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Having trouble staying asleep

Flying Shogi

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Alarms don't wake me up, ever. My brother's girlfriend got me one for Christmas, and it woke me up once, the first time it was used. After that, never.

I don't have a problem with getting up, just waking up at 7 - 8 AM, because I like to be up early haha.

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Maybe you should try sleeping in a way that the sun's rays hit you in the morning. Unless you sleep in the attic/basement or too far from your window/not have a window at all, it should help wake you up. Or, if you live with someone or know someone that usually wakes up earlier than you, you can ask them to call you the morning. My mom gets up early for work and she usually calls me during school days to wake me up in addition to my alarm going off.

Edited by UberLughFTW
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Is there anything in life stressing you out a bit? Believe it or not even stressing about things you consider minor can actually have an effect on your body and not let you sleep, especially if you can't fall asleep because you're thinking a lot.

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Is there anything in life stressing you out a bit? Believe it or not even stressing about things you consider minor can actually have an effect on your body and not let you sleep, especially if you can't fall asleep because you're thinking a lot.

Well, there has been something that I've been worried about. It's my summer projects for school. I started working this summer and I've yet had the chance to and/or got lazy and have not started on my summer projects. Since my senior year of high school is coming up, there is pressure on myself to make my senior year "perfect" per se by getting things done in timely manner so that I don't panic during the year. Then there's the college essay that I'm been working on and I'm having writer's block. I'm almost done my resume though. I do belong to a non-profit organization that helps students like me go to college with the college admissions process and I meet with someone every Friday. But, it's hard for a perfectionist like me to just get help. I need to see things progress and it's not going fast enough. I think I'll be scheduling more days to meet with my staff person. In essence, I'm juggling a lot on my plate and I guess I've yet to realize that I have been doing so until now.

I have to admit that I think about this once a day if not more. But, I do not think about it when I go to sleep.

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