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Starting out Tearring Saga for the first time

Constable Reggie

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I don't think I"m using an emulator, since the method I use for Ps1 games is permanently changing the ISO into an Eboot file, which the Psp recognizes instantly (probably since Ps1 games are buyable on psn). Again, I'm not too sure, I may be wrong.

How does a PSP handle PS1 save files? If it uses 'memory cards', like the PS3, you should be able to switch the game file. Since the patch should only have text changes, and nothing that would make it not load a save from a patched version.

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I don't think I"m using an emulator, since the method I use for Ps1 games is permanently changing the ISO into an Eboot file, which the Psp recognizes instantly (probably since Ps1 games are buyable on psn). Again, I'm not too sure, I may be wrong.

Where's the save file for the game stored? As long as you can get the untranslated, converted file to load the save still, you should be fine. If in doubt, copy the save-file.

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Alright, so after a bit of research I found out the save file does exist somewhere else. Problem? It was under the Tearring Saga Code number, and (get this) with a completely unrelated picture.


So I do think I"ll be able to get past the freeze point by simply replacing the translation Eboot with a clean one. Thanks for the help everyone.

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I once got the Luna Sword through Arena by battling a Dark Knight, I was trying to make lots of Gold. I also got 3 items at once using Meriah's Aura Rain at Map 37 or 38? in the map where Runan receives Seiken Reeve. Anyway, the 3 items I got were Dragon Arrow, Stellar Sword, and Moonlight. The only item I haven't got is Death and Solar Sword.

So far got a mehish spoil in Map 21. As I've got a Gold Bag upon defeaing some Gargoyles there. And the Steller Sword is good because it doubles EXP and Runan can possibly get well trained with this.

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Hee hee. Davinatorman hasn't been on in days. Must have finally got addicted to this game. =)

Yes, it is very addictive. Especially when you try for the random rare items like in my rare random items thread. One of the 10 games now that I cannot stop playing once I start it until I finish it!

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I've been playing through it slowly, since it's got clumped together with playing (and recently beaten) Fallout 3 and Bioshock. Up to map 21, and this game is definitely unique. I didn't know that dragon had an item that gave +40 def and res until it was too late. :(

I apparently didn't choose enough people to use so I added Billford and Shigen to my wonderful little group. Some of the map layouts are a little weird, to be honest. But I'm loving the game so far.

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You should get Shigen killed before Sealed Bridge. Why? cause you'll be recruiting Sierra early in the 2nd division... but don't worry, Shigen will be come back with her.



And Sierra will join too late for you to get her well trained if you don't. If Shigen dies before Map 23's end, she will join you before Map 27 instead of Map 31.

She will join at Map 31 if you don't get Shigen killed before Map 23's end. Since random encounters will be completely over after heading up north from Morse Tower.

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Anyone ever used the Guilty Heart scroll?

I've used it on Raffin and boy is he good at robbing weapons from enemies. I've got the rare Lance this way from one of the draco reinforcements in Map 34. Yay. No having to kill Roger to get it! And they say that this skill sucks. The Burgalar Skill has it's uses. Anything else that you rob from enemies that you don't need can be grinded for cash. But you'll have to keep everyone within 3 pases away from him as this skill hinders their dodge and hit rates by 50%.

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I was also surprised that this skill was so detested. The loss in hit rates isn't a problem when you separate the most capable fighters away from the group most of the time, and they could make use of the skill.

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nah, I never bother using Guilty Heart.

If I want to steal weapons/items, I'd use the Thief Sword. You can steal lots from the enemy Thief at Morse Tower. First, use Yuni, Bud or maybe Krisheenu with Main Gauche and Amulet in her inventory. If you managed to steal the Thief Sword, Give it to Shigen, Lionel or any Sword-user to steal more from the Thief.

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nah, I never bother using Guilty Heart.

If I want to steal weapons/items, I'd use the Thief Sword. You can steal lots from the enemy Thief at Morse Tower. First, use Yuni, Bud or maybe Krisheenu with Main Gauche and Amulet in her inventory. If you managed to steal the Thief Sword, Give it to Shigen, Lionel or any Sword-user to steal more from the Thief.

Also can make one from the smithing shop then steal more from those thieves. Plus, it's the only way to get the items from the thieves if they beat you to it. (Since they do not drop the weapon/item when they are killed.)

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Just finished the game today and the text is very messed up by the conversation with some of Runan's troops during the ending. (This is before Holmes' troops convos.) Other than that, nice to know what goes on in this game! =)

Oh, and I've got Ryunan to LV37 in this run and he turned out better than Holmes. He also learns Awareness at LV35.

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So, I've been watching some videos, and I noticed there are a lot of enemy-exclusive classes.

**Lancer (Lance-only Cavaliers)

**Ranger (Bow-only Cavaliers)

**Ruffian (A Thief on a horse)


**Hunter (Bandits with Bows)


**Bow Knight (Strangely enough, a foot class)


**Dark Mage

**Dark Priest

**Shaman (Monster Summoner)



**Archer (Looks like a Soldier with a Bow)

**Dark Soldier

If anyone can tell me some more enemy-exclusive classes they saw, and explain if the Dark Priest or Sorcerer are promotions of Dark Mages or if they are all three seperate classes, that would be great, as I'm really curious about this game now.

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You could say they are, but since there's no playable characters in that class, there's no concrete proof about it.

Also the Dark Soldier isn't enemy exclusive. Zeek dismounts to that. There's also a rare kind of barbarian that appears in arenas and Aerial encounters.

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Also the Dark Soldier isn't enemy exclusive. Zeek dismounts to that. There's also a rare kind of barbarian that appears in arenas and Aerial encounters.

You see, I wasn't quite sure, as I did note they looked similar, and rememebred that Zeek loses Axes upon dismounting, but I didn't know the name changed when you dismounted. Is that only for that specific class then, or do all mounted units change names? Have yet to have play it right now, regretfully. Still, thanks for your help, I'll keep watching the vids to learn more.

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I have a question about levels. So, I was watching more videos and I saw a Kate who had made it to Level 20 as a Lady Knight and wasn't getting any more experience. So, at level 10, she can promote to a Arrow Knight, but without a Super Proof, only can make it to level 30, but at level 20 still as a Lady Knight, she can't get any more experience until she promotes and then she goes as a Arrow Knight all the way to Level 40. Is that correct?

So...what about units that can't promote like Zeek, Garo or Plum? Can they only make it to level 30, or can they make it to level 40 without having to worry about stopping at level 20 to promote?

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So...what about units that can't promote like Zeek, Garo or Plum? Can they only make it to level 30, or can they make it to level 40 without having to worry about stopping at level 20 to promote?

They reach their cap at Level 30, but the super proof item can be used to increase their level cap up to 40.

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They reach their cap at Level 30, but the super proof item can be used to increase their level cap up to 40.

Um..Zeek is the only character in the game to not need a Super Proof (from characters that can reach LV30 before it stops) to reach LV40.

You can get him past 30 without one.

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