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Quick Question About EVs

Flying Shogi

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So I was training my Shellder for max attack. But then I defeated an extra Poke that gives off 1 attack EV and I forgot that I had Pokerus for a sec so I have 2 EVs in addition to the 252 that my Shellder already has. Does that mean that the 2 EVs are spent/wasted or did it not matter because 252 EV is the max and can't go any higher?

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255 is the max evs per stat catagory.

The reason we all use 252 is because EV/4=Stat Point. You can 252 two stats, and combine the extra 3 from each to yield 6 points in a third stat. Of those 6, 2 go unused, while the other 4 grant an extra point in whatever stat they are in.

Moral of the story. You have 2 EVs to blow, of the 510 possible EVs.

I.e. 252Atk / 252Spd / 4HP = 508. You have 2 extra that can be thrown anywhere, and will not actually yield anything (in this case), because the others are already divisible by 4. Your accidental 2 points are fine where they are, don't wry.

Edited by Elieson
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From the little I recall, the max EVs a Pokemon can have in one stat is 255. However, since it only adds 1 point every for 4 stats, 252 is the highest.

As you may know, the max EVs you can have is 510 which, again, is not disivible by 4. Therefore, you only really use 508 EVs.

In your case it won't matter much. You could have something like a 254 Atk/252 Spe/4 SpA EVs and it would still work.

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