the wishblade... Sorry Nephenee... This too took two tries... Eclipse...what are the chances? Apparently Ike couldn't even double attack but then he leveled up and got speed, just enough to double. I was happy that I could switch around the skills I had equipped. It made paragon much much more useful.

Also, Knife, yes, give Meg a shot, you won't be disappointed

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After seeing how good your Meg turned out, I'm going to have to hit that try her out once.

those crossed out words scare me

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