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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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"Um... yeah, sure. I guess we can be friends later on. Let's just go and see what's up."- Chelsea ended the conversation with the stabber and proceeded with him to the arena. Once there... she found the cutest phoenix girl ever and squealed as quietly as possible, which unfortunately for those standing next to her, it was quite a surprise. Seeing that Raquel was there she went over there faster than the speed of light, metaphorically speaking, and asked with a giddy smile and burning eyes of passion.

"Raquel! Who is that cutie!? She looks so adorable!!!"- she pointed to the phoenix girl, as she asked quite loudly of her boss.

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Zach had reacted... well less terribly than other people due to facing the same direction as Marella. "Yaaay, more stuff we don't know about." In a rather unenthusiastic tone. Seeing that people were already moving off in a single direction with really no care for the plan of sticking together the sage started walking as well. Maybe at the very least he could find Raquel/Dragon Head/A damn weapon. Really any of those three would be nice.


Walking walking walking and now we found Raquel, A sharp dressed man in black

'Nice clothes...'

And the Raquel look alike.

'Why do I think she looks cute in the innocent kid kind of way? Curse you cute things and your distracting existance'

"Right so, a few questions if I may? Just who is the fancy fellow here, and whose the kid that looks like Raquel but well.... brighter?" Zach asked thumbing in her direction. Though that one seemed to be asked already by the cruel healer girl Chelsea.... so mean....

Edited by Eail
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Faatina blinked a few times, then just decided to nod her head and not say anything.


Arietta made it down to the arena and... waited. Not much else to do at the moment.


Seeing the easily spooked thunder mage, Kit decided it would be fun to mess with the poor kid once again, because why the hell not? Leaping, unfortunately away from Hypnos' soothing handiwork, atop the newcomer's head, she pawed at Zachary's nose as adorably as she could muster, figuring his self-commentary about cute things made this all the better.

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While Zach was waiting for a response from anyone on the questions he'd asked the fox that had been in the man's arms had suddenly jumped onto his head. Pawing at his nose and seemingly wanting attention.

'Cuuuuuuute.... Damn you fixation with cute things!'

Taking the fox off of his head Zach stared at the thing for a second, before simply deciding to hold onto it for a while. He'd always wanted to try petting a fox anyways.....

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'...wow... this guy is easier than I thought... I almost feel bad... almost~' Kit mused to herself, as the mage took the bait hoof, line, and sinker. Curling against the man's arm, whilst being wary not to reveal her multitailedness quite yet... it was far too early for that, no? Time for the next step, she decided, nuzzling Zachary's face with her own whiskered one.

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"Like I said before, I'll take your word for it. Can't really say I've experienced it myself, definitely a surreal feeling here though..." On the upside, it'd be a conversation piece. Speaking of conversation pieces, Kidnapping? This group sounds more and more dangerous as I keep listening to him. Though again, I should probably ask later, now isn't the time. There was a gathering of people, mostly those she somewhat recognized as being in the group, but there were a few people standing out, unable to place her finger as to who exactly they were. That tends to happen with people you don't know anything about.

Feeling better given the circumstances, Aneda had made her way down to the gathering of heroes. How? Fuck if I know, too lazy to describe that shit. Anyway...

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"Awww... Zach made a new friend!" said Tia in a adoring voice at she looked at Kit nuzzling up to Zach's face, joined a moment later by Robin chipping in.

"Dawww, Kit found a new friend as well. Too bad it had to be..."

"What? Can't you just enjoy a cute moment for what it's worth Robin?"

"... Daww... Wish I had something to feed him, but it is a dream scape and I do not have any food to offer him."

"Who? Zach, or the fox?"

"Either. Both."

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Raquel was even less sure of how to safely help Rizen now that she appeared to be having a fit, and it wasn't the only thing she had to deal with at the moment. Chelsea's words had some awkward implications from Raquel's point of view. Calling her darker, red double an adorable cutie made the follow up question a little difficult to answer at first. "I uh ... she's the vasilus in the egg that Lilith left with us. She's in here too apparently." To Zachary she added, "His name is Hypnos," with some doubt in her voice.

Elsewhere, Colin kept to his original pace, which led to Chelsea racing off ahead and leaving him behind. By the time he was a good distance into the arena, she was already over by Raquel and some others just inside a different corridor. He began wandering the arena aimlessly and at a snail's pace not having anything better to do.

And while Colin wandered around, Shadrak and Mushirah made for the source of the disturbance. "I don't see a way down from here. Makes sense I guess; wouldn't want anyone climbing up a short wall or heading right up into the crowds from a conveniently placed staircase on the wall. We'll probably have to head back inside to find a way down there," he realized.

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“Yep! But, um…” Katrina had looked over to where the others had been gathering, but the figures in the distance seemed to be moving inside. The Raquel lookalike and Blake had walked out from the archway into the arena though, so there were still people she could see. That was probably where they were headed anyway. “It looks like they’re moving downstairs. I can give you two a ride down to the arena floor and you can walk over from there. All that black goop is gone so it’s a straight shot to where they’re gathering.”


“Well, some people- I assume they’re allies- just entered the lower area where the darkness used to be. I can’t tell who it is,” Valter explained as his vision began clearing up. “When you two are comfortable moving again we can go check, I suppose.”


Synthia arrived downstairs, not as quickly as some others but she got there eventually. She was in time to hear Raquel’s latest explanation, but as far as the mage was concerned it didn’t answer any relevant questions. “Ok, so, correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m assuming you know more about what’s going on here than I do. What are we supposed to be doing, where is our stuff, and did you have something to do with that bright light? I mean, it was useful and all but it hurt like a bitch. Also, what was that black stuff?” she told/asked/interrogated Raquel. Her tone wasn’t antagonistic, just generally moody.

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Raquel couldn't answer the torrent of questions Synthia had sent her way in order, so she replied with, "Erm ... I can't really ... I only heard about half of that ..." She tried to make sense of what she heard so she could answer at least two or three of the questions, but it took some doing. Eventually however, she decided to just explain the whole situation as best she could and hope she answered most of the questions in the process. "Okay so we're in the dream training as you probably guessed, our weapons don't exist here, so ... that's something we'll have to deal with later. The stuff in the arena was dark energy according to Hypnos, that flash was the emblem, and right now we need to gather everyone up."

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Blake's approval must have made the phoenix Raquel sad, for her expression became visibly downcast. What had he said, or not said, that was wrong?

"Hey, are you alright?" Blake asked, slightly concerned.


Once Grant down to the arena, where the climax of this session would be, he was... disappointed by the lack of anything notable occurring. There was Fairweather with a fox, and there was Blueberry-his name was Blake but the former was too amusing to pass up- alongside a red-haired woman who could've been Raquel's twin sister. This newcomer was summarily dubbed Strawberry, for the duelist's personal entertainment. Anyways, Blueberry appeared to be addressing Strawberry, which meant that the Frost prince was right out of interesting things to observe. So he retrieved a stone from his pouch and began to toss and catch it in the air.

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When the fox started to nuzzle his face Zach gave a small chuckle, scratching behind her ears due to the cute antics. But when Raquel actually answered he froze up for a second, she was the egg they'd taken care of for all this time? The thing was supposed to take on traits for all of them wasn't it? So why did it only look like Raquel.... This required investigation, cue Detective Zach and Assistant Fox.

Walking up to Pheequel he looked the girl over, she seemed sad for some reason. Even if they could possibly just be a figment of the dream world Zachary Fairweather didn't like seeing girls upset. Maybe a little joke could help "Not too smooth with the ladies today eh Blake? Don't look so down kiddo, my friend here obviously just lacks the tact of a true gentleman~" The sage said with a wink

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Oh this was just too perfect. As the thunder mage began acting flirty with the Phoenix, Kit traced her paw against his face in order to attempt to grab the man's gaze, and when she received it, she couldn't help but give him her best grin.

"My my, Zachy~ You certainly are flirty when it isn't me~" Kit teased, the paw which she had pulled away from his face now releasing a flare of dark energy... entirely harmless and for show, but hey, why not?

"Did you miss me~?"

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That voice, oh gods not that voice.

Eyes widening in shock Zach looked down at the creature in his arms just in time to notice the dark aura flare up around her. "I... you... how... what... OH GODS!" Pretty much at the point of hyperventilating once again Zach pretty much lost control. Losing control of his legs the sage rag-dolled to the ground, eyes seemingly glazed over and mumbling incoherently

"stu.... exy... fo... ady..."

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"You've really got problems, kid." Kit noted with a sigh before making her way over to the boy's side and jumping up on his chest. Chanelling the restorative energy through her paws, Kit cast the restore spell on the fallen sage.

"You should really work on that, y'know?"

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Arena Grounds

The phoenix wasn't sure how to get her point across. She understood Blake's words, but couldn't use them herself it seemed. Before she could even make an attempt at a response, Zachary arrived with Kit in his arms and said some things to them that she didn't quite understand. "Hmm?"

When Kit started talking, Zachary collapsed like a crumbling building. The girl came a bit closer and knelt down over him, poking at his shoulder with her finger to see whether he had at least kept his coherency or had succumbed to shock. She flinched, backing off a bit when Kit leaped onto his chest.

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Zach could feel a somewhat.... strange version of a healing spell overcome him in his stupor, it didn't feel normal. Gazing around he could see that the Phoenix girl was kneeling over him with a concerned look on her face. Well, even if it was Kit, maybe he could be in control for the girl's sake, and because the fox was actually a fox for now.

"I'm fine, don't worry." He said, siting up which caused Kit to jump off of him. "And with you it's going to be a long process, one that we should work on later." towards Kit. Standing up and brushing himself off Zach had more questions for Pheequel "So, you're the egg we've been had right? Do you actually know who I am, cause I've taken care of ya for a full day plus a little bit extra every now and then."

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Well, he supposed it was true that he did lack the qualities of a gentleman. Though, if being a true gentleman required that one collapse in the presence of certain animals/individuals, as Zach was doing, Blake wasn't so certain that he would want to be one. Luckily, before any animals could be harmed, the sage was revived, and actually continued with his queries towards the other Raquel. As a result, any and all snappy responses were put on hold, just to see what the woman's response would be.

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Arena Grounds

Zachary's question had the phoenix girl thinking rather hard. In truth, she wasn't quite sure herself, but she did like most of those she had come across so far. Since she couldn't seem to answer for sure one way or another, due to her wording problem and her uncertainty, she opted to reassure Zachary that he was at least an ally by hugging him. At least she was distracted from her usefulness problem for the time being.

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Zach was a tad surprised when the girl hugged him, maybe that meant that she did actually know who he was? Oh well, he wasn't bothered by this, certainly not like the situation. Giving a one armed hug back and a pat on the head he smiled at the dream girl. "Nice to meet you too kiddo, I suppose I'm Uncle Zach?" The introduction actually made the sage think for a moment....

"Hey, you don't have a name yet right? How about Phee?"

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"Oh, well..." Gytha started, her once-happy face shifting to a grimace. She tried to continue, albeit haltingly and uneasily.

"I, er... I'm not too fond o' flyin'. Heights're fine, it's just flyin'. Had a bad experience involvin' a wyvern when this all began, see," she explained.


Norbert didn't really have much to say to Valter's explanation. His head was beginning to feel better, so there was that.

"My head doesn't hurt so much anymore," he decided to say before experimentally removing his hand and blinking a few times. "I can see again, but not very well... It might be best to wait until we can know we're not going to trip over something. How about you, Nadya? Feeling confident you can walk without stumbling?"

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"You should probably try to get over that, there might be a time where we need to take flight urgently," Veronika suggested to Gytha. "You can head down by foot for now, I'll take the ride," she said, turning to Katrina.


"Yeah I guess I can get movin'. Why I'd want to is another good question- we're headin' where this bright lights and weird goo is?" she asked Norbert and Valter.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Arena Grounds

"Mm?" A name? Well that didn't sound so bad, but the significance of a 'name' was clearly lost on this wordless woman.

Around this time, Hypnos arrived saying, "Perhaps this should wait. She may bear this form in this world, but she is still a fetus in the waking world. Also ..." he paused for dramatic effect, and then changed his footing, as if bracing for a tremor.

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Gytha hummed a bit as she thought it over briefly. "Aye, yer probabla right," she replied to Veronika, "Well... Guess if that's th' case, I should get t' work on it. Now's as good a time as any."

Then, she addressed Katrina with something of a forced, nervous version of her usual grin. "I'll take that ride, then!"

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