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Changing the maximum rescue amount


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In the game the max rescue amount is 25 for a male mounted unit with 0 con. I was wondering if there was any way I could change this value to something like 30? Thanks.

No one knows? :(

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look up the formula for how AID works

if it's just a matter of the cap then change the CON cap to 30 or something

I -think- there's a class CON cap anyhow

It could also be some hardcoded value in multiple ASM routines that decide such a thing

Regardless I don't think anyone has really hacked this so you're probably going to have to do some research on your own

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look up the formula for how AID works

if it's just a matter of the cap then change the CON cap to 30 or something

I -think- there's a class CON cap anyhow

It could also be some hardcoded value in multiple ASM routines that decide such a thing

Regardless I don't think anyone has really hacked this so you're probably going to have to do some research on your own

Yeah changing the class con cap did not affect the aid unfortunately. The only thought I came up with was the fact that the unit's gender affects aid (which is a byte you can change in the character editor module). I tried to see if there were any pointers referencing the byte that determines if they are female or not, but could not find any. Perhaps someone can build off of this.

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If you don't mind me asking, where'd you... get that module? I don't believe I've ever seen it before, though it's very possible you just made it yourself, in which case I'd congratulate you on such a feat, as I'd imagine it'd take a good amount of skill... more skill than I have, probably

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if you know where the graphic is drawn to you can just set a write break to there and backtrace until you find the routine that calc's aid

it's actually really simple

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easier said than done

I could just say "seppuku is a matter of taking a knife and cutting your stomach open" but when you get down to it you're going to need a little bit more skill and resolve than just that

if you know where the graphic is drawn to you can just set a write break to there and backtrace until you find the routine that calc's aid

so in this "simple" concept one has to

- know where the graphics are drawn to

- know what the hell that means

- know what a write break is

- know to associate it with a debugger

- know which debugger is suited for GBA hacking as well as how to load it

- know how to set a break on write

- understand the very vague term of "backtrace" and how to do it

- know what a routine is, how it works, how aid in general works so that one can make sense of the codes in more practical sense (mov r4 #0; or some shit like that doesn't mean much unless you know what the hell "r4" contains")

- more likely than not, they'll also need to know other basic things like the skills required use Nightmare or emulate ROMs as a foundation to doing such a hack


I realize you were just being nonchalant but in doing so you kind of implied that everyone who couldn't do or doesn't know some the above stuff is stupid because it's "actually really simple" and supposedly even stupid people can do simple things

Cam I realize you're a genius and this is easy for you but do try to understand that you're like, one in a million in terms of intelligence level, hell the ratio could be even lower for all I know

I have nothing against you I am just trying to distinguish between "simple" and "hard". If this is simple, then what does that make Nightmare, super super simple? and using the bathroom must be super-duper-wooper simple... and nothing in life is hard because the standard is a genius and the majority of other people are "below average" o_O

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i resent the implication that i don't know how much smarter i am than you mortals


simple =/= easy


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okay, replace "hard" with "complicated" and then make the statement "the average person has a hard time doing complicated things" and my point more or less stands XD

but I digress and I won't push the issue any further though it was kind of fun thinking about it clearly, I enjoy thinking about technicalities too much

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