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Who do you think are going to be the biggest "Scrappies"?

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Seriously. I never expected one character to cause so much vitriol in people who haven't even played the game.

inb4 I'm called a pedo again for daring to not find her offensive.


Nono is like the most adorable girl in the game but her outfit and the fact that she can have a child kind of annoys people. A lot. BUT, Richt and Donny are in the clear. >w>

And now I wait... X3

Edited by Ein Silver Rose
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Well, AFAIK, the actual children's birth doesn't happen during the main course of the game. For all we know, Richt's son might not be born until he's older.

Edited by Knuckles
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Well, AFAIK, the actual children's birth doesn't happen during the main course of the game. For all we know, Richt's son might not be born until he's older.

Pretty much. Nono and her fiance would be spending more time together and junk.

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Well, AFAIK, the actual children's birth doesn't happen during the main course of the game. For all we know, Richt's son might not be born until he's older.


Well Loran is two years younger than Lucina, who is born during the course of the game. If his father is Richt, then Richt most defiantly knocked Mirriel up at a young age.

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I do know for a fact that Sumia and Mariabel are going to acquire many haters due to them being a klutz and stuck-up respectively...

LOL what are you talking about

1. they arent real so thy cant be annoying

2. they are cute so every guy/some girl will use them even if they suck

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I find Liz's character to be very annoying in the beginning, but she fades a bit into the background toward the middle/end as far as talking is concerned so maybe not. I don't find Mariabel annoying personally, she's basically Clarine (as opposed to Serra who I thought didn't pull off the stuck-up thing well). Personally have no problem with Sumia (or Cynthia) even though they fall under that shy/clumsy character trope.

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As far as I know, all I can say are Sumia and Donny. Although ... I don't think Mariabel will get much hate for being "stuck-up". All the supports with Mariabel that have been so far translated show that she is actually not all that stuck up. Or at least much better than Clarine.

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Well, other than the whole father bit, they'll probably be fine. Look at how much people loved Ross & Ewan.

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I honestly don't see how any of this constitutes towards being a scrappy. Stuck-up okay. But a klutz? Well, Sumia is apparently already hated in Japan due to seemingly reusing common character archetypes. At least that's what I've read. But in any case, she might become a case of Germans love David Hasselhoff. But only time will tell on that.

I will mention that as far as DLC goes, Micaiah counts for the way she was handled by her artist.

A klutz not being a reason for "Hate hate hate hate"? Oh, you obviously were NOT part of the Tales of Symphonia fandom, and therefore never dealt with the Colette haters-- I can see that.

Oh, Sumia will earn a lot of hate from being a klutz alone. Her being Krom's canon partner while being a very "meh" mother for Lucina doesn't help her. Nor does a lot of her personality quirks- she isn't going to be well received here.

As far as it goes elsewise:

Nono isn't going to be a gameplay scrappy, but is a hate magnet. Or a Whacko Jacko magnet. Or something like that. Really, she's a base breaker-- People already hate and rage over her for some seriously dumb reasons.

Donny's gonna be a split character- some will rage over him being bad, but his ability to pass on Good Growths to his kid is gonna be a reason for much debate, but at the same time...

Brady's gonna keep some hate for being bad to begin with, but at the same time, as a second gen, he's gonna be an interesting call as unless Mariabel sucks so bad to be absolutely worthless, it doesn't seem like he's actually capable of being terrible.

Well, AFAIK, the actual children's birth doesn't happen during the main course of the game. For all we know, Richt's son might not be born until he's older.

How old is Lucina? She really sets a limit as to a maximum of when each kid is born- the kids are Lucina's comrades before they went back in time. The time travel has them show up at different times/places, but still, there is a pretty harsh limit overlooking it all.

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A klutz not being a reason for "Hate hate hate hate"? Oh, you obviously were NOT part of the Tales of Symphonia fandom, and therefore never dealt with the Colette haters-- I can see that.

Oh, Sumia will earn a lot of hate from being a klutz alone. Her being Krom's canon partner while being a very "meh" mother for Lucina doesn't help her. Nor does a lot of her personality quirks- she isn't going to be well received here.

What are you smoking? Sumia is probably the best mother for Lucina (beaten out only by like, Sorrie).

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A klutz not being a reason for "Hate hate hate hate"? Oh, you obviously were NOT part of the Tales of Symphonia fandom, and therefore never dealt with the Colette haters-- I can see that.

Oh, Sumia will earn a lot of hate from being a klutz alone.

So I guess characters like Nancy Dufour and Cossette Coalhearth are hated? But then again, I can admit that I haven't been on any VC fan forums, so I wouldn't know. But outside of such, I really haven't seen any sort of hate for the two.
Her being Krom's canon partner while being a very "meh" mother for Lucina doesn't help her.
I honestly don't see how she's Lucina's canon mother. Sure, Sumia's pairing with Krom holds more priority than the other pairs Krom has. But so did Levin X Lachesis, Finn X Aideen, and Celice X Julia. (I will admit that I took those examples from SFs FE4 jealousy page, but wouldn't that still be valid?) I'm not saying it's a bad way of recognising a canon pair, but in some cases it may not be enough. And basing any sort of expectations off of pairing priority may be shattered. (I will admit that I do have it narrowed down to her and Olivia, but...) I'm gonna need more than pairing priorities to go off of before I can know for certain if Krom X Sumia is anything like Eliwood X Ninian and Hector X Lyn or if it's anything like Levin X Fury and Marth X Caeda in terms of canonicity.
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Haters will appear for every character, that's for sure.

I don't particulary hate characters from FE, ok, I will admit, except FUCKING CYAS!! I HATE YOU MORE THAN YOUR FATHER AND THAT'S SAYING SOMETHING!

I love klutz characters, but Sumia is too much~ Of course there's the problem people has with her being the most "canon" pairing(the cutscene with the baby doesn't help), people doesn't like the "set-for-stone thing", they like to have control in which you can choose and Krom has limited options, I think it's sad that he can't marry Sariya or Miriel, I think that their supports would be amusing.

Like I said in another post if they didn't make the trait of being a "klutz" so strong on Sumia maybe she would be more likeable, can't she talk about something else besides sucking at something?Honestly girl, stop being one-dimensional, one may open a case off her being like "Florina", but Florina at least tried her best to work with men when she was with the Caelin soldiers and her support with Ninian was a nice view of things too.

Gaia is known as being a sweet-tooth, but this isn't his major trait in his support, on the contrary, they explore different aspects of him, sweets come in second, if they do something similar with Sumia maybe I will like her more, Her support with Krom feels as far fetched as the Florina x Hector support, I must say that for being famous got me hyped when I first played FE7, I was very disappointed when I did it. :/

Tiamo, errrr I can say that people may find her boring and too Mary Sueish, I'm rather neutral and like her daughter more, but different from Sumia, she has three different traits, Being perfect, A-cup angst, loving Krom, and at different degrees, I liked her support with Sol, even if she's a perfeccionist I felt that her level with Sol was "even", it had a nice balance and calm aura, so what could I say? I bet that if we see her support with Henry she will get more popular as with this kind of "perfect" character the best thing to do is trown them off their balance.

I must say that Mariabel surprised me, I am not too fond of her design, but as for her personality I was really surprised, I don't think that comparing her with Clarine is fair, the closest to "stuck up" was with her support with her son, she was stern with Gaia for a good motive, I don't even know if she knows Ronku that well, but she was really caring and wouldn't let him be with his genophobia, she talked some good points that his problem might give and she her supports with Liz are rather nice too, I don't think "stuck up" fits her, so far, she showed that she has good reasons to distrust someone(in the case of Gaia) and she wasn't meddling with the problems of other for no motive(in the case of Ronku)

Liz, phuck, I wouldn't lie if I say that I hated her character design, but now I'm neutral, I didn't like her support with MU, that annoyed me with no end, I like harmless jokes, but she was pissing me off in that support, the only supports I liked with her are Krom x Liz, Greg x Liz and Mariabel x Liz, I find her a bit boring, I dunno what would be good for her.

Selena is a tsundere, type A, I usually loathe tsunderes for seeing mangas/animes and the amount of abuse they give to the Main Characters for no reason pisses me off, this and the fact that they often get the MC in harem genres and take less effort than the other girls to win the MC affection, but anyway, back to the topic.

Even though Selena is the type A she doesn't punish anyone for no reason, she was a bit annoying to me in her support with Brady, her support with Wood was cool because of her making him hit the despair, her support with Jerome was... A bit like the Female!Mark one nothing new, then the support that I was dreading came, the Azure x Selena support, which made really amused and was way better than what I expected, Selena didn't hit the skirt chaser for no reason and she showed more her "deredere" side to him even thought she was dealing with the Sain 2.0, I'm really surprised that she didn't turn like a flat, annoying and boring character, happy with that.

Wood is... A problem, he's over the top but not in a cool way, maybe if I see a non-sibling Female Mark x Wood I would like him, maybe they tried to go with the funy factor, but he only makes me embarassed and the kind of "I don't know him" vibe, facepalm hard, but for the little fanarts I saw, perhaps his support with Noire can be good, I liked his support of Him and Mark, for a change he showed another side(even if Mark sibling support are generic) besides the HAM and being a moron.(the names aren't even that cool sounding bro)

The problem with Nono is more of the implications, I don't think that the character itself is that bad, and she's a manakete... Her support with Vake and Sariya was really sweet!

Cullum/Callum, at first I was pretty meh, this guy looks ridiculous, but then I read his support with Miriel, found it very cute how Miriel linked her arms with him and the way he said that he didn't have a presence and that's he's happy with interacting with Miriel, I think I heard someone comment about how Callum was saying to MU that he was glad that he was noticed by her, gave me a warm feeling.

There's only one support with Ritch so far, I don't have any opinion about him. :/

Brady hidden depts and with that face of a thug, want to bet that Persona fans will make Brady wear Kanji's clothes and Vice-versa?I liked his support with Lucina and he's interesting in his own thug-soft way XD

Frederick, I know that you need to train, but he's a training maniac!He pisses me off because most of his supports are about training, it takes the dept of the character, even though his support with Miriel was interesting because it wasn't that training focused and he was a sort of charming, his support with Krom was rather hilarious, so that's a plus points for him. I sort of want to see his support with Sumia, the fanarts at least looks cute.

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Hector X Lyn

I wouldn't really say Hector/Lyn is all that canon ...

But anyway ... I think people see Sumia as Krom's "canon" pairing because she has limited marriage supports, like Krom, apparently she saves him in the trailer/opening, AND has the highest priority with him.

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I wouldn't really say Hector/Lyn is all that canon ...

But anyway ... I think people see Sumia as Krom's "canon" pairing because she has limited marriage supports, like Krom, apparently she saves him in the trailer/opening, AND has the highest priority with him.

:Hector: x :Florina: FTW!

Besides, we can choose who Krom marries anyway. Including the Almighty Villager Girl NPC! These people who are stuck up on the whole canon thing just take away the fun of pairing peeps with peeps. :L

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from a statistical point of view, Richt

he has like 40% Str growth (as a Cav/Archer) and 2 of his classes are physical.. womp

Edited by Lord Raven
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I wouldn't really say Hector/Lyn is all that canon ...

It's the closest pairing he has to a canon one. They have the most interaction out of all of their pairs, and they arguably suit each other more than their other pairs. The only thing keeping it from being a canon one is confirmation, which is why I lumped that example with Eliwood X Ninian. I mean if we're to take what's shown in the game as canon, then those two would have the highest possibilities despite fans wanting to believe otherwise.
But anyway ... I think people see Sumia as Krom's "canon" pairing because she has limited marriage supports, like Krom, apparently she saves him in the trailer/opening, AND has the highest priority with him.

Like I said, I'm playing the wait and see game before I can say for certain. I'm not gonna deny that those reasons are why people might think Krom X Sumia is official. I just want to see what's so special about it if there is anything special about it. Edited by Little Al
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I'm starting to think that Frederick might get a lot of hate from stupid GFAQers because USELESS EXP SINK JEIGAN UNIT!!!!1!1!one!

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Looks like LittleAl still doesn't get it.

Unless we get confirmation from the game developers or some kind of executive... for some reason, themselves then there is NO canon pairing. Just because there's evidence doesn't make it canon. :c

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It's the closest pairing he has to a canon one. They have the most interaction out of all of their pairs, and they arguably suit each other more than their other pairs. The only thing keeping it from being a canon one is confirmation, which is why I lumped that example with Eliwood X Ninian. I mean if we're to take what's shown in the game as canon, then those two would have the highest possibilities despite fans wanting to believe otherwise.

I would disagree with that and say that Hector isn't Lyn's most canon option (even if she may be his), but I don't want to derail the thread so we could talk about this later or just drop it. Also, unless IS says that any of these pairings are actually canon, there really is no canon.

Like I said, I'm playing the wait and see game before I can say for certain. I'm not gonna deny that those reasons are why people might think Krom X Sumia is official. I just want to see what's so special about it if there is anything special about it.

I'm just not particularly fond of Sumia's character from what I read of her in her supports, but I should really wait until I play the game.

Edited by Xin Li
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You've already made up your mind in not liking Sumia. I doubt anything in the game itself will sway you.

teehee I knew Sumia would be one of those characters. >w>

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