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Is there an easy way to recoler sprites?


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Hi. I'm new around here, so i obviously have questions.

I've been making a custom Knight w/ axe/sword animation for my first hack (who's team currently only consists of me)

However, i can't find a complete sprite sheet of the enemy pallete from which i can base the animation on. Currently, i've been using Oswin's

pallete as a reference, but unless i can find a way to easily recoler the sprite, i'll probably be stuck with

Oswin as the genric enemy pallete for awhile.

So, if you know any good way's to recoler sprites (without eye-dropping a coler, comparing it to the other sprite, then painting over the colers)

could you please let me know? Thanks.

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I don't have Ms paint, as A. i can't find a download for it, and B. even if i could find a download for it, i can't get it due to Me being a greedy miser me saving money for a school trip.

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MS Paint is free isn't it? It comes with Windows and I am sure you can find a free download of it on google.

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Oh... that...

It didn't have MS in front of it, and it looks radically diffrent then pretty much all pictures i've seen of it, so i assumed it was

a diffrent thing X_X. Ironically, i've been using it this whole time. However, for some reason it still doesn't work.

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Ah, yep, I believe the Vista OS and up (might just be 7 though) changed the name to just "Paint," and updated the interface to be a lot nicer looking, which is why it looks different. Unfortunately, I don't use Paint (I usually do my sprites on a mac) so I'm not sure why the eraser method isn't working for you.

You didn't explain what exactly isn't working however, so maybe we could help you if you described what about the eraser method was going wrong in more detail.

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Ah, sorry. Whenever i do the "right click" thing w/ the eraser, the coler doesn't change. However, whenever i left click, it makes a big, draggable square of red =P

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Yeah, the easer method doesn't work on some computers for some weird reason. I've found that if you save something in Usenti it won't work--I guess it has something to do with transparencies.

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@fuzz: i have windows 7 and usenti, so thanks for the info =)

@ Kitty: Thanks for the info! this will make things alot easier. And, if i'm not mistaken, that is a picture of Aht from Radiant Historia, right? It's been, like,

2 weeks since i played that game. I'm upset with myself

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it does work in windows 7, but it has to be in a fresh paint image for some reason(aka control+A, control+C, open a new paint doc, control+V)

Oh! Also, you can open up the image in Paint.NET, save it (as a PNG) and then open it up in paint again and the eraser method works again.

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it does work in windows 7, but it has to be in a fresh paint image for some reason(aka control+A, control+C, open a new paint doc, control+V)

it's 'cause when you save it, Usenti default saves as an 8-bit transparent PNG, which apparently Paint doesn't like. If you click save as (in Usenti) and save it as a 24-bit non-transparent PNG, you can open it in Paint.

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it does work in windows 7, but it has to be in a fresh paint image for some reason(aka control+A, control+C, open a new paint doc, control+V)

For both the Windows Vista and the Windows 7 I've had this problem on, I've done the same except I just press delete instead of opening a new paint doc. Always works for me, might save you bit of time.

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