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Questions about Internet Security

Flying Shogi

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I have been browsing the internet with only a WEP encryption on my connection on my Wifi for quite a few years now and sometimes my connection slows down when I watch videos online. What I mean is that, for the security type for my Wifi Connection, it's displayed as "no authentication(open)" but it does have an encryption type of "WEP." Is this good enough to ward off those who are trying to access my services? Or should I go with one of these security types instead?

1. Shared



4. WPA-2 Enterprise


And for those that are more knowledgable, can you explain what each of the above mentioned security types do?

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I have been browsing the internet with only a WEP encryption on my connection on my Wifi for quite a few years now and sometimes my connection slows down when I watch videos online. What I mean is that, for the security type for my Wifi Connection, it's displayed as "no authentication(open)" but it does have an encryption type of "WEP." Is this good enough to ward off those who are trying to access my services? Or should I go with one of these security types instead?

1. Shared



4. WPA-2 Enterprise


And for those that are more knowledgable, can you explain what each of the above mentioned security types do?

1. Are you using your DS's Wi-Fi on a regular basis?

2. How much does this worry you?

If the answer to (1) is yes, keep it on WEP, because the DS can't connect to WPA (anything). If the answer is no, then (2) should help you to determine what kind of encryption you want. I'd say WPA2-Personal is sufficient, unless you have company secrets on your network.

As for your video lags, it's possible that it's your ISP being weird, or it could be Flash/browser problems.

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I use my DS's Wifi a lot so I guess I'll have to settle.

It doesn't really worry me. I just want my connections to be consistent. I want a tighter internet security because sometimes my connection drops to a point that loading a simple website without images becomes difficult and it makes me wonder if people are tapping into my services.

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I use my DS's Wifi a lot so I guess I'll have to settle.

It doesn't really worry me. I just want my connections to be consistent. I want a tighter internet security because sometimes my connection drops to a point that loading a simple website without images becomes difficult and it makes me wonder if people are tapping into my services.

I think you can check your router's back end to see if that's the case.

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What does that do?

Depends on the type of wireless router you have; consult your manual for more information regarding things like access control and logging.

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