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Are you sure you've got the V6 beta Poly? Raven's isn't included in v5 (neither is Karel's, Zealot's, Kent's or Legault's). For some reason v6 isn't the OP's link. Check back a few pages and you'll find a few links to the v6 beta. Make sure you grab the last one in the thread (v6.7?), otherwise you'll have to deal with more bugs than necessary (such as Legault's tale not progressing from part 1 to part 2). Also, you can transfer your save file over, but make sure you restart the chapter/tale select - resuming causes problems. You may also need to reclear some tales to trigger Zealot and Karel.

(One difference between v5 and the v6 beta that's easily checkable is Natalie. Check Eliwood's tale; if she's a Bishop, you've got v5. If she's a Valkyrie, you've got v6).

Edited by Wayward Winds
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Asking for ROMs is a no-no since ROMs are illegal and we can't have them associated with the forums. Patching is simple and if you're having trouble then I suggest looking for a tutorial (I'm pretty sure there is one in the hacking resources sub-forum).

alright thanks for answering

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've had some issues with freezes and stuff and noticed some typos in text, but I haven't really taken notes. I'll have to go over it more carefully and then check if things have already been reported.

One thing I'd like to complain about is the game design in the new version of Zealot's tale. The problem is that Sykes has attack-in-range AI, and can only be talked to with Zealot. He needs to be baited, and he has a decent chance to OHKO Zealot with a critical. The only unit with higher Def is Wallace, and he has low movement and can't be rescued by anyone else on your team. So you either have to waste time moving Wallace forward, time the weather so that you can advance as soon as it clears, or risk a random game over.

(Also, the village has been relocated to the bottom of the map, but is still referred to as "northern" in dialogue.)

Never mind this. Just noticed that Sykes has a razor sword, which is effective against Zealot, but others can still tank him. For some reason, he doesn't switch to the wing clipper if you use one of the fliers as bait. Okay, he switched against Fiora, but not against Farina? o_O Ok I guess it's just the AI being weird / random / not well understood. :/

Edited by zahlman
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just an issue I thought I might bring up about a glitch I've been having (not sure if mentioned yet); once I finish Pent's first tale with him as a level 15 archsage, I cannot proceed past the end dialogue; it either freezes on the characters, fades to a black screen, or returns me to the main screen. The only way it lets me past this is if I choose not to continue the tale, meaning I lose Pent's progress. Is this a problem anyone else has been having?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know if this has already been asked, and I apologize if it has, but how do I unlock Tales in this? I erased my save file after messing up on Raven's Tale, so I don't know what to do. If I can get an answer, I'd really appreciate it.

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I don't know if this has already been asked, and I apologize if it has, but how do I unlock Tales in this? I erased my save file after messing up on Raven's Tale, so I don't know what to do. If I can get an answer, I'd really appreciate it.

Just play through each tale, and you'll unlock the remaining ones. As for the "Gaiden" tales:

1x: Have Ninian and Natalie talk in Eliwood's tale(I think)

2xa: Have Lyn talk to Prasad and then have Prasad fight Khitan.

2xb: Complete the talk chain with Kent, Sain, and Lyn

4x: Have Renault wait on the tile above where that Druid with Fimbulvetr is sitting in Pent's tale.

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So I have some questions regarding Hector's tale:

-What's the deal with that random enemy with a playing card in his inventory?

-What exactly are Orun's growths? Because I got a +2 Str on a level up from him. O_O

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[spoiler=1st question:]Try stealing that King of Hearts with Matthew and returning it to Ostia.

After all, there's an achievement for returning the loving king to his castle.

[spoiler=2nd question:]Oh boy, Orun's growths...

MHP: 90% Str: 110% Skl: 80% Spd: 90% Lck: 70% Def: 30% Res: 90%


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[spoiler=1st question:]Try stealing that King of Hearts with Matthew and returning it to Ostia.

After all, there's an achievement for returning the loving king to his castle.

Dangit, and I just finished that chapter too....

[spoiler=2nd question:]Oh boy, Orun's growths...

MHP: 90% Str: 110% Skl: 80% Spd: 90% Lck: 70% Def: 30% Res: 90%


Dayum son.

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My laptop broke, so I've been out of commission for a little while. Finally got the new one yesterday, and with no schoolwork to worry about, I'll see if I can't finally get this game running properly.

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Will you also be fixing the Pilum's 2 range?


If by that you mean make it a 1-2 range weapon. If you mean something else, I don't really get what you're referring to.

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Will I be able to keep all my loot from Pent's Tale now?

Edit: Are we supposed to be able to develop supports?

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lol then do it.

And as for wierd things in teh game, here's something I found with Hervor:


Everything supposed to be white on her is... transparent? Maybe the white on her armor is the same as the background color??? I dunno, you might want to notify the spriter who did it.


I think Ekhidna from FE6 is in one of the villages in Raven's Tale. Is this true?

Hey Arch, I was just wondering: Did you see this?


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