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My Flashdrive has a virus?

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Uh, just felt like putting this out there.

So me and my aunt were discussing on whose fault gave her computer a virus, hers or,my flashdrive. I recently downloaded Desmume and fe 12 and then put it into my flashdrive, now before today, I used Desmume like 3 times. Each time, her computer was protected.

Yesterday I used it also, but noticed her antivirus was gone. My aunt also used it for FB shenanigans. Can my flashdrive have caused it, our her own doing?

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It's her fault anyway! autoexec is for virus lovers.

If it's even possible, a bug in the driver allowing an execution exploit would be the fault of the manufacturer and/or driver programmer.

Just dump all the blame on somebody else~

That said, downloading viruses is kind of moronic; at least use Firefox and scan the files you steal

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Yup, checked the flashdrive, and it was clean ( thank goodness)

However, Now it's starting to be all her fault and blaming it on me. Apparently, the times I was playing FE12, her antivirus expired, so she mustve went to some bad webpage out something.cause it ain't coming out my end. She still blames me though >:(

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Viruses can spread via flash drive. . .but that's hardly the only way. Other ways to get yourself infected include (but are not limited to):

- Opening a dodgy PDF with an outdated Adobe Acrobat (Reader)

- Loading a Flash file designed to screw with your compy, and not keeping Flash up to date

- Outdated Java (same principle as above)

- Clicking on the link that says "You have a million viruses, click here to get rid of them!"

- Any of the above with an outdated/stupid anti-virus.

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I do weird things like read about how computers get infected. It's possible to craft a PDF file that takes advantage of one of the holes in Acrobat (Reader); the PoC I clicked on opened Calculator. I forgot one other way. . .

- "Windows Update? Sounds like a waste of time."

Edited by eclipse
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Hmmm. . .lemme clarify.

Let's say that you have a car. Do you think it's more likely to get stolen if you park it in a secured building, and lock the car door and roll up the windows. . .or if you park it with the doors wide open, keys in the ignition, and in a store parking lot? Not keeping stuff up-to-date is akin to leaving your windows open - while nothing bad may happen, the odds of something bad goes up. Actually catching something can be anywhere from leaving your computer online (I saw an attempted drive-by fail on my work computer) to visiting a site whose ads are infected (I think it was Manga One that had this problem, but it's cropped up before) to downloading something dodgy.

Source: I do this for a living.

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I see your point. I really should be more cautious next time.

But I did use firefox to workload the files though and they we considered to be "free from viruses"

But yes, I don't download stuff if it had any additions I need to do

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