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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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'She... She didn't know about the Emblem already? Oh god... what have I done....'

He was still trembling in discomfort as Kit nuzzled into his chest and nibbled on his ear, this was normally something that he'd probably look forward to.... But right now the young mage was more fearful for his life than concerned with the fact it was a woman doing this. Even if he could move at this point those tails behind him scared Zach even more, he had no idea what they could possibly do.

"W-who are y-you? What d-do you want with R-Raquel?"


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"Like I said, I'm just a magician with some interest~" Kit replied, as she took a short leap backward, and off of Zachary. Giving the man a playful grin, she began to pace about him.

"I've been at this magic thing for a while, and I can't help but be curious... there aren't a lot of things I can say I've never seen before... and this Emblem of yours is one of them~ Is it so wrong to want to explore the unknown~?" Kit inquired, as she made her way behind Zachary, who still seemed rather immobile.

'I have to say, this is new too... it isn't fear that paralyzes most men when I do this...'

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Zach couldn't help but give a sigh of relief as Kit finally disengaged herself from his body. He finally felt like he could start to move a bit as he started to calm down.... but should he still try to warn the others? At the very least the woman didn't seem entirely like an enemy, he was by no means going to drop his guard though.

"So, if you're a scholar... Why all the secrecy towards your goals if that's what you want. We both know damn well you could kill me and everyone else with Raquel without even exerting yourself. I'm not weak but you completely outclass me, compared to you I am nothing. What is the reason you haven't just taken what interests you?" Zach said, his bravery coming back.

If he was going to die here he was damn sure not going to face his end like a coward..

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"Transparency is always something to be careful of~ If someone knows everything, then you have nothing to use as leverage if the need were to arise~" Kit replied, as she continued to circle Zachary, tails flickering about.

"And shouldn't you be happy~? Instead of jumping in, slaughtering all of you, and running off with whatever this Emblem is, all I want is to take a look at it~ All of that is way too messy anyway, too much to deal with~" Kit continued, with a bit of a pout.

"It seems kind of silly to me that I'm the one giving you the chance to cooperate, and the guy who was too scared to even move a second ago is trying to pick a fight~"

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"Fair enough I suppose, but trust me. I'm not trying to pick a fight with you, I'm simply trying to discern your motives for all of this. It's not everyday I get to come face to face with someone with more power than anything less than a dragon." Zach said as his head followed Kit.

"So what happens now if I may ask Ms....?" he still wanted to get her name out of this.

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"Kit." She replied, as she stopped in front of Zach. Wheeling about to face him, she gave the man a smirk.

"Well, what happens now is you give me your answer~ Are you going to be a good boy and let me have my fun, or are you going to try your hand at playing in the big leagues~?" Kit continued, as she gave him an inquisitive look.

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“Hmm.” Truth be told, Valter didn’t have an opinion on how Sanctuary was run. He figured it was none of his business. To Bert’s question he answered, “I miss Ursium.”

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"Yeah?" Norbert replied, "Me too, kind of. I mean, it's my home; I'm Ursian, so there's always going to be something special about it, I guess." Well, that was coming out about as smoothly as sandpaper. Grimacing, he tried again. "It's familiar; I'm not as much of a stranger there." That was better.

Well, they had time, so Norbert decided to ask another question. "So, what was life like for you back home in Ursium? Always been escorting clerics from church to church?" he joked a little.

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'Her name is Kit? How convenient for her... Quite the situation you've gotten yourself into now Zachary old boy.'

Zach gave a sigh and dropped his gaze down to the ground of the street. "I'll play nice as you say and take you to Raquel, I just hope this ends better than I think it will...." He trailed off as he turned around back towards the group.

"Well come on Kit, this is just gonna make my popularity with the group skyrocket because it was already so great.." Zach continued as he walked towards Raquel, hands in the pockets of his jacket and wishing that he were anywhere else at the moment.


The pink haired boy gave a chuckle at the other boy's words about his safety. "Don't worry about that Master Connor, I've managed to be in a few battles as a combat healer. I'd know what I'd be doing, besides, it sounds as though your group is in need of help. And Lady Mercy would wish for me to help those that are in need of my services, it's only good fortune we have the same destination."

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"More seagulls- have you been getting into more fights Shadrak? You should really consider being less antagonistic," she warned, scanning the docks for suitable ships. Nothing yet, far as I can see.


"Gabbie, do you think we could use an extra healer on hand? You're more involved in the battles than I am," he asked her, regarding the issue of Luka. "Thanks for the help Anna, I think Raquel should be at that crane rental office," he said, changing issues.


"I'm real good at math when it comes to money, mister. Forty-eight per piece which comes to a total of ninety-six, final offer. There are a lotta stands in this marketplace, ya know..." she said, her voice trailing off.


Ida immediately retreated to the far wall. <"That is quite a mighty weapon, Miss Brynhildr,"> she said, in an awed voice.

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Valter chuckled as the pegasus knight struggled for words. “Don’t worry, I get it,” he said. “I haven’t always been doing that, no. Uh, life was kind of boring I guess, at least at home. That’s why I took that job. There’s not much to do in Ursaea.” At least not when there wasn’t anyone to do things with. Noble life was painfully uneventful.

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"Nothing to do, huh? Come from a noble family or something?" Norbert asked, joking at first before remembering how Valter didn't seem to have much trouble with spending money. He'd bought him lunch -- which was probably not much for someone even in the working class -- but he'd also bought him a nice, military-grade poleaxe, which wasn't exactly cheap. Suddenly, the question was meant more seriously.

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“Yeah, actually,” Valter replied, then added as an afterthought, “My father’s a bishop of Ursaea. Heh, he has no idea where I am either. It’ll be great when I get home, I’m sure…” Oh, yes. He’d get a lecture probably. Could mention he’d been to purgatory, see what reaction that got.

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"Was just curious. The orphanage I come from is run by a retired Mercite chaplain, so I guess that has something to do with it," he replied with a shrug, "Did your father give you your job?"

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“Yeah. Probably to keep me out of the way, but I’m not complaining.” Bert mentioned the orphanage again, and Valter thought of something. “So he was a Mercite, huh? Where was the orphanage?”

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"North," Norbert answered, "Veeeeeeery far north. You know the mountains that make up the northern border of Ursium? It's up there in the mountains. I guess you could say it's an atypical orphanage." Norbert decided if Valter was curious about it, Norbert would tell him about the orphanage, but otherwise it was probably better to not talk about himself.

There was a question that began to come to mind, but he decided not to voice it. Instead, he asked something else. "So, how's your family? Last you heard from them, anyway. I don't expect you've had contact since Purgatory." Well, that was kind of a funny statement. He smiled at it. "I guess that's how it typically goes, though, huh? Going to Purgatory and not hearing much from your family. They have a terrible postal service."

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<"Hey!"> called out an officer, but to Raquel's surprise, it had absolutely nothing to do with her or her companions. That was a nice change of pace. It appeared to be an officer accosting another, though the other wore a different uniform from the looks of things. They both seemed to have plenty of backup close by ... now if she could just hear what they were saying.

<"You think you imperial bastards can just go around arresting anyone endorsing an independent Tracea?! You think we're just going to lie down and take that?!">

<"Do you think this is legal?! It's outright treason, and they're fortunate to get off with their lives! Keep protecting them, and you're the one that's going to be put to the sword.">

<"Put this to the sword, you imperial lapdog!"> And then the local militiaman punched the imperial officer and sent him straight to the floor. The two sides quickly converged to keep the two apart.

"... whoa ..." Raquel was dumbfounded.



A stray imperial soon approached Raquel's group. "Oi! Clear out, now! Get back!" It seemed he was just trying to make room and keep things contained, as well as keep civilians out of the picture, but his herding left them cut off from the northern docking area.

"W-wait! We need to get through! We're not going to cause any trouble!"

"GET!!! BACK!!!" the guard threatened as he drew his sword. He looked more troubled than angry, but Raquel complied just the same and kept backtracking until he was satisfied.

Around that time, John landed, and she suspected things were only just beginning. "What's going on?"

Shadrak and Reign

It seemed like a strange time for anyone to bring up the seagulls now as far as Shadrak was concerned, but he supposed no one was going to do much talking without having anything to talk about. Maybe the topic would change to something more interesting if he just gave a boring answer ... "Training." but that wasn't all. Veronika asked if he had gotten into anymore fights. Great, it was all about him now; that's just what he needed. He sighed heavily. "Maybe you should consider not letting just anyone into the group? I get that that artificial girl needed rescuing, but we didn't have to keep her in the group, and I don't even see why you'd allow that after she outright attacked me. Well, it's good to know you always have people's backs in a crisis, Veronika, even if it's the wrong back."

"At least it wasn't one of my friends. She wouldn't have saved you in time either way I don't think." Reign pointed out as some vague silver lining.

"I kind of wish she had actually caused some real damage. Maybe then, you would have done something about her." Shadrak added. "Seems people can get away with just about anything in this group, well, save for anyone attacking the artificial I guess. Gods forbid the quickly regenerating monster comes to any harm."

Reign was now thoroughly amused and shaking his head as he laughed. "Heheheheheh."

Gabbie and Anna

"More healers? Sure." Gabbie replied with a shrug. "Try not to doie." she warned the pink haired healer.

"It's no problem~ Well I'd better get started then," Anna spoke up. "If you can, bring Raquel here. If not, then let me know and you can take me to her and I'll bring any available dossiers I can find."

Mandy and Tali

"Only when I'm feeling okay," Talitha answered as they gave chase. "Also she likes putting people through obstacle courses. I'd say it comes with the territory, but we're more like inquisitors than testers." Talitha fell a little behind during the turn, but she expected that much. What she wasn't expecting was to almost run over someone.

A girl had been leaving a building from the side exit just as Faatina passed by on Sharif, and she assumed the danger had passed only to have to leap back inside to avoid Talitha. "I'm sorry!"

The girl hauled herself up with a pained expression and waved back yelling <"Are you people crazy?!"> in kigenese.

"I said I'm sorryyyyy!" Talitha repeated as she rode away into the distance.

<"Ugh. I can't believe I almost got run over just now ..."> the girl said before shaking her head a few times and then leaving.


The guards either rolled their eyes, scowled, or both. They clearly weren't getting paid enough to be cordial. "A pleasure to meet you, Katrina." Fyodor spoke up with that good old smile of his.


"Oh, good at math? Then you know I only go higher than forty-five each if I know where these pieces come from. Other buyers will want to pay you less for them." the merchant countered. "Forty-five is good deal, though. You are smart girl. Do the right thing." he insisted, pointing encouragingly at her.

Luca was getting tired of the stalling merchant but didn't want Nadya to miss out on any gold she might get by muscling in on the situation.


<"Barring a compass, I suppose that will do,"> Katsu replied, though he was still actually mulling it over, and had a pondering look on his face. <"You don't have to worry about books or anything, though. My companions would have been the first to tell you that training is the only entertainment I've ever known. Or maybe they would just say that I 'don't do fun', or something. I vaguely remember someone saying that when I turned my back once."> he explained, dipping into the past a bit.


<"It's Clan Finnian's pride and joy, and it's killed more throughout the years than our entire army!"> Bryn boasted as she began spinning the lance in her right hand while leaving the left free. She ended the spin with a quick and thrust that caused the feathers below the blade to fan out like an umbrella and obscure Bryn from the front. <"I can still remember my most recent kill ... it was beautiful ...">

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A Man Called Gar

Gar listened to Shade Drake's answer. It was kind of funny all told. "I'm sure you did absolutely nothing to deserve being hit," Gar smirked. "Well, on your other points, things got out of hand so we couldn't really leave her at the finest minimum security orphanarium in Tremere. I've actually been meaning to ask Zachary-boy if he's gonna dump her here but hey, can't do that now." Gar would have started with Shade Drake's "anyone into the group" by offering himself as the savior of the manse fight, but then they were only there becauze of Zachary-boy and that just defeated Gar's whole argument. "

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So, there was a scuffle going on. They weren't really in that much of a rush, so Raquel did the right thing by standing down, though Gytha wished she'd done so sooner. That was when the wyvern rider whose name began with a J flew in with news.


<"Ah, a compass!"> Daichi exclaimed. He knew he'd been forgetting something, <"Would you like some maps, too?"> He was already walking away from the closet to retrieve the items, expecting Katsu to follow. What Katsu said about the books made sense. If one didn't enjoy that sort of thing, the books would only weigh him down.

It was a little sad to hear him speak about his brothers in arms, though, if only because Daichi knew what had happened to them. <"Everyone has their own idea of what is enjoyable,"> he commented as he pulled open a drawer and took out a compass, <"I suppose they simply didn't understand you have your own way."> He was a little reserved. He knew Katsu was still wounded from that battle, after all, and he didn't want to strain the injury.

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Veronika sighed heavily at Shadrak's response. "You have to realize that saying she only exists to be a weapon is what provoked an attack in the first place. As for where Lia should go...well she wants to stay with us and I can see why. She doesn't have any other friends or family, so we're really all she's got. Maybe we should speak with Zachary about what to do with her long term," Veronika pondered aloud, still scanning the docks.


"Welcome aboard then Luka," Connor said, offering his hand for the boy to shake. "We should be able to bring Raquel back here once we run into her- might as well get going soon."


I wonder if it's worth the extra gold to lie to this guy...ah who am I kiddin' it's always worth the extra gold and I've already lied once. "Art dealer Norbert Valcyn, lives in an estate near Ursentius. I didn't mention it before since I didn't figure you knew Ursian art dealers," she said casually.


Ida looked at Brynhildr with a mixture of admiration and intimidation as she twirled the weapon around. <"So...is the new hairstyle going to help you get more kills?"> Ida asked, hoping very much that the answer was yes.

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A Man Called Gar

Well that was weird, Gar thought. "So, let me get this straight," Gar attempted to summerise things. "You insulted her, she attacked you and didn't inflict any lasting injuries, and then you feel like killing birds?" Gar quirked an eyebrow at that.

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Though unfortunate, at least the sudden commotion left them with a chance to land.

''Well, remember when Zach talked about sensing an aura?'' John began. ''Well, it seems it approached us so when he branched off it was to confront it's owner. And to top this off, I have reasons to suspect she may be aligned with the rebels, so we should be careful while heading back.''

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