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Soul Calibur


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One of my favorite games 2 fighting. Who here is a fan of the Soul series and who are your favorite characters, stages, games etc....

I like to play as Kilik, Talim and Sophitia. The best one I played is Soul Calibur 2 for the GC because it had the Hero of Time in it (Link)

I hope I find SC fans here!

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I've been playing since SC2. Raphael has been a longtime favorite of mine, but I also like Taki, Kilik, Cervantes and Lizardman.

Anyone else think that SC5 was kinda underwhelming? I didn't feel it really added much from SC4 and I HATE that Sophitia's dead and Kilik is replaced with the annoying Xiba.

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Only played 2-4. Got in because of Link I guess, but I found the series' characters a lot more interesting than him.

Usually play as Mitsurugi/Astaroth/Zasalamel, with a bit of Voldo and Kilik on the side.

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Love the series, played the original, and 2-4

I main Sophitia, Kilik and Taki for the most part, quite the fun series I love it favorite stage would probably be the Glacial area from SC4 it just looks so pretty, also so much good music my favorite track from the series would probably be this

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I totally agree about how they made Sophitia killed and I really wonder what happened to Yunsung, Seung Mina, Talim and Cassandra. They just didn't put any info. Idk why but it seemed like Soul Calibur 5 just made alot of the classic SC elements missing.

I just bought SCL and idk why alot of people hate it, to me it doesn't look like a bad game,

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I've played everything except Soul Blade and SCI. My favorite would have to be SCIII. Favorite characters? Excluding character creation, Siegfried and Taki, more so for their fighting styles than anything else.

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I've played Soul Blade and SC 1-3.

Sieg and Night were always fun to use although Raphael and Amy are my favorite characters of the series but I used Ivy most of the time. >_>

It bugs me how some fighting game series get rid of characters and never bring them back due to story reasons. Kind of like King of Fighters and SC. Not like it would much of a hassle to just add characters to the roster and not incorporate them into the story so people can use them if they want to. <_<

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I'm not the biggest fan of fighters, but Soul Calibur is one that I like more than many others. However, SCV got rid of Talim with no real replacement and that makes me really mad, even if Talim is "low tier". Talim was young enough that she could have still been in her 30's in SCV (discounting all the characters who came back and simply haven't aged), but nope. The story mode in SCV was particularly lame when it came to the new characters, so hardly any of the new cast is fleshed out at all beyond a couple synopses put out even before the game was released. There's a lot of room for improvement.

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To be honest I liked SC2 because of the characters and it was our first SC game, also when they added Link that's why we bought it. But I wish they would of added more things into it like episodes and stuff.

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I've only played SCII for the Gamecube, but I really liked it. Kilik is hot. ^^

Link kinda sucked. A lot.

He does not! D:

I love playing as Link too as well as Kilik. Link's throw where he jumps on his opponent's shoulders and freaking smacks them in the ass with his sword?! That's just priceless! XD

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I've only played SC 2 and 4, Yunsung, Cassandra, Amy and Lizardman are my favorites.

Also, you're all wrong. Link was awesome in SC2.

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You're actually right on both points, here. That's really weird for you.

I tend to study fighting games. It's what I do.

I've only played SC 2 and 4, Yunsung, Cassandra, Amy and Lizardman are my favorites.

Also, you're all wrong. Link was awesome in SC2.

You like Cassandra and Amy. You are great.

And yeah Link is fun and all but I never liked using him very long. He didn't feel right.

Then again I think Heihachi was like the best of the three exclusives. I think...

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I miss Kilik's voice from Soul Calibur 2 really. They just messed him up in SC5 I was about to cry.

I agree about Link, Link is fun to play ass I like charging his A spin attack. They should of use his SC moves in some Zelda games or Smash bros.

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Link is really fun and unique to play as but he wasn't particularly good when you compared him to say, Nightmare, Raphael or Kilik, or even Cassandra. None of Link's weapons were really all that good despite a really unique moveset and fun throws. I'm not so sure about Spawn's tiering, but Heihachi was the "best" gameplay-wise of the exclusives, even though he as a character was the least exciting exclusive character. As far as playing between inexperienced players, tiers don't mean anything though more technical characters like Ivy can be frustrating to learn to play.

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