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Spotpass/DLC Set Up FAQ


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Is it true that you need these in order to make Spotpass/DLC useable?

In terms of yen, how was Othy able to buy the Cellica episode when yen don't exist with imports?

Telling how Spotpass/DLC can be used..

Answers how it is used. Found it!



Those things in the pictures. Is it true that you need those to set up a Wifi connection for the 3DS. If so, do you actually need a Japanese N3DS Wifi connector that you might be able to find at Amazon? Since N3DS has regional lockout, or can the connector that you get can be used with any regional system and not needing to get a Japanese one?

Edited by アイネ
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I bought a bunch of DLC last night, you dont need a japanese credit card or currency to buy DLC, and you only need regular wifi and none of this crap that the person told you to buy

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Set up regular wireless internet connection, go to Other-World Gate, use regular credit card, spend $, buy awesome maps.

That's all it takes.

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I bought a bunch of DLC last night, you dont need a japanese credit card or currency to buy DLC, and you only need regular wifi and none of this crap that the person told you to buy

Oh, I see.

That 3DS Wifi connector can be used on any regional system. The system itself only introduces regional lockout.

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But there's no reason to have the connector in the first place so who cares?

Oh, I usually set it up over those connectors. But wireless is done on nintendo.com. Or is the wireless connector automatically built into the Nintendo 3DS?


Do you type in your credit card number to the Other World Gate that it might ask? I'm not so sure. -.-

EDIT: I do see my wireless light turned on yellow whenever I turn the Nintendo 3DS on that you see on the side of your 3DS.


Do I just have to connect to the internet to initiate the connection?

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Other-World Gate --> Middle option --> Left option --> Input credit card info

Thanks. =)


That's after I set up the connection later.

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I think the first thing tells you to put your age... that's the thing htat kept tripping me up. I randomly put in "33" and it worked though. (This is before you pay via card).

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I think the first thing tells you to put your age... that's the thing htat kept tripping me up. I randomly put in "33" and it worked though. (This is before you pay via card).

Got it.

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