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Help me turn my girlfriend into a gamer.


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Title pretty much says all, you know.

We've been dating for say, a year now. Devilishly smart, charming, cute girl. So, you know, wanting to get closer and all that, I try to get her into videogames.

Now, I'm pretty sure the only games she plays regularly are the Nancy Drew PC ones okayshutup some of them are good., but she's dabbled in my Steam account and has sort of taken a liking for games like Braid, Amnesia, And Yet It Moves, etc. (yes, I know I'm a poor derp and I only have Humble Bundle games). Now, I don't really have a distinct love for these games, but hey, at least she's playing something.

So from here, my lovely SF'ers, I need some advice. How do I wean her on to liking games that I really like (Fire Emblem, Ace Attorney, DeSu, etc.) from simply messing around in 2D platform and survival horror games?

tl;dr I, being the elegant mastermind that I am, need to devise a plan on how to get somebody to like my interests.

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The obvious route is you don't, and instead work in roleplaying as her favorite characters into your love-making routine.

I don't think pretending like I'm Tyler Durden is going to have good effects on my psyche.

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I agree with Konnor, it's not wise to pressure people into things, but I know it's nice to have things in common. Make sure to just keep getting her to try things unless she REALLY seems like she doesn't want to anymore or actually tells you she doesn't want to.

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I agree with Konnor, it's not wise to pressure people into things, but I know it's nice to have things in common. Make sure to just keep getting her to try things unless she REALLY seems like she doesn't want to anymore or actually tells you she doesn't want to.

Christ, we're not experimenting with bondage, or anything (à la 50 Shades of ohgodwhyamibringingthisup). They're just games. @_@

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