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New Sailor Moon anime


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BREAKING NEWS, A new Sailor moon anime is being made. How COULD they I bet you're asking, HOW DARE THEY. Well it's coming... i'm going to reserve judgement until I see the sexy cringeworthy dance segments. It's also going to broadcast to all countries! Hope they bring back the old actors lol.

Link: http://www.moon-chas...-world-in-2013/

Japanese Link: http://natalie.mu/comic/news/72518

Edited by Starwave
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Wow. I remember this being one of the first things I ever watched regarding japanese animation. Considering artwork seems a bit more... glossy these days, I'll find it interesting to see how they change the art style.

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Wow, I'm actually surprised that Naoko Takeuchi approved this, either that or she lost control over her own franchise.

Well, thoughts are:

1. Hopefully they follow the Manga storylines more, and don't reset Usagi's characterization at the start of each new season. -__-;

2. Not sure if they will try and be as miserly as possible with the animation like the original anime...rather, every long-running shonen/shoujo series. Stock footage go!

3. Well, they're trying to bring back as many of the original seiyuu. Probably a good thing, they're aiming for nostalgia

4. I bet the goal is to match the success of DB Kai. Eliminate many of the things people hated about DBZ (FILLER TONS AND TONS OF FILLER THERE IS MROE FILLER THAN SUBSTANCE) and get tons of new money as a result.

I'm curious, just because BSSM got me into anime in the first place thanks to my older sister. Even though I know the original series is kind of terrible since I can think critically and look at the series from a light other than lolfanboy. S is the strongest season, by far, addition of some moral ambiguity and interesting characters added into the series, since none of the original senshi get any sort of development after season 1. The original anime has *tons* of flaws... hopefully this can fix some of them. Honestly, unless they get a really good director/writer/producer I'm not going to be extremely optimistic. Yeah, a bit of pessimism, but the source material of the original anime and what people are expecting does not offer them much leeway.

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hnnng *obligatory fanboy scream*

I hope Setsuna stays brown, and they make up some transformation scene for Hotaru. Maybe they'll go alla Stars, and mash everyone who mattered together again in a single series to make the fans gasm. Probably just wanting to rake in the cash more, as after all, I simply HAD to buy the reprints. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

EDIT: Apparently, according to my sister, it's a remake of the entire series, only following the manga storyline more? Meh, although I am not saying the anime is the greatest thing ever, I did however enjoy it more than the manga. My main problem with the manga was that the bad guys had like two frames of "HAHAHAHA, I'M AWESOME!", only for them to be hit by someone's new attack, never heard from again. This of course will make me sad, seeing as Esmeraude in the anime was so bad ass.

I hope I at least get to see Uranus kiss Sailor Moon, and a snobby Michiru fly a helicopter!

Edited by Maji
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Well, thoughts are:

1. Hopefully they follow the Manga storylines more, and don't reset Usagi's characterization at the start of each new season. -__-;

2. Not sure if they will try and be as miserly as possible with the animation like the original anime...rather, every long-running shonen/shoujo series. Stock footage go!

3. Well, they're trying to bring back as many of the original seiyuu. Probably a good thing, they're aiming for nostalgia

4. I bet the goal is to match the success of DB Kai. Eliminate many of the things people hated about DBZ (FILLER TONS AND TONS OF FILLER THERE IS MROE FILLER THAN SUBSTANCE) and get tons of new money as a result.

I'm curious, just because BSSM got me into anime in the first place thanks to my older sister. Even though I know the original series is kind of terrible since I can think critically and look at the series from a light other than lolfanboy. S is the strongest season, by far, addition of some moral ambiguity and interesting characters added into the series, since none of the original senshi get any sort of development after season 1. The original anime has *tons* of flaws... hopefully this can fix some of them. Honestly, unless they get a really good director/writer/producer I'm not going to be extremely optimistic. Yeah, a bit of pessimism, but the source material of the original anime and what people are expecting does not offer them much leeway.

This, basically. As much fun as all the monster of the week filler was, it just DIDN'T FOLLOW THE MANGA AT ALL. The manga was so much darker.

However, I'm basically gaga for whatever Moon, so as bad as it'll be, I'll still watch the shit outta it. Because MOON.

On an aside, I think it'd be interesting if they fit some of the PGSM plot in, as well. Usagi was SO much more capable. I actually liked her.

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The manga is considered to be better then the anime? I was genuine expecting the latter to be better since I wasn't too exited about the first volume of the former and I don't feel much of an urge to buy volume 2 and upwards.

[spoiler=In case anybody is interested on my thoughts on the book]Often I couldn't follow panel sequences. And even after going through them again, I still couldn't understand how I was supposed to follow the action in the first place.

There are four boys I couldn't tell apart: The guy from the Arcade, Jadeite, pretty boy Umino and Groom Usagi.

So I got confused quite often when either of them showed up.

And given the gangs habit to elaborately introduce themselves it was always a letdown when after all the build- up the bad guy was curbstomped by a single senshi.

Speaking of the speeches. While they are awesome, they felt out of character for anyone but Usagi.

There was a scene in particular which I found really cheap. Usagi got separated from Ami and Luna, visibly scared of having to face the bad guy by herself. Then Ami just teleports right to her, making the whole sequence pointless. And it was also irritating how Luna just pulled the ability to ravel between dimensions out of nowhere.

And the Senshi were surprisingly eager to work for Luna, convinced they are heroes on the side of good, despite Luna sharing no information about anything. Not to mention that they don't seem to care that there new enemies might target them directly or the whole implications of the existence of monsters in the first place.

And Luna comes of as quite a moron. There is a Sailor Senshi themed superhero running around town the whole book and she only starts investigating the issue near the end of the book.

And I am somewhat upset about me mistaking Luna for a male after I already mistook a black cat in Bleach for being female.

More importantly, on the virtue of it being actually on topic: I wonder what they mean when it says that the series will be broadcast in all countries around the same time. It can't possibly mean what it sounds to me.

Edited by BrightBow
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They probably mean that it'll be simulcast worldwide, most likely subtitled ahead of time.

Needless to say, it's going to be a rush for companies to license this, because it's going to be a perpetual money-making machine. Sort of like Dragonball Kai.

As for the manga...I never said that the manga was *great*, just that it was better than the anime (not hard to be better than the BSSM Anime, honestly... S is one of the only exceptions). It helped define a genre and didn't demean any of the female characters in the series. It wasn't a manga that portrayed women negatively, instead giving them equal or more competent roles than men. Tuxedo Mask actually *does* something in the BSSM Manga, but he doesn't eclipse anyone else and make them worse characters. I think that's one of the things that drew people to BSSM in the first place.

It's almost like Akira or Dragonball in that sense. Yes, both series are flawed, heavily flawed. However, they both defined a genre and a mindset of what anime/manga could do, what would be emulated, and how the medium would evolve. Akira, for all of its faults (AND THERE ARE SO SO MANY), helped show people worldwide what Japanese animation, and animation itself could accomplish. The animation and visuals in that movie are breathtaking. Dragonball established the Shonen Battle Manga in a way that no other series managed to do before. It was light-hearted, silly, cliche, over-the-top, plot holes, perverted, all of those things but that drew in readers. It is earnest in that sense, and people can tell. You can also tell near the end of DBZ that Toriyama was flat out sick of the series and wanted it to end. BSSM is in a similar position but for shoujo series. It is alongside Cardcaptor Sakura, but suffers less because the dub, while abysmal, did not eviscerate the series of all its goals (Seriously, CCS's dub is one of the worst ever made. Even with the change of "Uranus and Neptune are cousins, that'll hide the lesbianism!" I find that one more hilarious. Now we have LESBIAN COUSINS).

I'll probably watch it for nostalgia purposes, see what they are doing, but the manga itself does not offer genre-busting material. I'm not expecting it to be like Cowboy Bebop, Princess Tutu, Full Metal Alchemist, or any other series that I hold in regard as some of the best ever produced. As long as the producers care about the series and actually put effort into the series, it could turn out to be a prime example of writing in a kid's show, sort of like Digimon Tamers in the quality. Will it reach that level? I don't know, we have to wait and see.

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