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Who do you think are going to be the biggest "Scrappies"?

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Donny is my scrappy because of his stupid headgear and the fact he can't become a Halberdier. Also, Miriel: she looks too much like a maths teacher, but if her personality's agreeable then I might end up liking her, as I do tend to make good use of Mages.

Personally I plan to use Sumia and Mariabell. Sumia because I always go for the most 'canon' pairings in at least one playthrough (though with Ike and Soren I pair them to the max in all playthroughs, despite not believing they're gay), and Mariabell because I quite liked Clarine and Serra, and I love Valkyries because healing + sword + movement = Paladin but cooler (though I'll probably make her a Falcon Knight because that's even cooler.)

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Personally I dislike Nono because I just don't like her supports. She's too much on the little girl side, even moreso than Tiki. I prefer Nn's personality but that involves pairing Nono with someone...

I am also not a fan of Richt. Every Fire Emblem has its shota characters and Richt seems particularly boring. He feels a bit too much like Ewan without Ewan's pranks.

Personally I love Donny. I don't really consider him a shota character since his civilian characteristics are the defining part of his character. All his supports are interesting too. However, he'll probably be hated by the low-turn efficiency crowd because the villager class is legitimately bad and Donny's recruitment is particularly annoying.

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I thought I'd hate Donny, but his supports don't seem that bad. Also for anyone that goes "BUT DONNY" when people complain about Nono being young, Donny does not play house in his supports.

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Personally I dislike Nono because I just don't like her supports. She's too much on the little girl side, even moreso than Tiki. I prefer Nn's personality but that involves pairing Nono with someone...

Chiki barely had any lines in Shadow Dragon so I dunno about that. o3o

Besides, it's not like Nono is unable to become more mature but this is a Japanese game so the odds of that happening are pretty much zero.

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What are you smoking?

MU > Olivia >= Soriee >> Sumia >>> Mariabel >>> Village girl

MU of course, is best for anyone.

Soriee and Olivia give Myrmidon, allowing Lucina to have Astra, Sword Expert and/or Lethality.

Olivia allows her to also get Lightning Speed from Dark Peg. (Soriee can't do that).

Lol implying Lucina is going to get Astra, Sword Expert, and Lightning Speed in one file without grinding. Very funny man, very funny.

Sumia offers two magic classes and Peg Knight. Sure you could get her a Lightning Speed, but the rest of it is worthless.

Lucina doesn't even particularly care who her mother is in the first place. Yes having access to Swordmaster is nice but Lucina is probably not going to get Sword Expert in the first place if you're playing with speed.

Plus Lucina probably likes being a Paladin more for the extra move.

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Personally, I think Richt and Azure are probably the only characters I don't care much for at this point.

Low-turn efficiency, optimum pairings, class options, skill sets, and other such concerns aside:

I absolutely love Brady, and I'm a bit torn on Mariabel. If I find I don't like her(In the English script) when I get the game, then I will drop her in favor of Violet for my MU, and make Donny Brady's father, if not Grego or something.

On that note, I also love Donny, despite having hated the looks of him when I first started looking into the game. He's adorable in his own derpy way, which makes it very hard for me to hate him. I honestly thought he was just going to be derpy in a more stupid and ignorant way. But that's probably because I'm used to being around arrogant and ignorant country bumpkins.

I don't particularly feel one way or another about Nono. I don't love her, but I don't really hate her either. I do, however, adore her daughter n_n.

Degel's grown on me, despite how derpy I thought she looked when I first saw her. I find her to be endearing in her own way.

I find Loran to be a bit on the annoying side with the whole "I'm a silent badass but-cries-in-a-corner-because-I'm-lonely-waaaaaah". Then again that's really the only support of his I've read, so I can't say for sure if I'm not fond of him.

I don't have much of an opinion on Jerome, Mark(F) or Lucina, and Wood's look kind of reminds me of Guy from Tales.

Regardless of who's best at what or who's absolute crap, I'm most likely going to pair who I feel compliment each other as characters, I like, etc. All in all, I'll wait and see. But I'm pretty sure Richt and Azure definitely do not have a place in any party of mine. Ever.

Edited by Xjezhekiir
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Why do people hate Sumia? ^^'

There's really no reason. She just doesn't appeal to most people or something.

I don't know why since she's absolutely adorable.

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Barring her being revealed to be an amazing character, I am going to dislike Liz enough for all of you just because of her outfit/"hat."

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Why do people hate Sumia? ^^'

For some, it's simply shipping. The fates that befell otherwise nice wonderful girls like Rinoa and Kairi.

I like her though, but I usually like Flyers, even I do only use one Peg and a Dracoknight.

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Personally, I think Richt and Azure are probably the only characters I don't care much for at this point.

Regardless of who's best at what or who's absolute crap, I'm most likely going to pair who I feel compliment each other as characters, I like, etc. All in all, I'll wait and see. But I'm pretty sure Richt and Azure definitely do not have a place in any party of mine. Ever.

Apparently you don't like the utility of Heroes with Lightning Speed and potentially unlimited weapon use or the strongest Sage of the first gen (when optimized). Granted, Richt needs two reclasses as apposed to Miriel's one to reach the strongest I've been able to get them.

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Well, there's not always a need for OVERKILL, if Miriel can get the job done fine with less resources, why bother feeding more resources and time to Henry?

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Richt is also a kid and that takes either a badass or a mature beyond years personality to redeem since I kinda just don't like children in general. Donny's shown sufficient maturity in his supports for me to not dislike him character-wise even though I'd likely not be using him due to his poor bases, base class, and lack of a lance reclass, and I'll hold off on judging Richt completely until I've seen more of his supports, but Nono's childishness annoys me.

I really hate kids.

On the other hand, while I think Brady's gonna get some hate for not being leHAWT, I do like his character personally. While I heard he's difficult to use as well, I'll see for myself after I actually use him sometime. Mariabel was a surprise, too. I saw her description and was like "oh joy another snotty noble troub brat" but her supports actually convinced me otherwise.

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Well, there's not always a need for OVERKILL, if Miriel can get the job done fine with less resources, why bother feeding more resources and time to Henry?

Because Henry is Henry. Also, I think most of us plan on using every character (I do at least) regardless for supports, also, like FE8, you can actually make use of low level characters who join later.

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Richt is also a kid and that takes either a badass or a mature beyond years personality to redeem since I kinda just don't like children in general. Donny's shown sufficient maturity in his supports for me to not dislike him character-wise even though I'd likely not be using him due to his poor bases, base class, and lack of a lance reclass, and I'll hold off on judging Richt completely until I've seen more of his supports, but Nono's childishness annoys me.

I really hate kids.

On the other hand, while I think Brady's gonna get some hate for not being leHAWT, I do like his character.

Have you seen Brady's Confession? He may not be Azure Jerome or Chambrey, but I still think he's pretty good looking (not that transfers to usefulness, but hey)

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