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Help with Sothe.

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Damn little shit keeps dying on me.

Kay, here's the scenario. It's normal mode, Endgame. I "used" Sothe, and got him to level 20. For the most part, he has good stats, and has capped speed and whatnot. My idea is to try to make him solo Endgame, without dying. The only way I knew how to do this, was to give him Wrath + Resolve, so I did. Because I lack a USBgecko, he isn't an Assassin -- he's the normal little pipsqueak. So, after I equip Wrath & Resolve, give him 4 Stilettos (full uses, so he has 80 uses total) I start Endgame. Bryce comes along, no big deal right? Knowing Bryce, he'll be able to weaken Sothe enough to activate Wrath + Resolve. And, I was right. He managed to get those skills activated. So, I try using Sothe to kill Bryce, or even a normal enemy.

He fails, and they kill him, even with those two skills in affect. What the f*ck. Sothe only has 20 skill points, so there isn't much I can do, and even if I COULD somehow put Lethality on him with him being a Theif, it still wouldn't help. So...what should I do for this? Please don't say, "Dude, just don't do it. It's impossible to make Thief Sothe good." I'm trying to get Sothe to solo endgame, due to a project I am working on, and I am not ditching it. Likewise, because it's a solo, I'm not allowing any supports between Tormod, or Astrid. [Not that he has a support on that playthrough anyways, I just BEXP'd him.]

Help? ;-;

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Well, yeah. That's the thing with the solos. They stop after I kill the 49 enemies in Endgame. I can't hack it to allow Sothe or anyone to kill Ashnard.

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If he doesn't have capped HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Def, and Res, fix that first. As much Luck as you can get him (I think 28 is the max without cheating) will also be nice. If you've already done all that and it still isn't working...there isn't really anything else to say. His stats are capped and his choice for weapons is extremely limited. However, if the biggest problem is keeping him alive, there are better skills than Wrath available. Vantage may help with killing before the enemy can get an attack in. Guard would work a lot better with Vantage, but can still work on player phases you aren't using to heal to avoid a hit.

Otherwise, get lucky.

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C-cap everything but Magic and Luck? I can cap his Strength and HP with 1 of the appropriate items, but I forgot about the rest. I'll post his stats without stat boost items in a bit.

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can he even hurt the dragons? You have 80 weapon uses and 49 enemies to kill. Even with capped stats I dont think this is possible.

Can Volke do it? If Volke has trouble soloing endgame than Sothe just has no chance.

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Yes, Volke can do it, or at least, I think so. He has 30 strength though, while Sothe's strength is 20, capped.

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The assassin strength cap is 23. However, assassins also have 30 speed, letting them double a lot more stuff. Sothe's stuck with 20s all around, so he is going to miss doubling some stuff he wouldn't with a higher speed cap.

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Oh, right. It was speed that was 30. My bad.

Yeah, Volke has 23 Strength, and I know Sothe has 19. [Though I do have a Energy Drop, so it's easily fixable.]

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Highest MT achievable by Sothe is 28 without resolve, 38 with. On HM the dragons boast 31-33 def, which gets reduced by a couple of points because this is NM. Sothe needs resolve no matter what to even damage the dragons.

I'll also recommend forcing crits on the dragons.

Edited by Daigoji Excellen
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Sothe's Stats without the item boosts:

HP: 33

Strength: 18

Magic: 4

Skill: 20 [Capped]

Speed: 20 [Capped]

Luck: 19

Defense: 17

Resistance: 10

Sothe's stats with the item boosts:

HP: 40 [Capped]

Strength: 20 [Capped]

Magic: 8

Skill: 20 [Capped]

Speed: 20 [Capped]

Luck: 21

Defense: 20 [Capped]

Resistance: 14

Movement: 9

Cn: 10

That's the best I can do on this file. :/

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Freaking triple post, sorry.

I just tested it. Even with capped strength, Sothe cannot damage the dragons. Likewise, Wrath will not help him damage the dragons, since all it does is increase critical hits.

So I tried Vantage + Resolve, but the sad thing is, Bryce always has good accuracy against Sothe, even with resolve. Plus, he uses Wishblade to throw it to Sothe, instead of attacking one-on-one.

Edit: Yeah, not quadruple posting. Anyways, I've managed to get Sothe to activate Vantage + Resolve after Bryce attacked him...only to be killed by the first dragon. So, any other ideas?

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I'll probably use other characters to kill the Dragons, to see if I can get around them that way.

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Holy shit, I actually did it. Sothe "solo'd" endgame. Soren had to kill the Dragons, though. Seriously, even ResolveSothe can't handle those. Would anyone wanna watch if I upload the video? It'll be edited, just to show the fights themselves.

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The entire video is around 1:12:30 long or so. I'll upload both, just in case.

Even though it's a solo, I DID heal him a LOT. ;-;

Edit: Also, there isn't music in the background, because it makes it easier when editing the video, even IF the full version would end up being more popular. So, when watching the full, just have a playlist of your own playing in the background.

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Well its not technically a solo if he didnt kill the dragons and was healed by another unit/s.

Like I originally thought, a Sothe solo is impossible.

How many weapon uses did you have left out of those 80? Or did you have another unit carry extra Stiletos for him too?

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Well, at this point, it's the closest thing to a "solo" that he's going to get. I'll try again, when I'm able to make him Assassin Sothe.

I brought Largo into the battle, carrying an extra set of 4 Stilettos. I believe I had to end up trading all of the Stilettos over, but he didn't use them all. I'd say he used around 100 or 120 Stilettos or so.

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And how is it not a solo if a unit is healed? Explain that to me. The healers aren't attacking (although Elincia accidentally got 1 battle -- enemy didn't die, though) so it should be fine.

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That's too hard. Especially for Sothe.

I'm going to guess and say using Ena/Nasir's Boon is also against the "rules" of a solo?

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