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Mewmew Sprite Land


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If only more people would treat criticism the way Mew does ;~;

Yes I agree not that you need me to since I don't have an eye for these things nearly as much XD it looks a lot better than it did before~

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Mew is a friend, so I kinda just pour on praise so at least someone is encouraging her. Of course, I usually give no critique when it comes to mugs, because I can't face sprite to save my life, but I just like to give people pick me ups, in case others don't.

That sounds so cheesy. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

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Praise is nice sometimes but I kinda like to do both, give a sentence or two about what I like, then go into what I think could be changed. It would be nice if people realized the good intentions in critique more often.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah I had a lot of issues with that area in general because I uh, made his arm out of Geitz' neck and couldn't get the shoulderpad to sit at the proper angle, he's kind of boxy? D: For that reason, I'm beginning to like the cropped/downsized one more even though the palette is kinda boring

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Blob arms. >: And your trim is everywhere.

Isn't your trim always everywhere too?

This thing looks pretty awesome~ I almost think the shoulder thingy looks kinda small/tight for those shoulders

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heeeere's a splice I did for a mug contest we're having over at Klokreations, and a rom-insertable version of it for TRTR

This is a sexy sexy bastard. However, Jelly is right. Dude's arm is all blobby. His armor trim (while awesome concept) needs cleaning up.

His hair is sexyballs though! Nice one!

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Woo thanks guys. I knew something was really off about his body but I wasn't sure what the problem was. I'll get to giving his arm some bend (same problem I had with Merlinette :V) since it's kind of just a weird pillar right now and I'll get on that trim, since that trim is worth it.

I also think I understand what Freohr mentioned about the pauldron seeming 'tight' so I'll see if I can maybe upscale the pauldron a bit.

Also here's something I forgot to post


First map ever, did this for a competition Prime hosted, and I'm sure its bad so feel free to give me some tips because I don't know what i'm doing at all.

Edited by Mewiyev
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Outdoor region of the map is too squarely and spammy. If the castle has a larger variety of roads (though I never use it, so I'm not sure it does) take advantage of it. Cool concept, and well executed indoor area. Very good for a first map.

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I didn't say anything before since I didn't want to discourage anyone but now that's it's all over I'm going nuts:


Red - Wall caps to the immediate right of a brace should be utilizing the shaded wall tiles.


That's where they're located in the tileset.

White - A couple wall tiles with random shading on the left side. And actually ignore the white circle on the right. I see what you're trying to do now.

Yellow - You can get rid of the weird double line by using the wall tile to the immediate left of the L or T intersection tiles in the tileset.


Purple-Pink-I-Don't-Know-Color: This one makes me scratch my head. The stained glass appears to be recessed back into the wall by default. But then you've got pillars on the bottom which bring it out and shading on the right. Windows don't usually cast a shadow on the wall they're in since they're usually within the frame of the building.

1 and 2 are both height errors.

For 1, your outer walls are 4 tiles high but you only go up 2 steps yet the inner walls are 1 tile high. There's a missing layer.

For 2, you got the outer stairs vs. inner wall right but the horizontal staircase makes things funny. That staircase only goes down 1 wall height but compare the marble room's walls with the throne room's walls or even the front entrance.

Um, yeah. Hi.

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Eric kinda wanted me to CnC this yesterday, so I sorta promised to do it today, but apparantly prime did all the work for me =3.

Though I do have a few things to add.

You shouldn't use the water in this tileset. It looks bad becuase the colors are tied to the grass, as a result the shading in this water is reversed becuase they chose to use grass.

It's a sad thing, but in GBAFE castle tilesets you cannot use both water and grass at the same time. Though if you don't care about it being insertable, you can just add some good water to it.

Those red symbol thingies on the walls... I really like the idea, but imo it doesn't look too good. You might want to either remove those, or find a way to make them look better. I can't think of a way to improve them at the moment, but I might look into it.

Other than that, I really, really like the concept of the map, but it's super messy.

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Okay, not sure I remedied all of the problems but I at least tried to tackle each thing that was mentioned, potentially creating more problems in the process. Edited the outdoors some as Deranger suggested (but gawd I find those footpaths to be incredibly counterintuitive to map with) though I dunno if it looks good really. I think I changed everything that Prime mentioned; removed the pillars that the windows were on (though now they seem awfully high to be on the wall, dunno what to do about that), fixed those little wall shading problems, then uh, for fixing the level issue I just decided to scrap the whole moat/castle-is-lower-than-ground-level thing and made the castle 3 tiles tall instead, then I added an extra flight of horizontal stairs to even out the marble-floored room.

Then I stole some bluer water tiles from a different map so now the water shading makes a bit more sense--I did kinda like the green water though. I also removed the red things from the walls (the idea was that those were tapestries) since yeah, the way they connected to the wall was odd. I couldn't find any good pieces to put on the top of them to make it look like they were what I wanted them to be. Thanks a lot guys :D


and here's a WIP of that sprite I posted earlier :D I kinda mostly fixed the arm though it's still not really looking right. I'm also completely re-doing the rest of the body because it was kind of a fail design choice in the first place, I only did it because the set had Pent and Renault and I wanted to make a larger sprite, dem cloaks made it really easy to do that.

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For the outdoor path thing maybe try something like this:


The cobbled tiles have their use but it's situational at best since they tend to give a very artificial look when used en masse.

Also, I forgot to mention that you should avoid using the house and armory tiles when making an indoor map. It messes up the perspective since you're equating the size of a house to the size of a chest.

For the sprite, the arm on our right almost seems like dead weight to me. When people are just standing around, their arms tend to bend a little bit. But it's definitely more defined than before.

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Like this? Might've followed your example a little too closely though :V I didn't realize the cobblestone wasn't really a standalone road, and lol the house thing never even occurred to me

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