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I actually just noticed that it's supposed to be a sort of necklace thing ^...I kinda thought it was the strings that hang off of a hoodie. Oops! Maybe I should just take them out. Thanks so much Jubby :3

Also I totally will if you want, projects give me purpose!

..Also I just realized how dark the sprite is. Edits inc

Edited by Mewiyev
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Thanks Seph, didn't even notice (obviously) Tried to fix it as per suggestions, also smoothed out his shoulder because I totally made his weird posture weirder than it actually is.

Does anyone actually use Wrys?

[spoiler=PLZ KILL ME]

1jxpD.pngDoop a doopin doop

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Thanks Seph, didn't even notice (obviously) Tried to fix it as per suggestions, also smoothed out his shoulder because I totally made his weird posture weirder than it actually is.

Does anyone actually use Wrys?

[spoiler=PLZ KILL ME]

1jxpD.pngDoop a doopin doop

I so want to use that as an avatar now! (the doopin')

Also he looks like Varys from ASOIAF kinda!

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Okay okay, I went with it and widened his shoulders, also made the one on the right less hunchbacky. Wat think~?

And hahaha Florina I want to make it my icon too. Or maybe my siggy >:3 You're welcome to if you want haha IDC. It makes me laugh like an idiot. He does indeed look like Varys!


Also here's WIP Ogma and me being terrible at making decisions. Leaning towards the small eyes ;v

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The hilt is a little...squiggly. Go with the smaller eyes, though.

On Wrys, his cheeks are very weird. I'd probably just fill in the sunken part with the second shade cause atm they look a little disconnected.

You've improved greatly, ma'am.



idk give em more shape even?

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I'm definitely a fan of both of the characters.

Ogma's looking a bit rough; I'm mostly looking at the right arm (from Ogma's perspective) which looks a great deal smaller than his muscular left. It might just be how you tried to angle it, but it definitely looks strange. I'm a huge fan of the sword being fit into the mug, though. Also, I dig the littler eyes as well, although the face could use a bit if fine-tuning. I'm not the guy to ask on that sort of in-depth thing :P:. (All I'm good for is spotting glaring flaws)

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Tried to improve on stuff you guys mentioned (sword hilt, shoulder, face) but the sword still seems a little off to me ;c The end part of it seems to look like it's falling off no matter what I change. If anyone has done a really badass sword for one of these mugs (I'm sure someone has) I'd love to see it as reference for getting stuff to line up properly.


Oh and sexy Wrys with his sexy high cheekbones. It does look a lot less weird now, thanks :3

(Also nggh THANK YOU CHAR comparing these to my old sprites, everything is a big step forward for the most part)

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That edit helped a lot with the arms~~ I shrunk the near arm down also so they're more equal in size. I struggle with arms in these lil portraits. ;C

Anyways, uh, I tried to add some simple things to his face that might make him look less like a kid--cheekbone, more pronounced forehead, slightly different jawline, little frown because he's been smiling at me creepily for hours; fattened up his neck and shaded it more too. Feels a bit like a shot in the dark, but it definitely looks better than the old one~

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Moved all his features up a px. It feels like his body is really kind of flat and ambiently-shaded, esp. regarding muscle definition. The scarring is also kind of...painted-on. Don't be afraid to be bold with your shading. Like, literally, feel free to just put CHUNKS of second and third tone to define things.

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Moved all his features up a px. It feels like his body is really kind of flat and ambiently-shaded, esp. regarding muscle definition. The scarring is also kind of...painted-on. Don't be afraid to be bold with your shading. Like, literally, feel free to just put CHUNKS of second and third tone to define things.


I felt like a magician while I was adding those darker tones in. Thank you for sticking with me for this Aeo *3* You 'n Char are da best.

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Okay here goes...

Left side of the body is clearly bigger in general than the right. Our POV.

The strap on his shoulder has no elevation. I mean, straps

Arm on our right is angled too far to the left.

Arm on our left is angled too far to the right.

the side of the ear kinda flaps in...

I have no idea what's going on with the nose.

the hair on the back of his head, below the ear from our perspective is like, solid.

You're like, afraid to use border color on the breastplate...why are you switching to the darkest skin color every time pixels shift in a curved line? You should just draw line and use the skin color around the shifts, not interrupt the border color like that. Looks weird on an FE mug imo.

I don't feel like looking at this mug anymore.

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Left side of the body is clearly bigger in general than the right. Our POV.

The strap on his shoulder has no elevation. I mean, straps

Arm on our right is angled too far to the left.

Arm on our left is angled too far to the right.

the side of the ear kinda flaps in...

the hair on the back of his head, below the ear from our perspective is like, solid.

You're like, afraid to use border color on the breastplate...why are you switching to the darkest skin color every time pixels shift in a curved line? You should just draw line and use the skin color around the shifts, not interrupt the border color like that. Looks weird on an FE mug imo.

I think the border color lines on the chest plate in this particular mug make it look like he has weird dark armpits but here.


So uhh I tried. Not sure that the arms are right yet though.

I have no idea what's going on with the nose.

Me neither. I added a little more shading to it but it didn't/doesn't look problematic to me. ._. You'd probably have to be more specific.

I don't feel like looking at this mug anymore.

I know how you feel, promise. 8D I appreciate it though. Surprising what a fresh set of eyes (or just someone who says everything they think) can reveal.

Oh and uh...I know some people get bitchy about editing, I am not one of those people. This kind of a general statement to all of my stuff, if you don't know how to explain it in words and aren't feeling super lazy, just show me >w>


Aaand here's a sprite I started earlier/am still working on. Guess who 3:

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Yay, angles. My other favorite angle, lol. Mouth seems a bit tweaked, and I think we're going to have some chin-headtilt conflict in the near future.

Not to mention Roger has chubbo cheeks and a bit of a grumpface that'll be hard to pull off/keep consistent on top of aforementioned conflict. But it'll be worth it because slight 3/4 facing sprites are boring >:C

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  • 1 month later...


I live. Merry Christmas. Haven't been in a sprite (or art) mood lately. Also known as: the effects of World of Warcraft. Not sure how I feel about this face, I think I fixed some previous issues but created new ones in the process.


1. Far side of the face oddness

2. Angle of the body.

3. D-does his ear look like it is falling off? Oh god

4. His ear does look like it's falling off I have to fix that

5. Whether or not this actually looks like Roger. I am trying to mix his old and new designs together~

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