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Request: Battle Sprite Palettes


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Hi all and hello!~ Completely new here, hoping to submit some things soon and get my confidence murdered but got a request too.


I'm looking for a mostly complete palette for battle sprites (separated by game).

If no one has a palette, does someone have a .zip of battle sprites? The palette would be easy to pull from there.

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Kitty: Something like this:


(or just a mass dump of all the sprites and I'll make something similar)


If there's a palette, it's hard to find :/. I can grab all the sprites from FEP to collect a palette but it's going to be hours of rightclick->saveAs.

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Kitty: Something like this:


(or just a mass dump of all the sprites and I'll make something similar)


If there's a palette, it's hard to find :/. I can grab all the sprites from FEP to collect a palette but it's going to be hours of rightclick->saveAs.

Uhh... "What?" on both points. Moreso inefficiency on the last point.

1. Open Nightmare module FE6/FE7/FE8 Battle Palette Reference and take the offset for each of the characters. Open it up in program of your choice... I like GBAGE and extract it.

2. Open huge sprite sheet. In GIMP, Image indexed. Grab the colormap and save it. To be more accurate, crop off any "credit" text that might be in the image. Usenti works just as well if you're not a GIMP person.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Uhh... "What?" on both points. Moreso inefficiency on the last point.

1. Open Nightmare module FE6/FE7/FE8 Battle Palette Reference and take the offset for each of the characters. Open it up in program of your choice... I like GBAGE and extract it.

2. Open huge sprite sheet. In GIMP, Image indexed. Grab the colormap and save it. To be more accurate, crop off any "credit" text that might be in the image. Usenti works just as well if you're not a GIMP person.

Inefficient but feasible is OK by me as long as I get a colormap/palette out of it. Thanks for the lead on just getting it through your point 1 though, that'll be helpful with GBA stuff.

As for the whole why of why I'm wanting it, afaik most GBA/snes games operate under a limited palette and I like to keep that in mind when following a particular spriting style. Sure I can search for and pull colors off individual sprites or add a new color and disregard the original limitations/set but I'd rather have the palette instead.

I don't have time to kludge it together now but will go ahead and hash the easy ones together around September.

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Uhh... "What?" on both points. Moreso inefficiency on the last point.

1. Open Nightmare module FE6/FE7/FE8 Battle Palette Reference and take the offset for each of the characters. Open it up in program of your choice... I like GBAGE and extract it.

2. Open huge sprite sheet. In GIMP, Image indexed. Grab the colormap and save it. To be more accurate, crop off any "credit" text that might be in the image. Usenti works just as well if you're not a GIMP person.

Inefficient but feasible is OK by me as long as I get a colormap/palette out of it. Thanks for the lead on just getting it through your point 1 though, that'll be helpful with GBA stuff.

As for the whole why of why I'm wanting it, afaik most GBA/snes games operate under a limited palette and I like to keep that in mind when following a particular spriting style. Sure I can search for and pull colors off individual sprites or add a new color and disregard the original limitations/set but I'd rather have the palette instead.

I don't have time to kludge it together now but will go ahead and hash the easy ones together around September.

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you can very easily do that for yourself

due to technical limitations the gba and the snes only use colors that have rgb values divisible by 8

as long as you stick to that you're good

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