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Things that you like and dislike in anime.

Gold Vanguard

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Things that I like would be....

-That big sweat drop that appears on a character's head.

-Long hair badass trench coat character.

-Spikey hair.

-The lone wolf.

-Idiot main character.

.-That character that always eats alot and is never full.


.-Old pervert sensei.

Things I dislike..



.-Having a Flashblack during battle.

.-Random anime power up.

.-Pretty rich boy.

.-Mary and Gary sue.

-Static character.


-Girls that can't stand up for there selves.

-Cat ears.

Edited by Gold Knight
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The amount of unrealistic characters is insane, literally no one in anime feels like you could relate to them.

Sometimes it works, like in Gurren Lagann which is so over the top, it needs to be like that, but other times a serious real life situation is ruined by how the static guy just goes "OK or something" it's weird and usually very unjustifiable.

Also, every anime has so many characters that feel like a copy of each other, you all know what I'm talking about, the "cool" best friend, the anti heroic rival who may turn good, the guy who stays calm in it all but has a breakdown whether subtle or obvious later on, the over the top guy.

It's all the same.


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I hate to admit it, but I like when the characters refer to themselves as being in a show, or speak to the narrator.

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-Strangely enough, when I was younger I thought ultra-violence was hilarious. I even had dreams of an anime movie in which a character stubs his toe and his leg rockets off backwards with blood propelling it.

-Sophisticated villains and well thought out protagonists/"protagonists". (By "protagonists" I mean characters such as Light Yagami, freaking douche abusing Misa)

-Hilariously bad dubs.

-Matches made in heaven and cute/tragic couples. OTPs. (When I used to read the Case Closed/Detective Conan manga and watch the anime I always liked how Rachel never gave up on Jimmy, and Jimmy always being nearby but unbeknownst to Rachel, like I said, cute/tragic couples)

-Adaptations which add more depth to characters.

-Music. ("This is a Fight to Change the World", "Der Traum Deines Lebens", etc.)

-Epic finales.

-(Impersonates Film Brain) Symbolism!

-The amazing faces some characters pull.


-Over exposure of cleavage and tight (e.g. leather) outfits.


-People trying to pull Shinjis.



-I always find male characters who gawk over women embarrassing to watch.

-Homosexual characters being portrayed awfully.

I'll add more as I think of them. ... (I think I'm stealing what everyone else has to say.)

Edited by TheBritishEltshan
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Fucking fillers. And long animes (Bleach, One Piece). Cut it down. Please.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with something being long if it actually has content (ex: One Piece).

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I've probably been watching too much anime to have such a big list of dislikes coming right off the top of my head =_=;


-consistently powerful or weak characters

-genre savvy characters

-manipulative bastards

-magnificent bastards

-that moment when a character realizes something's wrong and next they fall from hundreds of feet up/explode/get hit by something massive/etc

-overpowered katanas

-explosions that leave behind a ton of wreckage

-characters that bleed when it's appropriate

-english dub actors/actresses: Laura Bailey, Hilary Haag, Monical Rial, Shelley Calene-Black, Trina Nishimura, Robert McCollum, Eric Vale, Christopher Sabat, and Kent Williams

-elaborate kicks (even the ridiculous ones)

Dislikes(not all of these are sheer dislikes so much as little things that irk me whenever I notice them ... but some are):

-a lot of things just end up feeling the same

-smart-violent!wifexdumb!husband pairings

-when characters(mostly female) overreact in any situation you can imagine (character gives unsatisfactory reply, gets decked)

-when characters gain superpowers for the two and a half seconds they need to smash another character into the ground

-the fact that they'll get away with this incredible act of violence virtually every time, and even the victims tend to go 'eh, water under the bridge'

-the police are always some special forces unit meant to deal with whatever the main plot's issue is, and not real cops(also they seem to suck at their job)

-'Where are the real cops? Do they have any idea how many domestic disputes they're missing?'

-the common fear of catfights breaking out and the common obsession with half naked catfights breaking out (I'm really not sure which of these I hate more)

-inexplicable slowdowns(like when a character is falling and spends twice the time they would have spent falling doing a monologue to themselves; of course I find it hilarious if this ends with them freaking out about the fact that they're falling)

-how an intense battle or duel stops at regular intervals so the characters can explain each of their moves in depth and talk about philosophy

-rarely are characters not in the main cast drawn as anything but 'generic'

-too many blondes

-timely interruptions that keep something important hidden until it's too late, or stall a confession for on a regular basis

-trivialized modern weapons

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Characters who sometimes speak engrish (FABULOUS MAX!)

Satire that makes fun of itself as anime

Long and ridiculously named attacks whose names are shouted out while attacking ohgod I love it

Gorgeous art~

Emotion conveyed through facial expression


Over the top violence

When over the top violence is endured as if it wouldn't have killed the character :T


Magical girls :3

Giant humanoid anime trope mechas


Lifeless, enormous desu eyes (read:Clannad)

Characters that overreact to the degree that it makes the character seem like a retarded baby, many female characters do this, as well as Edward Elric


Filler, except in Revolutionary Girl Utena where the filler is just as good as the serious stuff

Tried not repeating stuff already said, I actually couldn't think of that many universal dislikes. I hate a lot of stuff in particular anime that works in others.


-how an intense battle or duel stops at regular intervals so the characters can explain each of their moves in depth and talk about philosophy

lol I somehow find that charming

Edited by Mewiyev
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lol I somehow find that charming

I love that aspect too.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with something being long if it actually has content (ex: One Piece).

It's very time consuming. I love One Piece (and Bleach), but the length of the show is so long hahaha.

>>Some may agree, but I don't find Bleach all that good of a show in terms of the plot. I love Bleach because of the general idea of the show and the awesome duels.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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-When an anime has an actual good story, it really can take you somewhere.

- Its really cool to see fantasy worlds and cool powers. The only other way you can feel that is through your own imagination.

- Violent anime are generally cooler. I liked Hellsing though I've yet to finish watching it.


-Stereotypical characters. We always have those guys who show off and the girl who can't stand up for herself and always cries. Heck she can't even speak! Its either that, or this girl who acts so macho and tough and takes it to the other extreme,

and we have the dude with such low self-esteem he can't do anything right. Balance is hard to come across.

- Harem and Fanservice. ugh. If I wanted to see naked bodies I would be watching porn, not an anime.

- I see similar plots in certain anime. For eg: A couple of years ago I watched this anime Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls. The main guy character is this weird Samurai dude and there are three girls with marks on certain parts of their body. The main girl character is a ruthless warrior who suffered a curse and sometimes changes to a helpless, naked and baby-ish state. If the guy kisses her, she turns back to her ruthless self. Guess what has a similar plot/character? That's right, Elfen Lied! >.<

- Battles are dragged on. Ugh, I'm looking at you, DBZ(Bleach and Naruto are a BIT better but to hell with them)

-Oh yes and the BIG 3 are neverending. I am so happy about that.

- There is ALWAYS a deus ex machina. Why can't we have characters overcome problems using their wit and resources, not power ups and sudden help?

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Huh, I like lots of action-packed fights. I don't like annoying joke characters that break up action scenes by acting ridiculous or annoying. I don't like whiny, spastic, and flaily characters or ones who yell a lot. Also the thing that frustrates me the most in an anime is when a character who is supposed to be decent at fighting sucks(and then they somehowm if they are the main character, get waaaaaaay better within a few minutes and then completely win). Like something is coming at them and they just stand there. its hard to describe but it happens a lot where a character is in a situation they are perfectly capable of getting out of yet they are dumb and fail and get hit. I find matches that are more even and last longer with action instead of right scenes where person is beating the shit out the the other until the weaker unlocks his secret power and wins in like 2 seconds. i dunno, just a big pet peeve of mine.

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When the show is really good


When the show is really bad

It's probably because I don't watch very much anime but I don't really care if I'm seeing something that's a collection of stereotypes or cliches, as long as they're well done or executed in a novel way. I guess my biggest beef is when a show starts getting heavy on the pretentious factor, I mean I'm watching this shit to be entertained, not to hear some teenager-level philosophy on life and the universe. I don't appreciate egregious asspulls or stupid plot devices either, but I guess that's a general dislike with any storytelling medium and not just anime. I will say I really do like it when an anime puts in work on their audio/visuals and has a really memorable soundtrack or good look, I'm a sucker for that. So yeah as long as the plot and writing are solid, not even fantastic, just solid, I'll enjoy it.

Edited by Pride
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- I see similar plots in certain anime. For eg: A couple of years ago I watched this anime Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls. The main guy character is this weird Samurai dude and there are three girls with marks on certain parts of their body. The main girl character is a ruthless warrior who suffered a curse and sometimes changes to a helpless, naked and baby-ish state. If the guy kisses her, she turns back to her ruthless self. Guess what has a similar plot/character? That's right, Elfen Lied! >.<

Just to jump in on this one, Samurai Girls and Elfen Lied really aren't similar and you're kind of stretching it here with that kind of comparison. Elfen Lied is a lot more focused on drama (and torture and ruthless murder) while Samurai Girls is basically 75% harem antics and 25% half-assed plot. Jyuubei doesn't get nearly as "baby-ish" (or naked, although the show has plenty of nudity) in that state nor as ruthless in her warrior state (which isn't even used very much). I mean, Nyu can barely even form sentences, but Jyuubei is just like a normal girl with a brother complex. They use a similar idea for the girls, but it's clearly not the same thing, and the idea itself is far from common.

As for the topic, uh, well...I like the standard 12-26 episode lengths for giving enough time for plot and character development without just writing more random shit if the series gets popular (like a lot of American shows). I like how there's always plenty of new stuff year-round. And, of course, I like to tell people that my hobby is "watching cartoons."

I dislike...overused genres, themes, and jokes (commonly found in your everyday harem series), the same male protagonist in half the new shit that comes out (to the point where I've actually begun avoiding shows with male protagonists), and non-endings.

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I dislike...overused genres, themes, and jokes (commonly found in your everyday harem series), the same male protagonist in half the new shit that comes out (to the point where I've actually begun avoiding shows with male protagonists), and non-endings.


But yeah. Most anime is just bad. SO bad. I honestly have no idea how people make themselves watch certain anime and yet I know why. I know why... It's the fanservice...!

Oh wells. At least there are some decent animus like Usagi Drop and.... Uh... Huh.

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Just to jump in on this one, Samurai Girls and Elfen Lied really aren't similar and you're kind of stretching it here with that kind of comparison. Elfen Lied is a lot more focused on drama (and torture and ruthless murder) while Samurai Girls is basically 75% harem antics and 25% half-assed plot. Jyuubei doesn't get nearly as "baby-ish" (or naked, although the show has plenty of nudity) in that state nor as ruthless in her warrior state (which isn't even used very much). I mean, Nyu can barely even form sentences, but Jyuubei is just like a normal girl with a brother complex. They use a similar idea for the girls, but it's clearly not the same thing, and the idea itself is far from common.

I guess you're right, I did exaggerate on that. I guess I was pissed when I saw the resemblance in character between Nyu and Jyuubei.

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