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EDIT: Seized the first slave fort, and got the speech from when you enter priscilla's vilage on chapter 14. No NPC's came out either.

See above post. Also, wait a few turns for the NPCs to start spawning.

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i'm good at cheesing chapters

But you can't finish the chapter now, can you?


There are a lot of setups you can use to cheese the achievement. This one got me to Turn 159 or something while I was playtesting an earlier version. Then I noticed that I had no way of ending the chapter easily, so I spend 100 more turns waiting for those 5% Hit snipers to slowly chip Priscilla out.

Now, the true challenge is... can you visit the village and keep everyone alive before getting the Achievement, THEN end the chapter?

Edit for Arch: That "Ch 29: Sands of Time" in the Status screen might need a fix.

Edited by Miacis
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Another stupid question

I just downloaded the save file on the last page and I don't know what to do next

Could someone tell me what to do

I'm using visual boy advance on mac if it helps

Do you mean "you don't know what to do with the save file?" Just put it in the directory VBA uses for saves(the default is the same directory as the ROM)

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Another stupid question

I just downloaded the save file on the last page and I don't know what to do next

Could someone tell me what to do

I'm using visual boy advance on mac if it helps

If you go into the library and then to application support then over to VBA or visual boy advance or what have you then you can put that save in to the battery save slot just be sure the rom and the save have the same name.

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It's kinda fun to see the ways in which people are cheesing Raven's tale. I wish I could make every single one of these issues cause a game over :P:. Hope people are still enjoying the tale, and the way it's intended to be played.

Are you supposed to be able to go to Kent's Tale right after Lyn's? Because I unlocked it but was not able to directly proceed to it. Nothing major, but I would have liked to keep the Wind Sword I took from Guy.

Yeah, that's a glitch. Now that I've fixed the transfer from 2 -> 2xb, it's crazy to look at Lyn's inventory. She has: the classic infantry slayer, a 50 crit sword (FE13-inspired Sol Katti), a 1-2 range physical sword, and a brave 2-3 range bow. Holy shit. I've also fixed the transfer from 1 -> 1x, which dumped the player back at the Tale Select no matter what.


Oh, and I'll fix the "Sands of Time" shit too.

New patch.

Edited by The Second Archsage
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hey arch some one asked me to suggest this but could you like show all the tales at the start then grey out the ones not playable yet. just wondering.

also at-least in the version I'm using the Shen talk event uses filler dialogue fro chapter 15 hector mode I believe...

Edited by ShinyPichu
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Oh, and is Leagault's Tale ending in the anticlimactic way I posted supposed to happen?

No, I just didn't reply because I answered that question earlier. I've been meaning to write that last bit of dialogue for the better part of a year, it just keeps slipping my mind.
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If you go into the library and then to application support then over to VBA or visual boy advance or what have you then you can put that save in to the battery save slot just be sure the rom and the save have the same name.

Thanks for the information

It all worked fine

Lol, learn something new everyday

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I'm sorry. I literally just tested the unlock feature (the second time, I tested before putting the patch out too); it works on my end, so I'm unsure what's happening here. I tested a variety of orders, too, and they all worked.

It's pretty confusing to have people saying that they can't unlock the next two tales, and then having other people giving me screenshots of those exact tales that are supposedly impossible to get. Here's a save, I guess.

Thanks for the save. two things:

Does Efta mean anything other than an achievement and a bit of lore?

I cant go to Pent's side quest from Pent's tale, not too big but i like my uber archsage

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Do you have to complete both Raven's and Pent's tales to unlock Karel's ?

Because I completed only Raven's tale and Karel's didn't unlock... :tangerinesadness:

Edited by KoopaTroopa
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Whoops. I didn't know that issue already has been adressed.

I've been trying to get all of the achievements I can, but I have no idea how to get Damas's. I think it's for the first part of Eliwood's tale, but can't seem to satisfy the turn requirement.

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Ummm this was weird, once I finished Pent's tale, it then asked me if I wanted to continue with part 2, I select yes,

then the screen stays black and then makes an ear-PEARCING sound, it freaked me out, though i'm kinda used to it from my hacking experiences. so basically can't access part 2. noooo.

Edited by SwiftStrike
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Ummm this was weird, once I finished Pent's tale, it then asked me if I wanted to continue with part 2, I select yes,

then the screen stays black and then makes an ear-PEARCING sound, it freaked me out, though i'm kinda used to it from my hacking experiences. so basically can't access part 2. noooo.

did you break forblaze and/or give it to renault or hawkeye
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Some problems I found in the newest patch:

In the save that Arch gave a while back, Damas' achievement says that you must rout the Bolm Mountain Bandits in under 14 turns.

So I did that in my save, but can't unlock the achievement...

If you suspend in the achievements room and restart, all the characters after Lucius from the top left disappear.

If you talk to Lucius in the tale select once you've unlocked his achievement, Arcard's portrait appears.

The secret shop in the tale select is glitchy just by scrolling through the items.

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In the save that Arch gave a while back, Damas' achievement says that you must rout the Bolm Mountain Bandits in under 14 turns.

So I did that in my save, but can't unlock the achievement...

attachicon.gifElibian NIghts Updated Beta201.png

I believe the achievement is for Eliwood's Tale(Tale 1), not Merlinus' Tale(Tale 1x). I could be wrong though.

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I believe the achievement is for Eliwood's Tale(Tale 1), not Merlinus' Tale(Tale 1x). I could be wrong though.

Ok thanks, that would make sense :sweatdrop:

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It's likely been said before, but Fargus's death quote is glitchy, it shows a part of dialogue between Lyn and Hervor instead with misolored portraits. Not in a position to grab a picture right now, though. Additionally, it's possible to talk to Priscilla with Shen in Raven's tale, which results in this, which is probably misplaced (I only captured the last line of it): iJqvpjX.png

EDIT: Additionally, in Karel's tale, here's a description error: KVPaOa6.png

And, in Legault's tale part 2, Montresor still has Lundgren's description, I think.

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