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FE9 Cutscene Voice Acting

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I didn't actually remember Ike speaking in Brawl except for "Aether!", but because he was pretty mediocre I never played as him (pretty much the same as Roy in Melee: completely outclassed by Marth in almost all aspects).

So I checked it out, and good gracious me his lines were God-awful and made worse by Adkins once again being an inadequate voice actor.

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but I really disliked Mist's voice in 10 and that really stood out for me.

Yeah same. I can handle narm. Hell, Symphony of the Night's english voice acting is narm to the nth degree! And i love it. I can deal with Ranulf's nonchalant narm and Tibarns silliness. Even Sephiran's cringe worthy "CHAOS PAIN!" but Mist...yeah i draw the line!

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Well, look at it this way, Mist only had one line. At least it wasn't like Sephiran where he practically narrated eight or so flashbacks.

*nods in agreement*

Sephiran was the worst for me...

the chaos the pain ... ouch... X_x I can feel it too...

especially cause he had such a wonderfull voice in japanese...

Deghinsea's "hold it! hold it I say!" just made me burst out in tears of laughter...

(good thing he had few lines to speak... otherwise he'd get nr. 1 in terrible...)

And I don't get it why people dislike Tibarn's "to wing brothers", I always grin on that xD

In fact "the Crossing" was imho the best scene in terms of VA.

I liked Ranulf and Skirmir, Tibarn made me grin... just Zelgius was... too deep... and... he sounded too soft while giving comands to the soldier, but still ok.

(still like the japanese scene better)

But I never ever want to trigger the Ike's Memory Scene while playing in english ever again - never ever again X___x;; (my ears.....)

one of the worst voice acting scenes that came across me in any games/anime .... (both usually get bad VA... I wonder why )

In general I liked the voice acting in RD better than in PoR... but that maybe because PoR is dominated by Ike's VA .... *ears go bleeding*

"Don't leave me, faaaaaather!" ...ouch...

"The Lord of the forest has... returned" ... derp?

I always mute my tv that moment ^^;

PoR Mist was bad too, but still tons better than RD Mist

Actually I only liked Greil and Elincia in PoR (and the narrator XD). BK bothers me the most... even more than Ike's cringeworthyness. "Your voice, I remember you" ...ah...yes? weeeell.... (Bertram would've been ok with this but not Blackie >_>; )

I really really want a japanese VA - engl Subtitles option...

(and psst, what does "narm" mean? *looks around nervously*)

Edited by Noktra
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Well, look at it this way, Mist only had one line

No she didnt. She had a bunch in Ike's Memory scene. Which....oddly enough used the same voice in the FMV. So she sounded 3 years old when she was 17. O_o

Narm is basically where when a scene plays out thats intended to be serious but the acting (or voice acting) is so painfully bad or hilarious, it totally shoots down the mood and becomes comical.

Edited by Jon Snow
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No she didnt. She had a bunch in Ike's Memory scene. Which....oddly enough used the same voice in the FMV. So she sounded 3 years old when she was 17. O_o

Narm is basically where when a scene plays out thats intended to be serious but the acting (or voice acting) is so painfully bad or hilarious, it totally shoots down the mood and becomes comical.

Oh, forgot about that. I haven't triggered that scene in ages.

For more excellent examples of narm, play (or Youtube cut-scenes of) the original Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, and Resident Evil Code: Veronica X (which had worse VA than Resident Evil 3 despite being released two years later).

Er, I don't think Mist was 3 in that memory scene. She spoke way too well. I think she was more like 8 and Ike was maybe 11 or 12.

Ike had to be younger. It's unrealistic for him not to remember anything whatsoever about Gallia if he left when he was 11 or 12. And Mist was certainly not 8. I'd estimate Mist was 4, but you can never tell with FE when it comes to dialogue.

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Ike had to be younger. It's unrealistic for him not to remember anything whatsoever about Gallia if he left when he was 11 or 12. And Mist was certainly not 8. I'd estimate Mist was 4, but you can never tell with FE when it comes to dialogue.

You forget that Sephiran sealed his memory. That's why he doesn't remember. And Mist sounded too mature to be even 4.

Edited by Anacybele
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Ike was 17 in PoR, and Caineghis revealed at the end of chapter 9 that Elena had been killed "over ten years ago." So Ike had to be about 7 when Elena was killed.

Once, over ten years ago...and after your mother had been slain...Your father chose to leave Gallia.
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True. But I can remember back when I was 7. So logically, Ike should be able to as well. But, he can't. He has no recollection of it. Because Sephiran sealed his memory. It's the only explanation.

Also, while I also actually think Ike is 17-18 in PoR, there is no proof of this.

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Well, Warcraft III seemed to pull it off.

Or was that one of the few exceptions you mentioned?

Warcraft III mixed British and American accents I think- orcs never have British accents, night elves usually do, humans/demons vary etc.

As for FE9/10...well there aren't many cutscenes so at least IS was merciful in that regard. The narrator talks a fair bit but he's pretty tolerable.

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True. But I can remember back when I was 7. So logically, Ike should be able to as well. But, he can't. He has no recollection of it. Because Sephiran sealed his memory. It's the only explanation.

Also, while I also actually think Ike is 17-18 in PoR, there is no proof of this.

Presumably Griel, Mist, Ike and Titania didn't leave Gallia automatically, as Cain spoke to Griel before he left, so Sephiran managed to erase memories before the events Ike would've remembered happened.

According to this site's characters ages page, Ike is 17 during PoR according to the official Path of Radiance site.

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Yeah, I heard Ike was 17 in PoR. Which leaves the game with approximately zero plausibility. Then again, most fantasy video games seem to play the 'teenage hero' card, so it's nothing out of the ordinary.

Also, Anacybele, I'm curious...are you actually capable of ever changing your opinion/belief about anything whatsoever?

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"More then 10 years" probably just mean: I don't know the exact number but definitely more then 10. Heck, it would be odd if he knew the exact number.

Caineghis said this right after Ike said he can't remember having been in Galia. So that's not an oversight.

And Titania specifically says he had been a small child.It helps that Laguz have long livespans. Caineghis is stated to be particular old.

Besides, as a little kid he probably didn't think to much were he was. Or remembered it for that matter. And his parents must have kept him away from Laguz since a lot of them tend to be rather angry or frightened towards the Beorc so he never noticed that there was something different about them. Greil must have traveled a lot to shake of pursuers, which was why he left Galia in the first place. So Ike had no reason to have special memories of that place.

Edited by BrightBow
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Also, Anacybele, I'm curious...are you actually capable of ever changing your opinion/belief about anything whatsoever?

Yeah. It doesn't happen often, but I have changed my opinions on things before.

And yes, we're kind of getting off topic here.

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