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About Harry Potter and Aurors


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you know what would be cool? if JK Rowling wrote a spinoff series about aurors.

something i have always really wanted more from the Harry Potter verse is to explore the world of wizards. like the whole world. in her main books, Rowling gives us hints of a wider wizarding world, but since the books are mostly confined to the UK, we never get to really explore it.

so it would be really awesome if she actually developed the world by writing a series about aurors. like they seem like a combination of police officers/military/spies/detectives, so she could definitely write a completely awesome series about a group of aurors who are tracking down dangerous dark wizards throughout the wizarding world. like that, we could get to explore the wizarding world, giving Rowling more chances to work out her awesome world-building skills, we would get a thrilling story about fighting wizards, and such and such.


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i used to have a dream as a kid that jk rowling would pick me out of a crowd and have me play some bamf bllllllllllllllllllack wizard sippin on sizzurp in the next movie / book. but this was before i realized she liked UK only characters / there was already a bamf wizard of color.

i agree that it would be cool if she started a new series in the same universe, maybe even about hp's progeny, but i have the feeling the entire written series, movie productions + fame / fortune took a toll on her, being from a radically "just getting by" means life. although i haven't read any recent articles about her / what she's doing now, my opinion is that she's done writing about that particular universe (maybe even books altogether? i dunno) and would probably just want to raise her kid fulltime / give her child all the opportunities she's never had. i only say this last part because i remember reading about her "being on tough times before the success" in those "about the author" segments in one of her books + the depiction's of hp's abusive childhood are pretty realistic and detailed so i just assume she'd experienced some of that herself to write about it like that.

if there is a new novel / series planned around the same universe (give kingsley his own series pls) i will definitely look forward to reading it though ! maybe not the movies though

Edited by CrossKnightsAtFortSilvail
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