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Playstation All Stars: Hints to 6 Unrevealed Characters


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Recently Paul Gale Network has posted an update regarding Playstation All Stars Battle Royale, confirming Ratchet and Clank, unlockable characters, and various other features and additions. He also posted hints to 6 characters that are yet to be revealed.

Prior to this weekend' date=' here's what I can tell you about the 6 characters that I hinted at (though not all were specifically tied to the four picture hints I provided).

- Two female characters

- A character that wields a sword

- Two popular first party characters

- One 3rd party hero that has a strong affiliation with the PlayStation brand.

- A character whose development origin comes from a Japanese studio.

- Another PlayStation "mascot"

- Another PlayStation "human"

- A character who has been in an RPG

Those 8 hints that I provided, when drawn together, reveal the 6 characters that I knew were in the game.[/quote']

Anyone have any solid guesses as to who the 6 characters might be?

I'm confident Nariko from Heavenly Sword is one of them from hints 1, 2, and 7. Crash Bandicoot fits hints 4 and 6 (and let's not forget the jet ski hint from the link I provided, even though Coco Bandicoot was the one that used it). Cloud Strife seems like a good fit for hints 2, 5, and 8. Sackboy is likely one of the first party characters from hint 3 (that and for one of his picture hints, Paul Gale had a little gun and a big gun together in the same picture, hinting at Little Big Planet).

As for the supposed "leak", I'm confident it's false. Paul Gale has been right about everything about Playstation All Stars Battle Royale so far, and the leak contradicts Paul confirming there being over 20 characters as well as there being two female unrevealed characters. Though I will admit that Spike from Ape escape and Sir Daniel Fortesque seem like reasonable roster choices.

Edited by Randoman
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I'm sure Nariko is in there, but I also want to see Lightning (if only to bump up the number of females) and Crash still. I wouldn't mind Megaman but Capcom seems intent to troll everyone until the end of time.

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Crash Bandicoot and Lightning are definitely two of them, as is Sack Boy. That would leave a female and a popular first-party character. But Heavenly Blade seems like a long shot to me, perhaps a bit too old. Shot in the dark, but maybe the protagonist of Gravity Rush?

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