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Dark World Dealings or Dark Lightning?

Flying Shogi

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So I've been making edits to my Fabled deck and it's coming along pretty well until I needed cards to fill my deck after switching to March 2012 the ban list in my YGO 2012 game. I had one more card slot to fill and I decided to go with Dark Lightning.

But here's the thing, I like Dark World Dealings too but I do not want to go over the 40 card limit. I tend to get all Spells/Traps when I hurt the balance of the deck so I just wanna have one of the two.

I like Lightning because it can get rid of a card on my opponent's field in addition to Special Summoning a Monster. But, Dealings allows me to draw a card while the opponent throws out a card while I rake in both benefits when I Special Summon a Monster and draw a card. Right now Lightning is more appealing simply because of its destroy card effect. What's your opinion on this matter?

Here's my deck:

[spoiler= Fabled Deck]


Fabled Grimro x3

Fabled Krus x2

Fabled Kushano x1

Fabled Raven x2

Goldd, Wu-Lord of the Dark World x1

Honest x1

Sagan x1

Snipe Hunter x2

Fabled Catsith x1

The Fabled Cerburrel x2

The Fabled Ganashia x2

The Fabled Nozoochee x3


Book of Moon x1

Dark World Lightning x1

Heavy Storm x1

Monster Reborn x1

MST x3

Pot of Avarice x1

Shrink x2


Bottomless Trap Hole x2

Dimensional Prison x3

Mirror Force x1

Raigeki Break x2

Seven Tools of the Bandit x1

Extra Deck:15

Ally of Justice Catastor x1

Black Rose Dragon x1

Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x1

Chaos King Archfiend x1

Fabled Leviathan x1

Fabled Ragin x2

Fabled Valkryus x1

Red Dragon Archfiend x1

Scrap Dragon x1

Stardust Dragon x2

Stygian Sergeants x1

The Fabled Unicore x2

I also would like advice on Leviathan. Should I keep it? I usually don't summon him but I need another slot for my Extra Deck if I don't use him. Any suggestions?

Edited by UberLughFTW
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Personally, I'd drop the Mirror Force.

As for another synchro monster, I'd aim for. . .ehhh. . .something good that's 6 or lower. It looks like your monsters are on the lower end of the star spectrum.

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Personally, I'd drop the Mirror Force.

As for another synchro monster, I'd aim for. . .ehhh. . .something good that's 6 or lower. It looks like your monsters are on the lower end of the star spectrum.

Any reasons for dropping Mirror Force? And what would be a good replacement?

I decided to swap Leviathan for an Iron Chain Dragon since I have enough level 5's already.

Edited by UberLughFTW
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It's nice that it doesn't target, but the destruction part means that Stardust Whatever can ruin it, stuff that's destroyed will trigger, etc. Dimensional Prison, at least, removes stuff without destroying it. You wanted to know what to remove for Dark World Dealings, and that was my suggestion.

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Stardust Whatever can ruin it

You thinking starlight road? speaking of which, you should probably add 1 if you're running 2 stardust, because as eclipse said, you've got alot of low level monsters in there. i see alot that i would change/add/drop, but it probably wouldn't have enough fabled parts left afterwards.

i would say though, as far as your original concern, is to drop lightning. you have enough destruction already with 3 mst, 2 snipers, heavy, and 2 raigeki break. you really don't need any more. and you don't need dealings or any dark world stuff in general.

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I'll try one Stardust Road to replace the Lightning. And I keep Stardust because I like to run 2 and that I don't have other cards that can fill my Extra Deck. And this games does not have that Librarian card or Reborn Tengu and Tour Guide of the Under World.

As for the deck, this is the best I can do with this game. If 2013 comes out, I bet there will be changes.

Edited by UberLughFTW
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