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[FE9] Marcia Ghost Draft

Ema Skye

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He was beating me by a little margin, like 3 turns, but I had jill though. Marcia's lategame combat probably wouldnt have allowed him to do what I could do with jill in the later chapters tbh.

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and we`re done

Marcia Ghost Drafter: Marcia, Soren, Mia, Muarim, Makalov, Geoffery, Tauroneo

Lucina: Jill, Lethe, Calill, Rhys, Elincia, Volke, Largo

PKL: Oscar, Mordecai, Tormod, Zihark, Mist, Ranulf, Lucia

Hawk King: Kieran, Astrid, Ilyana, Shinon, Janaff, Brom, Rolf

CR-SO1: Boyd, Tanith, Nephenee, Gatrie, Haar, Ulki, Bastian




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I hate my team too -_-. Its so bad. Started.

Oscar, Mordecai, Tormod, Zihark, Mist, Ranulf, Lucia

Prologue 4/4

Chapter 1 2/6

Chapter 2 4/20

Details tomorrow because I gtg.

Edited by Professor PicKLe
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Prolouge - 4 turns/4 turns

Turn 1: Ike attacks Boyd. Enemy phase has Boyd suicide on Ike.

Turn 2: Ike moves beside Greil and uses Vulnerary. Greil does nothing

Turn 3: Ike attack Greil. Greil attacks Ike.

Turn 4: Ike finishes Greil.

Ch. 1 - 3 turns/7 turns

Turn 1: Titania grabs Steel Sword and cantos next to north fighter. Ike attacks north Fighter.

Turn 2: Titania gets Seraph Robe. Ike moves full north. Enemy phase has Ike kill a fighter and crit a Myrm.

Turn 3: Titania gets bosskill. Ike seizes after trading for the Steel Sword.

Ch.2 - 5 turns/12 turns

Turn 1: Ike moves four squares north. Rhys moves south of Ike. Oscar rescues Boyd and moves south of Rhys. Ike takes lots of attacks.

Turn 2: Ike moves two squares south. Rhys moves to the west of Ike. Oscar runs from everything.

Turn 3: Titania kills a fighter and cantoes north. Ike attacks something. Four or so enemies suicide on Ike next turn.

Turn 4: Ike and Rhys move full west. Titania moves full north. Ike kills Bandit on enemy phase. Lots of enemies attack Titania, including the boss.

Turn 5: Ike kills last fighter.

*Not having Steel!Ike with 4AS cost a turn, but I'd already reset four times, so I didn't want to keep doing it.

Ch.3 - 3 turns/15 turns

Turn 1: Titania moves full north and attacks the bandit blocking the ship, while taking his position. Ike moves next to the bandit, and uses the Seraph Robe. Enemies attack both of them on the enemy phase.

Turn 2: Ike uses a vulnerary. Titania kills the Hand Axe Fighter. A bandit, archer and fighter attack Ike.

Turn 3: Ike gets Elixir. Titania crits the boss, but he would've died on the enemy phase.

Ch.4 - 2 turns/17 turns

Turn 1: Gatrie rescues Rhys and goes to south corner. Soren runs north and is rescued by Shinon. Ike moves one square south and unequips. Titania moves six squares west, two squares north, kills a solider and takes his square. Titania kills lots of stuff on the enemy phase, while Ike is just a lure.

Turn 2: Ike moves full north and uses a Vulnerary. Titania attacks the boss with her Hand Axe. Boss dies on enemy phase.

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damnit I don't have anymore name changes

Prologue - 4/4 turns


Chapter 1 - 3/7 turns

Got robe, traded bands.

Chapter 2 - 4/11 turns

Gogogo Boyd+Ike! Then Titania shows up and roflstomps the other half of the map.

[spoiler=ghost marcia]lol1ix.png



Edited by CR-S01
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okay I'm not actually playing but I guess we could plan out turncounts before actually playing though

Theorycraft GHOST MARCIA PROLOGUE - 4/4 turns


Theorycraft GHOST MARCIA CHAPTER 1 - 3/7 turns

Also standard, with robe?

Theorycraft GHOST MARCIA CHAPTER 2 - 4/11 turns

It's possible.

Theorycraft GHOST MARCIA CHAPTER 3 - 4/15 turns

I don't know if 3 turns is possible with Ghost Marcia's team, but it's 4 turns for now.

Theorycraft GHOST MARCIA CHAPTER 4 - 2/17 turns


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Theorycraft Chapter 5 6/23

Theorycraft Chapter 6 5/28

Theorycraft Chapter 7 7/35

Theorycraft Chapter 8 8/43

Theorycraft Chapter 9 7/50

Theorycraft Chapter 10 4/54

Theorycraft Chapter 11 4/58

Theorycraft Chapter 12 5/63

Theorycraft Chapter 13 7/70

Theorycraft Chapter 14 3/73

Theorycraft Chapter 15 2/75

Theorycraft Chapter 16 5/80

Theorycraft Chapter 17-1 2/82

Theorycraft Chapter 17-2 3/85

Theorycraft Chapter 18 7/92

Theorycraft Chapter 19 2/94

Theorycraft Chapter 20 2/96

Theorycraft Chapter 21 5/101

Theorycraft Chapter 22 1/102

Theorycraft Chapter 23 4/106

Theorycraft Chapter 24 4/110

Theorycraft Chapter 25 5/115

Theorycraft Chapter 26 4/119

Theorycraft Chapter 27 5/124

Theorycraft Chapter 28 3/128

Theorycraft Endgame 2/130

Dont feel like explaining right now. But all these should be possible. If you guys can find somewhere Ghost Marcia Drafter can improve on, say it :p

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um, i think that you PKL...

You forgot 17-3, and 17-4. which would add 12 turns for 142 turns.

Actually Chapter 18 can be done in 6 turns with 3 mounties/fliers so its 141 for Ghost Marcia.

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I know 18 is doable in 6 with enough paladins, but she only has Makalov and Marcia. And derp, how did I forget 17-3 and 17-4 lol.

EDIT: derp, there's Titania.

Edited by Ghost Marcia Drafter
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Ch.5 - 6 turns/23 turns

Ike stays on the throne for the entire map. Titania goes out and kills things. Everyone else hids in the corner.

Ch.6 - 5 turns/28 turns

Turn 1: Titania kills an archer and goes west. Rhys shoves Ike, who moves two north of Titania.

Turn 2: Ike attacks an archer. Titania kills it and moves onto the bridge.

Turn 3: Ike moves beside Titania and uses a Vulnerary. Titania rescues him and moves four squares south, while moving around the knight.

Turn 4: Titania drops Ike outside of the east enemy range, and then cantos in front of the boss. Ike survives the enemy phase with one HP (30HP/7Def Ike ensures survival then)

Turn 5: Titania kills the boss. Ike escapes.

Ch.7 - 8 turns/36 turns

Didn't document it because I wasn't expecting it to work. Hardest part of the map was the armor knights, since Titania couldn't double the enemies, other than the armors, with the Hammer, which stopped the 7 turn. Not having the Hand Axe was hard.

Ch.8 - 8 turns/44 turns

Titania rescues Ike and sits on the throne all map.

Ch.9 - 5 turns/49 turns

Turn 1: Titania rescues Ike and moves full southwest. Lethe kills a myrm.

Turn 2: Titania moves full southwest and drops Ike. Ike takes lots of counters.

Turn 3: Titania trades Ike the Elixir and cantos toward castle. Ike moves toward castle and uses Elixir.

Turn 4: Ike moves closer to castle and uses Elixir. Titania kills a mage with a Hand Axe and takes that spot.

Turn 5: Titania kills boss and Ike seizes.

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