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Summaries Of The Game

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Topic being made, but I'll go ahead and post my summaries here. =)


Fire Emblem Awakening Summary #1

Characters I've met so far.















My Unit














Summary #1

I've just started playing this game today and boy is it awesome! (I'll ensure to mention everything spoiler free, so don't worry. =))

Okay, the title screen looks like some power coming from the clouds then some Shield of Seals starts to show. Geez, is this repeating Marth's tale all over again? xD

First I begin the game on normal....then I make my unit and that she is female. I call her Tiara. I used the text exactly like this...テイアラ. I've made her a Magician fighter. She can use both Lances in addition to Magic. I gave her pony tails and gave her pink hair. Gave her a military uniform. After setting up her parameters as a Magician fighter. I begin the game.


Showed a cutscene that Krom fights some demonic god. Don't know the name.

Just battled some demnoic god, who I claim that is the Gharnef of this story. His laugher sounded a little like Ganandorfs. Krom started at LV 20 and Tiara was a 20 as well. After defeating him he retreated!

Chapter 1

Okay, I now battle a few soldiers and gets tutoraled by Fredrick. He seems to be a Jeigan to me. Powerful Pallie that starts at LV2. Didn't use him as he is overkill at this point in the game and don't want to rob EXP that I should spoonfeed to my other units. Also, any character that is by you while you fight can hit the foe as well. Like say if Krom attacks the foe and My Unit is by him. My Unit then will attack that same foe to actually team up with Krom to hit him. Pretty nifty, I'd say. =) When I've had Liz use Live the animation of the heal shows some greenish windy flashes and it shows a bright light healing the character. Wooah. Can't wait to see the other healing staves animations. After killing a few soldiers the chapter ends.

Chapter 2

It shows a cutscene that Liz runs to avoid a falling tree while some demonic monsters come out of hiding. Thier eyes flashes like a spectre and the chapter begins. Now I battle some boring ass Zombies. Three new characters Sol, Soiree, and Viole joins the battle. I start using Soiree and Viole. Wanted to use Soiree to try out and Viole cuz he looks like my most favorite Tellius character, Zihark. <3 Viole doesn't grow much Str, but he's an archer. I then kill a few Zombies and end the chapter.

Base Convo

I set up some items then I have My Unit talk to Fredrick to start up their support. Had no idea what any of it said other than arigatogozamasu. =) Got it to C. Then I begin the chapter.

Chapter 3

The chapter begins. I've met Emelina and Mariabel for the first time. In an FMV scene. We travel to town and Mariabel and Liz were arguing (There are actual talkings during convos in both chapters and FMV's =)) with each other as they are like the feistiest two characters that you could ever know. Mariabel was absolutely beautiful. She is a troubledour. Rides on a horsie while she holds an umbrella to make her look like a vain person like this one


This will being alot of fanboys to start avying and sigging her. =) I meet Flavia for the first time. Didn't join though. Also saw Emelina have a confrence. Then the battle begins.

Vake then joins me and he's a black pirate. (Finally some niggas) Need more of these characters. Haven't had one since Devdan/Garret. Didn't use him. But I continue to train Krom, Soiree, Liz and Viole.

Viole doesn't grow much Str, but he's an archer. Soiree was tanking in Str like mad the first few times that I've leveled her. After a turn or two Miriel joins the battle and boy this is the first time ever I see a witch looking Mage joining our cause. She has a black hat, looks like a Magus in FFIII's job class and that she specializes in Anima Magic. This made me want to use her in this run. After growing her two levels here she grew Mag both times. Awesome! Had Krom kill some enemies and even a crit activated for the first time ever. The criticals in this game shows an FMV, like when Phoenix Wright would shout Objection like this


Then finishing off with a powerful blow. Quite cool. Anyways, after routing the remaining enemies then I complete the chapter.

Chapter 4

Chapter begins as some boy Knight lures Krom and the gang into a trap. Then Sumia


comes to the rescue and pushes Krom out of the way. He would have been shish kebab by those sharp ballistes otherwise. It then shows her gallant appearance in the FMV with a smile. Then the battle begins. The chapter begins outside the castle gates and needed Door keys to get through. Sumia looks beautiful especially with all of the pink clothes that she wears. Has pretty hair too as Frehr would say "Pretty hair matters most of all". Sumia has a Sophia lookalike body from Star Ocean 3. This alone made me want to use her. She already can start doubling which my other characters except Fredrick couldn't do. First I talk to Cullum then afterwards I kill some enemies guarding the castle gates left and right of the maps. One of the soldiers drops a Door Key as I pick it off of their corpse. After opening the door, has Siree and Sumia kill some enemies guarding the boy Kinght (who is the boss of this chapter). Afterwards, I defeat the boy and then he shows us the way. He didn't seem all bad and Nintendo wouldn't go far as to having us murder children anyway. The boy is spared and then he shows us the way. =)


For the first time, you can start buying at the stores on the world map. I buy one Live staff for Liz, then a Thunder and Wind tome for Miriel and a Short Sword. Then I begin the chapter.

Chapter 5

I battled some enemies with Soiree, Sumia, Krom, Miriel, and Viole. And after there were two enemies left, before I could feed the second to last kill to Miriel my battery died and my Nintendo 3DS cut off. >.<

Fire Emblem Kauseki Summary #2













Chapter 4's end

We have a talk after her being full of herself. She then leaves and I meet Basilio for the first time! We now have a chat with Fuirein then headed to the castle entrance during the course of night hearing crickets in the process talking and meeting rihito for the first time.

World Map

Now on the map we can go to three different locations. Can choose any of your choice. I buy an Iron Bow for Viole then I begin the chapter on the south. It actually wasn't a chapter at all. I encounter Anna there and she's in some paradox world with all the bluish bg asking me about online stuff. DLC shit. Anyways, I now head east and meet some boy named Donny. Some bandit was talking there as well. After some chatting we then begin the battle after I have a support convo with Miriel and Tiara.

Scenario #1 (Don't really know as it said #1 of something)

We battle some bandits including two thieves that are trying to get the two treasures in the west. I continue to train Soiree, Miriel, Viole, Krom, Sumia, and Liz. Ronku and Donnie joins here, but I didn't use them. Anyways, I send Fredrick over to the west to defeat some enemies since he has more move than anyone else in the party and needing to get the treasures in time. Two of the enemies dropped chest keys which I've happily picked of their corpse. The treasures had a Rescue Staff and a Killer Lance. Then I defeat the boss Romugo giving Sumia the killing blow. After close to the chapters end Liz finally grew a point in Mag after three other times of not growing any. What a stuck up bitch. Upon the bosses death he had an axe that looked somewhat like a stout Axe except with no blade on one of the other ends. After Donnie (the wild boy) talks to his mother we exit the chapter and some ninja appears up north. I didn't bother to go there, yet. Since he was by some imperial castle.

Chapter 5

We head west to begin the chapter. Upon entering this chapter we meet to sinister villians Inverse and Gangrel who talks to Emelina that a bandit has also held Mariabel hostage. With a mean look on her face, she doesn't seem scared. ^___^

Anyways, Liz shouted Mariabel as she was scared of her best friends situation. She then said Desu Liz Liz with a mean look on her face. Not only isn't she frightened, but she also seems egotistical as well. Analyzing....

(All of this happening while making some kind of sinister music that's quite cool.) Can't wait to get the soundtracks to this game. Afterwards, the vile fiends talks about some sealed shield that actually has one gem on top of it. Krom afterwards kills a bandit, then it switches to a scene with Mariabel and Inverse. After a brief chat Inverse now sentences her to death. Said a jap writing of Death alone to know what goes on here. Mariabel shouts Sonna and she is yelling at Liz to help her. Some boy wizard knocks the bandit that was holding Mariabel captive down with a wind spell. =)

Inverse was surprised by this and it's Rihito. He giggles at her and Mariabel makes an angry look at him although she is relieved for him saving her, it seems. That wink of Rihito's really got to me. <3 He even blows a wind spell in Inverse' face making me laugh out loud. He then tells Mariabel to leave it to him and Mariabel isn't pleased for his help, it seems as she went Ee. They take off and Inverse says "Koshakuna". Afterwards the battle begins. Mariabel and Rihito joins us. Rihito came with an Elwind tome and Mariabel came with Relieve Staff. They get trapped by Gangrel's men and that they will execute them without question. So, I send Fredrick up north (Were fighting on the mountains by the way.) I use Relive for the first time and it shows just some more greenish flashes with some gold sparkels. This was after Rihito already got hurt by a Dracoknight which thankfully he took out in one hit with Elwind. Thank god for the bonus damages that it offers. After dealing with the remaining enemies and the Dracoknight boss Ario Liz then starts crying and Mariabel starts smiling for the first time saying Arigato gozamasu. ^____^ After a brief chat with Emelina the chapter ends and we end back on the worlds map.

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Atta girl.

So what are your thoughts on the music so far?

Looking forward to downloading them right now if possible. xD


Summary #3

Character I've met today











World Map

On the map I buy an Iron Sword for Tiara, Live for Mariabel, Iron Lance for Sumia. Support convos with Liz+Tiara Liz is joking around and giggling at the same time. She's just now being impetuous and silly. xD

Tiara wasn't amused and Liz felt sad. Tiara then says Go Gomen (So-Sorry). After a brief chat Liz felt happy again. C Support developed. Now Sumia+Krom. C Support developed. Krom+Fredrick now. Krom looked a little fustrated in the convo. C Support developed. Viole+Soiree. Viole's smile makes me feel <3

You hear some violin music in this one. After Soiree's happy wth a wink C Support now developed. Fredrick+Sumia now. Luv it when Freddie has this facial expression ^_^. Anyways, after a happy convo support C is now developed. After organising and passing some items/weapons I now go to the right of the map to bein Chapter 6.

Chapter 6

It starts as Krom and Tiara talks about something at the front of the castle at night. I then begin the chapter. The same demonlike person that I've fought at the start of the game appears here talking to some dark wizard while it makes this same demonic soundtrack that played from Inverse+Gargant. It seems that Emelina has been held captive here and now it's up to us to get her out. This is an indoors map inside the castle as enemies come outside through the castle sides. Anyway, the demonlike person god looks alot like Ir shenron from the 1st star dragonball from DBGT. Either him or Dabura the demon King in DBZ. During the battle I recruit Gaia (the Thief) with Krom and have him get the lone treasure here. Which contains a Secret Book. I rout up the enemies as they come to me. Krom finally reaches LV10 and learns the Charisma skill. Awesomenauce! I meet some demonlike girl who joins us. I have Fredrick bttle Fauda here. Used the Killer Lance to finish him and to end the chapter. By the way..you cannot save during the midist of the battle. So you've got to learn to be more careful especially if your character/characters gets some good level ups. Anyways after finishing Fauda, he drops a live staff and it seems that he isn't the Gharnef of this game after all. After a brief chat with Emelina Fauda somehow survives and he talks to some shadowy figure that is a woman then it switches back to Krom's scenario. After a little chat the chapter ends.

Turns 7

MVP Fredrick and Krom

World Map

The ninja dissappears and now the next chapter is east. The ninja by the way was a merchant. Relieve is now available to buy. Sold the Gold Bar (Worth 5000G) and then bought a Relieve for Mariabel. Cuz I've already gave her other one to Liz. You also get a good amount of EXP from these staves too. Live gets you 25 EXP alone per use. Holy cow! Start supports again now with Tiara+Soiree (C Developed). Viole+Freddie. C Developed. I now head to the shop to the west. I buy a Master Proof at the store for 2500G and head out. Anna is in charge of this store by the way. I head up north and get into an encounter. Just defeated some sinister enemies who were possessed then headed out. Just sold a gold bag for 1K and then begun the next chapter.

Chapter 7

After a brief boring chat we then start the next chapter after some more Support convos Tiara+Krom (C Support) Tiara+Miriel (B Support) and Miriel+Soiree (C Support). We then begin the chapter. Oh, great another Dracoknight boss named Orio. It makes this sinister music again. He now threatens some wizard we talked during the boring chapter and now he's scared. Anyways, the boss kills him and now the chapter begins and now we rout up some enemies before Tiamo shows up meeting her for the first time. I will use her because she looks like Titania and that Peg Knights are among my most favorite units. She starts with a C ranks in Lances and begins at LV7. One of the enemies drops a gold bar as I happily pick it off of his corpse. After routing the remaining enemies and the boss the chapter switches to a scene that Tiamo starts talking to us and the chapter ends.

Turns 7

MVP Krom and Sumia

World Map

We head west now as it switches to a scene that Sumia slaps Krom across the face during the convo and now Flavia shows up.

Now after a convo with Basilio we then head back to the world map to initiate more support convos. Now with Tiara+Viole (C Support) I then head to the far east to initiate another encounter.

Encounter #3

During this battle Miriel gets a new skill that I don't knw as she reached LV10. Tiamo and Sumia have now reached LV10 as well and that they've got the life skill. Anyway, I rout up the enemies here and obtain some gold bow in the village (Don't know what it is) and call it a day. We then get thanked by a villager and he gives us an Angel Robe and a few other weapons and the encounter ends.

Turns 6

MVP Tiara and Soiree

World Map

A few stores had some items on sale as well as weapons. Didn't need anything except a better bow for Viole and a Spear for Soiree (Steel). I then sold the gold bar and started more support convos with Mariabel+Krom. She seems happy around Krom. She's smiling. Adorable. She should do this more often. ^____^

Then Viole+Miriel (C Support) and Freddie+Miriku (C Support). Then I begin the next encounter up north.

Encounter #2

We now meet to bros who seems to be the Jasmine+Paul in this game. At last some gay incest. Now with Hansamu and Shoji. Anna is also an NPC here and she can actually put up a fight rather well. Though she won't last long if we don't get to her in time. Viole and Liz reaches LV10 in this chapter and both get a new skill that I don't know. I have Krom talk to her here before killing the remaining enemies to end the encounter. She didn't join after the chapters end. Figures. With her good bases in weapon levels and stats. I'm not surprised. Anyways, back to the world map.

Turns 9

MVP Viole and Tiara

Summary #4

Character I've met.





World Map

Nothing except a support with Tiamo+Sumia. Now I meet some Manakete named No-No as she is talking to Gurego about the desert heat is killing her. After a brief convo the battle begins. Viole's bow rank is now at B and I should get to the stats...

Start of Chapter 8's.

Krom LV13 EXP42


HP 30/30

Power 12

Mag Pwr 2

Skill 14

Speed 16

Luck 14

Def 12

Res 2

Sword B

Mariabel LV8 EXP36


HP 20/20

Power 0

Mag Pwr 9

Skill 9

Speed 7

Luck 8

Def 3

Res 9

Staff C

Soiree LV9 EXP22


HP 23/23

Power 13

Mag Pwr 4

Skill 11

Speed 12

Luck 10

Def 9

Res 5

Sword D

Spear C

Liz LV10 EXP88


HP 22/22

Power 7

Mag Pwr 9

Skill 6

Speed 10

Luck 15

Def 7

Res 6

Staff C

Viole LV10 EXP88


HP 23/23

Power 10

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 15+2

Speed 9

Luck 10

Def 8

Res 4

Bow B

Miriel LV10 EXP97


HP 24/24

Power 2

Mag Pwr 13+2

Skill 8

Speed 12

Luck 12

Def 7

Res 9

Tome C

Tiara LV9 EXP37

HP 32/32

Power 9

Mag Pwr 8

Skill 10

Speed 10

Luck 8

Def 9

Res 6

Sword D Tome D

Fredrick LV4 EXP57


HP 32/32

Power 15

Mag Pwr 2

Skill 13

Speed 12

Luck 7

Def 16

Res 4

Sword C Spear A Axe D

Sumia LV12 EXP15


HP 27/27

Power 6

Mag Pwr 9

Skill 21

Speed 22+2

Luck 14

Def 7

Res 13

Spear C

Tiamo LV12 EXP15


HP 30/30

Power 12

Mag Pwr 4

Skill 14

Speed 15+2

Luck 11

Def 11

Res 10

Spear C


Upper Right-Rescue Staff

Bottom Right-Change Proof

West-Master Proof

Sumia's spear LV went to B level during the course of this chapter. After routing I fight Shara the boss who is piss easy with a Peg+Killer Lance. She worked for Gangerel and after a brief talk with No-No and Gurego as No-No cried ater first till Gurego cheered her up and the chapter ends.

Turns 7

MVP Gurego&No-No

World Map

Anna had some goods to sell. None that I needed. Done supports with Tiamo+Sumia and No-No and Greg. (Both C Support)

I go through some base conversations (Haven't done this until now and have received Titania's Axe, Hector's Axe, Othrin's Axe, Efuramu Lance then headed west to begin the chapter.

Chapter 9

It starts with that sinister tune again with Inverse, Gangrel and some soldier. During the conversation Inverse kills this soldier without warning. After Gangrel and Inverse briefly chat then the scene switches over to Krom's. As they talk with Basilio a bit then switches over to Fauda and the entity speaking...(Ran out of time)

Summary #5

Characters I have met today










Now the scene switches over to Tiara and Liz talking. Afterwards, Gangrel is talking on the mountaintop with a rebellious tune playing in the bg. The chapter begins after an axe gets thrown at a bandit by Flavia and falls off a cliff. He was going to kill Emelina from behind while she was standing on the edge of the peak on the mountaintop. The battle begins. I give Sumia a Power Drop and Mariabel the Angel Robe. I meet a new character named Ribira as she is getting attacked by 1~2 ranged attackers. She has a Killer Axe. Time to see if she can hold a league of her own till we can get to her to have her join our cause. She can. I'm using No-No as well. Tiamo's weapon rank increased to B during this chapter. Tiara reached LV10 and has received a new skill. I have Krom advance south to talk to Ribira. She joins us and boy her base stats are amazing. Especially at this point in the game. I then have Krom talk to Saria after she attacked me with Elthunder and had her join us on our behalf. She smirked at Krom at first before she joined us. Here they are...

Libra LV1 EXP0

HP 38/38

Power 14

Mag Pwr 15

Skill 12

Speed 13

Luck 10

Def 11

Res 16

Axe C Staff C

Came With

-Killer Axe




Saria LV10 EXP0

HP 25/25

Power 4

Mag Pwr 11

Skill 5

Speed 12

Luck 3

Def 10

Res 7

Tome D

Came With



The boss Homodorora said that he was going to defend this castle to the bitter end. Anyways, he was piss easy as he dropped a Dragon Shield upon killing him. He said Lord Gangrel, avenge me. He dies and I pick up the Dragonshield off of his corpse.

Turns 9

MVP Sumia&Deiamo

It comes to some cutscenes as some Peg Knights comes to Emelina's rescue. But Inverse and Gangrel are here as well calling fourth some archers. They kill the pegs as they are after Emelina. What would they want with her? Could she be the key to unlocking something? After Krom has a bitter chat with Gangrel probably asking him where Emelina is and Krom refuses to tell him. (It's making some different omnious music as this convo is going.) At the end of the convo, it is now asking me a Yes or No question reguarding Emelina's safety. This is hard for me to answer, but I have to go with No (after a few minutes of deciding) to see where this goes. Krom looks upset. -.-

Gangrel is saying something about death and Krom goes "Wait" (Taki). Now Emelina shows herself at the end of this convo as she smiles and says "Krom". "Thank You". Afterwards the chapter ends.

World Map

Some new merchants appear and didn't bother to buy anything. Had nothing that I needed. I initiated another base convo and nothing happened except some conversations. Nothing more. I then head NE of the map to start the next encounter.

Encounter #4

After some convo with Anna and the gay bro, we begin the encounter. I get Krom to talk to her while routing up the enemies and Tiara's tome rank went up. Soiree's sword rank went up. Anna's an NPC and she can hold them on her own pretty well till we can get to her. =)

Mariabel just now has reached LV10 and has learned a new skill. Fredrick reached LV5 and has now learned the Luna skill. Scratch Jagan. He's more like the Titania of this game. =)

Miriel's tome rank went up. The thief unfortunately has made off with the Manual and didn't feel like starting the chapter over for it. Anyways, I grab the other remaining treasures and headed out. Took care of Shoji in the process as he dropped a Talisman upon killing him. Which I happily pick off of his corpse. Soiree has also got some terrain skill at this point in the chapter as I have got her to finally reach LV10. Anna smiled during the convo and the encounter ends.


-Gold Bar


-Kill Sword


Turns 10

MVP Tiara&Viole

World Map

I buy a Flux tome for Saria and a Steel Lance for Freddie. Then I do a support convo with Viole+Tiara. (B Support) Then I begin the chapter.

Chapter 10

After a brief chat with Basilio some bandits show up and the chapter begins. Were fighting in the rain on some rocky terrain. The thieves had a Large Gold Bar (Worth 10000G), Master Proof, Angel Robe, and a Dragon Killer. I give this robe to No-No towards the end of the chapter. I kill Mustafa and end the chapter. I give the Goddess Icon to Saria.

Turns 7

MVP Tiara&Viole

After the battle Olivia the Dancer comes for the first time and having a brief chat. Then the chapter ends. It now automatically switches to a cutscene right after saving the game. Everyone chats then we head back to the world map.

World Map

I start supporting Tiamo+Sumia (B Support) as Tiamo smiles in the end before the B support is developed. I then head over east and found some random encounters that I've forgot to do throughout the game as I have ran into one by going to a city with an enemy sprite by the shop on accident. This made me learn on how to initiate random encounters. After doing several random encounters till all of the enemy sprites are gone from the map. During these encounters Liz's staff rank and Tiara's sword rank went up. After buying a few things (A steel Sword and Lance) I then initiate a support convo with Tiara+Miriel (A Support). I then go to the base to initiate a base convo with No-No walking by as she picks up some pink potion before we then headed out to the next chapter at the west. I've even obtained a Power Drop during one of the random encounters and in a hurry to handing it over to Sumia as her Power still sucks even after one drop. But she does crit very well. Even without Killer weapons. Good avoid. Definitely Shiida's mirror. I now begin the chapter and it makes this sinister tune again showing Inverse and Gangrel talking about something. One of their soldiers informs them of our arrival then the scene switches over to Krom talking to Gangrel saying something like he'll make him pay, or something. Olivia appears and she says I I with her face beat red. She must really be a bashful person. Anyways, the chapter begins as it tutors me about what Dancers do. Read that then started the battle. I promote Sumia and made her a Dark Peg. She can now use tomes in addition to lances. This is actually a better class for her due to her good growth in Mag Pwr than physical. Though if you choose to make her a Falcoknight. She can be the best staff user in the game! Just like she'll be a great offensive battler as she has wings and can uses both lances and tomes. It's up to you.

Sumia after class change...

Sumia LV20/1 EXP0

HP 37/37

Power 10

Mag Pwr 15

Skill 29

Speed 30+2

Luck 17

Def 11

Res 19

Lance A Tome E

Freddie reached C in axes during the course of this battle. Grabbed the two treasure here. They had


-Large Gold Bar (Worth 10000G)

-Goddess Icon

I handed the Goddess Icon to Saria again. Because her luck sucks and she needs better avoid and crit evasion. I have Tiamo promoted at the end of this chapter as she has now finally reached LV20. Made her a Falcoknight as she has better stats physically than mentally. She can also use staves in addition to lances. ^_^

I've also happily pick a Master Proof off of an enemy's corpse. (I let him grab the treasure first as I needed him to open it before I go kill him) I now finish rounding up the enemies and call it a day. And the boss here is piss easy.

Turns 5

MVP Sumia&Tiamo

We were battling in the desert again like in No-No's joining chapter. Wings was needed here to get to the treasures in time and to be able to clear it in minimal turns. I now have two Master Proofs left. You need a Master Proof to class change in this game. Characters don't promote automatically when they've reached LV20. Afte a brief chat with Sumia she blushes during this convo while talking to Krom.

World Map

A scene automatically happens right after the chapter save as I meet the same knight kid that I've battled early in the game named Raimi. Afterwards, an FMV happens and I am now presented with a child that has blue eyes and blue hair that looks at me with those adorable eyes. ^_^

Sumia and Krom must have had incest having that retconned of course. =)

Afterwars, were on the world map and Krom instantly heads west as another scene happens now that he is talking to Flavia. During this convo, I now see a redhead named Saruji. She and Viole are now talking with us. After the conversation, we now are back on the world map. Now. Time to meantion their stats.


Added skills to the list as well. Stats after Chapter 12.

Krom LV 16 EXP72


HP 33/33

Power 15

Mag Pwr 2

Skill 15

Speed 18

Luck 15

Def 14

Res 3

Sword B (Close to A level)

Skills: Dual Attack, Charisma

Tiara LV 15 EXP35

HP 38/38

Power 11

Mag Pwr 8

Skill 12

Speed 15

Luck 11

Def 12

Res 6

Sword C Tome C

Skills: War Knowledge, Magic Square

Liz LV 16 EXP56


HP 27/27

Power 8

Mag Pwr 11

Skill 10

Speed 15

Luck 21

Def 8

Res 7

Staff B

Skills: Miracle, Healing Heart

Viole LV15 EXP27


HP 27/27

Power 13

Mag Pwr 5

Skill 18+2

Speed 12

Luck 12

Def 8

Res 6

Bow B (Close to A level)

Skills: Skill+2, Early Initiative

Miriel LV16 EXP55


HP 29/29

Power 3

Mag Pwr 16+2

Skill 13

Speed 16

Luck 14

Def 10

Res 13

Tome B

Skills: Magic+2, Concentration

Sumia LV20/1 EXP63


Dark Peg

HP 37/37

Power 10 (Gave her a Power Drop)

Mag Pwr 15

Skill 29

Speed 30+2

Luck 17

Def 11

Res 19

Lance A Tome E

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh

Mariabel LV16 EXP18


HP 30/30 (Gave her an Angel Robe)

Power 1

Mag Pwr 14

Skill 12

Speed 10

Luck 15

Def 6

Res 15+2

Staff B

Skills: Res+2, Seduced Lady

Soiree LV 14 EXP29


HP 27/27

Power 15

Mag Pwr 5

Skill 14

Speed 16

Luck 13

Def 12

Res 6

Sword B Lance C

Skills: Discipline, Outdoor Battle

Tiamo LV20/1 EXP0



HP 41/41

Power 17

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 22

Speed 25+2

Luck 15

Def 15

Res 18

Lance A Staff E

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh

Fredrick LV5 EXP90


HP 34/34

Power 16

Mag Pwr 2

Skill 13

Speed 12

Luck 8

Def 16

Res 4

Sword C Lance A Axe C

Skills: Luna

No-No LV7 EXP72


HP 28/28 (Gave her an Angel robe)

Power 6+8

Mag Pwr 2+5

Skill 4+3

Speed 6+2

Luck 12

Def 4+10

Res 3+7

This is her stats with the Divinestone. Her actual stats are without the pluses.

Saria LV15 EXP50


HP 30/30

Power 4

Mag Pwr 14

Skill 7

Speed 14

Luck 9 (Gave her two Goddess Statues)

Def 13

Res 8

Tome C

Skills: Curse, Crimson Curse

Anna LV2 EXP46


HP 36/36

Power 12

Mag Pwr 17

Skill 23

Speed 21

Luck 25

Def 9

Res 10

Sword C Staff D

Skills: None

Olivia LV1 EXP99


HP 18/18

Power 3

Mag Pwr 1

Skill 8

Speed 9

Luck 5+4

Def 3

Res 2

Sword D

Skills: Luck+4

Curse and Crimson Curse gets enemies to lose their avoids by 10 within a 3 tile radius. Useful for enemy phase. We all know what Luna does. It actually only ignores defenses by half in this game. Refresh recovers 20 HP within your allies being 3 spaces away from you. Don't get it confused with Renewal which that skill allows you to recover 30% of your HP each turn regardless of your allies being by you or not. Soiree has an easy time to gain weapons levels thanks to Discipline. Her other skill Outdoor Battle gives Hit and Avoid +10 when fighting outdoors. Seduced Lady gives men Avoid and Critical Avoid +10 within a 3 tile radius upon which Mariabel has. That cock tease. ^__^ Miriel has Concentration which allows her to increase crit by +10 when no one is within a 3 tile radius. =) Viole got this at LV15 Early Initiative which gives Hit and Avoid +15 during the user's turn. Liz got Miracle and Healing Heart. With her good Luck, Miracle will have a good chance of saving her as long as her HP is above 1. Healing Heart gives her +5 more in healing. Nice! Tiara's got War Knowledge which gives Experience gained x 1.5 when Double is active; and Magic Square gives Critical and Critical Avoid +10 to adjacent allies.

Updated characters stats with Skills now. =)

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Characters I've met





World Map

First I head o the stores to buy a Harmain Staff (one time only), Dragon Killer (one time only), Angel Robe (One time only), Elthunder (on sale) (One time only), Steel Lance (on sale), and 2 Relive Staves. Need them to be in a hurry to promote both Liz and Mariabel. A Steel Axe (On sale) and a Beast Killer. Anna is in charge of all these stores by the way. Anyway, I next buy a Physic (One time only) and a Steel Lance and Steel Sword (one time only). Next store I buy another Angel Robe (One time only), Rapier (One time only), and a Brave Sword (One time only). And I've sold all of my gold bars which I've got nearly 30000G+8K more that I already have to pay for all this. I give one of these robes to Olivia right away saving the other one. This is to keep her from getting 0KOED. I now initiate some support conversations with Tiara+Soiree (B Support), Soiree+Sumia (C Support), No-No+Saria (C Support). I like Saria+No-No's the most. No-No is happy go lucky and Saria's rather antisocial and shy. But she is pretty. She does wear high heels. She might be in competition to rival with Mariabel's beauty. =o

No-No smiles in the end of the support convo as well as Saria. (C Support developed). Next I initiate a base conversation and Soiree and Viole walk around and nothing happened. Tiamo and Tiara walk around. Nothing happened. Sol walks around and gains some Mag Pwr. Libra walks around and finds some dark tome called Inverse. Tiara walks around and nothing happens. I now initiate another 2 encounters and have obtained Gold Bagx3 and a Steel Sword. Soiree's Spear rank increased during my second encounter. Nothing else to do now but begin the next chapter.

Chapter 12

No scenes happen. It automatically goes to the preparations menu. But before I start the battle, I actually can do another support which is now Krom+Tiara. He's saying something along the lines of Tiara's an angel and she goes Kyaaaaaa (Whaaaaa) Krom and Tiara blush during this convo. Tiara says something about a young girl. Yeah, what a way to do this to a girl, Krom. (B Support developed) I now begin the battle after some item sorting. I start the battle with Doruhi as he is talking to some villager while it makes this sinister music. The villager gets scared. Doruhi kills him and the battle begins. The Dracoknight Saraju appears and joins us. But I won't be using her as I'm planning to class change Freddie later in the game to give him wings. Plus I've got Tiamo and Sumia for my flying needs. She smiles and the battle begins. Viole's bow level increases to A rank during this battle. Freddie's axe level increases to B rank. Soiree's Sword level increases to A rank. I now have Mariabel promoted as she has just reached LV20. I've kept her in this class to get her better trained in staves. When you promote a character, they do not get an instant weapon level up. Keep that in mind. Anyway, you can make her either into a Valkyrie, or Battle Monk. Since she has good Mag Pwr and that she still gets to keep her horse. Valkyrie. This allows you to use tomes in addition to staves. And Battle Monks can use axes in addition to staves. One of the enemies drops a Master Proof. Which I happily pick it off of his corpse. After a brief chat with Basilio and Flavia the chapter ends. Right after I save, it directly goes to another scene with Krom and the gang. Now back to the world map.

Turns 8

MVP Krom&Fredrick

World Map

Finally. They have Master Proofs for sale in one of the shops. Can buy as many as you want. Must have a reason for this, but I won't argue with that. I happily buy another 5 from the shop which I needed. I've sold my gold bags, bars to get the cash for them. 5 of these costs 12.5K G. Also bought a Silver Axe and Silver Lance for Freddie. Then I initiate some supports and base conversations. Base conversation Krom+Olivia. Nothing happened. Now for the supports. Freddie+Krom (B Support) Freddie ^_^ at the end of the convo. (B Support developed). Krom+Soiree (C Support), Viole+Tiamo (C Support), Freddie+Tiamo (C Support), Tiamo+Sumia (A Support). Supports by the way won't develop by just having characters with you on the map. They have to be next to you in this game while you fight. Hearts should show up after a battle finishes to characters that they can support with. This build up points for it! Keep that in mind. In Tiamo's+Sumia's support she greets Sumia with a smile and after they talk the A support develops. Viole+Tiamo one Tiamo actually blushes in this one. I now get into another 2 encounters and during my first encounter Miriel finds Alm's Sword in the sand. Awesome! In my first encounter Liz reaches LV20 and now I promote her. She can either be a Battle Monk, or a Bishop. Bishop allows her to use tomes in addition to staves. Since she has good offensive power physically and mentally. Battle Monk. She should be in this class and nothing else. Anyway, I'm happy to have her promoted at 20. I finish up the encounters as Miriel's tome rank increased in the first encounter. Then Miriel reaches LV20 and promote her as well. She can either be a Sage (Can use staves in addition to tomes), or Dark Knight (Can use Axes in addition to tomes). Not only is she better trained in tomes now, but I choose Sage because of her great Mag Pwr and having another staff user is always epic. Bought Liz a Bronze Axe and Miriel a Live Staff before beginning the next chapter.

Chapter 13

It starts with a different tune. As Krom and the gang meets up with Inverse and Fauda. Krom is upset during this convo. Oh no. =o

Krom now says that there is no way that Fauda could have survived and that he was dead. Could he be a specter? Anyways, some dark robed priest appears. During the brief talk with this priest heard the priest say "Aruna", or something. This dark priest is female by hearing her actual voice. After a brief chat the scene switches over to Tiara as she is sensing bad vibes while holding her head. Fauda appears and after a brief chat, Fauda teleports away right after Krom shows up. After Freddie arrives some desparation tune now plays; and after a brief chat, the next battle now begins. After giving everyone else their Master Proofs, since I am ready to get everyone else promoted. Start the battle and I meet some mysterious kid named Henry while it makes some onminus tune. He mocks and laughs at us, then he joins us and now we have to battle some creatures. I promote Viole now that he is finally at a decent enough level for promotion. He can either be a bowman, or a sniper. Since I don't want him entirely bowlocked throughout the game. Bowman. During the beginning of the battle, Saria reached LV20. I promote her and she can either become a Dark Knight, or Sorcerer. Dark Knight allows you to use swords in addition to tomes, but will lose the ability to use Dark tomes. But as a Sorcerer, she will have great parameters and can still use Dark tomes, but will entirely be locked to tomes throughout the game. For my choice, I pick Sorcerer because I need a Dark Magic user and am not going to train another one. As for Henry, he's a dark mage and won't be using him. Plus he's a creep. During the battle Sumia's tome rank increased as well as Soiree's Lance rank. Saria's tome level also increased! I defeat the boss after having to fight off a few reinforcements and ending the chapter. The chapter ends instantly when the boss is dead.

Turns 8

MVP Krom&Fredrick

Some Scenes

It automatically goes to some cutscenes right after saving the game. It now starts as Krom and the gang talk. After some major cutscenes we then end back on the world map. Okay, since my battery is now low, time to talk about their stats

Krom LV 19 EXP74

Class: Lord


HP 36/36

Power 17

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 17

Speed 20

Luck 18

Def 17

Res 5

Sword A

Skills: Dual Attack, Charisma

Tiara LV 20 EXP-

Class: Strategist

HP 44/44

Power 15

Mag Pwr 9

Skill 16

Speed 17

Luck 15

Def 15

Res 7

Sword C Tome C

Skills: War Knowledge, Magic Square

Liz LV 20/2 EXP99

Class: Battle Monk


HP 37/37

Power 14

Mag Pwr 16

Skill 14

Speed 19

Luck 23

Def 14

Res 9

Axe E Staff B

Skills: Miracle, Healing Heart

Viole LV16/1 EXP49

Class: Bowknight


HP 36/36

Power 17

Mag Pwr 5

Skill 20+2

Speed 17

Luck 12

Def 10

Res 9

Sword E Bow A

Skills: Skill+2, Early Initiative

Miriel LV20/1 EXP60

Class: Sage


HP 37/37

Power 4

Mag Pwr 21+2

Skill 17

Speed 20

Luck 16

Def 14

Res 17

Tome A Staff E

Skills: Magic+2, Concentration

Sumia LV20/4 EXP26

Class: Dark Peg


HP 40/40

Power 11

Mag Pwr 16

Skill 31

Speed 32+2

Luck 19

Def 12

Res 20

Lance A Tome D

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh

Mariabel LV20/2 EXP39

Class: Valkyrie


HP 37/37

Power 1

Mag Pwr 17

Skill 16

Speed 14

Luck 19

Def 9

Res 19+2

Tome E Staff B (Close to A rank)

Skills: Res+2, Seduced Lady

Soiree LV 19 EXP56

Class: Social Knight


HP 32/32

Power 17

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 18

Speed 21

Luck 16

Def 15

Res 8

Sword B Lance A

Skills: Discipline, Outdoor Battle

Tiamo LV20/3 EXP81

Class: Falcoknight


HP 43/43

Power 18

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 24

Speed 26+2

Luck 17

Def 16

Res 19

Lance A Staff E

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh

Fredrick LV7 EXP75

Class: Great Knight


HP 36/36

Power 18

Mag Pwr 2

Skill 13

Speed 12

Luck 8

Def 18

Res 5

Sword C Lance A Axe B

Skills: Luna

No-No LV7 EXP72

Class: Manakete


HP 28/28 (Gave her an Angel robe)

Power 6+8

Mag Pwr 2+5

Skill 4+3

Speed 6+2

Luck 12

Def 4+10

Res 3+7

This is her stats with the Divinestone. Her actual stats are without the pluses.

Saria LV20/2 EXP6

Class: Sorcerer


HP 41/41

Power 7

Mag Pwr 21

Skill 11

Speed 20

Luck 11

Def 21

Res 14

Tome B

Skills: Curse, Crimson Curse

Anna LV2 EXP46

Class: Trickster


HP 36/36

Power 12

Mag Pwr 17

Skill 23

Speed 21

Luck 25

Def 9

Res 10

Sword C Staff D

Skills: None

Olivia LV4 EXP88

Class: Dancer


HP 26/26 (Gave her an Angel Robe)

Power 5

Mag Pwr 1

Skill 11

Speed 12

Luck 6+4

Def 5

Res 2

Sword D

Skills: Luck+4

I've had no improvement with No-No and Anna. Since character select was often limited to 12-13 and that I still needed characters to get prepared for class change.

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Couldn't fit this in my last one. Anyway, here is


Character that I've met....



World Map

I now sell 2 gold bags (Worth 1000G) and I buy an Elthunder tome that they have for sale around 900G. I then sell both of my Skill books (Worth 2500G for both) and move on to the next encounter. I do another set of support convos with Lucina+Sumia (C Support), Viole+Liz (C Support), Krom+Lucina (C Support). Then I start the next encounter. I promote Tiara and now begin to fight. I've brought No-No along in the battle as well. After routing up the enemies getting a gold bag in the process, I then promote Soiree just when the encounter is about to end. She can either be a Paladin, or Great Knight. Great Knights allow you to use Axes in addition to the other that a Social Knight could. As a Paladin, you get much better Mag Def and parameters in general. For the reason of better parameters, I went with Paladin. =)

Krom has also reached to LV20 at the end of this battle. I then initiate some base convos having Serge+Tiamo (nothing happens), Saria+Serge wander around the base and nothing happens. Sol+Vick (Nothing happens). Mariabel goes next and she finds a Thunder Sword. Ronku+Peret is next and that they get some support/bond boost, or something. Probably bond. I now start the next chapter west of the map.

Chapter 14

Were now on some pirate ship disscussing something. We then begin the battle and Puraze discusses something. I don't know what any of this says. Anyways, we now rout on each sides of the ship with a few characters each. Tiara's tome rank increased, Liz's axe rank increased, Mariabel's staff rank increased. Sumia learned a new skill. Defeated the boss. After some cutscenes we head back to the world map.


-Gold Bar (Worth 5000G)


-Change Proof

Turns 8

MVP Tiara+Krom

World Map

Initiated some supports Mariabel+Freddie (C Support). Krom+Tiara (A Support). Krom and Tiara did apologize at the end of the convo, so it's all good. =)

Mariabel's+Freddie's as Mariabel smiles in the end (C Support developed). She really is sweet to her friends. ^_^

Now I have Krom walk around the base and I get a number 27 of some sort. I then do another 2 random encounters. Then I head west to begin the chapter as there aren't any left. During the second encounter, I've used a Change Seal on him after he'd reach LV9 and made him a Dracoknight. He can only use axes in this class, but at least now he's more baddass still getting to keep the Luna Skill and that he can fly. I've also forgot to mention Luna's animation as it


before a powerful blow is initiated. I'm planning to level Freddie up at least another 13 times before I use a Master Proof on him to make him a DracoMaster. EXP formula is normal now for this class. After the next class change he then should start becoming a wings of death. I've also obtained Gold Bagx4 during both of these encounters.

Chapter 15

Were now discussing something at the beach and after a brief chat, we now begin the chapter. It shows Sali (the Swordmaster) being held captive and now we've got to save her. She is unarmed and only has a concoction (which recovers only 20 HP per use and has x3 total) and is an NPC. That area is well guarded too. So we must hurry if were going to hope to save her. She is actually pinned in a corner with 2 Armored Knights with Iron Lances. Her base stats may save her from dying for a few turns. But not for long. Here are her base stats....



Class: Swordmaster


HP 39/39

Power 17

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 23

Speed 26

Luck 20

Def 12

Res 10

Sword B

Comes with


She has exactly a 45% chance of getting hit by these guys. They are armored knights, and they have Iron Lances. Let's see...during this chapter Miriel's staff rank increased, Tiamo learned a new skill, Krom's spear rank increased. Thanks to both encounters and this battle made it happen. =)

Awesome! He'll become like Epharaim in no time at all. =)

I use a Talismen on Krom. Soiree's Sword rank increased! Sumia's tome rank increased! Liz learns a new skill! I've already decided to drop Anna and only use her for utility. I now start using Lucina to take her place since I get the feeling that I might need her to complete the game! I now go to the cities to get rewarded with some items from the nice city folks. I then kill the boss and that he drops a Master Proof by killing him. Which I happily pick off of his corpse.




-Change Proof

-Large Gold Bar (Worth 10000G)

After some chatting in the town, we then end back on the world map.

Turns 7

MVP Tiara+Lucina

Time to mention their stats.....

Krom LV 20/3 EXP78

Class: Master Lord


HP 43/43

Power 22

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 20

Speed 23

Luck 21

Def 21

Res 10

Sword A Spear D

Skills:dualattack.pngDual Attack,charismae.pngCharisma

Tiara LV 20/3 EXP91

Class: Grandmaster

HP 50/50

Power 18

Mag Pwr 12

Skill 19

Speed 20

Luck 17

Def 18

Res 11

Sword C(Almost at B) Tome B

Skills:001pg.pngWar Knowledge, magicsquare.pngMagic Square

Liz LV 20/5 EXP17

Class: Battle Monk


HP 40/40

Power 15

Mag Pwr 18

Skill 17

Speed 20

Luck 24

Def 16

Res 10

Axe D Staff B(Almost at A)

Skills:017me.pngMiracle,018id.pngHealing Heart,luckcry.pngLuck Cry

Viole LV16/1 EXP80

Class: Bowknight


HP 36/36

Power 17

Mag Pwr 5

Skill 20+2

Speed 17

Luck 12

Def 10

Res 9

Sword E Bow A

Skills:skill2e.pngSkill+2,early.pngEarly Initiative

Miriel LV20/4 EXP68

Class: Sage


HP 40/40

Power 5

Mag Pwr 21+2

Skill 17

Speed 22

Luck 18

Def 15

Res 19

Tome A Staff D


Sumia LV20/6 EXP86

Class: Dark Peg


HP 41/41

Power 12

Mag Pwr 17

Skill 32

Speed 33+2

Luck 20

Def 13 (Gave her a Dragonshield)

Res 21

Lance A Tome C

Skills:speed2n.pngSpeed+2,005sp.pngRefresh, Movement Cry

Mariabel LV20/4 EXP48

Class: Valkyrie


HP 38/38

Power 2

Mag Pwr 17

Skill 16

Speed 15

Luck 21

Def 9

Res 20+2

Tome E(About at D) Staff A

Skills: resistance2.pngRes+2,004oj.pngSeduced Lady

Soiree LV 20/2 EXP43

Class: Paladin


HP 39/39

Power 22

Mag Pwr 8

Skill 20

Speed 25

Luck 18

Def 18

Res 15

Sword A Lance A

Skills:discipline.pngDiscipline, outdoorbattle.pngOutdoor Battle

Tiamo LV20/5 EXP84

Class: Falcoknight


HP 44/44

Power 20

Mag Pwr 8

Skill 25

Speed 28+2

Luck 18

Def 17

Res 21

Lance A Staff E

Skills:speed2n.pngSpeed+2,005sp.pngRefresh, speedcry.pngSpeed Cry

Fredrick LV9/4 EXP2

Class: Draco Knight


HP 34/34

Power 19+2

Mag Pwr 2

Skill 17

Speed 14

Luck 11

Def 15

Res 4

Axe A

Skills:discipline.pngDicipline, outdoorbattle.pngOutdoor Battle,lunaxy.pngLuna,011qz.pngStr+2

No-No LV11 EXP81

Class: Manakete


HP 32/32

Power 9+8

Mag Pwr 3+5

Skill 4+3

Speed 9+2

Luck 12

Def 7+10

Res 7+7

This is her stats with the Divinestone. Her actual stats are without the pluses.

Saria LV20/3 EXP41

Class: Sorcerer


HP 41/41

Power 7

Mag Pwr 22

Skill 12

Speed 20

Luck 11

Def 21

Res 15

Tome B

Skills:cursem.pngCurse,crimsoncurse.pngCrimson Curse

Olivia LV8 EXP75

Class: Dancer


HP 29/29

Power 5

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 13

Speed 16

Luck 9+4

Def 6

Res 4

Sword D


Lucina LV15 EXP23


Class: Lord

HP 36/36

Power 12

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 23

Speed 25

Luck 20

Def 14

Res 10

Sword C

Skills:dualattack.pngDual Attack,charismae.pngCharisma,005sp.pngRefresh,aether.pngAether

Time to explain the new skills that I've obtained...

speedcry.pngSpeed Cry

Speed +4 to all allies within a 3 tile radius for one Turn when the Backup command is used


Attack twice consecutively, with the first hit having a Sol effect and the second hit having a Luna effect

Movement Cry

Movement +1 to all allies within a 3 tile radius for one Turn when the Backup command is used

luckcry.pngLuck Cry

Luck +8 to all allies within a 3 tile radius for one Turn when the Backup command is used.

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World Map

Initiated some supports with Tiara+Lucina (C Support), Freddie+Liz (C Support). Then done some wandering around the base with Olivia as some 27 happens. No idea. Anyway, I next have Callium+Miriel wander around the base. They get some bond. I dunno. Soiree+Freddie next. They get a bond boost. Greg+Peret next. Get a support boost. Peret+Rihito. Bond Boost. I do another 4 encounters which are now available. Doing them as I still need Freddie to get better trained for the later chapters. During my 1st encounter, I get some D lance with 10 uses. It's all in Kanji that I don't know yet. Miriel learns a new skill in this encounter. Mariabel's tome rank increased. Supports now. Mariabel+Liz. Finally! I've waited for this convo to initiate. =)

They're both giggling and so happy in this one. Yay! Girl talk time! ^_^ Liz blushed and giggled alot toward the end. Aww. =3

Mariabel got a little upset, but you know how it is when best friends fight. Sometimes to make their relationship even better later on. I laughed at the end of this one. As Liz says "Ouuu in her cute chibi voice saying "But" But" "Thank you". (U,Un...arigto...). Next encounter Mariabel learns a new skill. I use both a Talismen and a Tiki Tears on Freddie. I have No-No use a Tiki tears and then begin the 3rd encounter. I then start having No-No use the Power Drop. During the final encounter Tiara's sword rank increased. Tiara also learned a new skill. One of the foes in the fourth encounter drops a Skill Book. Which will be sold for maney. =)

Liz's staff rank increased. Back to wondering the base. I do that with Anna+Soiree and nothing happens. Next the supports. Which I now initiate Mariabel+Liz (B Support). During the convo Liz is giggly and happy although Mariabel's feeling uneasy again. She's saying something about Liz having alot to learn about something. Of course Liz has been spoiled all her life. Couldn't be helped. Mariabel smiled in the end, but Liz made a >.< face before the convo ends. She then said aaa, taki Mariaberu. Meaning Ah, wait! Mariabel! (B Support developed). Saria+Tiara (C Support) Saria doesn't seem that she wants to talk to her, it seems. She's saying "......." at the very start of the convo. Saria then smirks as she is up to her michiviousness. She's actually giggling too. Ookay. =o

Don't know what the rest of this says, but (C Support developed). Nothing else to do now but to begin the next chapter.

Chapter 16

The Lady Dragon God

We now have a talk with Basilio by the trees during nighttime. Then the chapter begins. After sorting out some items, I then begin the battle. It starts by having the boss talking to some soldier afterwards. The battle now begins. Fredrick reaches LV10 and learns a new skill. Liz's axe rank increased. One of the thieves drops a gold bar (Worth 5000G) upon killing him. The other thieves had a Silver Sword, Master Proof, Speedwing. I receive some Steel weapons both sword and lance as well as another Master Proof. One the Falcoknights drops a Relive Staff. Mariabel's tome rank increased. I also give her the Speedwing. As she is having trouble doubling some enemies. Viole's sword rank increased. Saria learned a new skill. After a brief chat with the boss, he then braniashes his axe. About time, greybeard. xD

After killing him, we get through some cutscenes and end back on the world map.

Turns 9

MVP Krom&Soiree

World Map

Right after saving, some small cutscenes happens. Then we end back on the world map. New stuff for sale. I buy a Short Spear, Killer Bow, Killer Lance, Talismen, Armor Killer, Elixir, Manual, NosferatuX2, ElfireX2, ElwindX2, Barrier, Pure WaterX3, Silver Axex2, and a Silver Lance. Everything except the X number stuff, Barrier Staff, and the Silver Lance. The rest are one time only buys. Left with 5599G now. I start some supports with Krom+Soiree (B support) and Miriel+Viole (B Support). I then have Tiara+Peret wander the base and they get a bond boost. Sol+Krom and nothing happens. I then begin the next chapter.

Chapter 17

After a brief chat with Peret. We then begin the chapter. Krom learns the Aether Skill. Soiree learns a new skill. I find Fin's Lance here as well. =)

After Freddie reaches LV12. I then decide to promote him. He gets the ability to use lances again. Which is already at A level. =)

Miriel's staff rank increased. After several turns, some NPC's come along with a mysterious enemy named Ekuserai. He/She has a word with the boss. Then leaves. After grabbing the treasure and having to fight off some reinforcements to do so. I then Rescue Staff SPAM to get Anna over to the eastern end of the castle after having her grab the treasures in the west. I was in a hurry to finish this chapter in as fewset turns as possible. I've used a Barrier staff use for the first time. Need it for this boss fight. The Barrier Staff animation shows some kind of zodiac codes along with some rainbow colors whenever used. Afterwards, I start the boss fight. After a long battle conversation with the boss talking about Emelina. As those two must have something in common if she is talking about her alot. Anyway, I then kill the boss to end the chapter. (The Bolgannon animation looks like a small lava flow pouring down.) (Fortify that she had used three times already looks like a sparkel shower with a bright green flash.) She drops a Fortify upon killing her. After a long cutscene with Basilio and Flavia the chapter ends.

Enemy Drops


-Killer Bow


-Treasure Key




-Angel Robe

-Large Gold Bar (10000G)

-Master Proof

Turns 15

MVP Sumia+Tiamo

World Map

Right after you save it will take you to a cutscene that the gang is out in the midist of the night during a mild rainstorm. While a despearation tune plays, they discuss some things. Then some guy in red armor on a white stallion named Varuharuto shows up. He challenges Basilio and Flavia. They were no match for him. After a brief chat, we end back on the world map. Supports now are Sumia+Freddie. We also hear a different tune on the world map. We now do another encounter before we begin the next chapter. Only one encounter is available this time. During this encounter, I promote Lucina at the very start of this encounter. Routed up the remaining enemies before we begin the next chapter. Lucina's sword rank increased during this encounter. Also obtained Gold Bagx2. Now I head south in the western side of the map to begin the next chapter.

Chapter 18

It starts as some guy named Leonard is having a discussion with Ekusarai about something. Then the battle begins. Viole learns a new skill. Sumia's tome rank increased. Routed up the enemies and rescue spamming to get the treasure here as about a 3x3 worth of tile sinks into the lava every turn. Any character/Enemy that falls down into the lava will suffer 10 HP of damage before the enemy phase turn ends. Were fighting inside a volcano. Afterwards, we battle the boss. He has Vantage, but he's piss easy. Especially with Sumia, Soiree, and Freddie. =)

After defeating the boss. We then hear this new omnious tune and then this guy/girl with red sharp nails teleports into the fray. Talking to Sali about something. After we chat with the faggot, I then save the game!

Turns 7

MVP Sumia&Tiamo

World Map

Right after I save, it shows another cutscene as we are talking to Flavia to where to head to next. Since I'm out of time, time to bring fourth their stats.

Krom LV 20/6 EXP60

Class: Master Lord


HP 45/45

Power 23

Mag Pwr 4

Skill 22

Speed 25

Luck 24

Def 23

Res 11

Sword A Spear D

Skills:dualattack.pngDual Attack,charismae.pngCharisma,005sp.pngRefresh,aether.pngAether

Tiara LV 20/8 EXP40

Class: Grandmaster

HP 56/56

Power 20

Mag Pwr 14

Skill 21

Speed 24

Luck 20

Def 21

Res 12

Sword B Tome B

Skills:001pg.pngWar Knowledge, magicsquare.pngMagic Square,wonderflame.pngMagnificent Flame

Liz LV 20/9 EXP9

Class: Battle Monk


HP 44/44

Power 16

Mag Pwr 20

Skill 17

Speed 21

Luck 27

Def 17

Res 13

Axe C Staff A

Skills:017me.pngMiracle,018id.pngHealing Heart,luckcry.pngLuck Cry

Viole LV16/5 EXP76

Class: Bowknight


HP 39/39

Power 18

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 24+2

Speed 19

Luck 14

Def 10

Res 9

Sword D Bow A

Skills:skill2e.pngSkill+2,early.pngEarly Initiative,skillcry.pngSkill Cry

Miriel LV20/9 EXP36

Class: Sage


HP 44/44

Power 5

Mag Pwr 23+2

Skill 20

Speed 25

Luck 19

Def 17

Res 22

Tome A Staff C

Skills:magic2x.pngMagic+2,concentrationv.pngConcentration,019pk.pngMagic Cry

Sumia LV20/10 EXP95

Class: Dark Peg


HP 43/43

Power 13

Mag Pwr 19

Skill 35

Speed 35+2

Luck 22

Def 15

Res 21

Lance A Tome B

Skills:speed2n.pngSpeed+2,005sp.pngRefresh, Movement Cry

Mariabel LV20/11 EXP56

Class: Valkyrie


HP 42/42

Power 3

Mag Pwr 21

Skill 20

Speed 17 (Gave her a Speedwing)

Luck 27

Def 10

Res 23+2

Tome C Staff A

Skills: resistance2.pngRes+2,004oj.pngSeduced Lady,resistcry.pngResistence Cry

Soiree LV 20/9 EXP35

Class: Paladin


HP 45/45

Power 26

Mag Pwr 9

Skill 24

Speed 30

Luck 21

Def 20

Res 19

Sword A Lance A

Skills:discipline.pngDiscipline, outdoorbattle.pngOutdoor Battle, Defender

Tiamo LV20/9 EXP62

Class: Falcoknight


HP 47/47

Power 22

Mag Pwr 8

Skill 28

Speed 29+2

Luck 19

Def 20

Res 23

Lance A Staff E(Close to D rank)

Skills:speed2n.pngSpeed+2,005sp.pngRefresh, Speed Cry

Fredrick LV9/12/2 EXP41

Class: Draco Master


HP 48/48

Power 31+2

Mag Pwr 5

Skill 23

Speed 20

Luck 13

Def 19

Res 10 (Gave him a Talismen)

Lance A Axe A

Skills:discipline.pngDicipline, outdoorbattle.pngOutdoor Battle,lunaxy.pngLuna,011qz.pngStr+2, Ride Fast

No-No LV14 EXP58

Class: Manakete


HP 37/37

Power 14+8 (Gave her a Power Drop)

Mag Pwr 7+5

Skill 6+3

Speed 11+2

Luck 14

Def 9+10

Res 7+7

This is her stats with the Divinestone. Her actual stats are without the pluses.

Saria LV20/7 EXP87

Class: Sorcerer


HP 45/45

Power 7

Mag Pwr 25

Skill 13

Speed 23

Luck 14

Def 22

Res 17

Tome B(Close to A rank)

Skills:cursem.pngCurse,crimsoncurse.pngCrimson Curse, Vengence

Olivia LV14 EXP9

Class: Dancer


HP 33/33

Power 8

Mag Pwr 5

Skill 18

Speed 21

Luck 14+4

Def 7

Res 6

Sword D


Lucina LV20/2 EXP95

Class: Master Lord


HP 44/44

Power 18

Mag Pwr 8

Skill 29

Speed 33

Luck 24

Def 18

Res 16

Sword B Spear E

Skills:dualattack.pngDual Attack,charismae.pngCharisma,005sp.pngRefresh,aether.pngAether

Anna LV4 EXP68

Class: Trickster


HP 38/38

Power 13

Mag Pwr 18

Skill 24

Speed 22

Luck 26

Def 10

Res 12

Sword C Staff D

Skills: Move+1, Picklock

I still need to use Anna in indoor maps to open treasures and chests. Since Door and Treasure Keys are incredibly scarce in this game.

New Skills

Ride Fast

Hit and Avoid +10 if no allies within a 3 tile radius.

Resistence Cry

Resistance +4 to all allies within a 3 tile radius for one Turn when the Backup command is used.

Magnificent Flame

Adds half the user's Strength when attacking with magic and half the user's Magic when attacking with weapons.


Deals (user's Max HP - Current HP)/2 extra damage.


All stats +1 when Double is active.

Skill Cry

Skill +4 to all allies within a 3 tile radius for one Turn when the Backup command is used.

Magic Cry

Magic +4 to all allies within a 3 tile radius for one Turn when the Backup command is used.

Can't provide pictures for some of these because of the picture limit. I'm sorry.

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World Map

Supports Lucina+Krom (B support), Mariabel+Tiara) (C Support), Krom+Mariabel (B Support). First Krom+Mariabel. She's talking about Liz and boy to Krom. Probably saying that she's never left outside of her castle and that Liz and Krom Pince and Princess of Iris. Then Krom says Bu Liz (Don't know what the rest of this says). That's it. Krom seems happy toward the end of the convo. (B Support developed). Now Tiara+Mariabel. Mariabel talks to Tiara about Liz not feeling uneasy as she actually smiles throughout this convo. She seems comfortable around Tiara. ^^

I luv it when she smiles. I really do. I'll even make sure that her hands and nails don't come to any harm. She never got upset in this convo either. ^___^ Tiara is an absolute expert on not making people mad. ^___^ Anyway, (C Support developed). I didn't know what the rest of this said. Now Krom+Lucina (B support) Krom blushed in this one too. (B support developed) Don't know what any of this said. Base search. Had Libra+Greg search around. (Nothing happens) Sali+No-No (Nothing happens). Had Saria look around next and she finds some sword called Garasu. Now having Sol look around. A 16 of some sort happens. Freddie and Soiree now searches around. Bond developed and C Support started. In this support Freddie just practices outside while Soiree is likely saying in actual voice "Stop right there". =)

Freddie makes ^_^ face during the convo. Adorable. I can never get enough of seeing Mariabel-chan and Freddie-san smile. ^_^ (C Support developed) I then start some optional quest next.


Liz and Krom are talking outside in the meadow and after the conversation we begin in the battle with several Griffin Knights surrounding us. One of them drops a Harmain Staff upon killing him. Which will be great to pick off of his corpse. During this battle Tiamo's staff rank increased. Anna learned a new skill Lucky 7. No-No learned a new skill Dragon Buster. Saria's tome rank increased. Routed up alot of the Griffin Knights and Dark Pegs as they have already flooded the map in seconds and the NPC unit that I've tried to save died in the process. Didn't have a chance in hell to live. Just hope that this characters death doesn't bring impact upon the game. This by far has to be the hardest map that I have ever done in this run so far.

Turn 6

MVP Viole&Miriel

Now on to Encounter#9.


We start talking in the city. Nice paradice! Krom and Tiara talk about something. During the convo some civilian gets scared then some thief boss named Ryuukeru comes into the fray and talks about something. Before starting the battle, I do a support with Soiree+Sumia (B support). Sumia blushes during this convo too. ^_^ I then start the battle by repairing the Fortify staff with one of my 2 Harmain Staves. The boss that had it nearly used it all up. It actually had 2 uses left which only gave me one use before I would have to repair the staff. I then rout some tough enemies and get Krom to talk to Cynthia to get her to join our cause. It seems that the boss here can actually turn NPC units into enemies upon after the second turn of every turn onward. I kill the boss and end the encounter. After some cutscenes we then end back on the world map.



-Change Proof



-Large Gold Bar (Worth 10000G)

Turn 6

MVP Sumia&Tiamo

World Map

We now do some support convos with Cynthia+Krom (C Support), Lucina+Cynthia (C Support), and Miriel+Viole (A Support). Then we wander the base with Libra and she gets some bonus in luck and res. Then I initiate another 5 encounters to get Cynthia started before starting the next chapter. Anna is just going to be used for utility anyway. I do after all need an armored knight and Cythia fits the bill nicely. I've also used 2 of my three manuals on Tiamo to up her staff rank. She will need to use Recover to up her usefulness alot more in staves. A Goddess Statue was found at the end of the first encounter. 3000G was also obtained. I get another Goddess Statue during the second encounter that I am dying to give both of these to Freddie for better dodge and critical evasion. I also use a Talismen and a Goddess Statue on Freddie and a Power Drop on Viole. Cynthia's lance rank increased. She's already capped in speed after reaching LV19 during this encounter. (NO#2) She reached LV20 at the end of this encounter. After the second encounter I buy a Talismen (One time only). That's already 3 that they have in this game so far. And an Elthunder (on sale) (One time only), Dragon Killer (on sale) (one time only) and a Short Axe (on sale) (one time only). I do these encounters to round out my army alot more to get them prepared for the next chapter. During the start of my 3rd encounter, I use a Change Seal to make Cynthia into an Armor Knight. Then next turn I use the Boots on her as well. =)

Mariabel's tome rank increased (3rd encounter). Liz's axe rank increased upon the 4th encounter. At level 20/4 in the fourth encounter Cynthia already caps speed. She's already nearly ready to break this game! And she's not even a General yet. =)

During the fourth encounter Zihark I mean Viole's sword rank increased. During the 5th encounter Cynthia learns a new skill and I promote her to a General. =)

Krom's spear rank increased. I receive a Thoron tome in this encounter from one of the enemies. I then have Liz and No-No wonder the base. (Nothing happens), Vick and Krom next. Bond boost. Supports with Viole+Tiamo (B Support) and No-No+Viole (C Support). During the No-No+Viole support No-No said that she's a beautiful young woman. Viole laughs and No-No then says No-No's No-No. Viole then says "But your barely 10 yrs old". No-No blushes at the end of the convo. (C Support developed) After that I finally begin the next chapter. But that's tommorrow. Time to post their stats.

Krom LV 20/9 EXP2

Class: Master Lord


HP 48/48

Power 24

Mag Pwr 5

Skill 23

Speed 25

Luck 26

Def 25

Res 11

Sword A Spear C

Skills:dualattack.pngDual Attack,charismae.pngCharisma,005sp.pngRefresh,aether.pngAether

Tiara LV 20/9 EXP31

Class: Grandmaster

HP 57/57

Power 21

Mag Pwr 14

Skill 22

Speed 24

Luck 20

Def 21

Res 12

Sword B Tome B

Skills:001pg.pngWar Knowledge, magicsquare.pngMagic Square,wonderflame.pngMagnificent Flame

Liz LV 20/12 EXP89

Class: Battle Monk


HP 45/45

Power 16

Mag Pwr 22

Skill 20

Speed 22

Luck 29

Def 18

Res 14

Axe B Staff A

Skills:017me.pngMiracle,018id.pngHealing Heart,luckcry.pngLuck Cry

Viole LV16/10 EXP38

Class: Bowknight


HP 42/42

Power 20 (Gave him a Power Drop)

Mag Pwr 8

Skill 27+2

Speed 22

Luck 14

Def 11

Res 12

Sword C Bow A

Skills:skill2e.pngSkill+2,early.pngEarly Initiative,skillcry.pngSkill Cry

Miriel LV20/10 EXP96

Class: Sage


HP 45/45

Power 5

Mag Pwr 23+2

Skill 21

Speed 26

Luck 19

Def 18

Res 23

Tome A Staff C

Skills:magic2x.pngMagic+2,concentrationv.pngConcentration,019pk.pngMagic Cry

Sumia LV20/12 EXP78

Class: Dark Peg


HP 44/44

Power 14

Mag Pwr 20

Skill 36

Speed 37+2

Luck 23

Def 16

Res 21

Lance A Tome B

Skills:speed2n.pngSpeed+2,005sp.pngRefresh, Movement Cry

Mariabel LV20/14 EXP6

Class: Valkyrie


HP 43/43

Power 4

Mag Pwr 22

Skill 22

Speed 19

Luck 29

Def 10

Res 24+2

Tome C Staff A

Skills: resistance2.pngRes+2,004oj.pngSeduced Lady,resistcry.pngResistence Cry

Soiree LV 20/10 EXP95

Class: Paladin


HP 46/46

Power 27

Mag Pwr 9

Skill 24

Speed 31

Luck 22

Def 21

Res 19

Sword A Lance A

Skills:discipline.pngDiscipline, outdoorbattle.pngOutdoor Battle, Defender

Tiamo LV20/12 EXP33

Class: Falcoknight


HP 50/50

Power 24

Mag Pwr 8

Skill 29

Speed 31+2

Luck 21

Def 20

Res 24

Lance A Staff B (Used 2 Manuals after getting it to D rank naturally)

Skills:speed2n.pngSpeed+2,005sp.pngRefresh, Speed Cry

Fredrick LV9/12/3 EXP47

Class: Draco Master


HP 49/49

Power 32+2

Mag Pwr 5

Skill 24

Speed 21

Luck 17 (Gave him 2 Goddess Statues)

Def 19

Res 12 (Gave him a Talismen)

Lance A Axe A

Skills:discipline.pngDicipline, Outdoor Battle,lunaxy.pngLuna,011qz.pngStr+2, Ride Fast

No-No LV19 EXP69

Class: Manakete


HP 42/42

Power 17+8

Mag Pwr 7+5

Skill 11+3

Speed 14+2

Luck 17

Def 13+10

Res 10+7

This is her stats with the Divinestone. Her actual stats are without the pluses.

Saria LV20/10 EXP12

Class: Sorcerer


HP 46/46

Power 9

Mag Pwr 28

Skill 13

Speed 26

Luck 14

Def 23

Res 18

Tome A

Skills:cursem.pngCurse,crimsoncurse.pngCrimson Curse, Vengence

Olivia LV14 EXP9

Class: Dancer


HP 33/33

Power 8

Mag Pwr 5

Skill 18

Speed 21

Luck 14+4

Def 7

Res 6

Sword D


Lucina LV20/5 EXP17


Class: Master Lord

HP 47/47

Power 20

Mag Pwr 9

Skill 29

Speed 35

Luck 25

Def 20

Res 17

Sword B Spear E

Skills:dualattack.pngDual Attack,charismae.pngCharisma,005sp.pngRefresh,aether.pngAether

Anna LV5 EXP56


Class: Trickster

HP 38/38

Power 15

Mag Pwr 19

Skill 24

Speed 22

Luck 27

Def 10

Res 12

Sword C Staff D

Skills: Move+1, Picklock

Cynthia LV20/10/1 EXP17


Class: General

HP 68/68

Power 33

Mag Pwr 10

Skill 33

Speed 30+2

Luck 31

Def 30+2

Res 18

Spear B (Close to A Rank) Axe E

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh, Indoors Battle, Aether, Def+2

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World Map

I initiate some base convos with Libra. Some temp boost received. Greg searches and finds Sigurd's Lance. Freddie+Olivia. Bond support received. Greg searches again and now finds a Glass Axe. Vick searches and gets a temporary skill and defensive boost. Finally, time to begin the next chapter.

Chapter 19

After a scene, it shows the faggot discussing Greybeard's failure while this sinister tune plays again. Then the guy Valharuto (The guy who dealt with Basalio and Flavia) shows up getting pissed off at the faggot and Greybeard. Probably mad at their failures. The greybeard leaves and the faggot is left there by himself. Now the battle begins. After sorting out some items the battle begins as it plays some rebellious tune. After a brief cutscene the battle starts. Since this is a pretty tough battle. Here is what I gave them...


-Killer Lance


-Short Spear



-Kill Sword

-Thunder Sword


-Bronze Spear


-Divine Dragonstone


-Kill Sword

-Glass Sword

-Killer Bow

-Great Bow








-Silver Lance






-Silver Axe

-Killer Axe

-Short Axe




-Alm's Sword

-Fin's Lance

-Silver Sword




-Silver Axe

-Killer Axe

-Silver Lance

-Short Axe



-Iron Sword


-Killer Lance

-Bronze Axe

-Steel Lance


-Hand Axe


-Silver Sword

-Kill Sword





-Arc Fire


-Arc Thunder

-Silver Lance



-Arc Thunder

-Arc Fire








-Arc Thunder

-Arc Wind


-Silver Bow


-Silver Axe

-Arc Wind

-Silver Sword

-Silver Lance

-Sol Sword

After going through a tough battle needing Fortify to stay alive here as the enemies hit pretty hard. After I defeat the boss, alot of NPC come to Krom's rescue. Probably soldiers that serve Iris. We then get switched back to the faggot. After the cutscene, we then see Krom's force charge through the gates ending the chapter.

Turns 5

MVP Tiara&Sumia

World Map

I first buy the God Dragon Stone (Real One) (On sale) (One time only), Kill Sword, Dragon Killer, Elthunder, Rescue Staff (Sale for Elthunder and Rescue Staff). All of these are 1 time only buys before the shop doesn't sell them anymore. The shop also disappears after you leave it. Keep that in mind. I've sold all 10 of my Gold Bags and the medium gold bar to get the money of course. Base convo time. I have Vick+Libra wander around and nothing happens. Supports now are Freddie+Liz (C Support), Viole+Soiree (B Support) and Tiara+Sumia (B Support). Viole and Soiree have a little fight in this one as Soiree says "What are you saying"? "If you have something to say, then say it." Anyway, (C Support developed). During the Freddie+Liz convo, Liz gets annoyed by Freddie saying things that Freddie is curious about that Liz does not want to talk about. It seems that Liz wants to give him something. But what? Liz does wink a few times in this convo. (B Support developed) I now begin the next chapter.

Chapter 20

Now this is getting interesting. During this discussion with the faggot and 2 other sinister characters the faggot screamed "Ahhhh". I laughed so hard at that. xD

The battle now starts as I must face tough troops (Mostly armors) along with 3 bosses at once. The greaybeard, the faggot, and the boss who made short work of Basilio and Flavia. I start by using a Talismen on Krom and an Angel Robe on Viole as he isn't keeping up well in durability. Olivia learned a new skill. Mariabel learned a new skill. Lucina's spear rank increased. Cynthia learns a new skill. I give the Dragonshield to Viole. Tiamo learned a new skill. I actually lred the boss by mistake not knowing that he actually can move. I actually had to use a few Rescue Staff uses after I had Anna grab the eastern treasure before rescuing her a few times to get to the western ones. I then kill the boss and Cynithia's Spear Rank increased. He dropped a Large Gold Bar (10000G) upon killing him to end the chapter. After some cutscenes the chapter ends. Stat time!






-Long Bow

-Large Gold Bar (10000G)


-Time Stone

-Spirit Dust

-Change Proof

-God Dragon Stone

Krom LV 20/11 EXP98

Class: Master Lord


HP 50/50

Power 25

Mag Pwr 5

Skill 24

Speed 26

Luck 27

Def 27

Res 14 (Gave him a Talismen)

Sword A Spear C

Skills:dualattack.pngDual Attack,charismae.pngCharisma,005sp.pngRefresh,aether.pngAether

Tiara LV 20/10 EXP58

Class: Grandmaster

HP 58/58

Power 22

Mag Pwr 15

Skill 23

Speed 25

Luck 21

Def 22

Res 12

Sword B Tome B

Skills:001pg.pngWar Knowledge, magicsquare.pngMagic Square,wonderflame.pngMagnificent Flame

Liz LV 20/14 EXP21

Class: Battle Monk


HP 47/47

Power 17

Mag Pwr 23

Skill 21

Speed 22

Luck 30

Def 18

Res 15

Axe B Staff A

Skills:017me.pngMiracle,018id.pngHealing Heart,luckcry.pngLuck Cry

Viole LV16/11 EXP72

Class: Bowknight


HP 48/48 (Gave him an Angel Robe)

Power 21

Mag Pwr 8

Skill 27+2

Speed 23

Luck 14

Def 13 (Gave him a Dracoshield)

Res 12

Sword C Bow A

Skills: Skill+2, Early Initiative, Skill Cry

Miriel LV20/13 EXP70

Class: Sage


HP 46/46

Power 5

Mag Pwr 25+2

Skill 23

Speed 29

Luck 19

Def 18

Res 24

Tome A Staff C

Skills:magic2x.pngMagic+2,concentrationv.pngConcentration,019pk.pngMagic Cry

Sumia LV20/14 EXP36

Class: Dark Peg


HP 45/45

Power 14

Mag Pwr 20

Skill 38

Speed 39+2

Luck 25

Def 17

Res 21

Lance A Tome B

Skills:speed2n.pngSpeed+2,005sp.pngRefresh, Movement Cry

Mariabel LV20/16 EXP11

Class: Valkyrie


HP 43/43

Power 4

Mag Pwr 23

Skill 24

Speed 21

Luck 30

Def 10

Res 25+2

Tome B Staff A

Skills: resistance2.pngRes+2,004oj.pngSeduced Lady,resistcry.pngResistence Cry, dualsupport.pngDuel Support

Soiree LV 20/13 EXP46

Class: Paladin


HP 48/48

Power 28

Mag Pwr 10

Skill 25

Speed 32

Luck 24

Def 23

Res 19

Sword A Lance A

Skills: Discipline, Outdoor Battle, Defender

Tiamo LV20/15 EXP3

Class: Falcoknight


HP 52/52

Power 26+5

Mag Pwr 9

Skill 30

Speed 34+2

Luck 24

Def 20

Res 24

Lance A Staff B

Skills:speed2n.pngSpeed+2,005sp.pngRefresh, speedcry.pngSpeed Cry, lanceexpert.pngLance Expert

Fredrick LV9/12/4 EXP41

Class: Draco Master


HP 50/50

Power 33+2

Mag Pwr 5

Skill 25

Speed 22

Luck 17

Def 19

Res 13

Lance A Axe A

Skills:discipline.pngDicipline, outdoorbattle.pngOutdoor Battle,lunaxy.pngLuna,011qz.pngStr+2, Ride Fast

No-No LV20 EXP55

Class: Manakete


HP 42/42

Power 18+8 18+11

Mag Pwr 7+5 7+6

Skill 11+3 11+5

Speed 15+2 15+4

Luck 18 18

Def 14+10 14+13

Res 11+7 11+9

Skills: oddbio.pngOdd Biorhythem, dragonbuster.pngDragon Buster

This is her stats with the Divinestone. Her actual stats are without the pluses. The other stats (2nd one) are with the God Dragon Stone.

Saria LV20/14 EXP4

Class: Sorcerer


HP 48/48

Power 9

Mag Pwr 29

Skill 13

Speed 28

Luck 16

Def 25

Res 19

Tome A

Skills: Curse, Crimson Curse, Vengence

Olivia LV16 EXP11

Class: Dancer


HP 34/34

Power 9

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 19

Speed 23

Luck 16+4

Def 7

Res 7

Sword D

Skills:luck4.pngLuck+4, Special Dance

Lucina LV20/5 EXP17


Class: Master Lord

HP 48/48

Power 21

Mag Pwr 10

Skill 30

Speed 35

Luck 25

Def 20

Res 17

Sword B Spear D

Skills:dualattack.pngDual Attack,charismae.pngCharisma,005sp.pngRefresh,aether.pngAether

Anna LV6 EXP88


Class: Trickster

HP 39/39

Power 13

Mag Pwr 20

Skill 25

Speed 22

Luck 27

Def 11

Res 13

Sword C(About B rank) Staff D

Skills: Move+1, Picklock, Lucky 7

Cynthia LV20/10/5 EXP53



HP 72/72

Power 34

Mag Pwr 10

Skill 36

Speed 33+2

Luck 35

Def 31+2

Res 22

Spear A Axe E(About at D rank)

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh, Aether, Def+2,012nh.pngDef Cry

New Skills

Def Cry

Defence +4 to all allies within a 3 tile radius for one Turn when the Backup command is used.

Duel Support

Increases the effect of support bonuses.

Lance Expert

Strength +5 when equipped with a lance (Magic +5 when equipped with a magic lance)

Dragon Buster

Deals effective damage to dragon units when user is a Manakete.

Odd Biorhythem

Accuracy and Avoid +10 during odd numbered Turns.

Special Dance

Strength, Magic, Defence and Resistance +2 for one Turn for the unit who receives the user's Dance

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Fire Emblem Awakening


World Map

I buy a Spirit Dust (One time only), Elwind (For sale) (One Time only), Angel Robe (One time only), Concoction (For sale) (One time only), Flux. I then have Saili+Soiree, Lucina+Tiamo, Sumia+Greg, Anna+Libra wander the base an nothing happens. Olivia+Krom (Bond boost). Maybe a support with them will now begin. And didn't. Support now with Krom+Cynthia (B Support) (B Support developed). I now begin the chapter.

Chapter 21

After a cutscene and an FMV, it shows us meeting Inverse and Fauda while some satonic tune plays. After a brief chat the battle begins. I start by using 2 Spirit dusts on Tiamo, so her staff range won't suck so much and giving Cynthia the Manual to up her Axe level again right after it reaches D level at the start of this battle. The boss here is nothing to write home about that you shouldn't take likely with his high critical rates (high skill) along with that Tomahawk of his. I pick off the stragglers that are headed my way and Anna's Sword level increased. Using her again as this is another indoor map. Sumia learned a new skill. Krom's spear rank increased. Freddie learned a new skill. Liz learns a new skill renewal. I defeat the boss and pick the Bolt Axe off of his corpse to end the chapter.


-Treasure Keyx2


-Bolt Axe



-Nopulu Rapier

-Secret Book


-Large Gold Bar (Worth 10000G)


Turns 10

MVP Krom&Freddie

World Map

They now have a Fortify, Bolgannon, and a Hero Axe for sale which are all one time only buys which I happily get. I've then sold all my uneeded Master and Change Proofs, All 4 of my large gold bars, and a Secret Book. I then buy Physicx3, Barrierx2, Arc Fire, wind, thunder x3, Killer Lances X3, Kill Swords X3, and 5 temporary Speed and Mag boosts. Which I needed to make Mariabel's speed better and for Tiamo's staff range to get better in a couple of chapters. They have these for sale now ONLY starting at this point of the game. And you can buy as many of them as you want. With the exception of Fortify and the Hero Axe. I then initiate a support with Krom+Freddie (A Support) (A Support developed). I then have Olivia wander the base and she finds Leaf's Prizesword. Awesome! Now I go to begin the next chapter.

Chapter 22

After sorting out some weapons and items. I then begin the battle. Another tough battle. Here is what I'm using here to have a chance.



-Goddess Icon


-Short Spear



-Silver Lance



-Silver Sword

-Armor Killer

-Sigurd's Lance




-Iron Sword


-Arc Thunder






-Killer Axe

-Silver Lance


-Short Spear



-Silver Axe

-Bolt Axe





-Leaf's Prizesword

-Sol Sword


-Arc Thunder

-Temp Mag Boost+2






-Arc Thunder


-God Dragonstone

-Divine Dragonstone


-Killer Bow

-Armor Killer

-Thunder Sword

-Kill Sword









-Iron Spear



-Kill Sword



-Killer Axe

-Silver Lance

-Short Axe

-Shibireru Lance

-Silver Axe

It also plays some kind of satonic music in this chapter. During the battle, Miriel learned a new skill. Miriel's staff rank increased. Soiree learned a new skill. After defeating some tough enemies and the boss the chapter ends. This is also one of the chapters to have no reinforcements.

Turns 8

MVP Soiree&Miriel

World Map

Several new wares are now available to buy. I buy 1 time only things again. Which are Hero Sword, Hero Axe, Hero Bow, Hero Lance, Thunder Sword. Take note that whenever you buy these rare weapons/items, make sure they are bought before you leave the store. As Anna will disappear from the map. I've also sold Bronze, Iron, Steel weapons and anything that is close to breaking to get the money to pay for all this. And there was a Secret Book in one of the stores, but didn't need it. Support Viole+Freddie (B Support), Saria+Freddie (C Support) and Soiree+Miriel (B Support). (Support bonuses developed) Base searching with Freddie who gets a temporary boost in Skill and Speed. Serge+Miriel searches and gets a bond boost. I then begin the next chapter.

Chapter 23


-Arc Fire

-Silver Lance

-Silver Sword

-Dragon Killer

-Silver Bow


It starts with some cutscenes with Tiara and Krom. Then the battle begins. Sumia's tome rank increased. Liz's axe rank increased. Saria learned a new skill. Used my second and last Harmain Staff to repair the Thoron tome. As Mariabel is trucking well with this tome. =)

Harmain staves only have one use in this game before the staff breaks and it's gone. So far, I've only found 2 of these in the whole game. So that's only 2 uses. There might be a 3rd one, but that is yet to be confirmed. I rout up the tough enemies with powerful weapons to have a chance at finishing this chapter at a reasonable amount of turns. This is another indoors map and only Krom and My Unit can battle the boss here. So make sure to give them some Elixirs before you begin this battle. It plays some different sinister tune and has some black fog enveloping the insides of the castle. It's rather cool. =)

And Krom learns a new skill as I kill the boss. The battle actually continues. Basilio and Flavia come into the battle and joins us. Better be worth it for their base stats and skills upon their joining time. Especially this late in the game. Some reinforcements show up and battling them, Viole learns a new skill during this heat of combat. During the next turn, I kill the boss getting Cynthia to gut him with a Killer Axe. He drops a Talismen upon killing him.

Turns 5

MVP Liz&Viole

World Map

An encounter is finally available. Only use for this one is to train any characters that have not yet reached LV15 to learn their skill. But that's tommorrow. =)

Time to post their stats.

Krom LV 20/15 EXP19

Class: Master Lord


HP 54/54

Power 27

Mag Pwr 5

Skill 25

Speed 27

Luck 31

Def 27

Res 15

Sword A Spear B

Skills:dualattack.pngDual Attack,charismae.pngCharisma,005sp.pngRefresh,aether.pngAether, royalweapon.pngRoyal Weapon

Tiara LV 20/10 EXP58

Class: Grandmaster

HP 58/58

Power 22

Mag Pwr 15

Skill 23

Speed 25

Luck 21

Def 22

Res 12

Sword B Tome B

Skills: War Knowledge, Magic Square, Magnificent Flame

Liz LV 20/16 EXP83

Class: Battle Monk


HP 54/54(Gave her an Angel Robe)

Power 17

Mag Pwr 24

Skill 22

Speed 22

Luck 32

Def 18

Res 15

Axe A Staff A

Skills:017me.pngMiracle,018id.pngHealing Heart,luckcry.pngLuck Cry, renewal.pngRenewal

Viole LV16/15 EXP16

Class: Bowknight


HP 51/51

Power 25

Mag Pwr 9

Skill 29+2

Speed 26

Luck 15

Def 13

Res 14

Sword C Bow A

Skills: Skill+2, Early Initiative, Skill Cry, bowslayer.pngBow Slayer

Miriel LV20/16 EXP66

Class: Sage


HP 48/48

Power 5

Mag Pwr 26+7

Skill 24

Speed 31

Luck 22

Def 19

Res 25

Tome A Staff B

Skills:magic2x.pngMagic+2,concentrationv.pngConcentration,019pk.pngMagic Cry, 020nw.pngMagic Expert

Sumia LV20/16 EXP41

Class: Dark Peg


HP 47/47

Power 15

Mag Pwr 20

Skill 38

Speed 41+2

Luck 26

Def 18

Res 21

Lance A Tome A

Skills:speed2n.pngSpeed+2,005sp.pngRefresh, Movement Cry, 009mw.pngLightening Speed

Mariabel LV20/19 EXP22

Class: Valkyrie


HP 45/45

Power 4

Mag Pwr 24

Skill 26

Speed 24

Luck 32

Def 10

Res 26+2

Tome B Staff A

Skills: resistance2.pngRes+2,004oj.pngSeduced Lady,resistcry.pngResistence Cry, dualsupport.pngDuel Support

Soiree LV 20/16 EXP22

Class: Paladin


HP 51/51

Power 29

Mag Pwr 11

Skill 28

Speed 33

Luck 26

Def 23

Res 19

Sword A Lance A

Skills:discipline.pngDiscipline, outdoorbattle.pngOutdoor Battle,007rn.pngDefender, holyshield.pngHoly Shield

Tiamo LV20/17 EXP7

Class: Falcoknight


HP 52/52

Power 26+5

Mag Pwr 13 (Gave her 2 Spirit Dusts)

Skill 30

Speed 36+2

Luck 25

Def 21

Res 24

Lance A Staff B

Skills:speed2n.pngSpeed+2,005sp.pngRefresh, speedcry.pngSpeed Cry, lanceexpert.pngLance Expert

Fredrick LV9/12/6 EXP

Class: Draco Master


HP 52/52

Power 35+2

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 25

Speed 23

Luck 17

Def 19

Res 13

Lance A Axe A

Skills: Dicipline, Luna, Str+2, Ride Fast,015yh.pngHot Start

No-No LV24 EXP65

Class: Manakete


HP 47/47

Power 20+8 18+11

Mag Pwr 8+5 7+6

Skill 14+3 11+5

Speed 18+2 15+4

Luck 21 18

Def 17+10 14+13

Res 11+7 11+9

Skills: Odd Biorhythem, Dragon Buster

This is her stats with the Divinestone. Her actual stats are without the pluses. The other stats (2nd one) are with the God Dragon Stone.

Saria LV20/15 EXP81

Class: Sorcerer


HP 48/48

Power 10

Mag Pwr 29

Skill 14

Speed 29

Luck 16

Def 25

Res 19

Tome A

Skills: Curse, Crimson Curse, Vengence, tomeslayer.pngMagic Slayer

Olivia LV18 EXP54

Class: Dancer


HP 36/36

Power 11

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 21

Speed 24

Luck 17+4

Def 7

Res 8

Sword D

Skills: Luck+4, Special Dance

Lucina LV20/10 EXP6


Class: Master Lord

HP 50/50

Power 22

Mag Pwr 10

Skill 32

Speed 36

Luck 27

Def 23

Res 17

Sword B Spear D

Skills:dualattack.pngDual Attack,charismae.pngCharisma,005sp.pngRefresh,aether.pngAether

Anna LV7 EXP73


Class: Trickster

HP 39/39

Power 14

Mag Pwr 21

Skill 26

Speed 22

Luck 28

Def 11

Res 13

Sword B Staff D

Skills: Move+1, Picklock

Cynthia LV20/10/10 EXP49



HP 77/77

Power 36

Mag Pwr 11

Skill 38

Speed 34+2

Luck 38

Def 33+2

Res 23

Spear A Axe C

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh, Aether, Def+2, Def Cry

Royal Weapon

Adds 10% to Skill activation rates


Recover 30% HP at the start of each Turn

Bow Slayer

Hit and Avoid +50 when the enemy is equipped with a bow

Lightening Speed

Allows the user another full action after they defeat an enemy during the user's Turn (only once per Turn)

Holy Shield

Halves damage from bows, tomes and dragonstones

Magic Slayer

Hit and Avoid +50 when the enemy is equipped with a tome

Hot Start

Hit and Avoid +15 at the start of the chapter. Effect decreases with each passing Turn.

Magic Expert

Magic +5 when equipped with a Tome.

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World Map

I start the encounter then do a Liz+Viole (C Support). I then begin the next 2 encounters and found a different E ranked staff hidden in the sand of the first encounter. Got a Speedwing from the first encounter. So far only 2 have been found in the game. I'm planning to use it on Mariabel. Before beginning the second encounter, I now do a support with Olivia+Viole (C Support). Then I do the second encounter and find some bladelike weapon that looks alot like a ninja star. I sell the 6 gold bags and buy a Tomahawk and an Elixir (Both one time only buys). I then start wandering the base with Flavia and she gets a 29 of some sort. Soiree+Velvet (nothing happens). Vick+Sumia (nothing happens). Anna+Greg (Nothing happens). Gaia+Soiree (Bond developed). I then begin the chapter.

Chapter 24





-Gold Bar (5000G)

-Surend Spear

After a brief discussion with Tiara out in a waterfally rainbow scenery. We then begin the battle. I use the Speedwing on Mariabel, used the Goddess Icon on Viole, and used the Talismen on Tiara. I rout up the enemies and during the battle here Viole's sword rank increased during the midist of this battle. Tiara has reached LV15 and has learned a new skill. I also receive the real Falchion at the end of this battle.

Turns 9

MVP Sumia+Tiamo

World Map

I do another encounter that they now have available. I use this encounter to continue to level up anyone who hasn't reached LV15 yet. Tiara's tome and sword rank increased. Cynthia's Axe rank increased. Lucina's spear level increased. Encounter cleared. I've then sold all 4 of my gold bags and gold bar. Then I've bought some gold spear, Killer Axe (For sale) (One time only), and 2 Relives. Base search. Miriel+Callium (Bond developed). Supports Freddie+Tiara and Tiara+Lucina (Both B Support). I then begin the next chapter.

Chapter 25



-Thunder Sword

After some scenes the chapter begins. During this battle Cynthia learns a new skill Great Shield!!! I rout up the remaining enemies while having to battle alot of pretty bitches on winged ponies and Griffons and some Mages with Slime spells that in the process. Slime unlike FE2, it can attack from a distance determining by your mag for the distence of course. =)

I receive the dark tome Guteia after killing the boss.

Turns 7

MVP Fredrick&Viole

Time to post their stats....

(Last Update)

Krom LV 20/17 EXP20

Class: Master Lord


HP 56/56

Power 28

Mag Pwr 5

Skill 26

Speed 28

Luck 32

Def 28

Res 15

Sword A Spear B

Skills:dualattack.pngDual Attack,charismae.pngCharisma,005sp.pngRefresh,aether.pngAether, royalweapon.pngRoyal Weapon

Tiara LV 20/16 EXP29

Class: Grandmaster

HP 65/65

Power 25

Mag Pwr 16

Skill 25

Speed 29

Luck 24

Def 26

Res 17 (Gave her a Talismen)

Sword A Tome A

Skills:001pg.pngWar Knowledge, magicsquare.pngMagic Square,wonderflame.pngMagnificent Flame, rainbowcry.pngRainbow Cry

Liz LV 20/19 EXP82

Class: Battle Monk


HP 56/56

Power 18

Mag Pwr 25

Skill 23

Speed 23

Luck 34

Def 20

Res 17

Axe A Staff A

Skills:017me.pngMiracle,018id.pngHealing Heart,luckcry.pngLuck Cry, renewal.pngRenewal

Viole LV16/18 EXP76

Class: Bowknight


HP 53/53

Power 28

Mag Pwr 10

Skill 31+2

Speed 28

Luck 20

Def 13

Res 15

Sword B Bow A

Skills: Skill+2, Early Initiative, Skill Cry, Bow Slayer

Miriel LV20/19 EXP64

Class: Sage


HP 50/50

Power 5

Mag Pwr 28+7

Skill 27

Speed 33

Luck 22

Def 19

Res 26

Tome A Staff B

Skills:magic2x.pngMagic+2,concentrationv.pngConcentration,019pk.pngMagic Cry,020nw.pngMagic Expert

Sumia LV20/20 EXP--

Class: Dark Peg


HP 48/48

Power 16

Mag Pwr 20

Skill 38

Speed 42+2

Luck 27

Def 18

Res 22

Lance A Tome A

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh, Movement Cry, 009mw.pngLightening Speed

Mariabel LV20/20 EXP-

Class: Valkyrie


HP 45/45

Power 4

Mag Pwr 24

Skill 26

Speed 27 (Gave her a speedwing)

Luck 33

Def 10

Res 27+2

Tome B Staff A

Skills: resistance2.pngRes+2,004oj.pngSeduced Lady,resistcry.pngResistence Cry, dualsupport.pngDuel Support

Soiree LV 20/17 EXP81

Class: Paladin


HP 52/52

Power 30

Mag Pwr 11

Skill 29

Speed 34

Luck 27

Def 23

Res 19

Sword A Lance A

Skills: Discipline, Outdoor Battle, Defender, holyshield.pngHoly Shield

Tiamo LV20/19 EXP74

Class: Falcoknight


HP 53/53

Power 27+5

Mag Pwr 13

Skill 32

Speed 38+2

Luck 26

Def 22

Res 26

Lance A Staff B

Skills:speed2n.pngSpeed+2,005sp.pngRefresh, speedcry.pngSpeed Cry, lanceexpert.pngLance Expert

Fredrick LV9/12/9 EXP3

Class: Draco Master


HP 55/55

Power 37+2

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 26

Speed 25

Luck 17

Def 21

Res 15

Lance A Axe A

Skills: Dicipline, Luna, Str+2, Ride Fast, Hot Start

No-No LV27 EXP39

Class: Manakete


HP 47/47

Power 20+8 20+11

Mag Pwr 8+5 8+6

Skill 17+3 17+5

Speed 20+2 20+4

Luck 23 23

Def 19+10 19+13

Res 12+7 12+9

Skills: Odd Biorhythem, Dragon Buster

This is her stats with the Divinestone. Her actual stats are without the pluses. The other stats (2nd one) are with the God Dragon Stone.

Saria LV20/17 EXP4

Class: Sorcerer


HP 49/49

Power 11

Mag Pwr 31

Skill 14

Speed 30

Luck 17

Def 26

Res 21

Tome A

Skills: Curse, Crimson Curse, Vengence, Magic Slayer

Olivia LV19 EXP98

Class: Dancer


HP 37/37

Power 12

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 22

Speed 25

Luck 18+4

Def 7

Res 8

Sword D

Skills: Luck+4, Special Dance

Lucina LV20/14 EXP89


Class: Master Lord

HP 53/53

Power 25

Mag Pwr 11

Skill 33

Speed 39

Luck 31

Def 25

Res 20

Sword B Spear C

Skills:dualattack.pngDual Attack,charismae.pngCharisma,005sp.pngRefresh,aether.pngAether

Cynthia LV20/10/16 EXP27



HP 80/80 (capped)

Power 37

Mag Pwr 14

Skill 42

Speed 40+2 (Capped)

Luck 41

Def 36+2

Res 25

Spear A Axe B

Skills: speed2n.pngSpeed+2, 005sp.pngRefresh, aether.pngAether, defence2q.pngDef+2,greatshield.pngGreat Shield

World Map

I start with 2 (A Supports) with Krom+Soiree and Tiara+Viole. Then I search the base with Krom and nothing happens. Callum+Sol (Bond Boost) and Callum+Greg) and nothing happens. I now sold any uneeded stuff such as Iron, steel, and a couple of extra silvers to get the cash to buy the Hero Axe, Sword, and Lance. Then I begin the chapter.

Final Chapter

After some cutscenes we begin the battle. After the battle the credits shows and the game ends. I've obviously lost Olivia in this chapter. But we made it through with everyone else. =)

Now to try my second run of this trying different characters and hope to get some children next time. Then the spotpass stuff. =)

Turns 5

MVP Tiamo&Viole

New Skills Learned

Rainbow Cry

All stats +4 to all allies within a 3 tile radius for one Turn when the Backup command is used.

Great Shield

Halves damage from swords, lances, axes and beaststones.

Edited by Katarina
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  • 7 months later...

My second run...

(I've actually done this run a few months ago.)

Second Run Log.....

Krom LV 20/5 EXP14

Class: Social Knight


HP 39/39

Power 25

Mag Pwr 5

Skill 25

Speed 28

Luck 22

Def 18

Res 6

Sword A Spear D

Skills:dualattack.pngDual Attack,charismae.pngCharisma, discipline.pngDiscipline

Planning to make him like Sigurd.

Rune LV 20/10/2 EXP17


Class: Dark Peg

HP 43/43

Power 25

Mag Pwr 19

Skill 21

Speed 24+2

Luck 16

Def 17

Res 16

Lance D (Close to C) Tome B

Skills: War Knowledge, magicsquare.png Magic Square, speed2n.pngSpeed+2, Refresh

Going to make MU into a laser tank. =3 She has long black hair with a slender body and that she looks kind of like Micaiah cleavagewise.

Liz LV 20/5 EXP12

Class: Pegasus Knight


HP 31/31

Power 13

Mag Pwr 15

Skill 19

Speed 22+2

Luck 24

Def 13

Res 17

Lance E (Close to D) Staff A (Locked until Falco Knight)

Skills:017me.pngMiracle,018id.pngHealing Heart, speed2n.pngSpeed+2

Want to make her grace in the skies to eventually make her into a Falco Knight in the end.

Tiamo LV20/8 EXP78

Class: Merc


HP 38/38

Power 16

Mag Pwr 4

Skill 21

Speed 17+2

Luck 12

Def 13

Res 5

Sword D

Skills:speed2n.pngSpeed+2, Refresh, Weapon Saver

Saria LV20/17 EXP4

Class: Dark Knight


HP 43/43

Power 9

Mag Pwr 20

Skill 11

Speed 21

Luck 13

Def 18

Res 10

Sword E Tome C

Skills: Curse, Crimson Curse

Giving her a touch with Steel soothing with her nature. I can in fact write lots of stories about her. Possessed like Final Fantasy IV Dark Knight. I surely would love to see her under Zemus' control. xD

Olivia LV4 EXP98

Class: Dancer



I'm not going to lie, but it was gratifying to see her bounce upon the horizon. Killed by some possessed soldiers in Chapter 13. I might even make a haters list and Olivia and Est are a start.



Not yet raised, but maditory to completing the game! And adorable as always. ^-^

Ronku LV20 EXP-

Class: Swordfighter

HP 32/32

Power 16

Mag Pwr 1

Skill 23

Speed 28

Luck 17

Def 9

Res 8

Sword A

Skills: Avoid+10, Vantage

Planning to make him a Swordmaster and that they are only locked to Swords is why I haven't promoted him earlier.

Rihito LV20/2 EXP65

Class: Dark Knight

HP 46/46

Power 10

Mag Pwr 22+2

Skill 18

Speed 16

Luck 23

Def 21

Res 11

Sword E Tome A


Want to make this a Darkness run and Olivia will just embarass us and fuck this up. Dark Warriors all the way!!!!!

Sol LV17 EXP59

Class: Social Knight

HP 35/35

Power 18

Mag Pwr 0

Skill 15

Speed 14

Luck 12

Def 18

Res 5

Sword B Lance A

Skills: Discipline, Outdoor Battle

Pallie soon enough.

Gaia LV20/3 EXP38


Class: Assassin

HP 42/42

Power 24

Mag Pwr 1

Skill 33

Speed 35

Luck 16

Def 12 (Used a Dragonshield)

Res 7

Sword B Bow E

Skills: Picklock, Movement+1

Oh gawd. He's just so darn cool and avoids like heck. He may be my most favorite character in the game next to Saria. Too bad though that it's not recommended to put him in the fray of several enemies as his defenses aren't so great. But I luv him anyway. Plus that bear badge on his jacket makes me luv him more. <3

Donny LV20/8 EXP4

Class: Merc

HP 42/42

Power 25

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 27 (Capped)

Speed 25 (Capped)

Luck 33 (Capped)

Def 26 (Capped)

Res 11

Sword C

Skills: Good Growths, Weak Beats Strong, Weapon Saver

Good god he is awesome! Just wait until he's a Hero. He will definitely break this game in no time at all. Use him especially if you aren't pairing.

Mack LV11 EXP51

Class: Strategist

HP 34/34

Power 18

Mag Pwr 12

Skill 17

Speed 16

Luck 14

Def 13

Res 10

Sword C Tome C

Skills: War Knowledge, Royal Weapon, Magic Square, Refresh

My fist child and it's MU and Krom's as I've paired them with S before the deadline. Gets legit now. =) Can't wait for Mariabel's, Miriel's, Tiamo's, Liz's, and Saria's as thier children will be filling my remaining roosters. Marialbel and Anna are being used for staff utility until I can get the children and to get Mack to Sage to have him used staves as my low supply of staff users really isn't good at all.

God damn 20 minutes. Shit, I have alot to do once computer repair is initiated!

Second Run Log.....

Krom LV 20/10/4 EXP59

Class: Paladin


HP 39/39

Power 32

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 30

Speed 26

Luck 29

Def 24

Res 15

Sword A Spear B

Skills:dualattack.pngDual Attack,charismae.pngCharisma, discipline.pngDiscipline, Outdoor Battle

He's like Sigurd now. =)

Rune LV 20/10/4 EXP13


Class: Dark Peg

HP 45/45

Power 27

Mag Pwr 19

Skill 23

Speed 26+2

Luck 17

Def 19

Res 16

Lance D (Close to C) Tome B

Skills: War Knowledge, magicsquare.png Magic Square, speed2n.pngSpeed+2, Refresh

She is now a moving laser tank. =3

I'll just need a Thoron tome and independance day time!!!!!

She has long black hair with a slender body and that she looks kind of like Micaiah cleavagewise.

Liz LV 20/10/1 EXP59

Class: Falcoknight


HP 38/38

Power 18

Mag Pwr 18

Skill 24

Speed 27+2

Luck 27

Def 15

Res 22

Lance D (Close to C) Staff B

Skills:017me.pngMiracle,018id.pngHealing Heart, speed2n.pngSpeed+2, Refresh

She's great either as a Battle Monk, or a Falcoknight. =)

Tiamo LV20/10/4 EXP9

Class: Bow Knight


HP 48/48

Power 22

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 25

Speed 22+2

Luck 15

Def 16

Res 7

Sword D Bow E (Close to D)

Skills:speed2n.pngSpeed+2, Refresh, Weapon Saver, Late Initiative

Doing good.

Saria LV20/17/6 EXP99

Class: Dark Knight


HP 52/52 (Tears of Tiki gave her both +5 in HP and +2 Str)

Power 15 (Gave her a Tears of Tiki and a Power Drop)

Mag Pwr 23

Skill 17

Speed 26

Luck 17

Def 23

Res 13

Sword D Tome B

Skills: Curse, Crimson Curse, Slow Start

Giving her a touch with Steel soothing with her nature. I can in fact write lots of stories about her. Possessed like Final Fantasy IV Dark Knight. I surely would love to see her under Zemus' control. xD

And now she's better than ever with Slow Start now and after giving her both a Power Drop and a Tears Of Tiki. Slow Start increases Hit and Avoid by +1 until the 15th turn. =)



HP 41/41

Power 25

Mag Pwr 9

Skill 22

Speed 20

Luck 22

Def 17

Res 8

Sword B

Skills: dualattack.pngDual Attack,charismae.pngCharisma, Refresh, Aether

Adorable as always. ^-^

And needing both her and Krom to defeat the last boss.

Ronku LV20/5 EXP9

Class: Swordmaster

HP 40/40

Power 22

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 28

Speed 34

Luck 20

Def 12

Res 11

Sword A

Skills: Avoid+10, Vantage, Astra

Having Astra now, he should start pwning anything alot more without Nihil.

Rihito LV20/3 EXP78

Class: Dark Knight

HP 47/47

Power 10

Mag Pwr 22+2

Skill 18

Speed 19 (Got a Speedwing)

Luck 24

Def 21

Res 11

Sword E (Close to D) Tome A


Dropped out. He didn't turn out great. Pathetic Speed and getting much better characters shortly. Don't ever make him a Dark Knight. Low Power too is what hurts him. He's best to be a Sage than anything else.

Want to make this a Darkness run and Olivia will just embarass us and fuck this up. Dark Warriors all the way!!!!!

Sol LV18 EXP42

Class: Social Knight

HP 36/36

Power 18

Mag Pwr 0

Skill 16

Speed 14

Luck 13

Def 19

Res 5

Sword B (Close to C) Lance A

Skills: Discipline, Outdoor Battle

Dropped out, unfortunately. Already getting children who'll get much better potential. =)

Need some Skirmishes to fix this.

Gaia LV20/7 EXP93


Class: Assassin

HP 46/46

Power 26

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 35

Speed 36

Luck 18

Def 13 (Used a Dragonshield)

Res 7

Sword B (1 more strike and it's at A) Bow D

Skills: Picklock, Movement+1, Lethality

Oh gawd. He's just so darn cool and avoids like heck. He may be my most favorite character in the game next to Saria. Too bad though that it's not recommended to put him in the fray of several enemies as his defenses aren't so great. But I luv him anyway. Plus that bear badge on his jacket makes me luv him more. <3

This time he's got Leathality making him even more dangerous. Though his bad defenses will get better overtime with some Talismens and Dragonshields.

Donny LV20/10/4 EXP63

Class: Hero

HP 52/52

Power 31

Mag Pwr 10

Skill 33

Speed 30

Luck 36

Def 31

Res 17

Sword C (Close to B) Axe E

Skills: Good Growths, Weak Beats Strong, Weapon Saver, Late Initiative

Good god he is awesome! Just wait until he's a Hero. He will definitely break this game in no time at all. Use him especially if you aren't pairing.

Mack LV20/2 EXP91

Class: Grandmaster

HP 41/41

Power 23

Mag Pwr 16

Skill 24

Speed 23

Luck 18

Def 17

Res 14

Sword C Tome C

Skills: War Knowledge, Royal Weapon, Magic Square, Refresh

Getting better. =)

Selena LV20/2 EXP63

Class: Thief

HP 40/40

Power 19

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 24

Speed 25

Luck 13

Def 12

Res 9

Sword C

Skills: Weapon Saver, Late Initiative, Pick Lock, Refresh, Lethality

Because of inheriting Lethality from Gaia is why that I'm going to make her an Assassin in the end. And that her default classes were only Bow Knight and Hero. Her bold attitude is what makes her tough. =)

Loran LV15/2 EXP10

Class: Sage

HP 35/35

Power 10

Mag Pwr 18

Skill 20

Speed 16

Luck 13

Def 12

Res 14

Tome C Staff E

Skills: Magic+2, Outdoor Battle, Concentration

Disgusted at his mother for not raising him right is what made him survive over the years. Anyway, made him a Sage because of my very low Staff users.

Noir LV13/4 EXP81 (Though I call her Noel out of japanese pronounceations. =))

Class: Dracoknight

HP 41/41

Power 19+2

Mag Pwr 13

Skill 19+2

Speed 24

Luck 18

Def 18

Res 18

Axe E

Skills: Skill+2 Early Initiative, Power+2, Crimson Curse, Vantage

A VERY interesting character. Not only does she look delicate like her mother, but also because her mother cursed her is why she suddenly goes into a violent mood swing without warning! She's like Lunch/Launch in Dragonball personality wise. I'd be using her mug right now, but on a public computer, no. Anyway, I don't want her to entirely get locked to only bows. Out of all of her choices you should make her either a Bowknight, or a Dracoknight. Since I am in need of a Draco, she fits the bill just fine. And it's absolutely delicious to see her crit animations as she goes into a violent mood swing and does a hard blow. Anyways, she goes on my like list now with two Astriks!!!!!!

Will be getting Brady and Wood soon.

Shit. 10 minutes.

Edited by Katarina
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Sorry, I couldn't fit this all in one reply.

Second Run Log.....

Krom LV 20/10/6 EXP61

Class: Paladin


HP 56/56

Power 34

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 31

Speed 28

Luck 31

Def 25

Res 15

Sword A Spear A

Skills:dualattack.pngDual Attack,charismae.pngCharisma, discipline.pngDiscipline, Outdoor Battle, Defender (Will drop this for Holy Shield)

He's like Sigurd now. =)

And now having him going on a mad charge in some chapters. =)

Rune LV 20/10/7 EXP4


Class: Dark Peg

HP 48/48

Power 28

Mag Pwr 19

Skill 26

Speed 26+2

Luck 19

Def 21

Res 18

Lance C Tome B

Skills: War Knowledge, magicsquare.png Magic Square, speed2n.pngSpeed+2, Refresh, Movement Cry

She has long black hair with a slender body and that she looks kind of like Micaiah cleavagewise.

Now my lovely creation, stand by your husband Krom's side and let there be a bright future! =) And can rock with Thunder Swords.

Liz LV 20/10/4 EXP60

Class: Falcoknight


HP 41/41

Power 18

Mag Pwr 20 (Used a Spirit Dust for better long staff range)

Skill 26

Speed 28+2

Luck 28

Def 15

Res 23

Lance C Staff B (Close to A)

Skills:017me.pngMiracle,018id.pngHealing Heart, speed2n.pngSpeed+2, Refresh

She's great either as a Battle Monk, or a Falcoknight. =)

She's becoming a great supporter.

Tiamo LV20/10/6 EXP36

Class: Bow Knight


HP 50/50

Power 22

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 25

Speed 23+2

Luck 16

Def 16

Res 7

Sword C Bow D

Skills:speed2n.pngSpeed+2, Refresh, Weapon Saver, Late Initiative, Movement Cry

Doing good.

Saria LV20/17/10 EXP84

Class: Dark Knight


HP 56/56

Power 17

Mag Pwr 25

Skill 19

Speed 29

Luck 20

Def 25

Res 13

Sword C Tome B

Skills: Curse, Crimson Curse, Slow Start

Giving her a touch with Steel soothing with her nature. I can in fact write lots of stories about her. Possessed like Final Fantasy IV Dark Knight. I surely would love to see her under Zemus' control. xD Having her go on a rampage and it's absolutely delicious to see her laugh critical style and cutting up her enemies. The Pegasus Generic mugs looks very good in this game. Like girls from Vahalla. (Valkyrie Profile) Saria can use Thunder Swords effectively too.

Lucina LV20/3 EXP27


HP 49/49

Power 30

Mag Pwr 9

Skill 27

Speed 26

Luck 26

Def 20

Res 12

Sword B Lance E

Skills: dualattack.pngDual Attack,charismae.pngCharisma, Refresh, Aether

Adorable as always. ^-^

She gets more Str than her father and is doing better than ever. Especially with the fake Falchion.

Ronku LV20/6 EXP57

Class: Swordmaster

HP 41/41

Power 23

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 29

Speed 35

Luck 21

Def 12

Res 11

Sword A

Skills: Avoid+10, Vantage, Astra


Gaia LV20/10 EXP67


Class: Assassin

HP 48/48

Power 29

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 38

Speed 38

Luck 20

Def 15

Res 8

Sword A Bow D (Close to C)

Skills: Picklock, Movement+1, Lethality

Turned out like I expected.

Donny LV20/10/5 EXP85

Class: Hero

HP 53/53

Power 32

Mag Pwr 10

Skill 34

Speed 31

Luck 37

Def 31

Res 17

Sword C (Close to B) Axe E (Close to D)

Skills: Good Growths, Weak Beats Strong (Going to drop this for Axe Slayer soon), Weapon Saver, Late Initiative, Sol


Mack LV20/5 EXP17

Class: Grandmaster

HP 42/42

Power 26

Mag Pwr 18

Skill 26

Speed 24

Luck 20

Def 18

Res 14

Sword C Tome C (Close to B)

Skills: War Knowledge, Royal Weapon, Magic Square, Refresh, Magnificent Flame

Getting better. =)

And can use the Thunder Sword for good damage!!!!!

Selena LV20/10/2 EXP82

Class: Assassin

HP 52/52

Power 31

Mag Pwr 4

Skill 38

Speed 31

Luck 15

Def 19

Res 16

Sword B Bow E

Skills: Weapon Saver, Late Initiative, Pick Lock, Refresh, Lethality, Movement+1

She's starting to become better than Gaia.

Loran LV15/5 EXP51

Class: Sage

HP 37/37

Power 11

Mag Pwr 21

Skill 21

Speed 17

Luck 15

Def 15

Res 14

Tome B Staff D

Skills: Magic+2, Outdoor Battle, Concentration, Magic Cry

Working his Staff level to C.

Noir LV13/10/2 EXP41

Class: Dragonmaster

HP 52/52

Power 28+2

Mag Pwr 14

Skill 23+2

Speed 30

Luck 20

Def 22

Res 14

Spear D Axe C

Skills: Skill+2 Early Initiative, Power+2, Crimson Curse, Vantage

A VERY interesting character. Not only does she look delicate like her mother, but also because her mother cursed her is why she suddenly goes into a violent mood swing without warning! She's like Lunch/Launch in Dragonball personality wise. I'd be using her mug right now, but on a public computer, no. Anyway, I don't want her to entirely get locked to only bows. Out of all of her choices you should make her either a Bowknight, or a Dracoknight. Since I am in need of a Draco, she fits the bill just fine. And it's absolutely delicious to see her crit animations as she goes into a violent mood swing and does a hard blow. Anyways, she goes on my like list now with two Astriks!!!!!!


Had her into a Dragonmaster rather than a Griffon Knight as I don't want her to entirely be locked to only Axes.

Wood LV13/15/3 EXP15

Class: Dragonmaster

HP 53/53

Power 26 (Capped)

Mag Pwr 19

Skill 26

Speed 26 (Capped)

Luck 36 (Capped)

Def 26 (Capped)

Res 20

Sword C

Skills: Avoid+10, Early Initiative, Vantage, Good Growths, Weak Beats Strong

He has many options. Probably most recommended to make him a Villager first then either a Hero, or Axeman. Because of the Good Growths skill (Which adds 20% to every growth catergory in addition to their own will make any unit having this gamebreaking in the end.)

Brady LV11 EXP30

Class: Priest

HP 32/32

Power 6

Mag Pwr 14

Skill 11

Speed 13

Luck 18

Def 9

Res 14

Staff C

Skills: concentrationv.pngConcentration, Secluded Lady,017me.pngMiracle,018id.pngHealing Heart

Despite the fact as tough as he looks he is Mariabel's son who cries at the slightest little things and people often mstaken him for a bandit. He's certainly nothing like his mother. At least another good staff bot! =)

Second Run Log...

(At Chapter 25)

Krom LV 20/10/14 EXP85

Class: Paladin


HP 64/64

Power 38

Mag Pwr 9

Skill 34

Speed 34

Luck 38

Def 27

Res 18

Sword A Spear A

Skills:dualattack.pngDual Attack,charismae.pngCharisma, discipline.pngDiscipline, outdoorbattle.pngOutdoor Battle, Defender (Will drop this for Holy Shield)



-Short Spear

-Fake Falchion




He's tanking like hell now. =)

Rune LV 20/10/12 EXP4


Class: Dark Peg

HP 53/53

Power 31

Mag Pwr 24 (Gave her 2 spirit dusts)

Skill 31

Speed 29+2

Luck 22

Def 21

Res 19

Lance B Tome B (1 use and it reaches A rank)

Skills: War Knowledge, magicsquare.png Magic Square, speed2n.pngSpeed+2, Refresh, Movement Cry




-Katarina's Lightning

-Silver Spear

-Holy Lance

She has long black hair with a slender body and that she looks kind of like Micaiah cleavagewise.

Now my lovely creation, stand by your husband Krom's side and let there be a bright future! =) And can rock with Thunder Swords.

Liz LV 20/10/11 EXP20

Class: Falcoknight


HP 47/47

Power 20

Mag Pwr 26 (Used a Spirit Dust for better long staff range)

Skill 31

Speed 33+2

Luck 34

Def 18

Res 28

Lance B Staff A

Skills:017me.pngMiracle,018id.pngHealing Heart, speed2n.pngSpeed+2, Refresh


-Silver Lance





She's great either as a Battle Monk, or a Falcoknight. =)

She's becoming a great supporter.

Tiamo LV20/10/15 EXP15

Class: Bow Knight


HP 59/59

Power 27

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 30

Speed 26+2

Luck 23 (Gave her a Goddess Statue)

Def 21

Res 12

Sword C Bow B

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh, Weapon Saver, Late Initiative, Bow Slayer


-Erika's Sword

-Hinias Bow

-Holy Bow

-Kill Sword



Doing great. Titania strikes again! =)

Saria LV20/18 EXP87

Class: Dark Knight


HP 64/64

Power 22

Mag Pwr 31

Skill 21

Speed 36

Luck 22

Def 29

Res 14

Sword B Tome A

Skills: Curse, Crimson Curse, Slow Start, Life Absorb


-Thunder Sword

-Alm's Sword


-Katarina's Lightning

-Katarina's Lightning

Giving her a touch with Steel soothing with her nature. I can in fact write lots of stories about her. Possessed like Final Fantasy IV Dark Knight. I surely would love to see her under Zemus' control. xD Having her go on a rampage and it's absolutely delicious to see her laugh critical style and cutting up her enemies. The Pegasus Generic mugs looks very good in this game. Like girls from Vahalla. (Valkyrie Profile) Saria can use Thunder Swords effectively too. With Life Absorb (Recovers 50% health upon defeating foe) she's getting godsend and is now a great frontliner. =)

Lucina LV20/15 EXP58

Class: Great Lord


HP 58/58

Power 35

Mag Pwr 10

Skill 32

Speed 33

Luck 36

Def 25

Res 13

Sword B Lance C

Skills: dualattack.pngDual Attack,charismae.pngCharisma, Refresh, Aether, Royal Weapon


-Killer Lance

-Fake Falchion

-Noble Rapier



Adorable as always. ^-^

She gets more Str than her father and is doing better than ever. Especially with the fake Falchion.

Lon'qu LV20/15 EXP80


Class: Swordmaster

HP 49/49

Power 27+5

Mag Pwr 5

Skill 37

Speed 42

Luck 25

Def 14

Res 16

Sword A

Skills: Avoid+10, Vantage, Astra, Sword Expert


-Brave Sword



-Chris's Home-made Sweets

Awesome! Especially with Astra+Brave Sword. >=)

Gaia LV20/17 EXP39


Class: Assassin

HP 53/53

Power 36

Mag Pwr 5

Skill 45

Speed 43

Luck 23

Def 20 (Gave him the 2nd Dracoshield too from Cervantes)

Res 12 (Gave him a Talismen from Chapter 23)

Sword A Bow C

Skills: Picklock, Movement+1, Lethality, Pass


-Alm's Sword


-Killer Bow

-Killer Bow



Turned out like I expected.

Donny LV20/10/11 EXP69


Class: Hero

HP 60/60

Power 37

Mag Pwr 12

Skill 39

Speed 37

Luck 43

Def 35

Res 19

Sword B Axe C

Skills: Good Growths, Weak Beats Strong (Going to drop this for Axe Slayer soon), Weapon Saver, Late Initiative, Sol


-Titania's Axe

-Kill Sword

-Short Axe

-Killer Axe




And having weapon saver keeps it's weapons from ever being used up.

Mack LV20/12 EXP2


Class: Grandmaster

HP 49/49

Power 32

Mag Pwr 21

Skill 29

Speed 27

Luck 22

Def 19

Res 16

Sword C (1 strike reaches B) Tome B

Skills: War Knowledge, Royal Weapon, Magic Square, Refresh, Magnificent Flame


-Kill Sword

-Roy's Sword


-Arc Thunder



Getting better. =)

And can use the Thunder Sword for good damage!!!!!

Selena LV20/10/10 EXP38


Class: Assassin

HP 58/58

Power 38

Mag Pwr 4

Skill 43

Speed 38

Luck 18

Def 21

Res 18

Sword A Bow C

Skills: Weapon Saver, Late Initiative, Pick Lock, Refresh, Lethality, Movement+1


-Brave Sword

-Sol Sword

-Killer Bow



She's surpassed Gaia.

Loran LV15/15 EXP28


Class: Sage

HP 49/49

Power 13

Mag Pwr 26+7

Skill 24

Speed 24 (Gave him a Speedwing)

Luck 20

Def 18

Res 17

Tome B Staff C

Skills: Magic+2, Outdoor Battle, Concentration, Magic Cry, Magic Expert







It has been at C level for quite sometime. Hurrah! A Physic user! Magic+2, and Magic Expert giving him +7 more in Mag.

Noire LV13/10/12 EXP11


Class: Dragonmaster

HP 59/59

Power 35+2

Mag Pwr 18

Skill 27

Speed 38

Luck 24

Def 24

Res 16

Spear C Axe C

Skills: Weapon Saver, Hot Start, Power+2, Crimson Curse, Vantage

A VERY interesting character. Not only does she look delicate like her mother, but also because her mother cursed her is why she suddenly goes into a violent mood swing without warning! She's like Lunch/Launch in Dragonball personality wise. I'd be using her mug right now, but on a public computer, no. Anyway, I don't want her to entirely get locked to only bows. Out of all of her choices you should make her either a Bowknight, or a Dracoknight. Since I am in need of a Draco, she fits the bill just fine. And it's absolutely delicious to see her crit animations as she goes into a violent mood swing and does a hard blow. Anyways, she goes on my like list now with two Astriks!!!!!!

Her violet mood swings. Especially during her critical strikes and being treated coldly by her mother has made her a dangerous demon. >=)


Had her into a Dragonmaster rather than a Griffon Knight as I don't want her to entirely be locked to only Axes.

Wood LV13/15/7 EXP40


Class: Hero

HP 71/71

Power 33

Mag Pwr 25

Skill 32

Speed 34

Luck 38

Def 33

Res 30

Sword B Axe D

Skills: Avoid+10, Early Initiative, Vantage, Good Growths, Sol

He has many options. Probably most recommended to make him a Villager first then either a Hero, or Axeman. Because of the Good Growths skill (Which adds 20% to every growth catergory in addition to their own will make any unit having this gamebreaking in the end.)


-Iron Axe

-Kill Sword

-Glass Sword



-Gaia's Luxury Sweets

Breaking the game!!!!!

Brady LV15/3 EXP83


Class: Priest

HP 46/46

Power 9

Mag Pwr 22

Skill 18

Speed 21

Luck 24

Def 14

Res 17

Tome E Staff C (About to reach B)

Skills: concentrationv.pngConcentration, Secluded Lady,017me.pngMiracle, Healing Heart







Mariabel's son is getting to be better at staffboting at leasy! =)

Tiki LV28 Exp 26


Class: Manakete

HP 48/48

Divine Stone

Power 24+11

Mag Pwr 14+6

Skill 20+5

Speed 18+4

Luck 24

Def 19+13

Res 15+9


HP 48/48

Power 24+8

Mag Pwr 14+5

Skill 20+3

Speed 18+2

Luck 24

Def 19+10

Res 15+7

Skills: Odd Biorhythm, Dragon Buster

A very sexy character that is ready to kick some arse. At the same time she is soft as tissues saying Gomenasai in battle alot. <33

How can you not like her. Anyways, two astriks.

Tier list...


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  • 2 weeks later...

My first English run.

Game start up to Chapter 2 beginning.

Just started this game today as it came in the mail two days ago.


Playing this on hard.

It starts dat cutscene with Chrom fighting Validar. I liked it when he said "Die" before throwing his magic. Oh my =o This is getting to be like fucking Dragonball with Validar looking like Dabura in Z and Ii Shenron in GT.

Validar "Ha ha ha! Why do you resist?"

Chrom "Are you ready"?

Good, he's almost within reach.

"Let's move in and strike".

Listens to a few rounds of Chaos before continuing the battle. Fucking love this game! MU is named Ayanami and she started with a Thoron tome and a Steel Sword. Chrom started with a Silver Sword and a Fake Falchion. Both had no skills to start with and at LV20. Wonder how that it is so? Start battle

Validar: Gya! Ha ha! Fools! Strugge all you want! You cannot unwrite what is already written! Aya: Let's go. Chrom: Urrgh. after getting blasted by an orb of darkness.

Turns: 3

MVP: None

So glad that it's over. You must escape from this place. Validar's laughter echoes in the dark and Chrom dies. Game Over! I'm so glad this got localized. I fucking love you, Nintendo. We hope to not have anymore localization trouble again as we do want the rest of these games to get ported to our countries. =)

As some people do not understand the genre of these games which are...

-Support and relationships

-Increasing artwork

-Characters having different personalities making them actual people and not just being mindless abominations.

-It's a fucking RPG series that is better than at least most of the RPG games.

-Experimenting unobtainable items with cheat codes and hacks.

-Making hacked ROMS like Japan has with FE4.

-Great soundtracks that rivals Final Fantasy

I can go on and on about this, but these are the main details is to why that the series is so great. Yes, we get some of dis action too and not leaving us with only games that some of us don't bother to play.

Prologue 2: The verge of History

Nice scene! Lissa's here and her smile. <3

Going contributing mode here...

Chrom: You all right?

MU: Thank you, Chrom.

Chrom: Ah, then you know who I am?

MU: No, actually, I...It's strange...

Your name, it just...came to me...

Chrom: ...Hmm, how curious. Tell me, what's your name? What brings you here?

MU: My name is...It's...Hmm?

Chrom: ...You don't know your own name?

MU: I'm not sure if...I'm sorry, but where am I, exactly?

Lissa: Hey, I've heard of this! It's called amnesia!

Frederick: It's called a load of Pegasus dung. Were to believe you remember milord's name, but not your own?

MU: B-But it's the truth!

Chrom: What if it is true, Frederick? We can't just leave her here alone and confused. What sort of shepards would we be then?

Frederick: Just the same, milord. I must emphasize with caution. 'Twould not know to let a wolf into our flock.

Damn. I'd better type this off of videos. Don't want to have to retype all of this after writing it down on paper. After it plays a cool brigands song as the chapter begins. It doesn't excite you like this ever since Marth and his army fought a plethora of dragons and Medeus before it goes directly to Valecia starting Alm's tale training under Maisen with that cool ass tune. The bandit leader mocks us and wants his minions to grab anything that's shiny putting the rest to the torch!

Lissa: Chrom, we have to stop them!

Chrom: Gods!

Aya: "Chrom!"

Chrom: Aya! you've followed us! Why?

Aya: I...I'm not certain myself.

Starts writing down terrain data and enemy spoils...

Def Mov

Plain 0 0+0

Water:0 0+0

Bridge:0 0+0

Spoils: None

Tiles: Exp and Wilderwind

Lissa: I'm not delicate. I may not be able to fight, but I can stitch up your bones care of my trusty staff. You just tell me where to go, Ayanami.

After defeating a mage he said "Damn". Me: HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAA. A mage had 7% crit with a wind tome. Holy shi-.







Aya: Now that's what I call progress.

After finishing off the remaining enemies...

Garrack: Here...sheepy, sheepy! Come to the slaughter!

Had to finish him with Freddie as Chrom got fucking critted with a 8% chance with a hand axe. x.x

Turns: 8

MVP: Aya&Chrom

After setting up camp...

Lissa: But, Frederick, it's nearly dark.

I love that poison sick face that she makes especially going Blech in the Japanese version giving me a good laugh.

Frederic: Sleeping on twigs and leaves.

Lissa: Frederick? Sometimes I hate you.

West of Ylisstol Chapter 1

Lissa complains about some bugs as one flew in her mouth as she was hacking and coughing. xD

Made me giggle complaining as she swallowed it while making that poison sick face. =P

Chapter 1 Unwelcome change

Spoils: None


-Finn's Lance

-Roy's Blade

After a long ass cutscene. Damn! I'd love to take some pictures right now and contribute them if only I had a fucking capture card. Anyways, Lissa makes a ghoul like stare saying Frederick! Ayanami! After Sully shows up, her personality is much like Marcia's mirror. After Virion speaking peculiarly to Sully she goes

Sully:"The hell are you"?

Me: lol

Sully isn't impressed with his actions. She at first didn't get it for awhile.

Sully: And when I put my boot through your mouth, that's the punch line!

Virion: Ravishing.

Me: lol

Are you dense?

Anyway, Sully got pissed and decked him anyway as I've got a good laugh from it. After having to back into a corner nearly at fatal as next turn Aya got blown away and...

Aya: Chrom...everyone...F-forgive me...

Chrom: No! Not you, Ayanami! Open your eyes! OPEN YOUR EYES!

Me: I'm gonzo, buddy! =P


Next tryout!

In my next tryout, I find a Finn's Lance in a gold tile before I had to quit for the day. So I lost it as I've forgot to temp save it. I've instead got Roy's Blade in return for it. =)

After defeating some enemies without too much trouble, The Risen Cheif wasn't much to brag about. Marth tells us that cutscene was a prelude and telling us to keep alert. Damn. It sucks that I can't provide pictures.

Turns: 5

MVP: Aya&Lissa

We now arrive at a capitol within a highly populated area without suffering poverty and thankfully it isn't in ruins. We see Lady Emmeryn greeting her people with a smile and having a mark like what you see on Chrom's right arm that is on her forehead. Could she be branded? After having a support with Lissa+Aya. Lissa actually spilled the ink on the book which Aya written down. She says Accidents happen. Now we meet the clumsy girl, Sumia. I'm so glad that I can now fully understand this game and dig further into it for contributing. Arigato, Gozaimasu, Nintendo.

Maribelle makes her debut. C'mon down.

Maribelle: "Lissa, my treasure. Are you alright? I've been on pins and needles.

Aya: Hello, Maribelle. ^o^

I knew her name would be Maribelle in our area. Belle is suitable for our area. Yep! Anyway...

Lissa: Huh!?

Oh, hey, Maribelle! as she smiles.

Maribelle: Oh, hey yourself! I've sprouted 14 grey hairs fretting over you, Lissa.

Me: ^___^

Lissa: Aw, you worry too much. I can handle a battle or two!

...Although I could do without the bugs and the bear barbecue.

Me: You've should've joined us, Maribelle.

Maribelle tells us that Sumia has even got a few bruises fighting blindfolded as she says that she worries about him. I told you...it's yandere and she bruised herself, because she was jealous of the others being with Chrom without her around. Vaike belched giving us a good embarrassment as Maribelle goes...

Maribelle: Ugh, Vaike! That was abhorrent!

Me: lol

FUCK. I can't provide pictures. I don't have a camera and won't get a capture card probably in a good while. x.x

Maribelle: Must your baseborn oafs pollute even the air with your buffoonery? And you, Ayanami! Don't encourage him!

Aya: Well..excuuuse me, princess!

Maribelle: I hope you were cut from cut from finer cloth and leaves.

Nintendo of Japan had her say

Maribelle: I don't have time to chat with you cretins.

Sumia: Don't take it to heart, Aya. Maribelle warms up to people slowly.

Me: That is why she gets one asterik in my like list and you too. ^__^

Lissa: Or burns too quickly! Hee hee! But yeah, just give her time.

Me: <3

Sumia trips dropping her papers.

Chrom: Tripped over your boots again?

Me: What the hell is she wearing, Velcro?

Sumia: No! I mean, yes! I mean...*sigh*

Sumia goes to Vaike that he can't remember his own name sometimes and Vaike loses his axe.


Def Avoid

Woods: 1 10+0

Mountain:2 20+0

Bridge/Water/Plain: 0 0+0


-Iron Lance

-Iron Sword

Miriel makes her debut and finds an axe and gives it to Vaike and says...

Miriel: Perhaps next time I'll use a spell to fasten it to your hands...permanently.

Damn. I need a fucking camera. I want to provide pictures so badly.

Sully: "Very kind of you" after a heal.

Me: "Your welcome."

I meet my end and the end of an axe's blade. 2 KOED. Oh, crackers! Hard is not to be underestimated. Next tryout Chrom meets his end. Damn! This just isn't my day. Three GAME OVERS. Next time! Can they be defeated? Stay tuned!

I can provide the stats soon.

Edited by Katarina
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Chapter 3, Prologue 1, and Chapter 4

In my second tryout it was a breeze! Anyways..after arriving on the world map.

Chapter 3 Warrior Realm

In Chrom and Aya's support she gets mad at Chrom as Chrom don't really see her as a lady, but a warrior. She was about to bean him upside the head with a sharp rock. Starting the chapter it's about the soldier. Listened to a few rounds of the rebellious tune

before continuing the game. This soldier is actually male, but being voiced by a female voice actor. Hmm...moments later *spits out juice in shock* Say what!? The queen? This soldier isn't a boy. Damn! This soldier looks male though. But she has simply had enough of our lies and trespassing. So we'll have to settle our campaign the old fashion way.

Raimi: I've heard quite enough. Attack!

Kogeki wa saw that at the end of the sentence in the Japanese version. Good translation, Nintendo. =)

After getting nearly shish kebabed, Sumia comes to our rescue and she looked a little mad before picking up Chrom. Oooh! :>_<: Your jealousy is killing me. Recruiting Kellam.

Kellam: Don't you see me.

Aya: Yeah, yeah! Now you see me now you don't.

After first turn enemy phase ends.

Aya: I've been thinking about how you rode with Sumia earlier..

Do our units always have to fight one-on-one?

Chrom: Are you suggesting that we pair up? That's an interesting thought...I'd admit, I'd resemble a pincushion right now if it weren't for Sumia and her mount.

Chrom unfortunately met his end by a soldier who spared him after missing it during the enemy phase. Love this game. Getting to be like Thracia. =) Next tryout after a few rounds of the track of Chrom's defeat. THIS IS THE RIGHT DIFFICULTY FOR ME. Normal was piss easy. Time for the real stuff. Yeah! As for Lunatic, late on I'll try. =)

Aya: Chrom, NO! You can't die! Not now!

Chrom then tells you the player to escape. GAME OVER. Yep. Time for another run. =)

Freddie almost would have been fatal as he had 29 HP left and the brigand by the castle had a hammer. Wooah! Hammers can deal bonus damage to Great Knights too. Better keep that in mind. He had a 69% chance to hit and it missed. The hammer would have dealt 28 damage to him leaving him near death's door with 1HP left.

Turns 11

MVP Aya and Chrom



-Door Keyx2

She respects us now. The Ferox is like the Laguz that action speaks louder than words. The wireless features are now finally unlocked. It states...

1) A new map is available for purchase in the Outrealm Gate.

2) New data has been delivered to the bonus box. If you haven't received the data, go to the wireless bonus box and select update now.

Which I will do later tonight as I am playing this at Barnes and Nobles in the cafe. We now head to prologue 1.

Prologue 1 Sickle to Sword

Meeting Donnel for the first time. I'm going to pair him with Tharja. It was cool beans when Sully got a weapon level up instantly after touching a gold tile. Great! She had a terrible sword rank which has now increased to D. The boss was the only one who posed a problem at all as Roddick had a Steel and a Hand Axe. He had a 13 DMG to Freddie with a 7% crit chance which would be enough to do him in if it activated. Donnel is no easy task in this mode either. Anyway, got him to level 2 so that he doesn't leave my party for good.

Turns 15 (This is why you Neverused tier, Donnel)

MVP Ayanami&Chrom

I meet a merchant that has a Physic Staff and a Master Seal now trying to get enough gold for them. Yep! 4030 gold and I've already blew it all to forge a Bronze Sword for Sully.


-Door Keyx2

-Chest Keyx2


Stairs Def 0 Avd 10+0

Chapter 4

We meet Flavia who seems to be a gladiator as Ferox is like the Laguz. As they govern through strength, not politics. The Ferox reminds me much of the Wutai nation in Final Fantasy Vii and Crisis Core. During the fights end I lose Aya again from her being so fatal with no heal assistance.

Turns 6

MVP Ayanami&Donnel




Baslio makes his debut and says that Marth is just some sellsword.

Me: Listen here. Marth is our world's savior. He has saved the world more than once and has done some things which I thought were impossible. It's because of his courage, heroism, and the feelings of his heart not just won by strength alone is why that he and his stalwarts have fought hard for their country and freed the people from Medeus' tyranny. His faithful servant, Doma caused terror upon Valentia upon which our hero, Alm has done the same to succeed. Marth and Alm are our champions and the things that they've done will ensure that they will never be forgotten in the pages of history.

Baslio: All I know is that he turned up and eve and knocked my old champion flat.

Me: He is the world's greatest hero including Alm. Our future in their timeline would be in ruins without their help.

Lissa: I mean he is sort of dreamy.

Me: Well...you have some competition. His companions Shiida, Maria, Minerva, and Mallisia all love him too. And he is dreamy. <3

Lissa: Yowch! Lighten up, big brother. I was just kidding.

Me: :dry:

Lon'qu now makes his debut who was former champion. He is timid around women, it seems. Now Phila comes to tell us that Lord Gangrel has attacked the country as he is claiming that Maribelle is a terrorist

Chrom: We should put a sword in his gut and be done it!

Is it me, or does anyone else notice Emmeryn wears a cloak with clock numbers in Roman numerals? Ricken makes his debut shorty. After a short chat, the outworld gate is now finally available and says this...

-Barracks unlocked

-The outworld Gate has opened on an island to the south.

Aaand nooowwww I'm going to download the Golden Gaffe pack.

*Branishes Credit Card*

*Purchases the pack, downloads it! It is now eternally in my game! =)*

Yippie! Now I have access to the best place in the game to get both EXP, Gold and to get Eltshan and the Silver Card!

Stat time!

Chrom LV9 EXP91

Class: Lord


HP 26/26

Power 11

Mag Pwr 1

Skill 15

Speed 14

Luck 11

Def 9

Res 4

Sword C

Skills:0010f.pngDual Attack

Going good!

Ayanami LV4 EXP61


Class: Tactician

HP 21/21

Power 7

Mag Pwr 9

Skill 8

Speed 8

Luck 3

Def 7

Res 5

Sword E Tome C

Skills:001fd.pngWar Knowledge

Ok! Going to make her into a Dark Flier in the end.

Lissa LV7 EXP90

Class: Cleric


HP 21/21

Power 3

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 9

Speed 8

Luck 13

Def 4

Res 7

Staff C

Skills: 069f.pngMiracle

Good. She will be a Falcoknight in the end for a great supporter for the team! =)

Sumia LV3 EXP33

Class: Peg Knight


HP 20/20

Power 7

Mag Pwr 4

Skill 13


Luck 9

Def 5

Res 8

Lance D


Going to make her into a Dark Flier in the end. =)

Sully LV8 EXP50

Class: Cavalier


HP 25/25

Power 11

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 11

Speed 13

Luck 9

Def 9

Res 5

Sword D(Close to C) Lance C


Going to make her into a Paladin in the end.

Donnel LV2 EXP97


Class: Villager

HP 17/17

Power 5

Mag Pwr 0

Skill 3

Speed 4

Luck 12

Def 3

Res 0

Lance: E


Going to make him into a Hero in the end.

This also will be my DLC/Spotpass/Postgame team in this run. With the Golden Gaffe pack in my grasp, this should make things alot easier to get them prepared for battle in the post-game and won't consume alot of time!

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Xenologues Golden Gaffe and EXP Omnipotential

*Branishes credit card again*

Just downloaded the Lost Bloodlines 2 pack. As I'm planning to make Lon'qu into a Dreadfighter and to unlock Alm. Basically, this pack is recommended to have for the Dreadfighter class put into your game.

The barracks

Stahl taks to Lon'qu about breakfast as he isn't interested to talk about such trifling matters. Lissa+Vaike had a relationship increase. Chrom finds a Kneader. Virion+Stahl Stahl wants to fight alongside Virion side by side and Virion reluctantly agrees and they walk away. Kellam and Donnel get a relationship increase. Lissa+Vaike (C Support) It's about Vaike wanting his rematch with Chrom though she refuses to tell him of his whereabouts.


Golden Gaffe

It shows two Brigands talking to each other about money. It's making the tune of whenever that you shop at a store in this game. The bros are making a plan about the gold. It seems the bandits broke into the vault into Ylissian vault. They're not going anywhere, Lissa. We'll get your money back. Aya has already guarded the army's cash reserve. Lissa is making a poison sick face and...


The poison sick face. xP



Lissa: I save whatever I make or find in the gutter. It adds up!

Chrom: Gods, Lissa, you pick up coins from the gutten?

Lissa: Um..yeah. Doesn't everyone?

Frederick: Indeed we do! To think, all those hours of backbreaking labor, wasted....

Chrom: Frederick!? Not you too?!

Frederick: I'm afraid so, milord. Those blasted ghouls pilfered my entire savings. We should strike back at once! Teach them a lesson about touching my-Er...That is, they could go on to rob others! We must strike for future generations sake!

Chrom: Right. And certainly not out of greed or embarrassment...

Frederick: "Of course" Precisely, milord. Now to battle!

Lissa: Yeah, Chrom! To battle!...And all that other stuff Frederick said.

Chrom: *sigh*


Enemy data













Yikes! Freddie won't be a match for some of them. x.x

Provided pictures for the enemies stats as they are very interesting. After preparing, I now begin the battle. =)

It starts by making a tune of FE7 when you start Lyn's adventure in her mode. =)

Chrom: I've never fought for someone's nest egg in my whole life. I don't think I've had a less inspiring cause in my whole life. Well as long as there are enemies here I can use them for training.

Chrom also learns Charm during this assault.

Sully: Your the dastard who took my gold. You got me good. Pretty quick for a Risen, aren't you...But not as quick as my boot's about to find your arse.

Sully's got a great level up.







Sully: One giant leap across the chasm of greatness.

Let's see...

FreddievsLV20 Berserker



Attk 5

Hit 80%

Crit 0%

-Iron Sword



Attk 36x2 (lol)

Hit 61%

Crit 11%

-Silver Axe

FreddievsLV5 Berserker



Attk 10

Hit 91%

Crit 0%

-Iron Sword


HP 53

Attk 19x2

Hit 63%

Crit 16%

-Short Axe

FreddievsLV20 Sorcerer



Attk 1

Hit 86%

Crit 0%

-Iron Sword


HP 58

Attk 31

Hit 100%

Crit 7%


(This is a sign that your getting stronger, Freddie!)

Luckily they don't attack or we would be doomed. xD

Lon'qu: The others lost their gold becausethey were reckless. I always keep one eye glued on my valuables, so I never...What? My gold!

Me: That's why I'm making you a Dreadfighter in the end. xD

And they all have pass. Great! They can slip by unnoticed and that Vantage is danger for earlygame.

Lon'qu: Damn, you fiend! How did you do that?!

Frederick: Are you the Risen who's been doing the thieving? You stole from a princess, too...I cannot let this go unpunished. Prepare to be shaken, Knave!

Sumia: "Stay strong" G-Give me back my gold! That's all I have to pay for the stuff I break when I trip! And I trip LOT...

Everytime you engage combat in the DLC episodes, the characters say something for the first time before the clashing begins. Frederick got a good level up, too.






Frederick: I must admit, I've outdone myself! Sword rank also increased to B.

Chrom: There. All the gold we took back from the Risen inonebig pile.

Me: And getting alot 3000G's is FUCKING GOOD!

Chrom: Our army could use thismoney! Better weapons,new armor, more-

They now wonder where all of thisgold came from. It came from the ghouls who were actually robbed Vincent and Victor's savings account which at least 1/3 of it is now MINE! They say that it magically appeared from the ghouls vault and they can (which means, you!) can try it again. Cool! A chapter that's better than the U.S mint.

Vincent: Retry the level and don't louse it up this time, ya daft arse!

Tiiime to buy that Master Seal and Physic staff. ^_^

It even shows your record which is- for whichever ones that you haven't yet participated in. The record for Golden Gaffe is 5 turns. Made 17000G. Yay! Bought both the Physic staff and the Master Seal.

Turns 5 (It's always 5 turns. As it ends after 5 turns. The enemies run away instead of attacking you! =))

MVP None


EXP Oriential

We now have aconversation with Anna. Anna is now telling us to exterminate the Entombed that are terrorising the villages that are also stealing their crops. Were inside some castle. If they aren't stopped, the villagers will starve and live in poverty. x.x

Anna goes fighting these guys will earn you more EXP than you know what to do with. Anyway, the track it makes here is when you train in the prologue Chapters of FE12.



This one talks french. There are several of these enemies that are weak (LV1) enough for your characters to handle. Just watch out for the dark blue bared ones as they have Counter.




I've lost Chrom a few times against them.

STAY AWAY from the ones that have Counter...I MEAN IT! Counter is evil in this game. It does the same amount of damage to you that you inflict on your opponent. I'll give at least a few of my characters this postgame! =)

Chrom: Fighting them is very rewarding. Wonder what she meant by that?

Engage quotes

Sully: Good thing you're made of fertilizer. Cause I'm gonna kick the crap out of you.

Chrom: Well at least we got a little experience and a little stronger.

Anna: They sprout like weeds. So come back anytime you are looking for Ze challenge!

Turns 4 (Always ends after 4 turns.)

MVP None

After getting Chrom to LV13 in this darkened tome.

Chrom: No one can stop me! (Soulblade)

Sumia: "Victory" (You'll love her voice!)

It's especially mesmerizing hearing FE12's battle theme as you battle these guys. The theme when you battle a foe during the prologue chapters.

Lon'qu:Now your a piece of work. Got alot to gain by picking on the weak, is that it?...Well, so do I.

After another 5 rounds of combat in the EXP omnigrowth episode. I then head out to do a skirmish which was pretty hard. Donnel died. Restarted. Now doing some barracks. Lissa got Skill and Res. Chrom+Kellum Nothing. Just walked away after a brief chat. Now onward to Chapter 5. In Sumia+Chrom's C Support, Sumia demands Chrom to stay by her side. Yes, because she wants nobody else to take him from her. Yandre!

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Chapter 5 and Prologue 2

Chapter 5

We meet these sinister characters for the first time. I like Aversa's voice better in this version. She sounds like Diva in Elhazard. Wonder if her voice is being done by the actoress who did Diva in Elhazard. Maribelle and Emmeryn are being held hostage.

Watch all of it! It's wonderful!




























I love Maribelle's voice in this version She sounds alot more to her appearance. ^___^

These two rich girls have never undergone poverty, so it's understandable that they would have such spoilit attitudes towards people. Their relationship is wonderful. <3

Anyways, Aversa is going to execute her for being a threat to Plegia.

Me: What?! But she can't fight.

Emmeryn asked for Gangrel to release her, he refuses.



-Hand Axe


-Superior Axe

Turns 6

MVP Frederick&Sully



I actually cried after seeing that. Seeing this makes me glad that this game got localized. It would be this touching if Feena/Mallesia weren't Japan only characters. I now head to the world map to sell the Bullion(M) and getting a Heal Staff for Maribelle and a few Vulneraries before beginning the next prologue.

Prologue 2

well...what do you know, it's Victor and Vincent. They're in the Golden Gaffe episode too. How ya doin? Kellam unfortunately met his end at the hands of Victor's Short Axe throw. Since I never play on Casual, he's dead. Not worth starting over for.


-Goddess Icon


-Wolt's Bow

Turns 10

MVP Aya&Donnel

Afterwards the merchant now sells a Talismen and a Change Seal. Since I'm broke and gold isn't easy to come by without DLC, back to the Gaffe Chapter. Did two rounds, got 34000G and used 10k of it to forge two Iron Swords and bought the Change Seal and Talismen. My battery power is now low and have to conclude it here for the day.


Chrom LV16 EXP6

Class: Lord


HP 33/33

Power 14

Mag Pwr 1

Skill 20

Speed 19

Luck 16

Def 14

Res 4

Sword B (Close to A)

Skills:0010f.pngDual Attack, charismae.pngCharm


Ayanami LV11 EXP89


Class: Tactician

HP 28/28

Power 10

Mag Pwr 14

Skill 11

Speed 14

Luck 6

Def 9

Res 6

Sword E Tome C

Skills:001fd.pngWar Knowledge, magicsquare.pngSolidarity

Yeah. I've made her Luck her flaw.

Lissa LV13 EXP52

Class: Cleric


HP 24/24

Power 4

Mag Pwr 9

Skill 12

Speed 11

Luck 18

Def 5

Res 10

Staff B

Skills: 069f.pngMiracle, 018id.pngHealtouch

Good. =)

Sumia LV16 EXP44

Class: Peg Knight


HP 31/31

Power 13

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 23


Luck 15

Def 9

Res 16

Lance C

Skills:speed2n.pngSpeed+2, 005kb.pngRefresh


Sully LV16 EXP47

Class: Cavalier


HP 33/33

Power 17

Mag Pwr 5

Skill 18

Speed 19

Luck 15

Def 11

Res 6

Sword B Lance C

Skills:discipline.pngDiscipline, outdoorbattle.pngOutdoor Battle

She's trucking as hard as her words.

Donnel LV12 EXP84


Class: Villager

HP 28/28

Power 12

Mag Pwr 4

Skill 10

Speed 12

Luck 22

Def 7

Res 4

Lance: D


So glad that the EXPOmigrowth is useful for Neverused tier characters, like you.

Lon'qu LV11 EXP11


Class: Myridmon

HP 24/24

Power 10

Mag Pwr 1

Skill 16

Speed 18

Luck 10

Def 7

Res 7

Sword C

Skills: 0190.pngAvoid+10, 0201a.pngVantage

Sorry, couldn't fit this in one reply. My pic limit.

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*Messes around with Spotpass*

Japanese Copy...

So glad to be able to read all this. =)

Just obtained one of each through Spotpass!

-Book Of Narga (Not attainable in the United States)


-Luna Lance

-Holy Bow

-Mjölnir (Not available in the United States)

-Missiletainn (You can also get this in Wood's event and DLC's Infinity weapons chapter)


-Astra Bow




Gone through two runs of this game makes these weapons available now which you can also obtain in the Infinity DLC weapons episode.

English Copy...





-Black Knight



-Prince Marth (The spotpass one is better.)


Charm, Luck +4, Dual Strike+, Dual Guard+, Dual Support+


Aptitude, Charm

I've just hired Mia for 5774 gold! xP

At least she's in my game now!!!! ^___^

I may make her a Bride, but Hero also comes to mind.


Thank you, Vince heartbunny! She can become a Hero. Kewl!

They are now in my game! Will get the DLC episodes in my Japanese copy soon as wireless connections don't have regional lockout! Great, I can get everything in my import! =)

*Will update soon*

That is all I have to report at the moment.

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Chapter 6/7/Lost Bloodlines 2


I now go up against Linde's team. This prologue is not to be trifiled with. As many of them are mercs having Killer Weapons including some archers. Of course on hard, this may take the cake. But on Lunatic, oh god! Anyway, again I lose Chrom and will have to try this again. Love this game. =D

Chrom: I'm...sorry, everyone...Leave me...save yourselves...if you can...

Aya: Chrom, NO! You can't die! Not now!

So I head to the next chapter and hope to try my luck in it again after this.

Chapter 6 Forseer

After a brief chat with Marth some cutscene happens and some bandit tries to off Chrom till Marth stopped him. Another bandit slashed his mask off and the blue hair unravels.

Chrom: What? A woman?!

Blue haired lady: I'd say I'm quite the actress, don't you think? You didn't figure it out till just now.

After preparations then Frederick+Sully (B Support). Sully wonders why Freddie beat her. Freddie is telling her that perhaps it's because he taught her.

Sully: I didn't sleep for days after that...I was just so damn angry.

Frederick: When master and student first fight, the student naturally stands no chance. The perception that one's teacher is unbeatable can be difficult to shake.

Sully: So I can't beat you now because you beat the crap out of me when I was 15?

Frederick: It doesn't sound quite so honorable when you say it in that manner...(B Support increased)

Sumia+Sully (C Support) Sumia is going on about her Pegasus.

Sully: My horse is proud of me in combat. What more can a woman want?

Sumia: You sound like a kind loving mother whenever you say that.

Sully: Eh, I'm not the maternal type.

Sumia: Even so it's obvious how fond you two are of each other. Whenever you praise him, he snorts ever so happily!

Sully: You noticed that...Huh. Most folks just assume he's some mindless beast.

Sumia: "Well" Oh it's nice to have someone to talk about this sort of thing...

Sully: Pfft! Intrude? I could talk horses until the cows come home!

Sumia: Oh, thank you! Oh, wonderful! Let me just put on some tea and we can-

Sully: Hold it right there, girlie! You've just combed that horse top to bottom. You deserve a rest. You relax and put your feet up-I'll make the teathis time.

Sumia: Oh! Um, all right.

Sully: "Yea" I'll be right back!

Sumia: *giggle* Hee hee, I've never seen Sully look so excited about anything.

Me: She should do it more often. =)

Sully and Sumia attained Support level C.

Donnel+Aya (B Support)

They're talking about the size of the food that they've caught while Donnel caught a huge fish while Aya caught a bear in a bear trap. The chomper that clams to your feet. Yes. Then Donnel comments on how pretty Aya is.

Donnel: "Yeah" And ain't just you, neither. Every gal in this here army is a knockout. Yee-haw!

Aya: "Oh" I see.

(Donnel+Aya B support)

I now start the battle as it makes the sinister tune again.

Validar: Remember, I want the emblem in my hand and Emmeryn dead on the floor. Let nothing distract you for either purpose.

Assassin: "Yes sir." As you will it.

Gaius: *pant* Woah, Woah, did I just hear that right? Were to kill the exault? I'm just here for the plunder. You know, line my pockets with some royal goods. It shows an FMV of the Falchion as it makes some power noise while hearing Marth's sweet voice in the process. I have Mia and Sully defend the east. Donnel and Chrom west as I need Chrom to talk to Gaius while having Aya defend the middle with Sumia by her. As I want to keep on the lookout for those damn archers. Talking to Gaius...

Chrom: Drop your weapon, or die where you stand!

Gaius: Easy there, blue blood. I'm not here to hurt anyone.

Later on, Gaius says "Sugar". Wow! I think you and Fat Buu would get along great. =P

Starts the battle and Freddie's axe rank increased to C during the midist of this battle. I use my Talismen on Chrom. There was a treasure here, but I didn't care to get it! After killing Validar and his remaining forces..

Validar: Emmeryn was my target. You will pay for this interfering in my designs.

Freddie 34HP


Attk 16

Hit 81%

Crit 5%


Freddie uses a Killing Edge, the crit activates as it had a 31% chance to do so.

Freddie: "Your last breath approaches."

As he does a hard blow watching Validar go flying across the room saying...

Validar:"Damn" No...this is...all wrong...

Me: And your heal staff is now mine!

*Plucks it*

Marth wasn't here, but at least I didn't bring her to any harm. =)

We get told as we've just changed history which was supposed to lead to great war by having the Emblem stolen. That's what Validar meant by "This is all wrong" and that you cannot change what has already been written at the very start of the game. Anyways, some shadowy figure comes and takes Validar away. The shadowy figure is the fell dragon, Grima. Grima must befemale as you hear the shadowy figures voice. Anyways, she makes a deal with him and they go. I now buy a few Vulneraries and forge an Iron Sword for Gaius as I now exit the shop and head out.

Sully+Lon'qu (C Support)

It was hilarious. See support section for more information. I'm not going to spoil it for ya. The barracks Paine gains Speed and luck. Aya gains Str and Skill. Virion and Freddie get a support development. Aya now finds an Imposing Axe. Chrom finds a Soothing Sword and now we begin the chapter.

Chapter 7 Incursion

Some bandits from Plegia want to stop us while it makes this sinister tune. Vasto kills a messenger before the battle begins. It seems Chrom never noticed that this messenger died as he was probably far away. THat's what MagicLeafy meant by this. Vasto now demands the Fire Emblem, we refuse. Now the battle begins. After killing his minions...

Vasto: I'll splatter you across the canyon floor!

I have Mia kill him with the Wyrmslayer.

Vasto: You think...killing me will change anything? Heh...

Me: With less banditry problems in Plegia, I'd say, yes.

Mia got a point in Skill and Speed before the chapter ends. She gives Chrom the Fire Emblem as well as hearing a sad tale about Cordelia. She joins us and now Lissa worries for her sister, Emmeryn. If she's her sister, then why doesn't Lissa have any of those markings that both Chrom and Emmeryn do? Sumia also slaps errr Punches Chrom. I now try the encounter again...

When Linde apprached me this time she said

Linde: Try me if you can.

Arcthunder 25x2 which Freddie only had a 56% chance of getting hit. Dodged the first and got hit by the second. Chrom then died again. Urrgh! Still stand stand no chance. The merchant sold a Change and Master Seal. I've sold my Bullion (M) and bought the Seals and an Elwind tome before heading out. In the barracks Miriel+Lon'qu have a convo. Lon'qu didn't want to hear it. They get a support development and then forge the Killer Lance for 1 additional Mt for 840 gold. Have only 769 gold left. I branish my sword against Linde again. It makes some different rebellious tune before the battle begins.

Linde: Try me then!

I finish her off with Chrom after Freddie got his strike first. He couldn't double her. Unfortunately, during the next enemy phase, I've lost Freddie in this fight. Yes, the spotpass chapters are not to be trifled with. I decide to just have him be my advisor from this point foward. Don't worry, buddy! Your sacrifice will not be in vain. Rest easy and let us handle the rest of this. He got wasted by some Steel Bow archers after several mercs already wounded him. But at least I've got her free and now we can call it a day. Sully is already at the point of replacing Freddie now that she is getting so good! =)

She is now at LV17. I wasn't planning to use him anyway. Anyways, I hire Linde and

Linde: I will fight with you.

Me: Yay! ^__^

But she doesn't come with the Arcthunderwhen she joins me! I give her an Elfire and Elwind tomes before I head out. They use her portrait from her original artwork from Shadow Dragon. I've forged 1 more might to a kill sword for 735 gold. After giving Chrom the Tyrfing, Sully the Alm Blade, Lon'qu the Soothing Sword, Sumia the Superior and Luna lances and Linde the Wilderwind tome. Dat 35 crit that it offers is nothing to joke about. And I've also gave the Wyrmslaer to Sully before I head to the next spotpass encounter.

Zihark: I am from the Toha vigilanties.

I now challenge him. After engaging him it makes a different rebellious tune. Anyways, I'm in big trouble as he has a Killing Edge as Sully has 35HP with him having this...





Attk 18x2

Hit 81%

Crit 24%

Sully could not double him and he could do that to her which he did and killed her in the process. Anyways...

Sully: *huff huff* Damn my eyes...I was foolish...and careless...Hate to do this to ya, but I've got no choice...I gotta retreat...

Anyways, I do three Golden Gaffe encounters and got 790346 gold. Time to recruit Marth which costed 18906 gold. Welcome to the team, Marth! I now begin the Lost Bloodlines 2 chapter.


Lost Bloodlines 2

We now meet some old geezer named Old Hubba who tells the guys I've gotta face has been tricked into thinking that we've summoned them. This is a very interesting chapter. Anyways, there are Ethlyn, Lewyn, Jamke, Ayra, Sigurd, Arden, who are on my side as NPC units. Plus having Mia, Prince Marth, and Linde with me, this should be a great match. Anyways, I've got to face off against Minerva, Gharnef, Linde, Merric, Prince Marth, Tiki (Child), Nyna, Shiida, Navarre, badass Ogma, Hardin, Katarina, Malice, Etzel, Legion erm..Roro, Athena, Deen, Horace, Boey, Mycen, King Marth, Alm, Norne, Clair, Luthier, and the lovely Catria. I know that we stand no chance. ^__^

But I'm itchin to make Chrom into a Dreadfighter for the Res+10 skill. ^_^

Prince Marth will be needed here and will be and will be right back as I'm going to hire the Black Knight.

*Resets game*

Black Knight: I'm one of the Daein's four riders.

I'm hiring him to make this battle alot more interesting!!!! ^_^

21100G. Done! He is now mine! I'll need both him and Prince Marth that is if I'm going to stand a chance. =P

Black Knight: I shall be your shield.

Me: Yay! ^__^

First I face Zihark again. Marth said this upon hiring him from spotpass....

Prince Marth: I am Marth, Prince of Altea.

Yeah, and now you can command us since your far stronger than Chrom right now! =)

Look at his bases, Uber tier instantly. They use his official artwork from Shadow Dragon. At least I can disarm him for the most part to have his supportive skills come in handy. As I'm not quite ready to break the game, yet. ^_^

I will at the third to the last chapter in the game! His stats...

Prince Marth


HP: 68/68

Str 31

Mag 12

Skill 35

Speed 34

Luck 39

Def 24

Res 15

I may try an Uber tier character playthrough someday! But not now! =)

Anyways, I have Marth help me out here in the Zihark encounter so that I can get him for free. Anyways, he was easy enough to deal with which he couldn't touch Marth. ^__^

Zihark: You've proven your worth. I will join you.

Me: Yay! ^__^

After the battle I now beging the Lost Bloodline 2 episode.

My team: Chrom, Ayanami, Lissa, Sumia, Sully, Prince Marth, Zihark, Lon'qu, Linde, Donnel, Mia, and Black Knight! NOW this should be alot more interesting!!! It makes this rebellious music.

FUCKING COOL! I love you, Nintendo.

Celica: Grave news, Alm-the enemy forces have somehow multiplied.

Alm: They must have summoned help from our world.

Celica: What do we do?

Alm: Crush them of course.

Celica: Oh...

Alm: What's wrong, Celica?

Celica: That's what I'm trying to figure out...Are you certain ours is the more just cause?

Alm: This is a battlefied. The politics of it no longer come into play.

Me: Yeah, and it's no wonder that your route is tougher. x.x

Alm: We've driven the enemy to their castle doors, and now you have doubts?

Celica: N-No of course not.

Alm: Then let's buckle down and finish this fight.

Me: Watch out boys and girls, cuz here comes trouble.

No pics for this convo as I don't want to reveal spoilers as this place is filled with massive amounts of it. Play it and see for yourself. I've actually sat for 20 min listening to this rebellious tune. Cuz, I was prancing all over the fucking place. Seriously! You will prance like hell seeing this chapter along with this rebellious tune to make it positively perfect. I can shout "I love you, Nintendo." till I'm blue in the face right about now. I already have all the games in the series (All 12 of them) for this occassion to be positively perfect! Anyways, continues prancing down the street for another 10 min while putting my 3DS in my backpack with my headphones on to hear this rebellious tune! After another 10 min...I now begin the battle. The reason I'm so hyper and prancing around, because this is what they would be named in our area if they were localized. And because you see characters in every fucking game in the series. Which I am glad that I've played and own all 12 of them! Especially FE1, FE Gaiden, and FE Monshou No Nazo the most than any other. Which I am glad that I have contributed over the years to these games. Also, special thanks to Nintendo, VincentASM, Twikitri, and Quinero for translating these games making this occassion positively perfect. Thanking Nintendo for translating this game. As we would be in big trouble if we had to translate it ourselves while the voice actors spoke Japanese. x.x

Fire Emblem is cool. It will always be my utmost favorite series, period as well as Dragonball. ^__^

Anyways, Arvis storms out of the castle and...

Arvis: Well met. Are you the leader of these ethereal forces? I cannot thank you enough for coming to our aid.

Thanking Nintendo for fixing some of the characters names as Japanese pronounciations are alot different than America's. We thought Arvis was Alvis because in Japan, r can be used as that or L. Shit, my battery's low. It'll get you to sit idly for this long before beginning the fight.

Arvis: My name is Arvis. I command this army.

Chrom: I am Chrom.

Arvis: Then allow me to explain our situation, Chrom.

*To be Added*

Shit, I'll have to continue this tommorrow as my 3DS already cut off for running completely out of battery power. Now for the stats...

Chrom LV20 EXP--

Class: Lord


HP 37/37

Power 17

Mag Pwr 2

Skill 23

Speed 21

Luck 17

Def 15

Res 6

Sword A

Skills:0010f.pngDual Attack, charismae.pngCharm

He will be a Dreadfighter then a Social Knight, and Paladin!

Ayanami LV14 EXP80

Class: Tactician


HP 31/31

Power 13

Mag Pwr 16

Skill 13

Speed 15

Luck 9

Def 11

Res 7

Sword D Tome C (1~2 strikes before it's B level)

Skills:001fd.pngWar Knowledge, magicsquare.pngSolidarity

Going good.

Lissa LV17 EXP90

Class: Cleric


HP 28/28

Power 8

Mag Pwr 11

Skill 13

Speed 13

Luck 20

Def 6

Res 13

Staff B

Skills: 069f.pngMiracle, 018id.pngHealtouch

I'm planning to make her a Peg Knight then Dark Flier to get her Galeforce.

Sumia LV19 EXP89

Class: Peg Knight


HP 34/34

Power 13

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 25


Luck 17

Def 10

Res 16

Lance B

Skills:speed2n.pngSpeed+2, 005kb.pngRefresh


Sully LV20/1 EXP23

Class: Great Knight


HP 44/44

Power 25

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 23

Speed 22

Luck 18

Def 20

Res 8

Sword A Lance B Axe E

Skills:discipline.pngDiscipline, outdoorbattle.pngOutdoor Battle

She's already surpassed Freddie by a LV17 Social Knight. Now she's getting close to Prince Marth's valor.

Donnel LV14 EXP78

Class: Villager


HP 30/30

Power 14

Mag Pwr 5

Skill 12

Speed 13

Luck 24

Def 9

Res 4

Lance: C


I'm promoting him right after he learns Weak Beats Strong into a Fighter first to get him Counter, then making him a Hero in the end.

Lon'qu LV14 EXP90

Class: Myridmon


HP 27/27

Power 12

Mag Pwr 2

Skill 19

Speed 21

Luck 11

Def 7

Res 7

Sword B

Skills: 0190.pngAvoid+10, 0201a.pngVantage

Working towards 20 before making him into an Assassin first for Lethality.

Gaius LV6 EXP64

Class: Thief


HP 23/23

Power 8

Mag Pwr 0

Skill 14

Speed 15

Luck 7

Def 6

Res 3

Sword D (Close to C)


Making him into an Assasssin in the end!

Maribelle LV6 EXP70

Class: Troubadour


HP 19/19

Power 0

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 5

Speed 8

Luck 8

Def 3

Res 8+2

Staff D


She will be a Bride in the end!

Prince Marth LV25 EXP81

Class: Lodestar


HP: 68/68

Str 31

Mag 12

Skill 35

Speed 34

Luck 39+4

Def 24

Res 15

Sword A

Skills: charismae.pngCharm, 079g.pngLuck+4, 076ir.pngDuel Strike+, 014cu.pngDuel Guard+, 076ir.pngDuel Support+

He will stay as he is as I'm planning to drop Luck+4 and giving him Limitbreaker!

Linde LV14 EXP75

Class: Mage


HP 26/26

Power 0

Mag Pwr 14

Skill 15

Speed 17

Luck 17

Def 5

Res 8

Tome C

Skills: magic2x.pngMagic+2, concentrationv.pngFocus, early.pngPatience

She will be a Sage.

Black Knight LV20 EXP--

Class: General


HP 75/75

Power 40

Mag Pwr 23

Skill 39

Speed 31

Luck 21

Def 40+2

Res 28

Lance A Axe B

Skills:defence2q.pngDef+2, 016sr.pngIndoor Fighter, lunaxy.pngLuna, 012nh.pngRally Def, greatshield.pngPavise

He will be a Dreadfighter before the last three chapters are left as I won't be using him until then. =)

Not like he needs any training till then.

Mia LV15 EXP52

Class: Myridmon


HP 25/25

Power 10

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 16

Speed 20

Luck 12

Def 9

Res 4

Sword C

Skills:0190.pngAvoid+10, 0201a.pngVantage, early.pngPatience

I'm planning to make her into a Hero in the end.

Zihark LV19 EXP0

Class: Myridmon


HP 33/33

Power 17

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 20

Speed 23

Luck 10

Def 13

Res 2

Sword B

Skills:0190.pngAvoid+10, 0201a.pngVantage, 014h.pngTantivy

These are actually their portraits in the game! I'm planning to make him into a Dreadfighter in the end.

Cordelia LV7 EXP37

Class: Peg Knight


HP 25/25

Power 9

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 13

Speed 12+2

Luck 9

Def 8

Res 8

Sword C


Her base stats.

I will make her into a Bride in the end!

No pics this time, cuz I worry on my picture limit on this one and to not spoil Lost Bloodlines 2.

Discussion about Legion and his characteristics....


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Lost Bloodlines 2

Now the barracks. Virion+Panne gets a support increase, Aya+Vaike get a support increase, Panne searches the room and nothing.

Panne: Gods. I could go for a corrot right now.

Maribelle+Lissa get a support increase

Maribelle: I'm always so bored after a battle. How do you pass the time?

Lissa: I keep an eye on my brother. He's always breaking stuff when he trains.

Ricken looks around and gets 24 EXP. You actually get the same things in the barracks as you do with event tiles.

Aya+Sumia (C Supprt)

They're discussing literature.


Aya: Oh goodness! Please don't cry! I didn't mean to imply...A-Actually, did you say "Wyvern Wars"? I've always wanted to read that one.

Sumia: *whew* *sniff* R-Really? You want that one? Oh, I'm so happy...I hope you like it!

Aya (Pretty sure I have to at this point...)

Me: (She's being sarcastic x.x)

(Support level increased C)

Continuing where I left off.

Arvis: We need you to join in your might to ours and break the enemy siege. We pray that your soldiers will tip the odds in our favor.

Chrom: I understand

Arvis: Again, you have my thanks.

Chrom: "Listen" Ayanami...

Aya: What's wrong?

Chrom: That was Arvis...the villian in every Jugdrali saga I've ever heard...So why does he come across as so pleasant?

Aya: History decides heros and villians on a different basis than reality. Perhaps the stories got Arvis wrong. Hedid lose out in the end, after all...

Chrom: "Really" You have a point.

(Battle starts)

It makes the soundtrack that you do any of Alm's chapters. (Beginning of the game for starters)

Listens to this a few times before beginning the fight. There were also Clive, Nomah, and Valbar that I've had to fight and more recruits comes to our aid and they're Quen, Deirdre, Raquesis, and Arvis. After advancing the west team east and the southeastern team north.

Tiki: Mar-Mar, where did all those bad people come from?

Prince Marth: Not from this world. Of that I'm certain. Don't worry, Tiki. There is strength in our numbers. We will crush them.

Me: NO! x.x

Katarina: Prince Marth is on the move. We ought to mobilize on our own-

Hardin: You need'nt spell it out.

Katarina: ....

Me: Oh, Katarina. =)

Hardin: Ready our forces! We and Prince marth shall crush the enemy from both sides.

Me: At least your not under Medeus' control!

Sigurd: Our reinforcements are in place. Ready the countersrike. We need to break through and rejoin with Lord Arvis's forces!

Me: Yes. We must work together if weregoing to stand a chance.

Alm: I don't peddle in mercy. I can't afford to.

Me: Right. You must grnd youremotions into dust whenever on a battlefield and be like a rock.

Alm: If you want to fight me, then be prepared to pay the price!

During enemy phase they all advance towards us and watches Ethlyn use Rally Res on the team during NPC phase and watches Horace power up the Gaiden league. Marth's army down south advances towards us.

Ogma vs Deirdre (It makes the battle song during Alm's chapters)

Ogma: Mine will be the last blade you see.

Ogma had

Attk 35x2

Hit 100%

Crit 6

-Silver Sword


Attk 4

Hit 62%

Crit 0%


Deirdre gets thwarted.

Deirdre: What are we...to do?

Legion vs Raquesis


Attk 36x2

Hit 65%

Crit 38%

-Killer Axe

Legion: Our enemies are upon us! Yous and us must fight!

Raquesis dodged the first blow and got critted being dealt 108 damage.

Raquesis: I need to escape...Oh, Eldigan...Where are you, brother?

Prince Marth vs Quan

Prince Marth: We will never yield, no matter how many phantoms the enemy summons!

Prince Marth

Attk 24x2

Hit 91%

Crit 22%

-Noble Rapier


Attk 26

Hit 73%

Crit 0%

-Silver Lance

Of course he stood no chance as Marth critted Okoing him.

Quan: Damn! Forgive me, my lord...I can...fight no longer...

Hardin vs Arvis

Let's see...


HP 54

Attk 26

Hit 90%

Crit 11%



HP 58

Attk 16

Hit 80%

Crit 5%


Hardin: You were a fool to stand against me and you will die before me thusly.

Hardin's Vengence activated and did nothing but regular damage as he wasn't hurt to begin with. Arvis got dealt 17 Damage and he dealt Hardin 26 damage.

Athena vs Jamke


Athena: Vat have ve here? An enemy?


HP 38

Attk 17

Hit 85%

Crit 22%

-Killer Bow


HP 39




-Silver Sword

She was being attacked by a bow.

Athena: Then fight us! Ve shall be the varrior who puts you in the ground.

Jamke critted her.

Athena: You fight well...Ve know ven ve have been defeated...

Galeforce activates

Boey gets attacked


Boey: Yow! You look strong. But I won't give in yet.


HP 38

Attk 22x2

Hit 100%

Crit 22%

-Killer Bow


HP 33

Attk 22

Hit 56%

Crit 0%


Jamke got dealt 26 damage while he sniped Boey twice.

Boey: Mae will never let me...live this

Me: Yay! Mei's localized name! ^^

Mycen vs Lewyn

Mycen: Are you strong enough to unhorse an old man?


Attk 28x2

Hit 93%

Crit 22%


Of course Mycen was no match for him.

Mycen: (Don't remember his quote)

Black Knight vs Alm

Alm was no match for him. He could only deal 1 HP of damage to him and BK can double him. He made short work of both him and Clair.


Donnel: Beggin' yer parden, but do ya mind if I ask you a question?

Ayra: What is it?

Donnel: Folks say yer a fiery one-a real ture warrior!

Ayra: That's not a question.

Donnel: Can you teach me how to get stronger? I know I gots a long way to go.

Ayra: If you know that, then you already have your answer.

Donnel: I do?

Ayra: If you have a long way to go, then start going. Train. Practice.

Donnel: ...Gosh, is that really all there is to it?

Ayra: Yes.


Ayra: You look unhappy. So let me ask you-have you trained hard enough? Have you trained more than any man around you?

Donnel: Not exactly, but-Ayra If it's strength you seek, there are no shortcuts. Only hard work. Don't ask questions if you're only going to balk all the answers.

Donnel: "Amazing"...Ya know, your right! I just gotta be patient. Thanks for the advice!

Me: ^~^

Before this convo, Catria clashed as she lost nearly half her health.

Here was Clair's quote...

Clair:Perhaps, I should have served Alm better.

Me: Hang in there, Clair. -.-

Arvis vs Nyna

Of course his Vengence activated dealing her 31x2.

King Marth vs Jamke

He was dealt with in short order.

King Marth

Attk 30x2

Hit 100%

Crit 6%

Jamke: Careless...I must retreat...

Navarre vs Zihark

Navarre: Will it be tears or blood you weep first?


HP 33

Attk 13

Hit 70%

Crit 0%

-Forged Iron Sword


HP 49

Attk 26x2

Hit 90%

Crit 26%

-Kill Sword

He wears some peace symbol on the back of his jacket. Of course he was dealt with in short order. *Shucks* I retry this time only with Chrom, Lissa, Sully, Prince Marth, and BK. Hardin engaged combat with BK.


HP 75

Attk -

Hit -


-Forged Brave Lance


Attk 0

Hit 58%

Crit 0%

Me: lol

Prince Marth vs Etzel

Etzel: My, haven't you've come a long way. A shame for you had to draw me into this...

Prince Marth

HP 68

Attk 25x2

Hit 100%

Crit 9%

-Alm's Blade


Attk 22x2

Hit 27%

Crit 0%


Marth regualry hit him, he dodged twice and Marth delivers a crit.

Etzel: And here I thought I was going to make it...





Malice: Why'd you come here, anyway? I wouldn't exactly call these killing fields "greener pastures".

After finishing her off.

Malice: Nngh...Now see? Why couldn't you have just hired me? Heh...


HP 68

Attk 34x2

Hit 100%

Crit 11%

-Alm's Blade


HP 39

Attk 5

Hit 41%

Crit 0%

-Silver Sword

Katarina vs Prince Marth

Katarina: Every battle is a wild animal, one that is never fully known or tamed...

Me: And that you get timid whenever serious things don't happen. x.x


HP 40

Attk 25

Marth gets dealt 25.

Legion vs Marth

Prince Marth

HP 24

Attk 25x2

Hit 76% (He had Swordbreaker)

Crit 8%


HP 70

Attk 20

Hit 60%

Crit 6%

Ayra vs Mycen


HP 40

Attk 7x2

Hit 100%

Crit 8%

-Silver Sword


HP 43

Attk 25

Hit 41%

Crit 0%

-Silver Axe

Ayra strikes him with a crit leaving him in the danger zone.

Minerva vs BK


HP 75

Attk 24x4

Hit 72%

Crit 10%

-Forged Brave Lance


HP 51

Attk 1

Hit 81%

Crit 0%

Minerva: I am Minerva of Macedon. Face me at your peril!

BK's Luna activates Minerva's in the danger zone upon the first strike and dies by the second.

Minerva: Defeated? But i...Where did I go wrong...

Athena vs Arden


HP 39

Attk 0

Hit 100%

Crit 6%

-Silver Sword


HP 40

Attk 22

Hit 65%

Crit 0%

Arden dealt 22 while she dealt him no damage. The result for these two is the same as before. Jamkue killed Boey with a crit Galeforced and finished off Athena.

Deirdre vs Navarre


Hp 35

Attk 12

Hit 7%

Crit 0%



HP 49




-Killing Edge

Ayra this time deals more damage to Mycen and she gets dealt by one of his 24 Attk blows. Lewyn comes and finishes him off.

Arvis vs Navarre

Arvis dealt good damage to him by 24. But he couldn't double Navarre.

King Marth vs Ethlyn

King Marth: We will bow to no enemy, be they of this world or another.


HP 40

Attk 18

Hit 48%

Crit 0%


King Marth

HP 52




Ethlyn shocked and missed while hearing those cackling sounds of the tome. x.x

Clair: I am Clair of Zofia, your vanquisher!

Me: Yay! Localization change for Sofia which is Zofia in our area.

Sigurd vs Clair


HP 55

Attk 37

Hit 92%

Crit 0%

-Silver Lance


HP 34

Attk 0

Hit 77%

Crit 0%

Clair dies.

Me: Clair, No! -.-

Clair: I only wished that I have served Alm better.

Me: -.-

Caeda vs Quan

Caeda: I pity you! You have only crossed realms only to be defeated!


HP 33

Attk 0x2

Hit 83%

Crit 33%

-Killer Lance


HP 55

Attk 31


Crit 0%

-Silver Lance

Quan missed and Caeda critted, but dealt no damage. Turn ends. Ended up in a stalemate. Tries again.

After defeating Ogma

Ogma: Nngh...Too much confidence...too little practice.

Linde vs Prince Marth

Linde: In the name of Ponifix Miloah. I will not fail!


HP 63

Attk 36x2

Hit 95%

Crit 0%



HP 33

Attk 14

Hit 52%

Crit 0%


After defeating Linde

Linde: I will not repeat this disgrace.

Merric: I'll give you a taste of what I've learn in Khadein!

Gets dealt 13 damage. I've only brought Prince Marth and BK. I've put Marth by the SE castle to defend it and BK to the west since two armies will come at you to the west. After a few tires, I did it! "Yatta"!

After Episode ends...

Alm: I have lost to someone worthy of you. My name is Alm. Do you know who I am? Have you ever heard of Alm

Yes No

I've choosed No.

Alm: My grandfather raised me in a village in the verdent kingdom of Zofia. My best friend from the village, Celica is like a sister to me. When the Rigelian Empire invaded, I felt compelled to fight back! What's that? My attire? This is a Dreadfightrs garb. A Dreadfighter battles to win, to better himself, and to protect those that he loves. They are my worlds most fearsome fighters.

Me: This is proving to you that Dreadfighter is the best male class in the game. I would say that for Falcoknight too. Which is the best female class in the game.

Alm: Of course, Celica thinks I should take a more compassionate approach to enemies...

Me: When it comes to Medeus though, were always serious.

Alm: But really, it's a battlefield. How do you compassionately stab someone?

Me: You don't, you just have to do what you heart tells you.

Alm: It may sound barbaric, but that's just how I really feel.

Me: Well...without you, Valentia wouldn't be standing.

Alm: If you hurt me, I'll hurt you back...tenfold. What about you? Do you have compassion for your foes?

Me: Sometimes.

Alm: Can you show compassion to foes

Yes No

I've picked Yes.

Alm: Really? Impressive. Strong and tender, all at once. Is that a balancing act that comes with experience, or is it confidence? Well, you've given me something to mull over, at least. Maybe one day, I'll find it in my heart to be like you.

Me: Okay. But your fine just the way you are.

Recruit Alm

Yes NoI pick Yes.

Alm: Our cause needs folks like you!

Me: Well, Marth is also from your dimention. You should meet him without both of you, Archanea and Valentia would be in ruins.

Anyways, Alm joins the group and I retrieve a Dread Scroll upon the episodes end. This is his base stats



LV 21

Hp 50/50

Str 26

Mag 5

Skill 21

Speed 20

Luck 18

Def 22

Res 17+10

Skills Res+10, Quick Slash, Rally Res

I now do another EXP Omnigrowth encounter along with Alm and now promote Chrom to a Dreadfighter. Here is what he got upon the change.






Awesome! =D

I also used a Change Seal Sumia to a Cleric to get her both the Miracle and Renewal skills, then to Peg knight and Dark Flier. She actually looks very pretty as a Cleric/War Monk. Used my other Change Seal on Donnel as well and made him into a Fighter, so I can get him the Counter skill. Then he will become a Merc>Hero. Now, time for the stats.

Chrom LV20/2 EXP0

Class: Dreadfighter


HP 42/42

Power 19

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 27

Speed 24

Luck 18

Def 16

Res 16+10

Sword A Axe E Tome E

Skills:0010f.pngDual Attack, charismae.pngCharm, 092a.pngRes+10

He will be a Dreadfighter then a Social Knight, and Paladin!

Ayanami LV16 EXP23

Class: Tactician


HP 32/32

Power 14

Mag Pwr 17

Skill 15

Speed 17

Luck 11

Def 11

Res 8

Sword D Tome B

Skills:001fd.pngWar Knowledge, magicsquare.pngSolidarity

Going good.

Lissa LV18 EXP6

Class: Cleric


HP 29/29

Power 9

Mag Pwr 12

Skill 14

Speed 14

Luck 21

Def 6

Res 14

Staff B

Skills: 069f.pngMiracle, 018id.pngHealtouch

I'm planning to make her a Peg Knight then Dark Flier to get her Galeforce.

Sumia LV20/1 EXP18

Class: Cleric


HP 35/35

Power 10

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 21


Luck 18

Def 8

Res 17

Staff E

Skills:speed2n.pngSpeed+2, 005kb.pngRefresh, 069f.pngMiracle

She's going saint fot Miracle and Renewal skills. Then Peg>Dark Flier.

Sully LV20/1 EXP23

Class: Great Knight


HP 44/44

Power 25

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 23

Speed 22

Luck 18

Def 20

Res 8

Sword A Lance B Axe E

Skills: Discipline, Outdoor Battle

She's already surpassed Freddie by a LV17 Social Knight. Now she's getting close to Prince Marth's valor.

Donnel LV15/1 EXP0

Class: Fighter


HP 40/40

Power 22

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 17

Speed 18

Luck 25

Def 13

Res 4

Axe: E

Skills:077c.pngAptitude, 078i.pngWeak Beats Strong, 027g.pngHP+5

Gone fighter especially after Ayra's encouragement and will soon go into Merc>Hero in the end.

Lon'qu LV14 EXP90

Class: Myridmon


HP 27/27

Power 12

Mag Pwr 2

Skill 19

Speed 21

Luck 11

Def 7

Res 7

Sword B

Skills: Avoid+10, Vantage

Working towards 20 before making him into an Assassin first for Lethality.

Gaius LV6 EXP64

Class: Thief


HP 23/23

Power 8

Mag Pwr 0

Skill 14

Speed 15

Luck 7

Def 6

Res 3

Sword D (Close to C)

Skills: Lockpick

Making him into an Assasssin in the end!

Maribelle LV6 EXP70

Class: Troubadour


HP 19/19

Power 0

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 5

Speed 8

Luck 8

Def 3

Res 8+2

Staff D


She will be a Bride in the end!

Prince Marth LV29 EXP46

Class: Lodestar


HP: 71/71

Str 32

Mag 14

Skill 38

Speed 37

Luck 43+4

Def 26

Res 16

Sword A

Skills: charismae.pngCharm, 079g.pngLuck+4, 076ir.pngDuel Strike+, 014cu.pngDuel Guard+, 076ir.pngDuel Support+

He was a huge help into getting me that scroll against the Gaiden army. =D

Linde LV14 EXP75

Class: Mage


HP 26/26

Power 0

Mag Pwr 14

Skill 15

Speed 17

Luck 17

Def 5

Res 8

Tome C

Skills: magic2x.pngMagic+2, concentrationv.pngFocus, early.pngPatience

She will be a Sage.

Black Knight LV20 EXP--

Class: General


HP 75/75

Power 40

Mag Pwr 23

Skill 39

Speed 31

Luck 21

Def 40+2

Res 28

Lance A Axe B

Skills:defence2q.pngDef+2, 016sr.pngIndoor Fighter, lunaxy.pngLuna, 012nh.pngRally Def, greatshield.pngPavise

He will be a Dreadfighter before the last three chapters are left as I won't be using him until then. =)

Not like he needs any training till then.

Mia LV15 EXP52

Class: Myridmon


HP 25/25

Power 10

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 16

Speed 20

Luck 12

Def 9

Res 4

Sword C

Skills:0190.pngAvoid+10, 0201a.pngVantage, early.pngPatience

I'm planning to make her into a Hero in the end.

Zihark LV19 EXP0

Class: Myridmon


HP 33/33

Power 17

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 20

Speed 23

Luck 10

Def 13

Res 2

Sword B

Skills:Avoid+10, Vantage, Tantivy

These are actually their portraits in the game! I'm planning to make him into a Dreadfighter in the end.

Cordelia LV7 EXP37

Class: Peg Knight


HP 25/25

Power 9

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 13

Speed 12+2

Luck 9

Def 8

Res 8

Sword C

Skills: Speed+2

Her base stats.

I will make her into a Bride in the end!

Alm Lv23 EXP73

Class: Dreadfighter


HP 51/51

Power 28

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 23

Speed 21

Luck 20

Def 22

Res 18+10

Sword B Axe D Tome E

Skills: 092a.pngRes+10, 093m.pngQuick Slash, 075n.pngRally Res

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Prologue 3 and Chapters 8 and 9

I now buy a Seacond Seal, Rescue Staff, and Steel Sword from the next merchant. Barracks next. Gaius searches around the room.

Gaius: What's this? Candy? Not Candy?

He finds a Finn Lance. Lonqu+Vaike. They agree to fight together (Support relationship increased). Ricken+Lissa

Ricken: What are you so happy about? Did you find a puppy? ...Can I see it?

Lissa: No, I'm just glad the two of us got to talk! There's always too many people around?

Me: We do want to hear ourselves think every now and then needing to be alone to do so.

(Support relationship increased)

Panne+Stahl Stahl wonders what she was doing and Pannesaid that she was dreaming of a carrot patch. (Support relationship increased) Panne+Sully Paine wonders what Sully does normally.

Sully: Usually I'm maintaining my weapons or training. But I go on walk too.

(Nothing happens)

I now buy some bronze and Iron weapons and forges an Iron Sword for Gaius. Doing an Entombed encounter for Gaius and here are the lines of what he said during his battles...

Gaius: "Hey" Just between you and me? I've robbed a village or two myself, before...I totally get where you're coming from. Er, except for the whole veggies thing. Unfortunately, these guys are paying me to have a double standard. Tough luck!

Me: You forgot to say "Charlie". =P






Gaius: A little sugar in my tank, and watch out!

A Superior Edge is found in an event tile in one of my few encounters. I laughed at Gaius's next level gain as he only gained a point in luck and said...

Gaius: Ugh! That was bland.

After Linde duel guards to help Gaius to finish off an Entombed. Gaius "Thanks". That really got to me. =P

Just made Zihark into a Merc as I am planning to get him Armsthrift and Sol then making him into a Swordmaster for Astra, then into a Dreadfighter in the end.

Cordelia: Interesting...These dead things would make exceptional training dummies. Though personally, I'd prefer to better myself using more challenging methods.

Me: It will take a toll on your weapon rank as you level up so quickly that "BigKingly" already pointed out. Slow and steady wins the race, I know, but I need you a little better for the next chapter. I'll break this game soon enough by grinding like there's no tommorrow by exactly Chapter 23 as I need to make several class changes anyway to get them their Ultimate skills.

Cordelia: But if my lord needs faster results, I am certainly happy to oblige.

Me: You certainly talk like Cordelia. "Oblige" Only a princess of hearts would say that. =)

After promoting Lon'qu by LV15.

Lon'qu: Hmm...I could get used to this.

Gaius's battle quotes

Gaius: Like taking candy from a babe.

I now head to the next prologue.

Prologue 3

We just save some villagers from phantoms. Gaius's battle quote got to me again. Gaius "C'mon cupcake". Hit Peg phantom with a hard blow. Battle quote Gaius "Piece of cake". Along the village, Chrom wondered why he kicked the civilians out and it was because he didn't want to bring his villagers to any harm. But they all died since those pegs double attacked them and killed them. What a way to go. The mayor was afraid that their village might be ransacked.

Me: Well that's why I'm here now.

The mayor said that it may be harsh, but he couldn't risk putting the other villagers in danger of other folks that are after them that could put the village in danger of going in ruins.

Me: I agree. We wouldn't want to see it in ruins. (I can't tell him that they didn't make it. -.-)


Me: -.-

We get a Blessed Bow and finish up the prologue. Say goodbye Angel Robe. Feh! Picked up something on an event tile.

Linde: What's this...?

She finds a Tiki's Tear.

Me: Yippie!

Chrom: I failed them. I let them die.

Frederick: No, milord. You gave it all that you had. That is no failure. And we can still give them peace. They deserve a proper buriel.

Chrom: They deserved to LIVE, Frederick!...Ah, damn it all.

Me: Now your getting to be like Marth. He can't stand to see anyone getting hurt or killed. But this is WAR. Anything can happen. But at least what Marth would do is give them proper burials. -.-

Turns 9

MVP Aya&Chrom

I do another encounter then I have my battle with Lucia.

Lucia: I'm Lucia, a knight of Crimea.

Seems the enemies are too tough for me so...I have to hire her for 14100 gold. There were enemies that had forged Rexcaliburs, Silver Weapons, and Killer Bows all forged maximumly and their valors is far higher than mine. It's as if the game designers want you to pay for her services. Anyways, I hire her and the deed is done! =)

Lucia: Of course, I'd be honored.

Me: At least you have better availability. =)

Her hair also isn't butchered either. ^^

Barracks time. Vaike+Lon'qu. Vaike wonders what Lon'qu wants to do and that he tells him that he wants to master the blade along with other weapons in his arsenal. (Support relationship increased) Aya+Maribelle

Aya: You seem to be in a good mood. Did someone tell a funny joke?

Maribelle: Certainly not. This morning's tea was refreshing and put me in high spirits.

(Aya+Maribelle's support relationship increased)

I now finally begin the next chapter.

Chapter 8

I'd like to believe it's our cunning that got us this far without being spotted~Chrom. Anyways, Frederick tells us there is manner of engagement downfield. After preparing...

Nowi: *Huff Huff* Have I lost him?

Gregor: Wait, I say! Why you no comprehending, wee one?










She's not buying it. =P


He's so funny. xD







Nice work, Gregor. She now trusts you.


You can never judge a book by it's cover.


He sure talks incoherently. Like Bowyer in SuperMarioRPG.


Really?! What's wrong?


Linde and Plum's point of view.


Well...your away from those filthy men now. =)

After a turn, Gaius dies from a few enemies to the west. I restart and during my next tryout, Donnel's axe rank increased to D. Cordelia's spear rank increased to B.

I begin the next support Donnel+Cordelia (C Support)

They talk about wanting to go someplace on a date. (C Support increased)

Chapter 9 Emmeryn








It was nice knowing you, soldier.




Thar he blows.






Yeah! =D


Aww...he fall down go boom.



ur doing it wrong.


Tharja! <3




We must purge evil from the land.


At least she's honest. xP


Time to give her a chance.






-Killer Bow


-Hand Axe

Event tile

-Superior Axe

Turns 8

MVP Sully&Gaius

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Now for the stats.

Chrom LV20/11 EXP47

Class: Dreadfighter


HP 48/48

Power 23

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 33

Speed 31

Luck 24

Def 19

Res 21+10

Sword A Axe E Tome E

Skills:0010f.pngDual Attack, charismae.pngCharm, 092a.pngRes+10

Getting to Marth's valor.

Ayanami LV20 EXP--

Class: Tactician


HP 36/36

Power 16

Mag Pwr 20

Skill 17

Speed 18

Luck 11

Def 15

Res 10

Sword D Tome B

Skills:001fd.pngWar Knowledge, magicsquare.pngSolidarity

She's at 20 because I'm lacking a Change Seal.

Lissa LV20/1 EXP95

Class: War Monk


HP 39/39

Power 14

Mag Pwr 14

Skill 17

Speed 17

Luck 23

Def 11

Res 15

Axe E Staff A

Skills: 069f.pngMiracle, 018id.pngHealtouch

New plans have been made for her. I'm planning this...

ClericLV20>War MonkLV15>ClericLV10>ValkyrieLV10>MageLV10>SageLV10>Peg KnightLV10>FalcoknightLV5

I'm planning to make her a wonderful supporter for the team only giving her staves to battle as I'm planning to SPAM with Rally's every turn.

Skills I'm getting her...

-Renewal/Iote's Shield

-Rally Luck/Love

-Rally Res

-Rally Magic

-Rally Speed

Sumia LV20/6 EXP56

Class: Cleric


HP 40/40

Power 11

Mag Pwr 9

Skill 25


Luck 21

Def 8

Res 17

Staff D

Skills:speed2n.pngSpeed+2, 005kb.pngRefresh, 069f.pngMiracle

She's going saint fot Miracle and Renewal skills. Then Peg>Dark Flier.

Sully LV20/2 EXP45

Class: Great Knight


HP 45/45

Power 25

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 24

Speed 22

Luck 19

Def 21

Res 8

Sword A Lance B Axe E

Skills: Discipline, Outdoor Battle

She's already surpassed Freddie by a LV17 Social Knight. Now she's getting close to Prince Marth's valor.

Donnel LV15/9 EXP15

Class: Fighter


HP 48/48

Power 29

Mag Pwr 8

Skill 22

Speed 23

Luck 33(Capped)

Def 19

Res 7

Axe: D

Skills:077c.pngAptitude, 078i.pngWeak Beats Strong, 027g.pngHP+5

Gone fighter especially after Ayra's encouragement and will soon go into Merc>Hero in the end.

Lon'qu LV15/1 EXP69

Class: Swordmaster


HP 32/32

Power 15

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 22

Speed 25

Luck 11

Def 9

Res 10

Sword B

Skills: Avoid+10, Vantage

Going Swordmaster for Astra, then Wyvern Rider>Griffon for Lancebreaker then Assassin for Lethality then Dreadfighter.

Gaius LV20/2 EXP26

Class: Fighter


HP 42/42

Power 19

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 25

Speed 24

Luck 10

Def 11

Res 5

Axe E

Skills: Lockpick, Mov+1, HP+5

Going Fighter for Counter (His low defenses will make this very useful) then Making him a Merc/Hero for Armsthrift and Sol then Assassin.

Maribelle LV9 EXP17

Class: Troubadour


HP 20/20

Power 0

Mag Pwr 8

Skill 7

Speed 10

Luck 10

Def 4

Res 9+2

Staff C


Going to promote her at 10 to make her into a Peg for Galeforce. As I'm going to class change her several times to get the skills I want which are...




-Duel Support+


Prince Marth LV29 EXP46

Class: Lodestar


HP: 71/71

Str 32

Mag 14

Skill 38

Speed 37

Luck 43+4

Def 26

Res 16

Sword A

Skills: charismae.pngCharm, 079g.pngLuck+4, 076ir.pngDuel Strike+, 014cu.pngDuel Guard+, 076ir.pngDuel Support+

He was a huge help into getting me that scroll against the Gaiden army. =D

Linde LV19 EXP91

Class: Mage


HP 29/29

Power 5

Mag Pwr 17+2

Skill 17

Speed 22

Luck 21

Def 6

Res 10

Tome C

Skills: magic2x.pngMagic+2, concentrationv.pngFocus, early.pngPatience

No plans yet, but I might get her Sol and Armsthrift along with Vengence.

Black Knight LV20 EXP--

Class: General


HP 75/75

Power 40

Mag Pwr 23

Skill 39

Speed 31

Luck 21

Def 40+2

Res 28

Lance A Axe B

Skills:defence2q.pngDef+2, 016sr.pngIndoor Fighter, lunaxy.pngLuna, 012nh.pngRally Def, greatshield.pngPavise

He will be a Dreadfighter before the last three chapters are left as I won't be using him until then. =)

Not like he needs any training till then.

Mia LV17 EXP17

Class: Myridmon


HP 26/26

Power 13 (Used a Power Drop)

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 18

Speed 22

Luck 13

Def 10

Res 4

Sword C (About to hit B level.)

Skills:Avoid+10, Vantage, Patience

Other than having trouble getting Str, she's doing alright with a forged Steel Sword.

Zihark LV20/4 EXP80

Class: Mercenary


HP 39/39

Power 21

Mag Pwr 4

Skill 20

Speed 23

Luck 10

Def 14

Res 2

Sword B

Skills:Avoid+10, Vantage, Tantivy, Armsthrift

These are actually their portraits in the game! He's doing nicely as I will be getting him Sol soon.

Cordelia LV16 EXP48

Class: Peg Knight


HP 34/34

Power 15

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 20

Speed 19+2

Luck 13

Def 13

Res 9

Sword B

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh

What I'm planning to make her....


-Rally Love

-Rally Skill

-Rally Movement




Peg KnightLV20>ArcherLV10>BowknightLV10>Pegknight10>DarkflierLV15>Bride

She will be my second supporter! Bride style!

Alm Lv23 EXP73

Class: Dreadfighter


HP 51/51

Power 28

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 23

Speed 21

Luck 20

Def 22

Res 18+10

Sword B Axe D Tome E

Skills: Res+10, Quick Slash, Rally Res

Lucia LV19 EXP0

Class: Swordmaster


HP 51/51

Power 28+5

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 23

Speed 21

Luck 20

Def 22

Res 18+10

Sword A

Skills:0190.pngAvoid+10, 0201a.pngVantage, 076ir.pngDuel Support+, 021dc.pngAstra, 022xa.pngSwordfaire

She has her long hair back. <3

I'm getting her Sol, Armsthrift, etc.

Tharja LV10 EXP0

Class: Dark Mage


HP 25/25

Power 4

Mag Pwr 11

Skill 5

Speed 12

Luck 3

Def 10

Res 7

Tome D

Skills: Hex, Anathema

I'm going to get her.....






And she will be a Dark Knight in the end.

See here for more information on what skill sets that I will get for each character. I didn't mention Linde which is why that I have here.


Another post, because I've provided pictures in my first post.

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Prologue 4 and Chapter 10

Afterwards I promote Aya into a Merc to get her Armsthrift and Sol. I start the prologue next. After a encounter...

Lissa+Maribelle (C Support)

Lissa: This tea is good!

Maribelle: *giggle* Isn't it just divine, darling? The leaves are infused with a citrus aroma, so I was certain you'd like it.

Lissa: I like citrus?

Maribelle: In all the years we've shared tea, you only mention the flavor if it's a citrus bland. How funny that you didn't even know!

Lissa: That is funny! And a little embarrassing, I guess...You know me better than I know myself, Maribelle!

Maribelle: "Clearly" That's hardly a surprise, darling. I'm your best friend.

Lissa: *giggle* Hee hee! I Know! It's so true...Wait a second. I don't know what kind of tea YOU like best!

Maribelle: "eeh" Tsk! Such a common flavor.

Lissa: Tea with milk?

Maribelle: "No" Ugh! Why not just drink from a mud puddle?

Lissa: -.- *yawn* This is hard! Maybe if I know more about tea...What other kinds are there?

Maribelle: *giggle* Ah, well. I suppose I'll have to take pity and simply tell you. My favorite blend...

Lissa: "Right" Is...?

Maribelle: "Clearly" Black tea infused with the still warm blood of an adult male grizzly bear.

Lissa: *screams* *PFFFFFFFFFFFT!*

Maribelle: *screams* Lissa, what is wrong with you? What manner of lady sprews tea?! It is simply not done!

Lissa: *eeh* What is wrong with me? What's wrong with you?! Who would drink such a thing?!

Maribelle: No one, darling. It was only a jest...Now wipe your mouth, please.

Lissa: "What" I actually believed you...All right, What's the real answer, then? What's your favorite tea?

Maribelle: "Yes" Why, whichever ones you enjoy, darling. That way I get to appreciate both the beverage and your enjoyment of it! So if you ever find a blend you're epecially fond of, just say the word.

Lissa: "Ohhh" -.-

Um, all right. I will. Thanks. But I still kinda feel like that wasn't a real answer...

(Maribelle and Lissa attained Support level C)

Barracks time! Vaike+Maribelle

Vaike: Hey, so what do you dream about doin' one day?

Maribelle: I want a big, hairy barbarian!...Ugh, laugh, would you? It's a joke?

(Support relationship increased)

Stahl+Aya Stahl wants good advice from Aya. She agrees and they get a support relationship increase. Gregor looks around the room and says...

Gregor: Oy! Why is junk lying around?

He finds a Seed Of Trust.

Lon'qu+Stahl (Same convo and nothing) Chrom looks around the room and finds nothing as he says...

Chrom: I hope soon that our realm can find peace.

I now do another 3 encounters on the world map to build up supports and get some extra EXP. Chrom and Aya now talk about their relationship.

(Chrom+Aya A Support)

Chrom: I feel so awkward around Ayanami. Ever since that bathing-tent-run-in...*sigh* Whenever I end up alone with her, I'm just frozen in embarrassment. Argh, What should I do? I've never had this problem before...Ah, I know, a bath! Yes, perhaps a nice hot bath is just the thing for my nerves. I'll have a soak and then find Ayanami for a relaxed conversation, like always.

Aya: Let's see...The lances and axes are kept around here somewhere...I'll just take a quick iventory and see if any need repairs or replacing...Somewhere...around here...Ah, here-the arms storage tent, I presume? All right then...I'll just head in and-AAAAAGGGGGGHHH!

Chrom: Ayanami?! Where'd you come from?

Aya: *screams* KYAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Chrom: *screams* Blazes, what are YOU screaming for? If anyone should be screaming, it's me, isn't it? You aren't supp-OUCH! OW! Stop it! Stop throwing things! Hey, that's sharp! Don't-YEOWCH!

Aya: *screams* ARGH! Have you NO shame?! Noble or not, you should AT LEAST wear a towel when you address a lady!

Chrom: B-but, you-OW!-you were the one who walks in on me?

Aya: "I'm so sorry" ...I...I'm sorry, Chrom.

Chrom: Are we done throwing things?

Aya: "Um" I think...I don't know what happened. Something just snapped and...

Chrom: Hm" Well no harm done. The gods' justice, perhaps, for my earlier bluder! Ha! Ha!

Aya: *sigh* Well, anyway, thanks for being good natured about it all. I feel terrible about the soap dish. How's you ear doing?

Chrom: "Ha ha" Better. It still stings a little, but better. In any case, look on the bright side! We've seen each other naked now, right? So I guess We've got nothing left to hide. In a way, we're closer than ever.

Aya: Not the most appropiate wayfor a man and woman to get to know each other....ButI suppose as long as nobody else knows...

Chrom: Ha ha! It's like were partners in crime sharing an unsavory past! Anything that brings us closer will make us stronger on the battlefield. Just you wait.

Aya: Partners in crime? Heh heh. I like the thought of that. Well, partner, your secrets safe with me...

(Ayanami and Chrom attained Support level A)

Donnel+Tharja (C Support)

Tharja: You there. Boy. Do you know where I can find a newt's eye?

Donnel: "Yeah" Yes ma'am! I've seen tons of them slimy critters up in yonder stream. Hold and I'll fetch you one!

Tharja: "Yeah" You there. Boy. Where can I get the tail of a white sow?

Donnel: Fresh out, I'm 'fraid. But I can run ask the camp butcher if ya like!

Tharja: "Not much" That dunderhead wouldn't possibly have such a thing...

Donnel: Well, I suppose I could hop down the valley and check the local swineherd. I reckon one" a them pigs'll have a white tail!

Tharja: "What" You there. Boy. Bring me a bat.

Donnel: Shucks, they mostly live in caves down by the ol' fishin-Er, beg pardon, ma'am, but...did you just order me to go fetch a bat?

Me: I like where this is going. xP

Tharja: "Humph" Yes, I did. Sometime today, please.

Donnel: "Yeah" Well, all right then! I'll just toodle on down to the caves andflush one out!

Tharja: *laughs*...I can't imagine why that hayseed keeps following my orders.

Me: It's absolutely PRICELESS to see you take advantage of him. He's now your soon to be personnel slave.

Tharja: I haven't even had a chance to place a curse of servitude on him yet...

Me: YES! Do that, please to make these remaining supports alot more comical.

(Tharja and Donnel attained Support level C)

I do another world map encounter and find both an Arcthunder and a Katarina's Bolt in battle. Sweet! I now start the next prologue.

Prologue 4 Anna The Merchant

We now meet Vincent.

Me: Hey! How r u?

Zihark said this as he found a Titania's Axe on an event tile...

Zihark: What's this?

Anyways, yippie! Cordelia finds a Katarina's Bolt on an event tile here. Wow! 2 Katarina Bolt's in a row! Sweet! ^~^

After routing up the remaining I then head out to the next chapter.

Anna's battle quotes are funny as fuck...

Anna: "Another satisfied customer."

Anna: "Another happy customer."

Anna: "Come again."

Anna: "Next in line."

I really don't do much here but get alot of good spoils and battle Mustafa. Which this is also his name in the Japanese version.

(Donnel+Tharja B Support)

Donnel: Howdy, ma'am! I got them two venomous black snakes you been lookin 'fer!

Tharja: "Pretty much" Yes, thank you. Just throw them in the usual place.

Donnel: "Yeah" You got it!

Tharja: *sigh* ....Well? Aren't you going to ask me?

Donnel: Ask ya what, ma'am?

Tharja: Tsk. Don't play coy. The favor, obviously.

Donnel: I reckon I don't quite follow.

Tharja: "Pfft useless" You want me to use my magic powers to do something for you, right? For weeks, you've been running hither and yon, collecting specimens. At first it was amusing, but you've actually proved to be quite helpful. So then? Name your price. What do you want in return?

Donnel: Well, I imagine I'd like ya to do nothin', ma'am.

Tharja: "What" I don't understand.

Donnel: "Yeah" I don't want nothin' in particular, so I'm askin' ya to do nothin!

Tharja: *annoyed and Gahh* Surely you must have some reason for helping me.

Donnel: "I'll help" Gosh, ma'am. That's just how we do things back in my village. If a mage was settin' about to cast a curse, see, we was all duty dound to pitch in. Just like we all help build the barns and mend the fences, and clear the pastures!

Tharja: "Humph" Wait. You used to help mages cast curses? Cast curses...on you?!

Donnel: "I owe ya." That's what curses are all about, right? Usin' dark arts fer the greater good?

Me: It's every sinisters favorite. =)

Donnel: By helping you, I reckon I'm helpin' everyone in the Shepards. Ain't that right? Gosh, maybe THAT should be my favor! I should ask ya to cast more nice magic!

Tharja: "Tch" I don't know who taught you about curses, but that's not how they work.

Donnel: It ain't?

Tharja: "Maybe" Gods, it's a wonder your village is still standing...But all right...I'll see if I can find a way to cast some, er, "Nice" magic. And in the meantime, you can keep collecting speciments.

Donnel: "Let's get her done." Yee-haw! It's a dilly of a deal!

Tharja: *giggle* I think this is going to be a very useful arrangement!...Particularly for me.

(Donnel and Tharja attained Support level B)

Checking the barracks, Stahl walks around and he finds a surge of Spd and Def. Anna said this at the bottom of the screen...

Anna: Heya, Ayanami! If you got the time, can I interest you in my wares?

Me: Your wares puts regular retailers to shame. How could I refuse?

I have another world map encounter and find these...


-Steel Lance

-Bullion (S)

before beginning the next chapter.

Chapter 10 Renewal

I find a Sweet Tincture in one of the event tiles here.


Ut oh...looks like they don't know when to quit.


Looks that way.






No, you haven't. There was nothing better that we could've done.






That's the spirit!


Seeing this melts any gurl's heart. <3


Eww...yuck. Don't have her near me. I'll get cooties. x.x

Event tiles

-Sweet Tincture


-Bullion (M)

-Seraph Robe



-Master Seal

Turns 6

MVP Ayanami & Maribelle

I now buy a Wyrmslaer, Concoction, and a Change Seal from a random merchant before beginning more encounters. Lissa duel guards Mia in one of them as she says Lissa: "You all right"? That really gets to you. My battery power is now very low and now it is time to post the stats...

Chrom LV20/14 EXP96

Class: Dreadfighter


HP 51/51

Power 24

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 35

Speed 32

Luck 26

Def 20

Res 22+10

Sword A Axe D Tome E

Skills: Dual Attack, Charm, Res+10

He's not a Social Knight yet because I'm lacking a Change Seal.

Ayanami LV20/6 EXP32

Class: Mercenary


HP 43/43

Power 21

Mag Pwr 19

Skill 22

Speed 23

Luck 15

Def 17

Res 8

Sword C

Skills:War Knowledge, Solidarity, Armsthrift

Going Merc for both Armsthrift and Sol. (Infinite use of Book Of Narga will be awesome.)

Lissa LV20/4 EXP55

Class: War Monk


HP 41/41

Power 15

Mag Pwr 16

Skill 19

Speed 20

Luck 25

Def 12

Res 16

Axe D Staff A

Skills: 069f.pngMiracle, 018id.pngHealtouch

New plans have been made for her. I'm planning this...

ClericLV20>War MonkLV15>ClericLV10>ValkyrieLV10>MageLV10>SageLV10>Peg KnightLV10>FalcoknightLV5

I'm planning to make her a wonderful supporter for the team only giving her staves to battle as I'm planning to SPAM with Rally's every turn.

Skills I'm getting her...

-Renewal/Iote's Shield

-Rally Luck/Love

-Rally Res

-Rally Magic

-Rally Speed

Sumia LV20/8 EXP45

Class: Cleric


HP 42/42

Power 11

Mag Pwr 11

Skill 26


Luck 23

Def 9

Res 17

Staff C

Skills:speed2n.pngSpeed+2, 005kb.pngRefresh, 069f.pngMiracle

She's going saint fot Miracle and Renewal skills. Then Peg>Dark Flier.

Sully LV20/2 EXP45

Class: Great Knight


HP 45/45

Power 25

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 24

Speed 22

Luck 19

Def 21

Res 8

Sword A Lance B Axe E

Skills: Discipline, Outdoor Battle

She's already surpassed Freddie by a LV17 Social Knight. Now she's getting close to Prince Marth's valor.

Donnel LV15/11/1 EXP26

Class: Warrior


HP 59/59

Power 34

Mag Pwr 9

Skill 27

Speed 26

Luck 33

Def 24

Res 11

Axe: D (About to reach C) Bow E

Skills: Aptitude, Weak Beats Strong, HP+5

Almost there. Just 14 levels to go. I've got to probably grind him later to get him SOL, so Noire can inherit it. As I also will be using her too. <3

He will sit and stew till Chapter 23 as he won't need any training till then. =]

Lon'qu LV15/2 EXP71

Class: Swordmaster


HP 33/33

Power 15

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 23

Speed 25

Luck 11

Def 9

Res 10

Sword B (About to reach A)

Skills: Avoid+10, Vantage

Going Swordmaster for Astra, then Wyvern Rider>Griffon for Lancebreaker then Assassin for Lethality then Dreadfighter.

Gaius LV20/9 EXP24

Class: Fighter


HP 49/49

Power 24

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 28(Capped)

Speed 26

Luck 14

Def 15 (Used a Dragonshield)

Res 9 (Used a Talismen)

Axe D (1~2 strikes before it reaches C)

Skills: Lockpick, Mov+1, HP+5

Only one more level to go before he's going Warrior.

Maribelle LV11 EXP94

Class: Troubadour


HP 21/21

Power 0

Mag Pwr 9

Skill 9

Speed 10

Luck 12

Def 5

Res 10+2

Staff C

Skills:Res+2, Demoiselle

She's still a Troubadour, cuz I'm lacking a Master Seal.

Prince Marth LV29 EXP46

Class: Lodestar


HP: 71/71

Str 32

Mag 14

Skill 38

Speed 37

Luck 43+4

Def 26

Res 16

Sword A

Skills: charismae.pngCharm, 079g.pngLuck+4, 076ir.pngDuel Strike+, 014cu.pngDuel Guard+, 076ir.pngDuel Support+

He was a huge help into getting me that scroll against the Gaiden army. =D

Linde LV19 EXP91

Class: Mage


HP 29/29

Power 5

Mag Pwr 17+2

Skill 17

Speed 22

Luck 21

Def 6

Res 10

Tome C

Skills: Magic+2, Focus, Patience

No plans yet but I might get her Sol and Armsthrift along with Vengence.

Black Knight LV20 EXP--

Class: General


HP 75/75

Power 40

Mag Pwr 23

Skill 39

Speed 31

Luck 21

Def 40+2

Res 28

Lance A Axe B

Skills:defence2q.pngDef+2, 016sr.pngIndoor Fighter, lunaxy.pngLuna, 012nh.pngRally Def, greatshield.pngPavise

He will be a Dreadfighter before the last three chapters are left as I won't be using him until then. =)

Not like he needs any training till then.

Mia LV20/1 EXP97

Class: Peg Knight


HP 28/28

Power 14

Mag Pwr 5

Skill 18

Speed 22+2

Luck 15

Def 10

Res 9

Spear E

Skills:Avoid+10, Vantage, Patience, Speed+2

She's going Peg for Galeforce, then I'm going to make her into a Hero afterwards.

Zihark LV20/5 EXP66

Class: Mercenary


HP 39/39

Power 21

Mag Pwr 4

Skill 21

Speed 24

Luck 12

Def 14

Res 2

Sword B

Skills:Avoid+10, Vantage, Tantivy, Armsthrift

These are actually their portraits in the game! I'm planning to make him into a Dreadfighter in the end.

Cordelia LV17 EXP62

Class: Peg Knight


HP 35/35

Power 16

Mag Pwr 4

Skill 21

Speed 20+2

Luck 14

Def 13

Res 10

Sword B

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh

What I'm planning to make her....


-Rally Love

-Rally Skill

-Rally Movement




Peg KnightLV20>ArcherLV10>BowknightLV10>Pegknight10>DarkflierLV15>Bride

She will be my second supporter! Bride style!

Alm Lv23 EXP73

Class: Dreadfighter


HP 51/51

Power 28

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 23

Speed 21

Luck 20

Def 22

Res 18+10

Sword B Axe D Tome E

Skills: Res+10, Quick Slash, Rally Res

Lucia LV19 EXP0

Class: Swordmaster


HP 51/51

Power 28+5

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 23

Speed 21

Luck 20

Def 22

Res 18+10

Sword A

Skills: Avoid+10, 0201a.pngVantage, 076ir.pngDuel Support+, 021dc.pngAstra, 022xa.pngSwordfaire

She has her long hair back. <3

I'm getting her Sol, Armsthrift, etc.

See here for more information on what skill sets that I will get for each character. I didn't mention Linde which is why that I have here.


Lousy?! But it's skill activation is 4% multiplied by the amount of Skill you have.

What a way to for the AI to troll. -.-

Tharja LV15 EXP38

Class: Dark Mage


HP 30/30

Power 5

Mag Pwr 14

Skill 7

Speed 14

Luck 5

Def 14

Res 8

Tome C

Skills: Hex, Anathema

She's actually getting Skill and Luck in this run. Stats that she normally has trouble growing in. I luv u, Tharja!

Anna LV3 EXP3

Class: Trickster


HP 38/38

Power 13

Mag Pwr 18

Skill 23

Speed 24

Luck 27

Def 8

Res 10

Sword C Staff D

Skills: movement1.pngMov+1, picklock.pngLockpick

She will be probably my only Trickster in this run. I'm planning to get here these skills.

-Lucky Seven







Going with this team, because I'm a ninja for hire for pieces of gold luvin maniac.

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Chapter 11

Barracks time.


Donnel: Well now, don't you look pleased as a pig! Did ya do well in the last battle?

Nowi: Nope! I'm just happy to have my freedom and be around all these fun people.

(Support relationship increased)


Tharja: Our foes grow stronger. Why doon't you and I fight together next time?

Miriel: Aptly put!

(Support relationship increased)


Panne: Did they serve carrot for breakfast?

Cordelia: Ha ha! Where did you get that idea? I just like being in good company. That's all.

Sully said this at the bottom of the screen.

Sully: Good morning, Ayanami. Didn't expect to run into you.

They get a support relationship increase. Ricken looks around and gains 13 EXP. Gregor+Sumia Gregor is impressed with Sumia's skills that Sumia agrees hoping that she doesn't trip or get in the way. Nothing happens.

Tharja+Donnel (A Support)

Donnel: "Amazing". Tharja, your hexes sure are powerful! Everyone's feelin' on top 'a the world!

Tharja: "Ah heh heh heh heh heh." Hmm...

Donnel: The cold what was goin' 'round done threw us all for a loop. I didn't know what we was gonna do till ya cast yer hex and fixed us all up.

Tharja: "Pretty much." Snuffing out a sniffle is a fairly simple matter, actually. You just have to direct the curse at the cold instead of the person.

Donnel: "I owe ya." Well, you sure done impressed me! There's just one thing I don't get...Why don't ya want want me tellin' no one it was you what cured them alignments?

Tharja: "Humph." People might get the wrong idea.

Donnel: "Huh" Whatcha mean?

Tharja: "Tch." They might think I did it for some kind of...common good...or out of the goodness of my heart. *shudder* I only did it to thank you for the help you've given me. If people think I've gone soft, I'm finished as a dark mage...

Donnel: "Yeah." Well, either way, the result's the same.

Tharja: "Well." Yes, well. If you need some diasease cured again, you know where I am. However, I want something of you in return.

Donnel: "I'll help." Don't worry! I'll keep on collectin' all them creepy crawlies for ya!

Tharja: "Humph." ...Heh heh. You really are quite useful.

(Donnel and Tharja attained support level A)

(Aya+Maribelle C Support)

Aya: Crepuscule...Crepuscule...What did that mean again?

Maribelle: "Darling" Are you studying, Ayanami?

Aya: Oh, hello, Maribelle. Just reading up a bit.

Maribelle: "Really?" Reading up, how lovely. I hadn't realized the lowborn read at all!

Aya: "Huh?" Did you just drop by to look down your nose at me, or was there something else?

Maribelle: "Clearly" A noble's nose engages in no such activities! I was sincerly impressed. If my turn of phrase offended, I apologize. Forgive me?

Aya: "Yeah" Er, all right. I take it back. But was there something you needed?

Maribelle: "Yes" Yes. I had hoped to learn more about you.

Aya: "Huh" Me? Why me? I'm not that interesting, you know.

Maribelle: "Well" Can you fault me for being curious about an amnesiac with a genius for strategy? You've also earned quite a bit of trust from my dear friend Lissa. It's only natural I'd want to learn more about the stranger in our midst. I suppose you might simply say that I hoped we could become...friends. Unless you object, of course.

Aya: "Um" No, I don't object, per se. But...weren't we already friends?

Maribelle: *giggles* Oh, I'm pleased to hear you say that, Ayanami!

Aya: "Yeah!" Heh! You really can be sweet sometimes, Maribelle. Well then, ask away. If I know the answer, I'm happy to tell it.

Maribelle: "My gratitude." Oh, lovely! That's very kind. Well, then...Tell me about the quaint customs of the unwashed masses from whence you came? I'm especially interested in this "slang" of which you brutes seem so fond...

Aya: *sigh* ...I take back what I said, and then I take back the take-back before that.

(Ayanami and Maribelle attained support level C)

Gaius+Ayanami (C Support)

Aya: Gaius, I am so sorry about earlier! I had no idea you were in the bath...

Gaius: "Nope." Aw, no worries. At least I hadn't taken off my smallclothes yet, eh? Er, but I did want to mention I'm usually in much better shape. With the stress of this blasted war, I've been eatin' more sweets than usual. Usually I'm a real piece of eye candy, Belly like a washboard, glutes like a lumberja-

Aya: "Um." Okay, then! That's quite enough. I believe you...Er, but I did notice something else, and...it had me a little worried...

Gaius: "Huh?" WHAT?! You saw THAT?! Gods, how embarrassing...It's just...uh...some poison oak I got into the other day, I swe-

Aya: "No." I'm talking about the tattoo on your arm. It's the one they use to mark convicted criminals, isn't it?

Gaius: "Right." Oh, that? Yeah, I got caught once doing a favor for a mate. Paid the price. But, uh, I'd appreciate it if you kept that little nugget under your hat, Bubbles.

Aya: "Right" ...Did you just call me Bubbles? Er, but don't worry. I won't tell any-

Gaius: "Congrats." You'll tell everyone, you say? So it's to be blackmail, is it? Fine then. I can understand taking on opportunity to line your pockets. You can have my portion of dinner tonight, okay? Will that slake your greed for now?

Aya: "No." Er, one helping of bear is already more than enough, thanks. Also, I'm not blackma-

Gaius: "Oh yeah." You drive a hard bargain, bubbles! Very well, take this custard pie!

Aya: "Um" ...No, thank you. I'm not-

Gaius: "Ehh." If you are looking for a ransom, I can assure you I don't have any money. But what I do have are a very particular set of honey cakes...

Aya: "All right!" Look, I don't want any treats from you, all right?! I'll keep your blasted secret!

Gaius: "Ehh." Whoa, easy there, bubbles! Here, maybe a little chocolate will put you in a better mood...

(Gaius and Ayanami attained support level C)

Aya+Vaike (C Support)

They discuss about flowers upon which Vaike really likes. It seems that Vaike can't stop staring at her which Aya is annoyed by.

Vaike: Aw, come on! You don't understand You ain't a man! Sometimes a man's just gotta...see what can be seen, ya know?

Aya: No, I don't. ...Thank the gods. Sully's horse goes on a charging rampage ending theconvo. Anyway, they get level C now. I now do more encounters as I also buy some Concoctions and Steel Weapons from the random merchants before heading out. I also get another Change Seal in the proccess. I sell off all 11 of my Bullions (S), then begin the encounters.

Anna's 5th battle quote

Anna:"You get a discount."

I even receive a fortify during my last encounter.

Donnel+Tharja S Support

Donnel: Heya, Tharja. I've went 'n collected all of them things ya wanted.

Tharja: "Pretty much." ...Ah, good. Then I have everything I need for my next spell. Just stand still please..."Gah" Whew...It is done...

Donnel: Dancin' donkeys! That there's a fine ring!

Tharja: "Pretty much." ...It's for you.

Donnel: "Huh?" Fer me?!

Tharja: "Ah heh heh heh!" I made another one just like it for myself.

Donnel: "Whoo-wee!" Well shucks, this is startin' to sound like yer fixin' to get us hitched!

Tharja: "Well." Well, yes, as far as society at large is concerned, we would be wed. However, in practice, I want you to be more like my...personal servant. I consulted a few books: this seemed the easiest way to secure cooperation.

Donnel: "huh?" Books? Yer dark-magic tomes talk about weddin's?

Tharja: "Interesting." Well, what became weddings, yes...You'd be surprised how many social rituals have come out of two people will stay together until death.

Donnel: "Ugh." Gosh. Sounds like someone's in love with ol' Donny!

Tharja: "Tch." That...would be another way to put it, yes. In any case, I would like you answer. Will you join with me?

Donnel: "You ain't alone." If you promise to love me all my life, then we got a deal! Collectin' bats and watchin' you cast hexes is excitin' as all get-out! I wouldn't mind doin' nothin' but fer the rest of my days!

Tharja: *giggles* Excellent! Then it's settled. Now put that ring on like a good boy...And become mine FOREVER! Ehh hee hee...

(Donnel and Tharja attained Support level S)

I finally S support Chrom+Aya. You snooze you lose, Sumia. Anyway, NOW I support Sumia+Chrom B Support. She talks about pies, rubharb. Chrom loves it and Sumia actually admits after Chrom is away that it took her 15 tries to get it right. She even said "My Chrom."

Me: Yandere Sighting!!!

Anyway, now the Barracks...


Lissa: How come you vanish after each battle? Do you have a hobby or whatever?

Sumia: I make sure everyone else is safe and sound. Nothing hurts like losing a comerade.

(Nothing happens)


Panne is discussing about carrots while Virion is discussing about having a good hair day. Panne and Virion now get a support increase. Afterwards, I begin the next chapter.

Chapter 11 Mad King Gangrel


Not on yer life. =]




Good comeback.




At last, they've surrendered.


Now were talkin.





With you sowing seeds of rebellion. With that...








After I bring my blade down upon thee.


Stay down.



This chapter was easy enough. I broke through this chapter like nobody's buisness.


-Spirit Dust

-Levin Sword


-Master Seal



-Bullion (L)

-Goddess Icon

Event tile

-Gaius' Conflict

Now for the stats...

Chrom LV20/15/7 EXP53

Class: Cavalier


HP 53/53

Power 27(Capped)

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 26(Capped)

Speed 26(Capped)

Luck 31(Capped)

Def 22

Res 13+10

Sword A Lance D (Close to C)

Skills: Dual Attack, Charm, Res+10, Quick Slash, Discipline

Going Social Knight to go on his way to his final class, Paladin! And getting him Aegis skill to make him into a Mage killer and Res+10 to blunt the damages down even further. Aegis needed to block Vengence. And he is now married to Aya legitimately.

Ayanami LV20/10 EXP88

Class: Mercenary


HP 47/47

Power 23

Mag Pwr 20

Skill 25

Speed 24

Luck 15

Def 19

Res 9

Sword C

Skills: War Knowledge, Solidarity, Armsthrift, Patience

She's at promotion level, but I only have one Master Seal which they are very contested items at this point of the game.

Lissa LV20/6 EXP50

Class: War Monk


HP 43/43

Power 16

Mag Pwr 18

Skill 19

Speed 21

Luck 27

Def 12

Res 16

Axe D Staff A

Skills: Miracle, Healtouch, Rally Luck

New plans have been made for her. I'm planning this...

ClericLV20>War MonkLV15>ClericLV10>ValkyrieLV10>MageLV10>SageLV10>Peg KnightLV10>FalcoknightLV5

I'm planning to make her a wonderful supporter for the team only giving her staves to battle as I'm planning to SPAM with Rally's every turn.

Skills I'm getting her...

-Renewal/Iote's Shield

-Rally Luck/Love

-Rally Res

-Rally Magic

-Rally Speed

She now has Rally Luck! 1/4 of the way there.

Sumia LV20/8 EXP84

Class: Cleric


HP 42/42

Power 11

Mag Pwr 11

Skill 26


Luck 23

Def 9

Res 17

Staff C

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh, Miracle

She's going saint fot Miracle and Renewal skills. Then Peg>Dark Flier.

Sully LV20/2 EXP95

Class: Great Knight


HP 45/45

Power 25

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 24

Speed 22

Luck 19

Def 21

Res 8

Sword A Lance B Axe E

Skills: Discipline, Outdoor Battle

She's already surpassed Freddie by a LV17 Social Knight. Now she's getting close to Prince Marth's valor.

Donnel LV15/11/3 EXP3

Class: Warrior


HP 61/61

Power 36

Mag Pwr 10

Skill 29

Speed 28

Luck 35

Def 26

Res 12

Axe: C Bow E

Skills: Aptitude, Weak Beats Strong, HP+5

He's now married to Tharja and now soon Noire will have both Galeforce and Sol.

Lon'qu LV15/2 EXP86

Class: Swordmaster


HP 33/33

Power 15

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 23

Speed 25

Luck 11

Def 9

Res 10

Sword B (About to reach A)

Skills: Avoid+10, Vantage

Going Swordmaster for Astra, then Wyvern Rider>Griffon for Lancebreaker then Assassin for Lethality then Dreadfighter.

Gaius LV20/9 EXP56

Class: Fighter


HP 49/49

Power 24

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 28(Capped)

Speed 26

Luck 14

Def 15

Res 9

Axe D (1~2 strikes before it reaches C)

Skills: Lockpick, Mov+1, HP+5

Only one more level to go before he's going Warrior.

Maribelle LV14 EXP44

Class: Troubadour


HP 22/22

Power 2

Mag Pwr 11

Skill 11

Speed 11

Luck 15

Def 5

Res 12+2

Staff C

Skills:Res+2, Demoiselle

She's still a Troubadour, cuz I'm lacking a Master Seal.

Prince Marth LV29 EXP46

Class: Lodestar


HP: 71/71

Str 32

Mag 14

Skill 38

Speed 37

Luck 43+4

Def 26

Res 16

Sword A

Skills: Charm, Luck+4, Duel Strike+, Duel Guard+, Duel Support+

He was a huge help into getting me that scroll against the Gaiden army. =D

Linde LV19 EXP91

Class: Mage


HP 29/29

Power 5

Mag Pwr 17+2

Skill 17

Speed 22

Luck 21

Def 6

Res 10

Tome C

Skills: Magic+2, Focus, Patience

No plans yet but I might get her Sol and Armsthrift along with Vengence.

Black Knight LV20 EXP--

Class: General


HP 75/75

Power 40

Mag Pwr 23

Skill 39

Speed 31

Luck 21

Def 40+2

Res 28

Lance A Axe B

Skills: Def+2, Indoor Fighter, Luna, Rally Def, Pavise

He will be a Dreadfighter before the last three chapters are left as I won't be using him until then. =)

Not like he needs any training till then.

Mia LV20/7 EXP42

Class: Peg Knight


HP 33/33

Power 15

Mag Pwr 10

Skill 23

Speed 25+2

Luck 19

Def 11

Res 9

Spear E (1 strike before it reaches D.)

Skills:Avoid+10, Vantage, Patience, Speed+2

Getting closer and closer to that Galeforce. Then she will be a Merc/Hero afterwards.

Zihark LV20/6 EXP86

Class: Mercenary


HP 40/40

Power 22

Mag Pwr 4

Skill 21

Speed 25

Luck 13

Def 15

Res 2

Sword B

Skills:Avoid+10, Vantage, Tantivy, Armsthrift

These are actually their portraits in the game! I'm planning to make him into a Dreadfighter in the end.

Cordelia LV18 EXP73

Class: Peg Knight


HP 36/36

Power 16

Mag Pwr 4

Skill 21

Speed 21+2

Luck 14

Def 14

Res 10

Sword B

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh

What I'm planning to make her....


-Rally Love

-Rally Skill

-Rally Movement




Peg KnightLV20>ArcherLV10>BowknightLV10>Pegknight10>DarkflierLV15>Bride

She will be my second supporter! Bride style!

Alm Lv23 EXP73

Class: Dreadfighter


HP 51/51

Power 28

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 23

Speed 21

Luck 20

Def 22

Res 18+10

Sword B Axe D Tome E

Skills: Res+10, Quick Slash, Rally Res

Lucia LV19 EXP0

Class: Swordmaster


HP 51/51

Power 28+5

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 23

Speed 21

Luck 20

Def 22

Res 18+10

Sword A

Skills: Avoid+10, Vantage, Duel Support+, Astra, Swordfaire

She has her long hair back. <3

I'm getting her Sol, Armsthrift, etc.

Tharja LV20 EXP--

Class: Dark Mage


HP 34/34

Power 8

Mag Pwr 17

Skill 7

Speed 19

Luck 8

Def 16

Res 10

Tome C

Skills: Hex, Anathema

She's now married to Donnel and she's well on her way to promotion for Pavise.

Anna LV3 EXP59


Class: Trickster

HP 38/38

Power 13

Mag Pwr 18

Skill 23

Speed 24

Luck 27

Def 8

Res 10

Sword C Staff D

Skills: Mov+1, Lockpick

She will be probably my only Trickster in this run. I'm planning to get here these skills.

-Lucky Seven







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Chapter 12

Barracks time! Lissa walks around the room.

Lissa: I'm trying my best to be more ladylike, but I think I might've pulled a pinky muscle...

(She gains 24 EXP.)


Lissa: Come firend. Tell me of your dreams.

Lissa: I want to be a proper lady like my sister...But don't tell anyone I said that.

(Virion and Lissa's support relationship has increased.)

Ricken looks around the room and finds nothing.

Chrom+Vaike gets a relationship increase. Miriel+Libra get a relationship increase. Supports Gaius+Sully C Support. Ther support makes them get along great. Cordelia+Aya (C Support). They get a support increase after the convo. Anyway, I do a world map encounter as Cordelia increased her spear rank to B upon this encounter. Other than that I didn't get much progress out of it, but an encounter's an encounter. It's time to beging the next chapter.

Chapter 12

It seems that the leader of this crew is having us pledge loyality to Walhart the conquerer. We even have to give up our ships and valuables to prove it and one citizen detests it. Anyway, he gets cut down. Chrom saw it and now he must pursue their leader. Here is another battle quote that I find to be pretty funny. And here it is...


Looks that way, bud.


Well...he ain't nickname "The Wall" for nuthin.










Yer making a big mistake. Some people are just impatient. It can't be helped.


Nice knowing u.


In the next dimention.


Will do. Master Chrom.


With you, how could I refuse.


You have a very pretty smile. <3


Were more than just sellswords now!

Anna: Violence is on sale today.

Lissa's axe rank increased to C. Chrom's lance rank increased to C. They both increased during the beginning of this battle. I also promote Aya here and Chrom's spear level is going up greatly here. Lon'qu's sword rank now finally reached A during the end of this chapter. Cherche searches the tile after finishing one of her opponents off and finds a Superior Jolt. She said "Did you find something, Minerva?" Zihark's sword rank increased to B. I also promote Chrom to his next class, Paladin. I've decided to get him Aether also. To do it, I'm instead going to make him a Great Lord.

Turns 7

MVP Lissa&Gaius

I changed Tharja's class and she says this upon her class change...Tharja: "These new powers give me some wicked ideas...Barracks time! =D

(On the bottom of the screen)

Maribelle: Ayanami, the days only half over. A little early for a break, isn't it?


Virion: Come. Tell me your dreams.

Cherche: One day I'd like to see Minerva have a baby.

Me: She means her pet whyvern. =)


Aya says that Olivia's sure in a good mood today and Olivia says that it's nice to be noticed.

Me: That's why I hate you. Your shy, but why is it that you wear see through clothing and admitting that she wants to be noticed? Seriously, I really dislike her characteristics when in truth she probably has already got laid with many men. Get this four flushing *#%@ out of my sight!!!! D=<

Anyways, I now do Chrom+Maribelle (C Support) and Gaius+Lissa (C Support). I then do some EXPomnigrowth encounters to start bolstering Chrom like there's no tommorrow. I get the others up some to better them a bit and get some of their skills. I promote just about everyone and getting Cherche up a few levels to better her for the next few chapters. Chrom now promotes to Great Lord to get his Aether skill. I then initiate Tharja+Gaius (C Support.

(Tharja+Gauis C Support)

Tharja: You.

Gaius: Me?

Tharja: Yes, you. You're a Theif, right? Skilled at pilfering and all that? I've got a little job for you.

Gaius: I'm listening...

Tharja: "Now now." I want you to bring a strand of Ayanami's hair.

Gaius: "Huh." That's...unbelieveably creepy. Why do you need her hair for?

Tharja: "Heh." Hee hee...

Gaius: *sigh* Um, yeah. I don't usually take sinister chuckles as an answer. Sorry, kid. Go find someone else to help with your weird hobbies.

Tharja: "What." This is a negotiable request.

Gaius: "Oh?" Oh? And what are you going to do about it? Sunshine? Curse me?

Tharja: "You deserved worse." Yes.

Gaius: "Oh yeah." Heh. Ain't a hexer alive that managed to put a curse on Gaius the Nimble! Go on, sunshine. Do your worst.

Tharja: "Pretty much." You are making a big mistake...

Gaius: "Done." Ooh! So scaaary! Do you see me shaking here?

(Gaius and Tharja attained support level C)

Barracks time! Virion+Cordelia get a relationship increase before I begin the next encounter. I did find a Leif's Blade and a Silver Lance during it. Maribelle finally reaches LV20 as I now make her into a Peg Knight for Galeforce. Maribelle said this upon her first class change...

Maribelle: Look at me! Classier than ever!

Afterwards! I now begin the last encounter and find a Steel Axe and a Bullion (S). I then begin the next chapter. My battery gets low after these cutscenes and now that my battery is about done for time to post the stats!

Now for the stats...

Chrom LV20/15/10/15/5 EXP66

Class: Great Lord


HP 77/77

Power 41

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 41(Capped)

Speed 42(Capped)

Luck 44

Def 34

Res 23+10

Sword A Lance A

Skills: 0010f.pngDual Attack, aether.pngAether, 092a.pngRes+10, 093m.pngQuick Slash, holyshield.pngAegis

Bolstered him big time. Now he's worthy to command everyone. =]

Did all this to get him Aether and to have him useable in the Xenologue chapters. He's now a mage slayer. Going to get him Rightful King soon. Where's an Elite Manual when you need it. He is now gaining no more than 40 from level 30 Entombed and only can battle a couple at a time since they all run away by turn 4. I now will mostly only use him for the Xenologue chapters. He's now in his final class and he will get my boots.

Ayanami LV20/10/3 EXP69

Class: Hero


HP 53/53

Power 28

Mag Pwr 22

Skill 30

Speed 30

Luck 17

Def 23

Res 13

Sword B Axe E

Skills: War Knowledge, Solidarity, Armsthrift, Patience

Promoted and now she is on her way to getting Sol before making her into her final class: Dark Flier.

Lissa LV20/8 EXP40

Class: War Monk


HP 45/45

Power 17

Mag Pwr 18

Skill 19

Speed 23

Luck 28

Def 13

Res 17

Axe C Staff A

Skills: 017me.pngMiracle, 018id.pngHealtouch, luckcry.pngRally Luck

New plans have been made for her. I'm planning this...

ClericLV20>War MonkLV15>ClericLV10>ValkyrieLV10>MageLV10>SageLV10>Peg KnightLV10>FalcoknightLV5

I'm planning to make her a wonderful supporter for the team only giving her staves to battle as I'm planning to SPAM with Rally's every turn.

Skills I'm getting her...

-Renewal/Iote's Shield

-Rally Luck/Love

-Rally Res

-Rally Magic

-Rally Speed

She now has Rally Luck! 1/4 of the way there.

Sumia LV20/10/5 EXP49

Class: War Cleric


HP 54/54

Power 18

Mag Pwr 13

Skill 30

Speed 29+2

Luck 25

Def 16

Res 19

Axe D Staff C

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh, Miracle, Healtouch, Rally Luck

She now has promoted and only 10 levels to go before she's ready to become a Dark Flier.

Sully LV20/6 EXP48

Class: Great Knight


HP 48/48

Power 27

Mag Pwr 7

Skill 26

Speed 24

Luck 21

Def 23

Res 9

Sword A Lance B Axe D

Skills: discipline.pngDiscipline, outdoorbattle.pngOutdoor Battle, lunaxy.pngLuna

She now has Luna and now she's well on her way to becoming a Paladin.

Donnel LV15/11/4 EXP93

Class: Warrior


HP 62/62

Power 37

Mag Pwr 10

Skill 30

Speed 29

Luck 36

Def 27

Res 12

Axe: C Bow E (Close to D)

Skills: Aptitude, Weak Beats Strong, HP+5, Zeal

He's now married to Tharja and now soon Noire will have both Galeforce and Sol.

Only increased one level.

Lon'qu LV15/11 EXP69

Class: Swordmaster


HP 40/40

Power 21

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 30

Speed 32

Luck 18

Def 11

Res 11

Sword A

Skills: Avoid+10, Vantage, 021dc.pngAstra

Got Astra, now going to go Wyvern Rider>Griffon for Lancebreaker then Assassin for Lethality then Dreadfighter.

Gaius LV20/10/1 EXP63

Class: Warrior


HP 59/59

Power 30

Mag Pwr 3

Skill 31

Speed 29

Luck 15

Def 18

Res 12

Axe C Bow E

Skills: Lockpick, Mov+1, HP+5, Zeal

He's now a Warrior, and now he's well on his way to getting Counter.

Maribelle LV20/1 EXP0

Class: Peg Knight


HP 26/26

Power 7

Mag Pwr 15

Skill 19

Speed 19+2

Luck 20

Def 9

Res 18+2

Spear E

Skills:Res+2, Demoiselle, Speed+2

She's now a Peg Knight going on the path to getting Galeforce. She afterwards will go War Monk and Valkyrie then Bride.

Prince Marth LV29 EXP46

Class: Lodestar


HP: 71/71

Str 32

Mag 14

Skill 38

Speed 37

Luck 43+4

Def 26

Res 16

Sword A

Skills: Charm, Luck+4, Duel Strike+, Duel Guard+, Duel Support+

He was a huge help into getting me that scroll against the Gaiden army. =D

Linde LV20 EXP--

Class: Mage


HP 29/29

Power 6

Mag Pwr 18+2

Skill 18

Speed 23

Luck 22

Def 6

Res 10

Tome C

Skills: Magic+2, Focus, Patience

She's going Merc for Sol and Armsthrift, Sorcerer for Vengence, then Sage. She hasn't changed yet, because I'm lacking a Second Seal and they are not yet available to buy.

Black Knight LV20 EXP--

Class: General


HP 75/75

Power 40

Mag Pwr 23

Skill 39

Speed 31

Luck 21

Def 40+2

Res 28

Lance A Axe B

Skills: Def+2, Indoor Fighter, Luna, Rally Def, Pavise

He will be a Dreadfighter before the last three chapters are left as I won't be using him until then. =)

Not like he needs any training till then.

Mia LV20/10/6 EXP82

Class: Dark Flier


HP 41/41

Power 20

Mag Pwr 19

Skill 27

Speed 35+2

Luck 25

Def 18

Res 14

Spear D Tome D

Skills: Avoid+10, Vantage, Patience, Refresh, Rally Movement

After getting Galeforce, she will then go Merc/Hero afterwards.

Zihark LV20/10/1 EXP47

Class: Hero


HP 48/48

Power 26

Mag Pwr 5

Skill 26

Speed 29

Luck 15

Def 18

Res 5

Sword A Axe E

Skills:Avoid+10, Vantage, Tantivy, Armsthrift, Patience

He's gone Hero and then he will go Wyvern Knight afterwards for Lancebreaker. Then Swordmaster for Astra, then Dreadfighter.

Cordelia LV20/1 EXP75

Class: Dark Flier


HP 41/41

Power 17

Mag Pwr 8

Skill 22

Speed 23+2

Luck 14

Def 17

Res 14

Spear B (Close to A) Tome E

Skills: Speed+2, Refresh

What I'm planning to make her....


-Rally Love

-Rally Skill

-Rally Movement




Peg KnightLV20>ArcherLV10>BowknightLV10>Pegknight10>DarkflierLV15>Bride

She will be my second supporter! Bride style!

She's now a Dark Flier and well on her way to getting Galeforce.

Alm Lv23 EXP73

Class: Dreadfighter


HP 51/51

Power 28

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 23

Speed 21

Luck 20

Def 22

Res 18+10

Sword B Axe D Tome E

Skills: Res+10, Quick Slash, Rally Res

Lucia LV19 EXP0

Class: Swordmaster


HP 51/51

Power 28+5

Mag Pwr 6

Skill 23

Speed 21

Luck 20

Def 22

Res 18+10

Sword A

Skills: Avoid+10, Vantage, Duel Support+, Astra, Swordfaire

She has her long hair back. <3

I'm getting her Sol, Armsthrift, etc.

Tharja LV20/1 EXP94

Class: Sorcerer


HP 39/39

Power 9

Mag Pwr 20

Skill 9

Speed 20

Luck 8

Def 19

Res 13

Tome C (Close to B)

Skills: Hex, Anathema

Made her Sorcerer first for the Vengence skill.

Anna LV9 EXP35

Class: Trickster


HP 44/44

Power 16

Mag Pwr 23

Skill 27

Speed 26

Luck 32

Def 10

Res 13

Sword B Staff D (About at C)

Skills: Mov+1, Lockpick, 045d.pngLucky Seven

She will be probably my only Trickster in this run. I'm planning to get here these skills.

-Lucky Seven







Cherche LV19 EXP47

Class: Wyvern Knight


HP 38/38

Power 20+2

Mag Pwr 2

Skill 17

Speed 17

Luck 12

Def 18

Res 3

Axe C

Skills: 011qz.pngStr+2, 014h.pngTantivy

Now this is a character I luv. In fact she's touched me like Katarina. She is soft, thinks that even the deadliest ugliest things are cute and she would get along with Sumia great as they both love animals. Unlike Olivia who is a SLUT that uses her looks to get what she wants who just is looking for people to get laid with which probably she did with alot of men. But Cherche is carefree, innocent, and wants nothing more than peace along with her good looks that suits her personality well. Three astriks because she's one of the only few characters that really touched my inner feelings. Anyways, what I plan to make her into is a Bride and giving her either of these options...





-Duel Support+


With this, she will be a great Bride combat-wise.


-Duel Support+

-Rally Love

-Rally Resistence

-Rally Luck

-Rally Magic

With this I'm planning for another supporter.

Out of these options...I'll go with 2. Everyone else will be in their final classes by Chapter 23. As I'll greatly be raising them by then.

Edited by Lady Feena
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