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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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The pegasus knight decided to stab the troublesome swordsman. She missed.

The cleric decided to heal the poor wounded myrmidon Myrmidon B 4/15-->15/15

Myrmidon B (the guy who's a pirate or something) decided to stab at the mariner lady attacking him some more.

(3,5,3)= Autohit! 11-4= 7 damage! Gytha 6/24

Shadrak takes 4 damage from poison! Shadrak 14/18

Wyvern Rider B

Class: Level 5 Wyvern Rider

Raw Stats

HP: 8 STR: 8 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 4 LCK: 1 DEF: 8 RES: 0

Simplified Stats

HP: 24 MT: 8 Hit: 3 Evade: 5 AS: 4 Defense: 8 Resistance: 0

Weapon 1: Advanced Barrier Axe

Special Item: Bulwark

Overall Stats

HP: 24 MT: 8 Hit: 3 Evade: 5 AS: 4 Defense: 8 Resistance: 0 (6 Advanced Barrier Axe)

Pegasus Knight A

Class: Level 5 Pegasus Knight

Raw Stats

HP: 6 STR: 3 MAG: 0 SKL: 7 SPD: 9 LCK: 4 DEF: 1 RES: 2

Simplified Stats

HP: 18 MT: 3 Hit: 7 Evade: 13 AS: 9 Defense: 1 Resistance: 2

Weapon 1: Poison Lance

Overall Stats

HP: 18 MT: 3 Hit: 7 Evade: 13 AS: 9 Defense: 1 Resistance: 2

Cleric A

Class: Level 4 Cleric

Raw Stats

HP: 5 STR: 0 MAG: 7 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LCK: 3 DEF: 0 RES: 4

Simplified Stats

HP: 15 MT: 7 Hit: 5 Evade: 8 AS: 5 Defense: 0 Resistance: 4

Weapon 1: Basic Light Tome

Weapon 2: Mend Staff

Overall Stats

HP: 15 MT: 7 Hit: 5 Evade: 8 AS: 5 Defense: 0 Resistance: 4

Myrmidon B

Class: Level 5 Myrmidon

Raw Stats

HP: 5 STR: 6 MAG: 0 SKL: 9 SPD: 8 LCK: 2 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Simplified Stats

HP: 15 MT: 6 Hit: 9 Evade: 10 AS: 8 Defense: 1 Resistance: 1

Weapon 1: Improved Precise Sword

Overall Stats

HP: 15 MT: 6 Hit: 9 (18 Improved Precise Sword) Evade: 10 AS: 8 Defense: 1 Resistance: 1

Warlock A (Defending- Aggressive) 0/24

Bard A (Aggressive) 0/21

Monk A (Aggressive) 0/15


Wyvern Rider A (Defending-Aggressive)0/24

Fighter A (Aggressive) 0/18

Soldier A (Aggressive) 0/18


Hero A (Subvert) 0/21

Myrmidon A (Subvert) 0/15

Shaman A (Subvert) 0/15


Wyvern Rider B (Defending- Aggressive) 24/24

Pegasus Knight A (Aggressive) 18/18

Cleric A (Aggressive) 15/15


Magician A (Defending- Aggressive) 0/24

Shaman B (Aggressive) 0/15

Myrmidon B (Aggressive) 15/15

Player Phase 3 begin!

Edited by -Cynthia-
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+1pt to Valter/Norbert/Nadya

So far, things were going fairly well in that Valter hadn't been attacked yet. Of course, who knew when that would change. So, Rizen just kept keeping pace with Phyllis while Norbert kept looking out for anyone who might attempt to harm his friend.

Norbert defends Valter!

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They were quickly whittling down the enemy’s forces, however there were still many in the darkness they couldn’t see… Everytime someone tried to relight the lamps dotting the docks they were shot by an unknown archer, Valter had noticed. Well, that was about to change. If the lamps were lit from range it was unlikely the bowman would be close enough to get an accurate shot on the lighter. All he needed was a makeshift flaming arrow, and for that he needed fire.

Someone nearby had that fire, too. Valter took out an arrow and started wrapping it in a torn piece of cloth while riding over towards Gar. He rode next to him for a moment with the arrow over the torch until it caught aflame, then drew back and shot it at one of the visible lamps. “Thanks,” he told Gar as he veered away. Time to see who else would scatter out.

Valter lights a thingy!

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An arrow predictably flies out and hits Bert! Hmm, who's shooting these things?

(5,3,1)= Hit! 10-4= 6 damage! Norbert 12/18

More enemies are revealed in the torchlight.

Halberdier A

Class: Level 1 Halberdier

Raw Stats

HP: 6 STR: 7 MAG: 0 SKL: 10 SPD: 6 LCK: 2 DEF: 4 RES: 1

Simplified Stats

HP: 18 MT: 7 Hit: 10 Evade: 8 AS: 6 Defense: 4 Resistance: 1

Weapon 1: Horseslayer Lance

Overall Stats

HP: 18 MT: 7 (10 vs. Cavaliers, Horsemen, Troubadours) Hit: 10 (15 vs. Cavaliers, Horsemen, Troubadours) Evade: 8 AS: 6 Defense: 4 Resistance: 1

Mage A

Class: Level 5 Mage

HP: 5 STR: 0 MAG: 9 SKL: 8 SPD: 5 LCK: 2 DEF: 1 RES: 2

Simplified Stats

HP: 15 MT: 9 Hit: 8 Evade: 7 AS: 5 Defense: 1 Resistance: 2

Weapon 1: Mageslayer Ice Tome

Overall Stats

HP: 15 MT: 9 (13 vs, Mages, Clerics, Shamans) Hit: 8 (12 vs. Mages, Clerics, Shamans) Evade: 7 AS: 5 Defense: 1 Resistance: 2

Archer A

Class: Level 5 Archer

HP: 5 STR: 7 MAG: 0 SKL: 9 SPD: 6 LCK: 2 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Simplified Stats

HP: 15 MT: 7 Hit: 9 Evade: 8 AS: 6 Defense: 1 Resistance: 1

Weapon 1: Rangeslayer Bow

Overall Stats

HP: 15 MT: 7 (10 vs. Pegasus Knights, Wyvern Riders, Archers) Hit: 9 (13 vs, Pegasus Knights, Wyvern Riders, Archers) Evade: 8 AS: 6 Defense: 0 (-1 from bow) Resistance: 0 (-1 from bow)

Wyvern Rider B (Defending- Aggressive) 24/24

Pegasus Knight A (Aggressive) 18/18

Cleric A (Aggressive) 15/15


Magician A (Defending- Aggressive) 0/24

Shaman B (Aggressive) 0/15

Myrmidon B (Aggressive) 15/15


Halberdier A (Subvert) 18/18

Mage A (Subvert) 15/15

Archer A (Subvert) 15/15

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Zach attacks Halberdier A OHKO


+5 points Team Blaze


'Dammit there's just no end to these guys, how many do we have to kill!?'

"Come on, I'll kill all of you if I have to!" Zach intended to do just that if he had to, another soldier already falling from his latest attack. The sage was panting from fighting already, but he had no intention of stopping now!


Seems like yet another person needed his help as soon as he was free. Riding over the swordswoman who had just ended her duel with an enemy Luka quickly fixed up the wounds she has sustained, putting her back to normal physical condition.

Gytha HP 24/24

+2 for G/S/L

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With her moment of calm, Robin lined up her shot on one of the enemy mages, being sure to fire at exactly the right moment to catch him square in the chest, critically wounding and downing the mage, removing him from the fight entirely.


4, 6, 4. Robin deals 15 damage to Mage A, 1HKOing him

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A Man Called Gar

While Gar was leisurely returning to combat, one of the horse-folks came riding up and took some of Gar's precious fire to set a lamp back alight. This brought up an Archer, very likely the very same Archer that had been shooting arrows from the dark! Well, he was right gonna pay for that. By the time Gar returned to actual combat range the two others that accompanied the Archer were already put down--one of them with arrows. Well without support the Archer lasted even less of a time than anyone facing Gar would.


Gar took a quick check at the bow.

It wasn't right.

Gar returned to the others. "That was at least one shooting from shadows," He spoke, rare for him in combat. "There is another, one who shot John with a Synth Bow." He turned towards Robin. "Robin, make your next shot crippling, but not fatal." He cleaned his knife.

Gar attacks Archer A, Gar doubles, Gar Hits Gar Vantages, Gar does 10 damage minimum.


Gar/Mushirah/Robin +5 points (20 total)

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VS Myrm B

Valter attacks! [3,3,1]

10 + 3 = 13 – 10 = HIT

6 + 3 = 9 – 1 = 8 DMG

Myrm B [HP 7/15]

Valter [HP 12/15]


So Kat hadn't gotten an immediate answer, that wasn't good. She turned slightly to check on her passenger. "You're not dead, right?" Maybe she should pay more attention to protecting the person right next to her than the ones running around on their own. Yeah.

Katrina defends Shadrak!

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Shadrak Is Back and On the Attack!

With his new flying partner backing him up, Shadrak coordinated an assault against another flier.

Shadrak attacks Wyvern Rider B! Rolls 4,4,5



-13 hp

Wyvern Rider B counters! Katrina intercepts! Wyvern B rolls 4,2,1



-2 hp!

Katrina counters! Rolls 5,2,1



-3 hp

Katrina gains 1 hp

Shadrak hp 14/18 "Crap ... maybe I should have done the life drainy thing ..."

Katrina hp 23/24

Wyvern B hp 8/24 "Mommy, I don't want to stay in Chousokabe anymore ..."

Team Shadowcat +4

Gabbie defends Chelsea!

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A pegasus tried to strike at Blake, but he barely leaned out of the way and dodged the spear. That attack, however, brought the swordsman's attention to a wyvern rider that was flying near the pegasus and a healer, blissfully unaware of its' impending demise. While it was distracted by the antics of Shadrak and another wyvern knight, Blake approached it. The rider was swiftly kicked off of its' flying lizard and the mount was unceremoniously slain with a single blow from the Ursian's sword. The rebel made one last desperate swing, but was parried and rewarded with an already bloodied sword planted into his chest. Blake removed his weapon from the corpse and returned to advancing towards the epicentre of the darkness.


Heroic Stance activates! HP -3! (12/15)

STR + 2 (11),

SKL + 2 (11),

SPD +2 (10)

DEF + 1 (3)

Might is now 11

Hit is now 11

AS is now 10

Evade is now 12

Defense is now 7.

WTA +2 Hit (13). - 2 enemy hit (1)

[5,3,1] = Hit! 14-8 = 6 points of damage!

[5,4,1] = 12-6 = miss!

[3,2,4] = Hit! 13-8 = 5 points of damage! Wyvern B is defeated!

Team Blaze gains 5 points.

Blake 12/15 hp

Wyvern B 0/24 HP


So far no bad guys had tried to test him again. But it wouldn't be long, Grant thought, before he'd be dealing with another mage. Maybe even the one with the meteor tome.

Grant Defends Team SLG!

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+3pts Valter/Bert/Nadya

Valter rode by one of theirs holding a torch and sent a flaming arrow at one of the lamps, successfully lighting it. Right away, an arrow was shot in response. However, the arrow wasn't aimed at the horseman. "AGH!! Merz, rgh..." Norbert groaned in frustration and pain. As he suddenly want' directing her, Rizen to slowed down a couple paces, but, wincing at the little jolts of pain from the arrow, Norbert amended that, again keeping pace with the horseman. The arrow sticking out of his side was a little distracting. The pegasus rider's jaw was clenched, too, in both the pain from the arrow and in anger at the one who'd shot him.


The ex-pirate thrusted his blade at Gytha, managing to get her stomach. That hurt. She could still fight on, though. And nigh as soon as that thought crossed her mind, she felt her wounds soothing and closing. By the end of it, the only remains of her wounds was some blood that'd escaped when they were open. Grinning at the ex-pirate, she lunged at him. He was ready, though, and got an attack in, even as she was preparing her own strike. She didn't notice the new arrow he'd sprouted yet.

Valiant Stance activated! -4HP, +1str +1skl

Vantage activates!

(18+1)-8 = 11 = hit!

(6+4)-4 = 6 damage!

He got another superficial hit in, but that wasn't stopping Gytha's momentum.

(8+2)-10 = 0 = hit!

(8+2)-1 = 9 damage!

Gytha 14/24

Myrm B 0/15

Gytha/Raquel/Miri(?) +5pts!

The ex-pirate attempted to hurry backwards to avoid Gytha's strike, but she lunged forward, catching him on her blade and stabbing deep into his torso. As she removed her blade, he fell to the ground. He still had a chance at living, but not if Raquel's group decided he wouldn't. He certainly couldn't fight in his present condition. Gytha kicked away his sword just in case. "Never caught yer name," she mentioned coldly.

Coughing some, the ex-pirate glared up at her a moment before finally answering, "Barnabas."

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Well, Shadrak attacked a wyvern rider who then turned his sights on the two of them. “Oh, so you aren’t dead~”

The rider tried to take a wack at her, but it just grazed Volga’s side. Katrina returned with a blow from her Rune axe, but that didn’t do much more than scratch the already wounded rider and patch up Volga a bit. Damn magic defending weapons. She’d have to get herself one of those someday.

With a thrust of her wings, Volga took a leap back out of range. Just in time too, because another swordsman from the group brutally murdered the enemy wyvern and his rider. Yes.


Even with new enemies about to come from the darkness, Valter decided to take a potshot at one of the ones they could already see. As soon as he had released the second arrow, however, he heard a cry from Bert. Ah, dammit. The bastards were still shooting at this range, weren’t they? This was his fault. As soon as Valter realized what had happened he pulled Phyllis around to see how bad the damage was. It looked pretty painful. Normally he only saw his enemies with arrows sticking out of them like that. “Get a healer. I’ll be fine here.”

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Nadya decided to heal Gytha, who seemed to have completed her duel with the other swordsman, who seemed to be talking to him. I'd say somethin' to her about that, but she might shoot me... she thought to herself, deciding instead to silently heal her and move away.

Gytha 14/24-->23/24 +2 Norbert, Valter, Nadya

Veronika decided to slash through the healer girl to prevent her from aiding her allies. She was very successful.

(4,6,2)= 14 damage. (1,1,1)= Lethal for 27 damage. Cleric A dead. +3 Team Shadowkat!


The enemies lit some torches of their own, filling in the gaps left by their fallen allies and begun the assault from afar. The longbow sniper took aim at one of the swordsmen.

The enemy bard sang a song to buff his team's precision and decided to stab a horseman.

(4,2,4)= Autohit! 7-0= 7 damage! Valter 8/15

All enemies have +1 Hit! Bard B 17/21.

Sniper A attacks Gar, using autohit skill! (4,2,5)= Autohit! 9-1= 8 damage! Gar 1/9

The meteor mage decided to attack one the swordsmen as well, calling fire down upon him. Luckily, the swordsman dodged.

(1,5,4)= Miss

One of the mercenaries came out of the darkness and struck at Zach.

Mercenary A 15/18

(1,6,5)= Critical hit! 12-1= 11x2= 22 damage Zach 0/15

The pegasus knight wheeled around and aimed her lance at one of the enemy archers and hit.

(2,3,4)= Hit! (7+2+1-10) Robin takes 6-3= 3 damage and is poisoned, taking an additional 3 damage! Robin 9/15

Another flew in and attempted to stab a swordswoman, striking her.

(5,4,6)= Hit! Veronika takes 6 damage and loses 1 skill. Veronika 9/15

Pegasus Knight A

Class: Level 5 Pegasus Knight

Raw Stats

HP: 6 STR: 3 MAG: 0 SKL: 7 SPD: 9 LCK: 4 DEF: 1 RES: 2

Simplified Stats

HP: 18 MT: 3 Hit: 7 Evade: 13 AS: 9 Defense: 1 Resistance: 2

Weapon 1: Poison Lance

Overall Stats

HP: 18 MT: 3 Hit: 7 Evade: 13 AS: 9 Defense: 1 Resistance: 2

Mercenary A

Class: Level 5 Mercenary

Raw Stats

HP: 6 STR: 8 MAG: 0 SKL: 8 SPD: 5 LCK: 2 DEF: 2 RES: 1

Simplified Stats

HP: 18 MT: 8 Hit: 8 Evade: 7 AS: 5 Defense: 2 Resistance: 1

Weapon 1: Killing Edge

Overall Stats

HP: 18 MT: 8 Hit: 8 Evade: 7 AS: 5 Defense: 2 Resistance: 1

Pegasus Knight B

Class: Level 5 Pegasus Knight

Raw Stats

HP: 6 STR: 3 MAG: 0 SKL: 7 SPD: 9 LCK: 4 DEF: 1 RES: 2

Simplified Stats

HP: 18 MT: 3 Hit: 7 Evade: 13 AS: 9 Defense: 1 Resistance: 2

Weapon 1: Disabling Lance (Skill)

Overall Stats

HP: 18 MT: 3 Hit: 7 Evade: 13 AS: 9 Defense: 1 Resistance: 2

Bard B

Class: Level 5 Bard

Raw Stats

HP: 7 STR: 0 MAG: 4 SKL: 7 SPD: 9 LCK: 3 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Simplified Stats

HP: 21 MT: 4 Hit: 7 Evade: 12 AS: 9 Defense: 1 Resistance: 1

Weapon 1: Mend Staff

Special Weapon: Combat Knife

Overall Stats

HP: 21 MT: 4(5 if CK) Hit: 7 Evade: 12 AS: 9 Defense: 1 Resistance: 1

Wyvern Rider C

Class: Level 5 Wyvern Rider

Raw Stats

HP: 8 STR: 8 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 4 LCK: 1 DEF: 8 RES: 0

Simplified Stats

HP: 24 MT: 8 Hit: 3 Evade: 5 AS: 4 Defense: 8 Resistance: 0

Weapon 1: Advanced Barrier Axe

Special Item: Bulwark

Overall Stats

HP: 24 MT: 8 Hit: 3 Evade: 5 AS: 4 Defense: 8 Resistance: 0 (6 Advanced Barrier Axe)

Sniper A

Class: Level 1 Sniper

Raw Stats

HP: 6 STR: 7 MAG: 0 SKL: 10 SPD: 7 LCK: 4 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Simplified Stats

HP: 18 MT: 7 Hit: 10 Evade: 11 AS: 7 Defense: 1 Resistance: 1

Weapon 1: Longbow E

Weapon 2: Silver Bow

Book: Skill Book Upgrade 1 (Autohit)

Overall Stats

HP: 18 MT: 7(10 Silver Bow) Hit: 10 Evade: 11 AS: 7 Defense: 0 (-1 from bow) Resistance: 0 (-1 from bow)

Sage A

Class: Level 1 Sage

Raw Stats

HP: 6 STR: 0 MAG: 10 SKL: 9 SPD: 6 LCK: 2 DEF: 1 RES: 2

Simplified Stats

HP: 18 MT: 10 Hit: 9 Evade: 8 AS: 6 Defense: 1 Resistance: 2

Weapon 1: Meteor (Siege Tome) E

Weapon 2: Arcfire Tome

Overall Stats

HP: 18 MT: 10 (15 Meteor/Arcfire) Hit: 9 Evade: 8 AS: 6 Defense: 1 Resistance: 2

Warlock A (Defending- Aggressive) 0/24

Bard A (Aggressive) 0/21

Monk A (Aggressive) 0/15


Wyvern Rider A (Defending-Aggressive) 0/24

Fighter A (Aggressive) 0/18

Soldier A (Aggressive) 0/18


Hero A (Subvert) 0/21

Myrmidon A (Subvert) 0/15

Shaman A (Subvert) 0/15


Wyvern Rider B (Defending- Aggressive) 0/24

Pegasus Knight A (Aggressive) 18/18

Cleric A (Aggressive) 0/15


Magician A (Defending- Aggressive) 0/24

Shaman B (Aggressive) 0/15

Myrmidon B (Aggressive) 0/15


Halberdier A (Subvert) 0/21

Mage A (Subvert) 0/15

Archer A (Subvert) 0/15


Mercenary A(Aggressive) 15/18

Pegasus Knight B (Aggressive) 18/18

Bard B (Aggressive) 17/21


Wyvern Rider C (Defending) 24/24

Sniper A (Erratic) 18/18

Sage A (Erratic) 18/18

All have +1 Hit!

Valter 5/15

Gar 1/9

Zach 0/15

Robin 9/15

Veronika 9/15

Shadrak 10/18 (poison)

Player Phase 4!

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As the battle raged on, Chelsea noticed that they were actually not sucking at fighting for once, and they were mostly dominating over the enemy. Despite that, they had taken some casualties, as she saw Lia get cleaved by one of the enemy opponents, the troubadour's heart leapt, sadness consuming her as she saw a comrade fall. It was like the Sammy incident all over again. without the warping into the lair of Vasili, awakening her, getting transported to the friggin desert... regardless, even if she did not get to talk to her, she would honor her sacrifice.

"So why.... do I feel like my heart will break at the end? What is this feeling? Dread?"

As she surveyed the battlefield whilst everyone else was fighting, she noticed John and Sophia's absence, which was odd in and of itself. Perhaps they were at a secret rendevouz somewhere.... yeah right, like those two shut-in's would go out on a romantic date. Seeing that Gabbie had taken shop next to the troubadour, she decided to ask her some questions.

"Um... hi. So I just arrived, and... well what's going on? I mean I know there's a fight, but do you have any idea who were exactly fighting?"- Chelsea asked the lancer, but before the lancer could answer the girl snapped her fingers and added another question. "Oh yeah, and have you seen John and Sophia? I don't see them anywhere."

When the enemy reinforcements arrived they came at full force, strangely ignoring the troubadour and her guardian, however it seemed that Zach had taken a nasty little attack from a swordsman. Immediately, so that she would not lose another companion, Cheslea chanted an incantation/healing spell, held her staff so that the tip was pointing at Zach's body and from a distance-:

"By the grace of the goddess you were forgiven. By the grace of your soul you have been forgiven. Now, Come, Arise Mage of the divine arts. Let the world know of your spells once more. Gift Ein Zwer Joks Grytoz Reviver!!!"- A beam of light shot out from the staff's tip and hit Zach directly, immediately closing the wound, though not fully healing him.

Once she finished Cheslea turned to face Gabbie again.

Cheslea Rezzes Zach. Zach: 3/15 HP

Team Rider? gets 3 points

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So most of the other enemies were brought to light, including yet another wyvern rider. Grant moved himself well within range of the mounted unit, then signaled Synthia to begin the attack.

Grant defends Team GSL!

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Davod bards for +2 Evasion

He also decides to jump kick a pegasus.


Davod 9/15

Pegasus A: 11/18

+1 points to davod and faatina and lia. What a bountiful pick up.

Aneda, however, drops Mushirah off near robin or someshit, then goes on guard duty for Chelsea, that coma ridden girl.

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http://invisiblecast...r/view/3813153/Zach attacks Mercenary A, Ohko+5 Team Blaze

Zachary, Thunder Sage of Death

Out of the darkness a blade had come, faster than Zach could even react to. A piercing sound of ripping flesh was the only realization he had that he was stabbed halfway through his gut, just before the pain kicked in as the enemy pulled back his weapon to move on.

Falling back onto the cobblestone the young man impacted rather hard, enough to cause his head to start bleeding as well, matting his hair with the red liquid. .....but this wasn't the end was it? Within moments a soothing light had enveloped Zach, mending his flesh and healing the wounds. The pain was still incredible but atleast it was better, struggling to his feet with blood on his face Zach gave a quick nod to his healer before flipping open his tome, this deserved something good.


Luka, Healer of Life

There was more wounded than Luka could deal with at once, things were really getting out of hand. Choosing two men that looked heavily injured he concentrated on healing both.

Zach 15/15

Blake 15/15

+2 points G/S/L

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Taking Grant's cue, Synthia rained a barrage of wind spears down on the enemy drake rider. It was... stronger than she expected.

Synthia activates OVERCAST -4 luck +4 mag ect

VS Wyvern C

Grant activates COUNTERSPELL [5,3,2]

Wyvern C feels a bit chilly [HP 20/14]

Synthia attacks! [1,4,4]

8 + 1 = 9 – 5 = HIT

8 + 4 + 4 = 16 - 6 = 10*2 = DEAD WYVERN C


Kat defends Blake!

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Nadya trotted back over to her team and decided to heal her horseman ally- the one trying to make her a free ride earlier. Nadya heals Valter. Valter 15/15 Norbert, Nadya, Valter +2

Veronika decided to apply a vulnerary to herself after the pegasus stabbed her. Ow. Veronika 9/15-->15/15 Vulnerary 2/3

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The wyvern looked ready to fight, so Grant took out two bolts and removed its' sight.

Synthia followed up with a wicked win blade; one blow was all it took to have both mount and wyvern's lives fade.

"Nice one," Grant said, as he saw the enemy fall. "Needs work on the technique, but nice one."


A familiar fireball was sent his way. Blake sidestepped the flames and turned to follow the source of the attack. There he was, that damned murderer was just fifty feet away.

"Cover me," Blake shouted rather loudly, yet calmly, to the one wyvern rider that was on their side. Extra cover always helped, especially in matters of revenge.

Blake continues Heroic stance! HP is now 12/15, STR is 11 SKL is 11 SPD is 10 DEF is 3! Might and hit are 11, evade is now 14, def is 7.

Blake closes in!

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"<Disable, not kill.>" said Robin as she lined up her shot. She needed to strike perfectly to knock the woman off her steed. She took a deep breath and then... TWANG!

The arrow flew through the air, striking it's target exactly, only for a gull to suddenly fly in front of the arrowshaft! The arrow impaled the bird through and through before continuing on to strike the pegasus full-on in its chest, causing the mount to suddenly buck wildly, its rider fighting for control before the shaft broke off and was flung upwards, smashing the rider in the face with a load of dead bird. With its wild motions the pegasus suddenly veered in a panic towards the being that had shot it. Robin.

"<Ahhh hell...>"

A thunderous fury of hoof, feather, and bird-faced pegasus rider suddenly bore down on the woman. There was no chance she would make it out unscathed or in a battle-ready shape for sure.


Robin Lethals Peggy A with a 5, 5, 5... Yea. It has 1 HP left thanks to miracle.

Peggy A uses that miracle to trample Robin.

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Valter had just told Bert he’d be fine, so predictably he was soon not fine. Being stabbed was not fun. He was going to get that bastard… After he stopped bleeding of course. Nadya helped with that part.


The swordsman who had so expertly slain the wyvern rider was asking for help, and Katrina saw no reason not to. He was going after the meteor tome wielding Sage, after all. Bloody revenge sounded excellent right about now.

“I can do better than that!” she said. “Get on. Let’s see how well they do against a charging wyvern, eh?”

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