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Gender Change Competition -- Round 11


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Wee. <3 Male iterations go.


As sanctioned by the Shepard:

-You may use any spriting technique, means splicing, semi- and full-customizing; but try to maintain the original sprites' look.

-You may use the character's original colors or similar colors, limit is 15 colors + background (if the original character has less than 15 colors, you may choose the remaining colors yourself). Use either FE7 or FE8 colors, don't mix them up. Also, you can change a character's skin color if you wish.

-One mug per member, you may change your entry as long as it is only a fixed version, not a completely different sprite.

-Any size allowed, the sprite isn't limited to hack-box-size (meaning half- or full-bodies are allowed as well.)

-Winner is chosen by voting, and as usual, don't vote for yourself. The winner may also choose the next character.

-The Winner also opens the new Topic. If he/she doesn't want to, he/she can send me a PM and I'll take care of it.

-Feel free to use whichever FE spriting style you want--meaning if you wanted to reference/splice from non-GBA FE sprites, it's fair game

10th of September I suppose~

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Soo, this ends today and only DancingDanny has entered so far. Should I be extending this? If anyone plans on making a sprite for this lemme know. Or do you guys think we should just stop posting this comp since maybe it's excessive to have two mug competitions always running together? :T

Poor Dorothy

Edited by Mewiyev
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I was trying to make something until I realized it still looked like a girl ;~;

And I'm still not good at fixing faces yet and I've been trying to do this now and I'm just slow at it XD

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Oooooh! I have an entry for this one!


Awwwwww how can I beat that? ;A;

That's actually why I was thinking maybe the entry I was making ended up looking like a girl when I was aiming for the opposite gender

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I made this in a hurry >_<

I might fix it later if I have tme...

I like dorothy a lot, since we share the same name. XD

Oh, and I like to think Male Dorothy's called "Doroteo" °w°

Edited by Ponih
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I made this in a hurry >_<

I might fix it later if I have tme...

I like dorothy a lot, since we share the same name. XD

Oh, and I like to think Male Dorothy's called "Doroteo" °w°

My vote...i know where its going...

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