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The second batch of DLC

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So it will be focusing of the kids then?

IS announced three map sets in the current DLC series. The third and probably largest set focuses on the kids, but they haven't started releasing that set yet. The first two sets focus on FE13's cast in general and on extreme added challenges. We'll get the first map of each of those two sets tonight, in about eight hours. I plan to buy both immediately and will bring as much information as I can.

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Spotpass characters get conversation too hopefully?

Paris conversations AWAY!

This is what I'm hoping for, as well.

Hmm... After the Characters, I wonder if we'll get more spotpass stuff?

They may just loop the characters, which make sense.

Once the characters are released, they stay released, so there's nothing to loop. But it would really be great to get anything beyond what we currently know.

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Gah I'm taking forever to load the DLC shop.

I got Ike first. Why am I always getting the designated main characters first? And I know I'm going to get Ashnard tomorrow, too.

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I'll probably get Ike tomorrow. Tend to get the main lord the next day, then a villain after.

So. That 5-star map? There's a nice little safe zone that heals to full. But there was something mentioned about 10 turns. I think it was saying something about killing the main boss within 10 turns. Maybe I'll replay to check.

Music and dying lines are creepy...

EDIT: Huh. Got Est as a reward. I think that's what the 10-turn thing meant. I don't recognize the art though...

Lv. 5 Pegasus Knight

HP20 STR6 MAG2 SKL7 SPD13 LCK11+4 DEF8 RES6, Spear D

Skills: Lightning Speed, Good Growths, Weak beats Strong, Luna, Luck+4

o.o The Zombies have 50 LCK. And this is supposed to be a 1-star map? Really? A Lv20 Mummy with COUNTER?! And 50LCK, and not even capped... I think they're out to kill, really.

Upon checking that new enemy, it's a Soldier. A really powerful Soldier. I'm staring at it on Normal, and it has STR45. Not capped.

HP80 STR45+5 MAG10 SKL43 SPD43 LCK20 DEF43 RES30, Spear A

Spear Expert, Axe Slayer, Counter, Luna, Vengence

Edited by Remnant Sage
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On Lunatic, that Entombed boss caps his Luck... at 65. And all the enemy Revenants cap their Luck stats at 50 and have four skills instead of two. What the fuck?

The five-star enemies seem to be respecting their stat caps a bit more and don't have Lunatic+ skills yet, or forged weapons for that matter. The Soldier sub-boss ignores those, though; he caps just about everything at 50 on Lunatic.

And fuck yeah Algol's back as the main boss. And more bonus talismans? Fun.


Had Paris roll through the festival, but I didn't get anything in particular. Didn't really check around for events and stuff, but the secret characters don't seem to have conversations from what I saw, which is a shame.

Edited by Othin
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Considering how fast you should move on that map, not giving them Lunatic+ skills seems like the developers are being nice.

Taking a look at the art again, it might be Nishimura Kinu.

Est's mods: STR best, MAG worst.

EDIT: Ahahaha... It is Nishimura Kinu. The main site updated the DLC page with that not too long ago.

ETA: Huh, Algol runs away at the beginning of the 10th Turn, taking Est with him. I guess nabbing Est would be the other challenge.

Edited by Remnant Sage
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Having an entire team of Limit Breaker users, several with the higher caps maxed out, this wasn't so difficult on Normal. Mark and Olivia destroyed the lower half, reaching and killing the bosses in two turns with their double Lightning Speed. Two Life Absorb activations per turn also completely erased the spike damage, although they left the dangerous area pretty fast. The enemies themselves were no match for them. Othin only needed his one action and Life Absorb to survive, with Paris as backup. Being at 1 HP wasn't even an issue for matchups when the enemies did no damage anyway, although I suspect this wouldn't fly on the harder modes.

What honestly became more of an issue was controlling the map. It's a Rout map, yet reinforcements appear every turn from inconvenient locations. This could easily cause issues with the 10 turn completion for a less-prepared team, and makes it a requirement to have a substantial group of competent fighters to even complete the map at all. Even if you have a few characters that never die, you'll never win if the reinforcements really are infinite, as I suspect they are.

The enemy strength is still the most notable thing so far, I think. This was another 5-star map, and certainly earns the title more than LvD F did. Yet in that promotional video, we saw enemies of three distinctly different strengths. Even on Lunatic, the enemies in this map don't come close to the level of the weakest of those enemies. Those were not enemies from 5-star maps. Those were enemies from 6-star, 7-star, 8-star maps, at minimum. I don't think those were Ultimate Training enemies.

My first thought was that those limit-breaking Lunatic+ enemies were from the Future maps, getting even stronger in raw stats. But wait - wouldn't it be Corpse Soldiers in those maps? But those were Other-Worlders, yet this map has Corpse Soldiers. Unless the Future maps really do have Other-Worlders? They do seem like they'd fit in, all having Evil Dragon Scale. And it would certainly give those maps something special. But this is really odd.


Interesting that Est really did get a redesign. And is fulfilling her namesake role even better than ever - a LV5 Pegasus Knight joining after a hellish 5-star map like this? Not practical, but certainly funny.

Remnant Sage, were you saying you didn't get Est when you took over 10 turns to complete the map your first time?

Edited by Othin
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I actually took less than 10 turns getting and killing the boss the first time, which netted me Est. I replayed it a second time to see what would happen if I took more than 10 turns to get to him, which resulted in not getting Est. I was making a note of the notice at the beginning of the map at that time.

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Ah, I see. So you're saying it's based on time taken to kill the boss rather than time taken to complete the map entirely? That's not quite as difficult.

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Yep. Kill the boss within 10 turns and Est is yours. He'll run away at the beginning of Turn 10's EP.

Ah, that makes sense.

By "boss", do you mean the real boss, Algol, or the Soldier that hangs around him? I'd assume Algol, normally, but the Soldier seems odd just because of how pointless it appears despite having a special scene where it shows up.

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Finished the spike map and nabbed Est. Krom and Sumia(with Sumia supporting in double, and also with help of elixirs from the convoy) took down the entire right-hand half of the map by themselves, while everyone else took the left, and I just spent the whole map luring in enemies as I ran towards the boss. Callum w/ Nono blocked off the upper/left corridor so I had more time to heal up those ravaged by the spikes, using physics on them when needed. Gaia and swordmaster Sol proved very useful in giving their speed to healthier units while they were stuck at 1 HP. Serge and Hector basically led the charge against anything coming my way, MU fed them rainbow cries, and sorceror Nino just flung slimes at other slime throwers. Honestly, the map was a lot more fun than I was originally expecting it to be.

Can't wait to start pumping some levels into Est now. Funny how they actually gave her Good Growths.

Edited by sallas09
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Ah, that makes sense.

By "boss", do you mean the real boss, Algol, or the Soldier that hangs around him? I'd assume Algol, normally, but the Soldier seems odd just because of how pointless it appears despite having a special scene where it shows up.

Algol. The Soldier hangs around (attempting? actually being?) intimidating.

Thanks. Um weird question, but what kind of works is the artist known for? The art seems really amusing

Most recent would be "Code of Princess". I believe she did some stuff for Capcom as well.

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Algol. The Soldier hangs around (attempting? actually being?) intimidating.


Nice Est art, no doubt Palla will be joining her sisters soon.

Not likely. Catria and Est had no connection in how they showed up, and all three appear as generics in Minerva's SpotPass, anyway.

It's not clear how many more characters we'll see, but it may be as low as three. And there would be far better choices to fill those slots than Palla.

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