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Love how all the popular kids on this site band together to protect themselves from criticism, from the logical all the way to the illogical.

We get it. (We being anyone who reads your posts and now the Secret Serenes Spriting and Hacking Mean Girls Illuminati you think exists). You had a terrible high school experience and now you color everything in terms of popularity contests and the stuff fourteen year olds care about. You went on to rebrand yourself as this sort of edgy, internet badass who almost certainly balks from any real confrontation. You can stop posting about it now. I honestly cannot fathom your behavior patterns being those of a twenty something year old adult. It borders on the hilarious - Popular people? Do you think there's secret slumber parties where half of this forum sits around eating popcorn and gossiping about the other half? Doesn't that sound a little absurd?

'cause "reasons", right?

Stop being a twat.

Pretty sure people have listed plenty of reasons. For example, human anatomy? One does not spend their entire life firing a bow and not end up with ripped delts, traps and a barrel chest. I'm pretty sure the design rationale was made abundantly clear.

I think it would also have helped if a number of the posts complaining about it weren't giant strings of run on sentences and grammatical errors that made it look like someone trying to describe their terrified sighting of Great Cthulhu.

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We get it. (We being anyone who reads your posts and now the Secret Serenes Spriting and Hacking Mean Girls Illuminati you think exists).

Can we pls make Spriting Mean Girls a thing????? <3333333333333 We can be The Mean Spriterssss

Now we just need Regina ^W^ I vote dat Merc bich


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I'm still not 100% sold on the Igrene, either...mainly the reasoning justifying her buffness to being Hawkeye's blood. Just because dad is OMG HUGE doesn't mean that daughter is also going to be omg huge. Hormones are hormones, and men and women have different ones. Feel free to compare wrestlers and their daughters. Women would have to work very hard to do so [which is, though I don't agree with bodybuilders--male or female-- for aesthetic personal reasons, I respect females so much for their dedication, discipline, and hard work]. I'm not saying that it's not possible, either. I respect that you were going for buff Igrene, but I think it's a tad too much. Just a tad for her (which would probably be remedied by lessening or ridding of that triangle of shading for her bicep, really). Then again, she is training to be guardian of the desert. And, again, that is what you do-- buff women. Aaaaaaaaand Arch is ok with it. So I'm not trifling over it. lol. Who are outsiders to dictate the visions of the dev and hired artists?

I will say, though, the neck needs some help. Those single two lines just wonk the neck out. You know where to find me if you'd like some help with it (or other people. LOL) Either way, it's not a bad piece of art. <3 Oh also hair part is off with the bangs.

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. Aaaaaaaaand Arch is ok with it. So I'm not trifling over it. lol. Who are outsiders to dictate the visions of the dev and hired artists?


This seems to be the main point people are missing, moreso than the silly belief that archers are all waif-like because of characters like Wolt, Rolf, Neimi, etc. al.

Edited by Siuloir
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Well, yaknow, if someone's really /that/ bothered by the muscular redesign they can pay me more than what arch paid me to change it and probably will have to pay arch too because it's his hack. Arch knows exactly what he wanted when he hired me for Igrene. You don't hire me to sprite physical units without them getting 300% more muscular than their original. Anyone objecting to muscles can talk through paypal. My paypal is always open for money!

Was actually a combination of being Hawkeye's daughter and being a physical unit, actually. I wouldn't make a Lilina redesign buff because of Hector, for example. Girl's a mage, she ain't pulling bows.

Oi char, if you want to edit the neck a bit that'd be great because I have no clue how to shade necks though lol

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Man, I went to bed last night hoping that hulk Igrene had ended things.


This decision was made because:

  • Igrene is the daughter of Hawkeye.
  • Igrene has trained her entire life to be the guardian.
  • Igrene wields a bow, which requires muscles contrary to popular series conception.
  • The guardian of the desert looking like a runway model is highly unrealistic.
  • There is absolutely nothing "extreme" about this redesign.
  • And most importantly: because I'm free to interpret the characters as I choose, and to commission artists as I choose.
This decision was not made because of a Mean-Girls Illuminati Spriter/Hackers cult effort to "ruin" female characters. Seriously? "The cool kids?"

Funny seeing all you guys attempt to take the high-ground when all you're doing is being petty by putting fingers in your ears, shouting la-la-la and saying everyone else is wrong 'cause "reasons".

Would someone please show me a legitimate point that isn't "it's just not Igrene she shouldn't have muscles." Because that's not a point, that's an opinion on a character design. Explain to me why this design doesn't fit her character biography. Just like "new Lyn isn't really Lyn," and "new Marth isn't the real Marth" before this. It's a bunch of silly nonsense, and I've grown tired of it, especially internet badasses over here who feel the need to come fan flames even further to be "anti-cool kid."

Because apparently I'm "e-popular," as if that's ever actually mattered ever. As if I call up reinforcements being all "YO let's stomp on these hatin' ass lame kids over on the EN topic." Please.

Edited by Arch
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hey, i'm cool on the internet, you have to listen to me.

I didn't mind the style of Igrene's original sprite though but that's probably because I'm not a spriter.


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I don't care much for Igrene's redesign. My reasoning is simple. She still looks way older than she does in FE6.

Just to be fair, new Marth looks like shit too. :P For similar reasons too. He looks 30+. That is really odd.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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I was given the age of ~25 to work with for that particular tale so that's what I went with, given EN isn't over any particular year after the events of FE7. I'm not going to make her look 15 just to look younger than FE6's (assy) sprites.

unfortunately while it'd be great to have a consistent art style and certainly more visually coherent, it'd be far more work than worth the time/effort/amount we're paid to standardise the art styles since to do so you'd either need to 1) establish 1 art style that everyone has to somehow follow regardless of personal style despite not being professionals (it's a lot harder than it looks, trust me, if i could sprite like AK I would have already) or 2) have one artist do everything which is too time-consuming for most of us mortals (inb4 thor jokes). Alas.

It'd certainly be nice, though.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I don't care much for Igrene's redesign. My reasoning is simple. She still looks way older than she does in FE6.

Just to be fair, new Marth looks like shit too. :P For similar reasons too. He looks 30+. That is really odd.

I'd argue she could easily be early-mid 20s. Lumi's redesign looks the age range she was given now, after she and Nih tinkered with it (I thought the original seemed too old, though).

The EL Marth (which I assume you are talking about) looks mid-late twenties to me, and I would chalk that up to being done with a more noble bearing and cast to his features.

Ages in general can swing pretty heavily. I easily look 5-10 years younger than I am, depending.

Of course I focus more on the clashing art styles throughout

You should stop doing that, IMO. It's a zero cost fangame and even the original GBA game mugs themselves have artistic inconsistencies and were clearly the work of multiple artists.

unfortunately while it'd be great to have a consistent art style and certainly more visually coherent, it'd be far more work than worth the time/effort/amount we're paid to standardise the art styles since to do so you'd either need to 1) establish 1 art style that everyone has to somehow follow regardless of personal style despite not being professionals (it's a lot harder than it looks, trust me, if i could sprite like AK I would have already) or 2) have one artist do everything which is too time-consuming for most of us mortals (inb4 thor jokes). Alas.

People seem to fail to realize this, and/or hold an unrealistic production standard in mind for hacks.

Edited by Siuloir
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Just how old is Igrene anyway? She had a daughter who I assume was close to Fae's apparent young age. I don't know the details of Hawkeye's tale converging when it takes place. Has Igrene already met Astore? When did Astore disappear? Duress vFE6 mention this detail?

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I said Fae's apparent age, not her actual age.

the only manakete even remotely close to 2000 is fe13 tiki(fe1/3/11/12 is around 1100), myhrr is only around 1200, and fa is really young, I'd guess around like 500-700 for her.

But I just re-read the support and it never said her daughter's age(just that apparently she was " a very attractive little girl, much like you.[Fa]" I'd probably guess she died early though, so like 6?

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