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Homosexuality > heterosexuality


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Look at all of the people viewing this thread. You guys live for this stuff huh?

I'm pretty sure every person who frequently visits FFTF LOVES this shit.

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Tell that to all those aforementioned people I've seen.

Honestly it just sounds like an attempt to get a different label for trendiness purposes. :/

hahaha crash that's exactly what it is

as if being bisexual wasn't already a load of meaningless crap (I find it hard to believe that literally every single woman at university is bisexual, because they certainly all say so), pansexuals feel the need to trumpet that they are also attracted to the 0.1% of the population that doesn't fall into the gender binary. just call yourself bisexual.

and there are people who collect different labels like they're fucking pokemon

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couldn't pansexuality theoretically include demihumans

seph are you a furry

it's ok you can tell us anything

we won't judge you

ok maybe we will

just a little bit

actually i lied

we will judge you a lot

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couldn't pansexuality theoretically include demihumans

seph are you a furry

it's ok you can tell us anything

we won't judge you

ok maybe we will

just a little bit

actually i lied

we will judge you a lot

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Also Anouleth it's just me but I think pansexuality kinda has a hint of ambivalence to it, like "I haven't seen a broad category of people identifiable by gender that I've been able to rule out yet," it's just kind of a convenient way to say "iunno" to me. It's not really about being the perfect label to me, as much as not being boxed in. I guess that's almost the opposite as how it's supposed to be used, and it's probably different from a lot of people who actually have strong feelings about belonging to the term and might be much stricter about what I'd need to be to really be a pansexual, but for me it's as close as I can get to "a label for people who don't want a label"

[edit] As for why not bisexual, which may have been more your point, for a while I wasn't sure whether I specifically liked "the whole spectrum" of gender, so to speak, or just didn't know what I didn't. Though that's cleared itself up a little, and I don't really have any reason to get all I am NOT bisexual you insensitive asshole or whatever, I still kinda see my understanding of it as a work in progress, and pan feels easier than bi (nyuk) to call a resting spot, of a sort.

it being uncomfortably easy to fetishize trans people totally has nothing to do with it *cough*

Edited by Rehab
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