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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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"Heh, I know who Raquel is. Sat up watching her for a spell with Reign in the infirmary on the Prometheus, in fact. But I appreciate the description. Yer a good woman, Gytha," Sinbad concluded, and picked his pistol back up. He'd need to finish the maintenance he'd started before running off and chatting with anyone else, and if the mariner woman wanted to keep talking, they could probably manage a conversation while he worked, at this point, he figured.

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Well, they noticed Blake alright. The swordsman sped up his pace to meet the two fliers, who appeared to be about to receive medical aid from Nadya. So they had sparred, it seemed.

"You wanted to speak to me?" Blake asked, once he had stopped a few feet away. "Is there something wrong?"

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Gytha was surprised by the compliment that seemed to, to her, come out of nowhere and momentarily, it showed on her face. Being helpful was just something that generally came naturally to the mariner and though she was thanked for her assistance sometimes, being called a good woman for it was certainly not the typical response. Her momentary look of surpruse, however, swiftly melted into a smile.

"Well, thank ye! Yer a polite one. Nice t' talk to, too," she cheerily replied, "We'll have t' talk again soon. Well, if ye wind up leavin' b'fore I can say it, hope ye find th' one yer lookin' fer. Whatever he did, musta been terrible t' earn such aggression from such a friandla jack such as yerself." She intended to leave it there, but gave him some time to reply if he wanted to before actually departing the immediate area.


"Well, it depends on how you look at it, I guess," Norbert replied, though he said it casually so if something was wrong, then it probably wasn't a big deal. He continued, saying, "Wyvern girl had a good idea on the way here and since you seem to be the one who everyone listens to regarding tactics, we thought it'd be a good idea for you to consider it."

When he mentioned people listening to Blake's tactics, Norbert grimaced some. He, himself hadn't noticed the shift in his expression, but it cleared up once he got past that bit. Since it was her idea, Norbert figured Gabbie could take it from there.

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Mao smiled as Tia finished brewing the tea. She was quite impressed with the entire thing. She gingerly took the steaming hot pot by its handle, and slowly poured the still bubbling water into her flask, which thankfully was one of those newfangled vacuum sealed contraptions.

"This will definitely brighten my morning. Thanks, Tia."

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Veronika gritted her teeth and kept her anger in check. "No," she replied simply. "Do you have something important to talk to Raquel about or are you just going to waste her time with dates or fantasy women or whatever? We're a little busy for the latter," she said, scowling at Colin.


Nadya went over, examining Bert's head bump "Eh you'll be fine, don't even need a staff for it. Might wanna put some ice on it," Nadya suggested before addressing the food question. "Without people huntin', we're not gonna get more than a few mushrooms and rations and there's only so much ya can do with rations. Raquel should be restockin' soon."


"Colin does seem to flirt with a lot of girls, but getting him to choose just one is part of the challenge. Maybe Hayato really does like Sardis that way...who knows?" Clara said, shrugging.


Ripper cocked his head at Samael, before lifting his furry paw up and putting it in Samael's hand while Layla sighed heavily.

"Anything Raquel can do, Cassandra can do ten times better as I have said at least a dozen times. I won't have my name attached to any of your failed endeavors, so I'll be leaving with my people before your guests arrive. Better to let Father see you as the failure you are anyway- then someone with some competence can finally handle this mission."

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Perimeter check was done. Axel made his way back to the camp and the campfire, only to find Casanova and Veronika, the former's attempted target, having a civil discussion. Civil in the sense that it appeared that Nika hadn't slapped the womanizer yet.

"I'm surprised, shocked, even, to see that you two are bonding so well," Axel said as he arrived to the scene of the discussion. "That dream training must've done wonders, clearly."


"Here's your tome back," Grant said, passing the wind tome back to Zach with some difficulty. He then began to make his way towards the Dauntless. Given how the healers were preoccupied, he'd have to just go buy an elixir, it seemed.

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“Ha, that would explain a few things,” Cloe said, nearly breaking into a smile. That would certainly be something to bring up if only to see the reaction it caused. “Do you think he would admit to it, though?”


After riding a few circles round the clearing, Synthia had discovered several things. The mare understood basic riding aids, which she had already known, but no commands for more advanced manuvers. At least, none Synthia herself knew. Second, she didn’t like to jump things. A fallen log had served for that test and Myra would stop and refuse to move every time. That was a problem.


Kat soon caught on that if she wanted the horseman to do anything she’d have to prove she at least knew his name first. Unfortunately, she didn’t. “Uh… Wallace?”




“No, no, wait, I know! Uuuhh…. George?” Kat could’ve sworn she had heard that name around here somewhere recently.

Making a big deal of sighing, the horseman shook his head and Katrina practically deflated. “Not even close. Look, I think you need to go ask someone else about this problem of yours. I don’t think I can help you.”

“Can’t, or won’t?” the frustrated wyvern rider shot back. She could understand if he just said no, but this was annoying. Then suddenly her face lit up as if struck with inspiration. She was struck with something, anyway. “If you can tell me what my name is I’ll go ask someone else~” Yes, this was the perfect plan. There was no way he would-

“Katrina, right?”

What? “Wrathdammit!” That wasn’t fair! “Ok, so you do know mine. It’s not my fault I don’t know your name though, you never talk to anyone, you know? Anyway, it’s fine; I’ll go find someone else…”

Well sure he didn’t interact with people much, but all she had to do was ask him for his name. Valter debated whether or not to enlighten her now, but decided against it. She could ask someone if it was that important. “Good luck,” he called as Kat trudged off to collect her wyvern.


After a minute or two of searching, Kat eventually spotted Robin by the Dauntless and rode over on Volga. “Hey, Robin,” she called to the archer before stopping closer and dismounting. “I know you probably don’t like me very much, but I was wondering if you could perhaps do me a favor?”

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Robin looked up at Kat. She had been resting against the side of the Dauntless after Zach's most recent little spat, not really sure what to do until the group got up and moving again. "What favor would that be? If it is not to much, I may decide to grant it."

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“Well I already asked another archer, but they shot me down…” lol puns “Volga’s hungry, and I don’t want to cut into our food to feed her. Normally she’ll go out and find something in the early morning, but she was in the dream training all night with me. I was wondering if you could hunt down an animal for her?” Kat explained hopefully. “Really, it would be a big help. She’s an incompetent hunter when it’s light out.”

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Robin looked up at Kat for a moment, unsure of what to say in response. Then. "Yes, I will. But you need to help. Spotting a deer takes time, so unless you want to waste the morning tracking, being able to look from the air will help a lot. Are you willing to do that?"

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"Land first. It takes special training to shoot from the air with accuracy due to the motion of the beast. There is a reason why every archer isn't mounted on horseback after all, much less wyvern-back. Do not worry. It should not be a problem though and she should eat before we leave."

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"I'm not really the person you should be asking; I somehow managed to miss two important battles myself ... in a row. But ... I guess since you did ask me, I'll make an assessment or something," Reign replied. "First off, I think staying off the field is a bad idea. You'd essentially be doing nothing, which in my opinion is a hell of a lot worse than trying and failing time and again. I've been in too many situations where one person made the difference, and that person wasn't available ... or worse, they were talking my ear off ..." Reign thought back to a time in the academy when a teammate confronted him on an unrelated matter and jeopardized the team's mission. "If you're having trouble, make sure everyone knows about it, that way we can help you and watch your back in battle. That's what a real unit does ... and I like to think of us as unit, not just a bunch of mercenaries trying to outdo each other."

Near Dauntless

"Hey, since when is the latter a waste of time? If you ask me, reminding some of you ladies just how beautiful you are is the only meaningful action I could take while I'm here. And besides, I do have some intel for her, but if we can't even have a decent conversation then what's the point? She'll find out today one way or the other, I'm sure, but she won't have time to prepare herself for it ... and that would be bad." And with all of that said and out in the open, he shrugged with his palms facing the sky.

That was when Axel showed up and made a comment Colin couldn't help but chuckle at. "If only we'd had more time together in there. We'd be best friends by now," he joked.


While she somewhat agreed on people having accepted the risks and fought rather than being forced and losing their lives that way, Gar's assurance that he wouldn't die 'no matter what' made Raquel wonder just what he was capable of and where that kind of confidence came from. She was also hoping deep down that he wouldn't disappear into the shadows at the first injury or in the face of a foe that actually stood a good chance of wiping them out. "What makes you so confident?" Raquel asked, head cocked a bit. "It wasn't that long ago you were buying armor from me, so I don't think you think you're invincible or anything ..."


"Maybe," Shadrak replied before deciding on 'yes' instead. "Yeah, I'll do that. It's better than just sitting on my hands ... or in this case, my notebook, and waiting for Raquel to notice that I write down more than just random thoughts. This book's filled with transcriptions of anything the vasili said I can remember, theories I've compiled from our encounters with them and the other crazy stuff we run into, and detailed suggestions for addressing various issues with the emblem and all of the above, but it's all going to waste. But yeah, I don't mind sharing, especially not with you."

Fight Club

Gabbie didn't like the sound of that. Her own rations sounded better than mushrooms and whatever else they'd gather out in the wilderness. Someone needed to cook that bear meat or go shoot something else or breakfast was going to be an unappetizing bust for this wyvern girl. But onto debatably more important matters. "Roight, what do you think of attacking mounts?" Before giving Blake a chance to respond to just that, she pointed to Ringo and said, "I usually don't risk it because Ringo's important to me and I don't want to put him in harms way if I can help it, but we tend to get into some serious showdowns and he's more dangerous than he lets on."

Ringo meanwhile had decided to lie down until it was time to leave and watched the conversation with almost no interest.

"Don't be fooled," Gabbie whispered as she snickered and continued pointing at her wyvern.

Luca stood where he was and kept an eye on Bert, waiting to see if he would produce any gold. They did come all this way and even left the safety of the rest of the herd. The least he could do was give an offering.


"Mmhm," Silvia agreed with Clara's assessment of Colin. When Cloe asked if Hayato would ever admit to something like that, Silvia frowned saying, "No ... he's got a perfect excuse to hide behind."

"An excuse for following Sardis like a lost puppy?" Cecily inquired.

"Yeah. Sardis saved his life once. I never learned anything more than that, but he's extremely grateful ... and loyal. Even if he does have extra special feelings for him, I really doubt we'd get him to come out and say it. Not with that barricade to hide behind."

"Just as well. I'm not interested in that guy's personal life."

"Iiiii kind of am ... heheh."


Samael smiled. Ripper either knew how to shake or had just learned a new trick. Either warranted a smile and some extra petting, which Samael provided in short order.

"It probably is for the best if you leave, Layla. Your outspoken nature won't serve well here. After all, I'm trying to convince Raquel to come over to our side, not justify what she's been doing all of this time," Sardis explained.

"I'll justify it," Samael chimed in, not looking their way again.

"Please don't. You said you would leave this to me."

"I will, however, I'm not leaving just yet. I'll stay out of your little meeting and out of sight. Perhaps get to know Cassandra a little better while all of this goes down. Once I see the results of this plan of yours, then I'll decide on my next course of action. If you manage to recruit them, the matter is settled, for now. If not, then I have some work to do."

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"The Academy?" Faatina asked somewhat absent-mindedly. It dawned on her that she really didn't know much at all about Reign... well the same could be said about an unfortunate amount of people in their little group she supposed... was she really that antisocial?

"Well, moping about it won't do me any good I guess... I'll just have to find someone sturdy to whack at until I can knock 'em over." She added, more cheerful at this juncture, bringing her arm up jovially.

"So Reign... tell me more about yourself... I can't say I really know much at all about you."

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A Man Called Invincible Gar

"Practicality is one of my wondrous talents," Gar chuckled at that. Though the Dragon Head's version was actually better, much as it pained himself to admit. "My life has been a series of increasingly dangerous encounters and each and every time I've come out on top. From dullard bandits to self-proclaimed greatest warriors to political schemers who spun webs so contrived it's amazing they didn't fall under their own weight, I've survived each and every one and grew stronger with each. I wouldn't have come this far--met you--if I bailed out at the first sight of something that looked impossible." Gar tilted his head back. "Just need to view it at a different angle and bam," he slammed his fist into his palm for emphasis. "That impossible run looks like an easy little jaunt. Bandits don't expect a single man to infiltrate their little house and pick'em off one by one. A peerless fighter still needs food and water. A political schemer needs a powerbase. Nothing is invincible--sure, not even me--but I've had the good sense to know to pick my fights for maximum effect, which is why I'm still here brimming with confidence." Gar beamed. "No one is invincible, and that means Sardis and his little organization aren't either, you just have to come at them from the right angle."

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“Ok then, I’ll try to land a distance away so we don’t scare things. Are you ready to leave now? Because we can leave now,” Katrina said, hopping back on her wyvern. “Climb on up. I dunno when the others will be ready, but I wouldn’t want to hold them up either. I guess we could bring something back too?”

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"I am capable of leaving as soon as I get my bow. Wait a second." said Robin, before jumping up, rushing to the campfire to fetch her bow and arrows, then returning. "Yes. I am ready to go now. Though, I am curious, why were you turned down before?"

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"Attacking mounts, huh..." Blake said, decidedly unimpressed by Ringo's viciousness. Gabriella's mount certainly didn't look dangerous, though perhaps he had too much experience around her wyvern for intimidation to affect him. "Well, I can see the shock value in attacking using a wyvern or a pegasus to attack, but that's risky considering how exposed that leaves them. Maybe if they wear heavy armor, or the wyverns could use their tails, we could work that in. I don't think actually having horses actively attack the enemy is a good idea, though, because their riders might be thrown off balance as a result."

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Marella nudged Zach slightly with her elbow. "Aneda just got the egg. Let her get used to it before asking questions. How was the fight? Wasn't that a bit risky with what's coming up today? We might have to fight today. Wouldn't want you to be exhausted. I already have my hands full protecting you when you're at full health." She grinned teasingly at him.

Edited by scorri
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"There were less than fifteen rexians or nomads in ursium's armed forces that held ranks above warrant officer which was ... kind of a big deal back then, but that was awhile ago. With the war back in full swing again, who knows how many survivors have been promoted. So aside from making it into the ursian army as an officer myself, there's nothing special about me." Taking a break from that particular bit of exposition, Reign asked, "Was there anything in particular you wanted to know or should I just say whatever else comes to mind?"


Gar's answer wasn't the cocky monologue she was expecting, and it even got her thinking tactically again, where before, everything coming to mind for her about the organization was little more than paranoia. "I think I get what you mean, but I get hit too much to have that kind of confidence. My fights usually end up picking me, not the other way around. Do you think there's some way I could turn that around?"

Fight Club

"Just wanted to run it by you first. I'm not bringing Ringo into this craziness until I get him some armor. He knows how to protect his backsoide so I'd just need a helmet and a few extra plates to guard his neck and chest," Gabbie explained.

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"Nothing in particular, really... I just want to know more about you, Reign. You're... not like anyone I've met before, I guess I'm curious." Faatina replied, allowing her legs to hang freely as she sat herself down.

"So you're in the Ursian Military... or were, it sounds like. Was the Academy a Military School?"

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It had only just now registered that she was being talked to, but that wasn't important enough to actually get up. Fuck that noise... "Hm? Phee...? Who the hell is Phee?" Looking to Zach, to Marella, back to Zach and then holy nutballs, the idea hit her as she looked to the egg, feeling a little stupid and a little relieved, like she had just dodged a bullet made of thunderous winds. "OH! Oh um, she's doing fine, you know... just horsin around, ehehehe."

"Sounds like you've put in a lot of effort, Shadrak. All the more reason I think you should keep your spirits up for it." Leaning forward, wrapping her arms around her knees now, "And who knows, maybe if we can both go at this we can figure out a way to bring more attention to it, you know? Her emblem seems important, I'm willing to try and bring something to the table if it'd help, if you're willing to let me try my hand. I'm... sheltered, I know but I think I'm still plenty bright, but maybe not the bright you need, is what I fear."

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A Man Called Gar

"If you saw my bare chest in dreamville you'll see not even someone as good as I am can keep the hit away from all times," Gar commented. "I suppose we'll just need to pull off a win without you getting hurt then, and I'm pretty sure we have some people who have 'big wall of can't hurt me' as their job description. And failing that I can try out my old dance routine to protect you, pretty rusty though." Gar stretched his arm out in response to his words. "On the other end, we have two possible fights coming up. Against Sardis and against Wrathites. Both of which we know about in advance. This time at least you do have the pick of combat. You can worry about being blindsided later, right now the ones you know about have priority. And Sardis is first off."

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"Well that's good. Is it weird that I'm still using that name for her though?" He questioned the now green haired pegasus rider. "Oh right, yeah." Placing the tome Grant had returned back into his satchel, he should work on wind magic one of these days. Fire and Lightning were good and all but expanding your knowledge is never a bad thing.

"Eh, it shouldn't be too bad Mar. We barely expended any juice in it, so we're good to fight if that pops up. Plus I don't think anything could get by you aside from an arrow. I'll kill everything that looks at us funny and you just watch my back okay?" A smile on his face Zach leaned over to whisper in her ear "Barely even a challenge. I feel really good after that~"

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