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The Pokemon Platinum Nuzlocke Challenge!



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Okay, so I restarted. In bold are the pokemon I am using for combat purposes. In italics are pokemon I am using for HM purposes.

Route 201- CrazyBBM the Chimchar

Lake Verity- Boron the Starly

Route 202- Lol the Kricketot

Route 204- Slave the Bidoof

Ravaged Path- Useless the Zubat

Route 203- Bizz the Shinx

Oreburgh Gate- accidentally killed a Geodude

Oreburgh Mine- Backup the Geodude

So yeah. CrazyBBM basically swept Roark with Mach Punch. I got a bit lucky with Onix's Screech missing, but otherwise easy enough. No deaths yet!


Level 17 Monferno (CrazyBBM)

Level 10 Starly (Boron)

Level 10 Shinx (Bizz)

If the levels seem slightly skewed, it's because I focused on Chimchar a bit so that it could evolve before taking on Roark's gym, and then it gained several levels in the gym because it killed everything.



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Gardenia solo'd by Stell the Staravia. Konnor, how did you lose so many pokemon to her? o.O


Stell the Staravia- Lvl 23

Chimera the Luxio- lvl 17

Hulk the Machop- lvl 16

Levi #2 the Buizel- lvl 16

Poppy the Cascoon- lvl 14

Slave the Bidoof- lvl 2 lol

Batrat the Zubat- lvl 5 lol

Murph the Budew- lvl 16

Edited by Bluedoom
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So, finished the galactic building arc with no casualties! All I needed to do was use Chimera against Jupiter's zubat, and then switch in starvia twice against Skunktank. Hulk, Chimera and Stell got the exp between themselves. :3

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Herp. What have I gotten myself into?

Anyways, our protag, the present me, Sloth, has begun his journey with his adversary, the past me, Ducky.

Startin off with Galbhan the Chimchar.

Route 201: Catch nothing. :(

Lake Verity: Duladann the Starly joins the party.

Route 202: Kaitan the Bidoof joins the party.

Stopping here. Must sleep.

Edited by StrawSloththeSawSlothStraw
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Shit Timer has heatproof. :|

Caught a female Ralts, named it Maid. lol w/e, I'm never using this.

Ok, so Buizel got some training and after a bit of grinding(it was lvl 24 when i arrived at Hearthome lol) I have...FLOATZEL! GO LEVI!

stopping right here because lolno I don't wanna play pokemon all the time.

Oh yeah I also caught a Shellos a lonngg time ago but I'm not using it lol

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Made it to Floaroma. Got a Prinplup, Staravia, and Luxio that I'm using, and a Zubat, a Machop, a Bidoof, and a Geodude that I'm not. Missed the Oreburgh Cave and wherever-the-windmill-is captures. No deaths so far.

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Progress update 6:

Caught Wurm from Floroma Meadow, went through Forest, git EXP Share, solo-ed the Gym with Hideyoshi, and Motochika evolved!




Nene II-Zubat




Shin Land:



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I'm in :D

Started, named my player ヒカリ and my rival ジュン (generic canon names FTW) because my Platinum is Japanese. Man, it's been a while since I've played gen 4.

The first battle with a crappy iPhone video/10


Oops, didn't name Chimchar yet because I didn't know what I was doing. I will name him ゆの (Yuno) for the lulz later. But then I caught a Starly that I named ミハネ (Mihane). So yeah. Why is Japanese so hard to learn >_<

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well beat Fantina with NO CASUALTIES. That's like, awesome. but man I wanted to beat her with only three pokemon, oh well.

Luxio screwed with her Dukull and Haunter, kicking btoh fo their butts. Then came mismagius, so I switched into floatzel and man it lost half its health! o.O

I then proceeded to switch into Staravia, and it took out 3/4th of its HP with the help of a super potion. Then switched into Bronzor who finished the job.


Timer the Bronzor Lvl 22

??? the Ponyta lvl 20

Stell the Staravia lvl 25

Chimera the Luxio lvl 24

Murph the Budew lvl 18 lol

Hulk the Machop lvl 18 lol

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Went to Route 206 and killed a Machop, which sucks because I wanted one... Killed mooks, caught a Buizel at Valley Windworks (another female) and named it Clipsey. Boron evolved, and Bizz evolved. Unfortunately, while I was grinding Clipsey a bit, it got hit by a critical hit Water Pulse from a wild Shellos and died. :(: Mars was still easy though. Bizz OHKOed Zubat and then CrazyBBM switched in and 3HKOed Purugly with Mach Punch. It was almost a 2HKO, but it survived with a sliver of health.


Level 17 Monferno (CrazyBBM)

Level 16 Luxio (Bizz)

Level 14 Staravia (Boron)


Level 12 Buizel (Clipsey)

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Progress Report:

I've made it to Solaceon. No losses yet. I've yet to buy anything from the Hearthome and Solaceon PokeMarts.

Areas encountered: Route 201, Route 202, Route 203, Route 204, Route 205, Route 206, Route 207, Route 208, Route 209, Lake Verity, Ravaged Path, Oreburgh Gate, Oreburgh Mine, Valley Windworks, Eterna Forest, Wayward Cave, Mt. Coronet, Solaceon Ruins. Apparently, Lost Tower counts as Route 209. Lame. Not that I wanted a Chansey or Spiritomb TOO badly, but still.

Bolded are the Pokemon that I'm using in combat at this time. However, very nearly any of them might be used as a substitute. Except Briggid, Ishtore, Micaiah, and Norne. They suck.

Aless the Prinplup (M): L31

Briggid the Bidoof (F): L3

Catria the Staravia (F): L30

Dew the Luxray (M): L31

Ephraim the Zubat (M): L5

Franz the Geodude (M): L5

Guinevere the Machop (F): L7

Hannibal the Budew (M): L10

Ishtore the Chingling (F): L17

Janne the Ralts (F): L18

Kyle the Togepi (M): L1

Lehran the Duskull (M): L19

Micaiah the Unown (U): L22

Norne the Kricketune (F): L18

Oswin the Bronzor (U): L18

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Just beat Jupiter. Holy fuck, Skuntank was a piece of fucking shit that got 5 Night Slash crits in a row and forced me to burn 8 Potions and a Super Potion to prevent a death. Gardenia was fairly easy though. As for pokemon, I caught a Budew in Eterna Forest that I named CR-S01 (after the user, not character). I also caught a Bronzor in the route to the east of Eterna (can't remember its name) which I'm not using.


Level 23 Monferno (CrazyBBM)

Level 23 Staravia (Boron)

Level 20 Luxio (Bizz)

Level 19 Budew (CR-S01)


Level 12 Buizel (Clipsey)

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My pokeman list in the OP is not up to date btw, I guess my last post was missed. I'll list them clearly and say which ones I'm using at the end of this post I guess.

Part 3:

Oreburgh Gate: Slairig the Zubat(whom I shall not be using)

Oreburgh Mine: Killed the Geodude I ran into by accident :/

Route 207: Adhark the Ponyta(whom I shall not be using)

VS Roark!

Well, Ditheen goes out first of course. Easily ORKOs the first Geodude with Mega Drain, likewise with Onix, 2 rounds Cranidos easily enough as well. Piece of cake.

Back in the Oreburgh Gate, Galbhan evolves into Monfreno!

Ravaged Path: Aw man killed a Psyduck because I forgot I wanted to catch it, dang it!

Arrived at Floaroma without any problems!

Fighting the grunt in front of Valley WIndworks, Duladann evolved into Staravia!

And thats all for today.

Here is a full list of my team with the bolded ones being the ones I am currently using in my party and the others being others:

Galbhan lvl 15 Monferno

Nimphia lvl 14 Shinx

Duladann lvl 15 Staravia

Ditheen lvl 16 Budew

Kaitan lvl 8 Bidoof

Adhark lvl 6 Ponyta

Slairig lvl 5 Zubat

Nothing in the grave yet.

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Ughhhhh lost Luxio to a critical hit Shadow Ball from Fantina's Mismagius. That was pretty much out of my control...


Level 27 Monferno (Crazy BBM)

Level 25 Staravia (Boron)

Level 24 Budew (CR-S01)


Level 12 Buizel (Clipsey)

Level 25 Luxio (Bizz)

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