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Never going on a roller coaster again.


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Silly Freohr, it's the one he lives closest to.

I think....

And he lives....?

Oh and I also don't know all the Six Flags locations either

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And he lives....?

Oh and I also don't know all the Six Flags locations either

-10 bucks that if you find out Ein's rough location, google will solve the second problem.

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If you start stalking me like some kind of Mortal Hunter then yes. :Knoll:


Well first of all you won't even say which one of the parks it is and now that I try to find out you accuse me of trying to be a stalker???

And me??????????? Of all people????????????

Idk if I should be insulted or this shows I really do seem like that kind of person........ ;~;

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The start of a beautiful romance. Next thing you know the mother is going to call you up and ask you to dinner as thanks, then you'll become the little girl's personal tutor. She'll gradually develop strong romantic feelings for you, but you won't be able to return them because she's too young. However, after a couple years she still likes you, and you find that she's become old enough to date, so the two of you start going out, even though you're unsure how you feel about her at first. It's not easy, either, because the age gap is still fairly big and people ridicule the both of you. When she's in high school the peer pressure gets to her and she breaks up with you after insulting you pretty harshly and revealing some of your personal secrets to your family. Even though you feel like you don't care all that much about the breakup, she's always on your mind. You drive by her school on occasion to see her after classes are over. Usually she's laughing with friends, but sometimes you'll spot her alone, looking sad. Six months after the breakup you decide to give her a call to see how things are, and to your delight, she's happy to hear from you! After a looooong night's talk you make up and are going out again. This continues until she graduates high school, and on the day of her graduation, you propose and she says yes! You get married and move to the suburbs, the happiest couple ever. A couple years down the road you have twin daughters and a son a few years after that. You all live as one big, happy family!

By the way, I'll be at the wedding, but you won't know who I am.

Fund and develop this idea for an anime starring Ein. NAO.

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Wat denomination.

When I throw my chases at my computer's screen, it googles salmon p chase and then proceeds to give me whatever I want.

EDIT-You';d think it would learn, but I set it to delete history just so I can watch it do its trick every time.

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Ya it's true, I don't want people who go on my laptop (i.e. ...uhhh...me, myself, I, that's it) to know that I go on serenes forest.

Seriously though, I don't have my browser history set to delete, I just have it set not to record any additional history, so my history is essentially frozen. My 15 "history" results are the 15 most disgusting internet pages I could find so that anyone browing my history thinks I'm the most disgusting person ever.

[spoiler=list of pages]They're just 15 links to various posts made on serenes forest, I don't remember which posts because I never look at them, they're too horrible.

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