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Alright enough is enough

Chocolate Kitty

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Okay, I've been having an issue with feditor lately being an ass towards all the animations I've been doing

The latest issue is that somehow I have a frame that's invalid in width. Only it isn't, and the frame showed up in modes 1-4 and no error occured, yet in mode 5, where the frame isn't even present, it's telling me it's an invalid width, and it's 488x160, which is a valid width.

I'm not sure how much anyone ca actually help me, since I can't post the frame, but every one of my frames is either 248x160 or 488x160

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Have other animations had similar problems where they are only limited by Mode 5?

Mode 5:

This is another 16-bit bitmapped mode, but at a smaller resolution of 160x128. The display starts at the upper left hand corner of the screen, but can be shifted using the rotation and scaling registers for BG2. The advantage of using this mode is presumably that there are two frame buffers available, and this can be used to perform page flipping effects which cannot be done in mode 3 due to the smaller memory requirements of mode 5. Bit 4 of REG_DISPCNT sets the start of the frame buffer to 0x06000000 when bit 4 is zero, and 0x600A000 when bit 4 is one.

Edited by Celice
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yet in mode 5, where the frame isn't even present, it's telling me it's an invalid width, and it's 488x160,

I think piercing frames (I think that's what it is) can only appear in certain places within a mode

Furthermore I think they can only appear in modes 1 to 3 as well

Make sure it's the right frame you have that's causing the issue just by double-checking FEditor's "last frame loaded" or whatever. It's been a while since I've done a custom animation but I think it's the one after the last one successfully loaded.

While much more unlikely it could also possibly be a code that is causing this and that FEditor, for some obscure reason, thinks you're trying to load an image when you're not (that would at least explain why it has a problem with a frame that's not even being used)

Lastly just to verify you're SURE it made it to mode 5? Idk why but I feel like FEditor Adv might speed through mode 4 so fast (as it and mode 3 are practically coded together) that it might have a problem with it but not specify it's mode 4

These probably aren't very helpful ideas but I figure I'd just throw out everything that came to mine since IIRC you're a pretty experienced hacker and probably know most of this stuff anyway, so any little clue might give you the lead to figure it out

I could probably fix it if I had the animation myself but that doesn't seem to be an option, I'm assuming because of spoilers or something... or possibly you're scared of sprite theft, but you can always just saturate it or add a mini water-mark or something, idk

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I did it manually and it seemed to work, however I'd really rather not do it manually since it takes so much more time than just loading from the script



Last frame loaded


And the frame is 488x160

And it isn't even in mode 5 like I said

And no it's not because of sprite theft, just spoilers

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So the frame works completely huh, so even if it DID hypothetically load it, it shouldn't have a problem

no wait though

the frame is 488x160, it shouldn't be able to do piercing in mode 5

aside from doing it manually (why the hell does that even work...?) all I can think of is "make 17h some pointless frame that's normal size if it never shows up (so that FEditor Adv hopefully doesn't spit errors at you), and then rename the actual frame to something else and use that in modes 1-4 or whatever".

If it looks for a new image or something when you go renaming stuff or if it actually uses the frame that you said isn't in the script (thus making my solution fail because you'd actually see said frame... unless you made it an actual frame... gah details)... then I don't really have any good ideas. I mean, I doubt you went like, deleting mode terminators or doing something obscure like that... >_>'

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there is no piercing in mode 5 though lol, mode 5 is one frame(axe animation)

/// begin Mode 5
7  p- stand.png
/// end

idk, I'll try your suggestion at somepoint, when I have to eventually re-make the animation, thanks

and no, I wasn't deleting random terminators lol

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