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Importing Tilesets


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Hey y'all. I've managed to create a map using an FE 8 tileset and even imported it and all. The thing is, I don't want to have to replace an existing tileset in FE 7 but the Chapter Data Editor module is kinda limiting with the drop down boxes. I used the Ultimate Tutorial to learn how to import the tilesets and Blazer seems to have some hacked Nightmare without the drop down boxes so I'm wondering how I could obtain that or if there's another way around this.

I'm new at this so forgive me if I'm missing something really obvious, thanks.

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I think I may need to be a bit specific. I'm trying to specify the tilesets of which my map would use, which would be the ones I've imported from FE 8. I've already placed their data into some free space in my FE 7 rom. Then I repointed the data to the Sacae Plains object set, tiles, and config using the Event Table Reference module and the map loads fine. However, I don't want to have to repoint the data to any existing tileset at all but the module doesn't give me much of a choice. This scenario applies to the chapter data editor too cause of the drop down boxes for the object set, tiles, and config.

I don't know, I feel like I'm missing something because this seems doable.

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So you're trying to import tilesets into FE7, but not replace existing ones, yes? Well, there is a limit of 255 (0xFF) entries in the event table, but everything after 0xCA appears to be unused. Try replacing them and using them and see what happens. As for the Chapter Data Editor, if you want to add new options for the tilesets, I believe you will have to open up ObjectSets.txt (should be in the same folder as the CDE). It will have this:

0x00 None
0x01 Sacae Plains
0x0A Plains&Castle
0x10 Town&Docks
0x16 Fortress&Fields
0x1D Fields 2
0x1C Fields 1
0x5B Ship
0x6A Mountains&Shrine
0x7B Desert
0x91 Snow
0xA7 Lava Cave
0xAE Sand Cave
0xC1 Dragon's Gate

I haven't acually done this before but I think if you change it to something like this and save it:

0x00 None
0x01 Sacae Plains
0x0A Plains&Castle
0x10 Town&Docks
0x16 Fortress&Fields
0x1D Fields 2
0x1C Fields 1
0x5B Ship
0x6A Mountains&Shrine
0x7B Desert
0x91 Snow
0xA7 Lava Cave
0xAE Sand Cave
0xC1 Dragon's Gate
0xDD FE8 Shrine and Mountains

it will give you another option in the list as well as give you the entry itself. You would change 0xDD to correspond to whichever entry you replaced in the Event Table Reference Editor. Alternatively, you could open it up in a hex editor and find the byte manually and change it yourself. As always, back up your ROM beforehand.

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Great, I'll give this a try later on and report back, thanks!

Edit: I tried the above and got a black screen. After playing around a bit, I decided to just replace the existing FE7 Town & Docks object set and config (since I'm using an FE8 Town and Docks tileset anyway). It said the palettes for the town and ship were unusable so I tried using a new entry (0xCB) just for the palette and the colour came out to be a weird red. Then I just decided to replace the existing FE7 Ship palette and it turned out fine. Oh well, thanks for the help.

Edited by FreeChickenNow
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