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Seeking talented artists for custom portraits!


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Hey guys, I've looked around and didn't find any specific threads for this and I'm not sure if I am posting this in the correct section, but here goes~

I'm looking for any talented and/or any hard working and willing artists that will help me fulfill a few custom portrait requests.

I am looking for custom portraits for some of the characters from a Visual Novel / Anime called Fate/Stay Night.

Whether you are a starving artist trying to get his/her work out there for free, or a talented established artist working on commission, all are welcome here. Anyone interested in work please contact me or post in this thread.

Thanks a lot!

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This is the thread where I posted almost a year ago about a hack project I was working on.

Long story short:

The hack was meant to be a christmas present for my girlfriend. I was unable to finish the project as a lot of things had come up. But now that I've found some free time and renewed motivation to finish this project, hopefully I can finish it in time for christmas this year.

In the time period that I took a break from it, I also discovered the VN and anime Fate/Stay Night and fell in love with it, so I wanted to incorporate some of the elements into it if possible.

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Well, first thing's first.

Graphics generally come as last priority when making a hack. Not trying to be mean, but spriters here generally don't sprite for a project unless they've seen at least some progress on the non-graphics portion of it.

That... or of course... you pay them.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Yup! I am willing to pay but that would another process in itself.

As I would want to make sure my money is well spent, I would request the artist to show me their portfolio.

Also, I realize I may be doing things the wrong way, but I am a very visual person, so it actually helps me greatly to be able to see the graphics that I plan to use. already implement into the game, when creating/tweaking the story line. Just in case if you were wondering .haha

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If you're going to commission, think about shopping around other fan artists rather than stooping around here. I had a pretty cool resource, but the link seems to be missing... but a little searching can find some others to start you off.




Maybe even the Spriting Resource's forums.

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Thanks for the links Celice. I took a look around but had a hard time finding artists that were familiar to designing in the style of Fire Emblem, so it made me doubtful that the quality would be comparable to the more experienced users on the FE based forums.

Though, that being said, I was able to find a couple that were willing to give it a shot, and a couple of others that wanted to charge $15-20 per portrait. As this is something that won't be generating any revenue, I will be paying out of my own pocket so I felt it was a little bit high.

Anyone else here willing to take up some commissioned work?

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So how many of you are familiar with Fate/Stay Night?

I have a Saber portrait done, but something about it is bugging me. Any help?

Edit: I probably should've made a new thread for this post

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post-4104-024580100 1344437877_thumb.jpg

Edited by TheoryDS
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Get a image sharing site account like photobucket or something else so you can share your images without resorting to attachments

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