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Just wanted to know if anyone else on the site is planning to attend Otakon on the 27th-29th~ :D

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I live a couple light rail stops away from the convention center, but the price tag seemed kind of hefty, otherwise I'd totally be there. I find it incredibly uncool of them to not offer day passes D:

Otakon is an animu/otaku convention in Baltimore, MD that's happening next week.

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Very lightly on-topic, but I was always surprised that Meryl in the original MGS was the only one to ever say Otacon's name even halfway right: "Owe-tuh-kon," and I think only once. Then they revised all the voices to get rid of the cool accents and shit along with little errors like that.

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I live a couple light rail stops away from the convention center, but the price tag seemed kind of hefty, otherwise I'd totally be there. I find it incredibly uncool of them to not offer day passes D:

Otakon is an animu/otaku convention in Baltimore, MD that's happening next week.

I was also surprised that they aren't offering day passes, but it seems like it's well priced compared to other big cons. I was looking into going to AX earlier this year, and it seemed like they were charging for air. Everything had a price. XP I live in VA and will most likely be commuting in every day, so I hope the traffic isn't too bad. >:

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My roommate is under the impression that you can get 80% of the anime con experience by hanging out outside and watching people go in, buuut, if I had known that it was actually on the cheaper end of the spectrum I probably would've pre-purchased. I really want to go to an anime convention sometime :V Have fun there! And hopefully the traffic won't be toooo bad

Also somewhat related, Stan Lee is coming to Baltimore Comic-Con and they have 25$ day passes -w-

Edited by Mewiyev
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My roommate is under the impression that you can get 80% of the anime con experience by hanging out outside and watching people go in, buuut, if I had known that it was actually on the cheaper end of the spectrum I probably would've pre-purchased. I really want to go to an anime convention sometime :V Have fun there! And hopefully the traffic won't be toooo bad

I was thinking about doing exactly that. If I do, I'll take awful cameraphone pictures of all the freaks and share them!

If anyone does plan on going, I'll be the guy in the area totally not taking pictures of you freaks with the camera phone. Also with great hair.

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Very lightly on-topic, but I was always surprised that Meryl in the original MGS was the only one to ever say Otacon's name even halfway right: "Owe-tuh-kon," and I think only once. Then they revised all the voices to get rid of the cool accents and shit along with little errors like that.

Wow, I totally forgot that Otacon was named after Otakon. It's not that I don't think Otacon is cool or anything as an event, but now that I have that pronunciation in my head, Otacon seems so much less cool. I'll just have to think of it as a bit closer to sounding like "oda."

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Haha, now when you think of Otakon you're going to connect it with a guy pissing his pants. Muahaha my work here is done.

OTACON IS THE RADDEST. Whenever I think of Otakon I'll think of his copy/poster/whatever of Policenauts or Zone of the Enders or whatever it is he has.

Edited by L1049
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OTACON IS THE RADDEST. Whenever I think of Otakon I'll think of his copy/poster/whatever of Policenauts or Zone of the Enders or whatever it is he has.

He had a poster of Policenauts in the first one, and one of Zone of the Enders in the fourth. Or a background on his computer, at least.

Still want a third game of ZoE already.

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He had a poster of Policenauts in the first one, and one of Zone of the Enders in the fourth. Or a background on his computer, at least.

Still want a third game of ZoE already.

Third? Don't you mean 4th? YOU'RE FORGETTING ZONE OF THE ENDERS: THE FIST OF MARS! The mecha strategy game with gameplay that makes the easiest SRW games look interesting by comparison.

Oh well at least it had a pretty great soundtrack.

I have hope it'll happen,

but I feel like it's a while off.

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I liked Fist of Mars but that targeting thing it had could be annoying.


Lol. I actually like it's story, but there were too few varieties of enemies in the game, and the game is 1) too easy with the targeting system (but takes fugging forever) or 2) very hard without it around the time you hit bolozoff, and probably nigh impossible if you go the "bad route."

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