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Second Playthrough *HELP ME*

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To start, I play on normal mode. I want my units to be more organized this time. It felt like last time i just rushed through it (units died) and i was counting on units like Haar and Ike to get me through the game.

So ultimately what im asking is how to raise my characters more efficiently in RD and when to use bonus experience on them. Im also wondering why the bonus experience works a lot differently then in POR.

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Bonus experience only levels up 3 stats at a time. However, bonus exp is guaranteed to always level up three stats at a time. So pumping a character full of BEXP to level them up in general, doesnt really help them reach full potential. What is pretty great is using BEXP to make a character on the brink of leveling so they can get combat experience. If a character has quite a few stats already capped but is shy of reaching promotion and junk, thats when you can pour on the BEXP. :awesome:

As for organizing your guys, just dont spread your combat too thin. In part 1, guys like Nolan, Volug, Edward (maybe), Micaiah (of course), Jill, and Sothe can help you get through junk easier. Choose who you want to use ahead of time. But you dont NEED to rely on Volug or Sothe in Normal mode. Part 2, just kinda map out whats going on and who you wanna use. Ask yerself junk like "do i wanna use Astrid this time around? Or Calill?" Ya know? Part 3 is pretty easy to handle because GMs rock.

Endgame choices are up to you.

Now you are probably aware that theres some special stuff you can do in a second playthrough (with a cleared file with a new game of course). Like saving Pelleas, and stuff. Are you after those whistles and bells?

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I find it more efficient to give each BEXP until they have 99 EXP points, then play the map. It's only better to level up by BEXP when your units have three capped stats/two capped stats and some semi-capped ones.

I'd recommend for you to not waste EXP with Fiona, Meg and Zihark (unless you're going to use him on your team), but it's irrelevant because of the BEXP. Just try to get as many kills as possible with your main team and use them for support.

Ninja'd by Rhaegar. how are you still alive you were killed before book one

Edited by Rapier
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Before each chapter get units you are using to 99 exp so they can get better than +3 LV ups. If a unit has 1 or more capped stats, use the Bexp to LV them up. Use as much of it as you need to but definitely save a bunch for later.

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I plan on getting pelleas. Also should i stockpile Bonus exp for final chapters or use it when i get it.

Use it as you see fit but don't waste it.

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If you're going to train Micaiah, she really likes resolve.

Also, no, don't hoard BEXP. The value of it diminishes as you go on through the game, unless you're trying to raise part 4 joiner or something. But still, it's better to use it when it really helps you. i.e: BEXPing Geoffrey so he can ORKO the boss of 2-3 with the brave lance. You'll end up with plenty to spare anyway.

Edited by CR-S01
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Yeah, don't stockpile BEXP unless you have a plan for it.

Best use of BEXP is for units who have capped a couple of the stats they have best growths in. Examples are like when Aran starts to cap defense/Strength/Skill, you BEXP him so he gets lots of speed level ups.

Don't treat bexp levels like they're normal levels. That's important if your just getting used to it.

Relying on Haar and Ike and other units like that isn't as bad as you may think. Certain characters are necessary to certain maps, no way to get around it.(Although my first PT of RD I didn't even recruit Haar. I DIDN'T FUCKING RECRUIT HIM!![he led me in kills the 2nd time around]) But it can be a lot of fun to get by using weaker units. The best way to get innovative is to play in a draft or limit yourself to 10-15 characters + the Ike/Micaiah/Sothe's of the game.

Nothing is set in stone on how to get better. Most of it is just from playing the game more and more and reading about/discussing strategies. People will always be helpful in IP chat or you can just make more specific posts here.

EDIT: oh, and to raise your characters more efficiently: Never go on killing sprees with Ike/Sothe/Volug/Haar, always make sure the units you're training are dealing the lethal blows, and always have a paragon or two around.

Edited by Fenrir
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If you want to be organized, my advice is to plan ahead and know which units you'll be taking with you to endgame, this way you won't waste precious experience and gold on units you won't be using in the long run. As far as bonus exp use goes, I'd advise to spend it if a unit is under leveled and needs to catch up to help clear a chapter faster or make a specific strategy work, or if a unit begins to cap stats. All in all, to raise your characters effectively, you want to make sure you know who you're going to be taking to endgame so you can give them as many kills and as much experience as possible. You should probably not deploy units that you're not serious about training, as they'll only take up space and eat experience and resources.

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Ninja'd by Rhaegar. how are you still alive you were killed before book one

Those wily red priests!

Agility, are you using transfers? Transfers from PoR from characters who reached level 20/20 will often lead to weapon levels being higher and some stats being already capped. Say, like i had Soren leveled to 20/20 in PoR with Res, Magic, and skill capped. Plus a B in Wind magic, an A in thunder, and a C in fire. Transfer data will see Soren coming in at base with Magic, Res, and skill already capped. And As in both Wind and Thunder and a B in fire. (or some junk.) That means Soren is ripe for some BEXP abuse because hes got capped stats already. The same is often true for just about any other transfered character. This talks about it a bit more.

I hear characters like Calill and Nephenee benefit nicely from transfers.

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