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Rate the Unit: Day 61 - Pelleas

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The way that your worded here it seems like he's saying that the absurd things are worth insulting people over. It's bad grammar either way (note, I am NOT insulting you). I guess I got confused; too ambiguous and vague.

Look up dangling participle. The participle is next to things, meaning it modifies things. If I were referring to people, it would be grammatically incorrect, as is should go next to people, but I'm not. So no, it's not grammatically incorrect in any way. The confusion just shows how prevalent improper grammar is in our society.

What I said:

DS bluntly insults people when they do absurd or stupid things, which generally deserve it.

What I would have said if I'd been referring to people:

DS bluntly insults people, who generally deserve it, when they do absurd or stupid things.

The incorrect way of saying it when referring to people (and what you thought I meant):

DS bluntly insults people when they do absurd or stupid things, who generally deserve it.

Edited by bottlegnomes
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Oh my gosh you guys. Guys, guys, guys ... Tangerine told us ON TIBARN'S THREAD to knock it off. And even some of you guys persisted on continuing to argue in that thread after she told us to freaking stop. I'm pretty sure Tangerine (and the other mods) do NOT want to deal with these stupid arguments in the RTUs. If you have to argue, seriously, just take it to a PM. Somebody be the bigger person already and just stop arguing already. Or continue over PM. Invite as many people as you feel is necessary. Just ... seriously, let's just drop this. Please.

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Yeah you are absolutely right no doubt about it.

still don't like it though hehehehehe

Edit: Wait no it makes no sense the last part "which generally deserve it" "which" refers to the absurd or stupid things whereas "it" refers to the blunt insults so the absurd things deserve insults which is nonsensical it is the people who deserve insults!!!

Edited by Starwave
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