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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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"Hmm...I wonder if water or ice magic couldn't be imbued into the weapon somehow to fix the cooling problem, make it a magic rifle of sorts. Not sure if that'd be cost effective either, since mages with that sort of ability can't be cheap," Connor hypothesized out loud.

Veronika and Nadya

Veronika pondered for a little bit, never having carried a powder keg before. "I think I can manage it," she said with some degree of confidence. Cutting through people has probably increased my arm strength right? I guess that's one way to look at fighting for your life...good exercise. she thought to herself.

"One hell of a memory you got there- whatta they call that, photographic? You this good with everything or just when it's about killin' people?" Nadya asked Gar out of curiosity.


"Unfortunately, I do have other matters to attend to, so I won't be able to monitor your progress directly. I suppose I could leave the pegasus sisters here to send me back reports, if you'd be willing to share a little with them. Sardis will obviously be wary of this, but he's usually too cowardly to kill subordinates anyway. Besides, I wouldn't have placed them here if I wasn't willing to lose them," Layla said with a shrug.

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A Man Called Gar

"Nah it's not the remember-anything type of recalling," Gar admitted. "I couldn't remember gun-lass's name for a while and I knew I knew it and ugh." Gar shook his head. "It is Gyntha right?" He shrugged. "The thrill of the kill is always strong in my mind so I just remember them easier. Also because I got beat with a sack of oranges when I couldn't list things off like that."

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"Not at all, I'm from Ursium..." The mention of the name Katsuragi piqued her interest though. "Katsuragi, though...? Well as you just heard, I'm not from here, I'm... not entirely privy as to the er... um, extent in which I should be surprised or honored or whatnot. I mean, it's a pleasure no matter what but uh... Oh! Wait a minute, I think I'm supposed to be sending letter to some katsuragi place in order to reach Fyodor when I'm off exploring the world and being his eyes! Wow, it is an honor!" That's her story and she's sticking to it. Ooooo, he's got a mansion! Wait, wasn't I just nearly murdered in one? Why am I happy?

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"Ice magic would be nice, but yeah ... expensive; we're trying to fix these things up for mass production so some things need to get sorted. It would could cool the barrel from the outside ... well we'd have to actually, or it would leave a lot of residue," Anna explained. "Even more than what you already get with more than one shot. What would really help us out is finding some kind of heat resistant metal to make the barrels out of that's cost effective ... at least enough for three shots. But what would really be nice is if we could combine the cooling device with the cleaning rod, then the operator could clean the barrel and cool it off at the same time. The whole point of these new guns is reload time and cutting it down as much as possible, so anything that takes care of two jobs simultaneously has some potential~"


"Good, 'cause we used up damn near all of it during that last battle and the whole 'sea mine' thing you people tried on that rebel ship."

"Hey, that had merit ... just couldn't find a way to set off the blasted things without sacrificing a flier ... and besides, it all worked out ... somehow." Lance defended the tactic.

"Yeah, yeah. We need some real mines next time. Chousokabe doesn't seem to be in the market, though ... that or the navies are hogging the good stuff. Nothin' new I s'pose. Alright, here ya go!" The sailor and another crewman helping him carefully passed a keg to Lance and Veronika.

"Let me take most of the weight if it's too much for ya!" Lance quickly noted as the full weight of the thing began to come down on them both.

Reign stared for a moment. "I don't have a partner ... any one man items?"

"Here, have a crate. Don't drop it, that's our cooks' ingredients, boy."


"Thanks," Suzume replied, though she frowned and sighed heavily almost immediately afterward. Long day ... "Well it was nice talking with you people ... sorta of. It would have been better under different circumstances."

"Aaagreed ..." Mandy replied with a couple of concerned nods.

Other Street

"Ursium and Neviskotia?" Ryou echoed the two women with some shock on in his voice. "... is the war over?"

Yori quickly elbowed his friend, though not hard enough to displace him. "It's ... sometimes a surprising thing to hear about northerners outside of Tracea actually getting along. We know it happens all of the time, but ... stereotypes. Pay it no mind." With that swept under the rug and kicked in the teeth for good measure, Yori moved right along. "Yes I'm technically nobility, but as you can see, I'm not wearing family's seal right now. I'd rather be mistaken for a commoner for the moment, though plenty of people around here would recognize Ryou and I." Yori replied with a smile.

"You met old man Fyodor?" Ryou chimed back in.

"Riiight, my family is looking after Fyodor for the time being." Yori confirmed.

"It's difficult. We want to protect him from some of the wandering would-be dragon slayers, but he likes to lay about in the open fields or on hilltops, and doesn't want to be crowded by guards. The whole town is going to be up in arms if someone gets to him ..." Ryou explained, crossing his arms and grimacing at his own assessment. "I suppose that's part of why what we're doing here is so important."


Fyodor was still being watched over by three guards, but now he was lying on his back with this snout toward the sky, his right paw poking up at the clouds every so often, and his tail swaying slowly. The guards would look up occasionally as well. "And that one looks like a one of those guns your ship captains are so fond of ... what was it ... 'long nine'?"

"The northerners prefer those." Rin clarified.

"Ah. Oh!" Fyodor pointed at another cloud. "That one looks like you, Rin. About to face off against a powerful foe. Look at the way you're preparing to draw your blade hmhmhm."

"... huh. I was thinking more like a ... bucket with a slim bottom, upside down with ... sword stuck through the middle. Okay your version is better-let's move on." Rin shook his head a few times. What was he thinking?

"Oi! Two more!" Iori warned, stepping around Fyodor's wandering tail with this hand on his weapon, ready to draw if anything seemed amiss.

Fyodor glanced over, letting his paws rest on his chest. "Just two? This feels like a day off~"


"You don't care about them?" Cassandra asked, frowning as she did. "They just want to help you, though, right?" She wasn't sure if Layla's concern for the pegasus sisters was lacking because they were incompetent or because they weren't more like either of them, but maybe she would find out soon now that she had spoken up about it. Though she suddenly regretted speaking up with such a concerned tone. She had been passed off as a blank slate originally, with few emotions or concerns than a regular person her 'age'.

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Norbert nodded in agreement with Suzume's statement. "Guess we should get going. Good hunting, Suzumay," the pegasus rider farewelled the bounty huntress before adding to Talitha and Mandy, "Guess I won't be seeing either of you for a while either, if at all. Good luck with the guild stuff."

Then, to Faatina, he asked as he rode over to where Valter was snoozing, "You coming with us or are you going with Mandy and Talitha a little longer?"


<"She'll be ready soon. I'm going to go get her staff and talk to Sumire,"> Daichi informed Katsu before leisurely walking over to the back door, sliding it open and stepping outside.

Daichi looked over to Sumire after he'd shut the door and sure enough, she was looking right at him, clearly expecting him to say something. So, he did. Smiling pleasantly, the head of the family asked his wife, <"Are you feeling better?">

<"I suppose,"> she replied, though she was still clearly indignant at the choice he'd made.

Daichi sighed a little, then went on, <"I know you are afraid of what may happen if Hana goes looking for her sister.">

<"Do you?"> Sumire asked snappishly.

Her husband nodded before gently answered, <"It is not traditionally a woman's place to travel or to fight. You are afraid she will become undesirable and will not find a husband. We do not know where Kikuko-chan is... I am aware that Hana is my only child if Kikuko-chan is... ... Well... You do not have to be concerned with whether my line continues or not.">

Before he could say anything more, Sumire burst out, <"Of course I do! Even through Hana-chan, if she marries into an honorable family, your line can continue at least in some form, even if you do not have a son to carry your name... But Hana-chan is such an ungrateful, spoiled daughter! She is such a useless, selfish child! She doesn't think about her family's continuation or even its honor! She has put absolutely no effort into preparing to become a good wife to an honorable man from a reputed family. Instead, she insists on doing such improper things such as exploring the woods! I've done my best -- I really have! It is my responsibility to ensure the family continues...and not even Kikuko, who was such a perfect daughter, remains. There is only Hana left... Why couldn't it have been Hana who went missing?! Then all of us would be happy!">

Daichi was concerned, but Sumire's last, bitter outcry shocked him. <"How can you say that?! It is a terrible thing that Kikuko-chan is missing...but to wish one had gone missing instead of the other? Hana is a capable young lady. She will be of more help to Katsu-san than Kikuko would be... Perhaps it is a good thing that things have happened as they have. I would not permit Kikuko-chan to go help Katsu-san if it had been Hana who went missing, after all, and I am certain that Hana will be a great help to him. I love both of my daughters, Sumire. I want them both to come home safely.">

<"It isn't you who has to work so hard to get them married! You did your part in continuing your line! I do not want to be dishonorable! I must succeed in my role in life! Hana-chan is a disgrace and reflects badly on our family! When she goes out there--!">

<"No one will know she is Kazemi Hana!"> Daichi interrupted. His anger and statement surprised Sumire into backing off considerably.

<"W-what..?"> she much more humbly and quietly asked.

Softening his tone again, Daichi clarified, <"No one will know she is our daughter. You do not have to worry about people saying she gets her tomboyish behavior from you.">

<"How?"> Sumire could hardly believe it.

<"She will be disguised as a boy when she travels with Katsu-san. I was just on my way to retrieve a weapon for her to use.">

<"A weapon?"> Sumire echoed as concern marked her face, <"Hana cannot use a weapon, though... She isn't expected to actually fight anything, is she?">

<"No, of course not. If she must defend herself, she should have one, however, and it will help to complete the disguise. Katsu-san can teach her to use the weapon easily along the way as well. It is not a difficult weapon to learn to wield.">

Sumire sighed heavily. <"This is all so boorish..."> then she relented, <"I will trust your judgement on this, however, my husband.">

Daichi relaxed a little at those words. <"Good. I'll go get the weapon, then. You may stay out here as long as you'd like."> With that he went off to get Hana's quarterstaff.

Once Haruo had finished packing his supplies, tied his short hair back and put on a leather breastplate, he returned to where Katsu was waiting, his furoshiki slung over his shoulder. Daichi still hadn't returned yet, so the girl in disguise wondered where he was.

<"Is Kazemi-sama outside?"> he asked the only other occupant of the area.

Edited by Mercakete
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"Well, what are the barrels made out of now, steel? I think titanium is a heat resistant metal- of course titanium is pretty expensive too. Only way I can think of to cool down and clean at the same time is ice magic again. I guess if it were easy to mass produce a more efficient rifle someone would have done it by now," Connor thought aloud.

Nadya and Veronika

"Oh yeah, you're thinkin' of Gytha, the pirate. Don't call her a pirate though or she'll fire a warnin' shot into one of your less vital areas," Nadya warned Gar.

"I think I got my end!" Veronika said, struggling a bit under the weight of the powder keg, attempting to keep it lifted with the power of her legs. "Where are we supposed to go with this?" she asked. Hope this isn't a long answer, I don't want to have to hold this longer than I have to.


"They want to help because they're paid, not out of any sort of true loyalty. They've been useful enough, but as a superior being you will have to learn that 'normal' humans can be discarded for the greater cause when necessary. Such things will grow more obvious to you in time," Layla reassured Cassandra.

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"Yeah they would ... and they're currently using steel, yes. Titanium is pretty difficult to make. It would be great for our own security forces and worth the cost, but producing them for the army would be a tall order and I don't think they would go for it. They would be paying for them after all." Anna frowned a bit.

Somewhere Between the Leverager and the Markets

The docks were in view now, and so were the folded up sails of dozens of ships. The Leveragers seemed to stick out rather easily, being a galleon among mostly sloops, but the ship itself was still obscured behind some buildings. Raquel sighed. "Almost back ... I hope we're not holding them up too much by having the Dauntless stuck on the main deck."


Lance grunted as they were handed the keg. He wasn't usually one of the men loading up supplies, so he had a renewed appreciation for the others who actually had to move the things around when readying for battle. "Okay we've got it!"

"Have fun." the man waved them off.

"Okay," Lance began. "We're headin' for the cargo hold so you take travel rear. Less trouble with the stairs."

Reign took the crate of goods, intending to follow the two of them onto the main deck. This stuff was probably going to the galley, though.


That's not really how I saw it, but I guess things are different with a group like this. When is it going to be necessary to sacrifice people, though? "I guess so." Cassandra replied, frowning, though she was still rubbing Ripper's belly. It might have been awkward if she stopped just because of that.

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The Office

"I'll have to think more on it I guess," Connor said to Anna. I could try transmuting the barrels from steel to titanium, but then I'd have to have a lot of titanium on hand. "Any other developments? I wonder if the weapons from the expo last month have been used by the military yet," he wondered aloud.

The Docks

Veronika began moving forward with hald of the keg in hand, careful not to go too quickly as that may make transport difficult for Lance. So if I went into a career in the navy, this is the sort of thing I could look forward to doing all day. Ugh, glad I didn't go that route. she thought to herself.

The Tavern

"I know so," Layla said emphatically. "Well, we really do have to be going- but I will be seeing you later," she promised Cassandra, clapping her hands, which caused Ripper to rise to his feet. She opened the door and began walking down the stairs.

"You three will be staying here until you receive other orders," Layla said authoritatively, tossing a small sack of gold in Cecily's direction.

Well...at least we're getting paid? Clara thought to herself optimistically.

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"I'm probably going to stick with them for a little while longer... it's... tough to say goodbye, y'know? I want to make the most of what little time I have left." Faatina replied to Norbert, giving him a slight grin.

"That was pretty generous of you though, Norbert. I didn't think you had it in you." She continued with a light chuckle.


"Ah... okay." Lisandra replied to Davod, not having much else to do alternatively.

"Whatever... you want, Davod."


"Hmm... well that sure didn't last long... I suppose I'll give it one more try, and if that doesn't work... we'll see I suppose." Kit noted to herself, as she readied herself to warp once again. Dissapearing into the wormhole she created, the fox-woman made her appearance, directly in front of the strange pink-haired merchant, only a few feet at best separating them.

"Geez, y'know that artifact of yours is like some sort of beacon. It really was too easy for me to find you again..." Kit noted, as she took a dainty step towards the woman.

"Now then, where were we?"

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Norbert nodded. He could understand Faatina's reasons for wanting to spend a little more time with Mandy and Talitha. Then, though, she suddenly complimented him. He was a bit taken off-guard. "What? Nah, it wasn't that big a deal," he replied a little uncomfortably, feeling a bit awkward at the comment, "I had the extra money and he needed it more than I did is all." It was a strange tone he was taking, as the message was fairly calm and informative, but the tone was a bit more heated and insistent.

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"Raquel. The Dauntless floats thanks to those magical disks, right? Can you not just turn up the power on them or something? Have the mages cast an updraft, or put more magical power into it? You only need to get it over the edge of the ship and onto the street after all, right?"

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"Awwww..." Head tilted to the side, a little touched. "You guys really care for the big guy, don't you?" Well, I guess they're ok in my book for the moment... Lucky? Or are they just clever? "Anyway, yeah what of it, I'm Ursium and she's a Neviskotian! Walking, talking, living, breathing paradoxes! Right in front of your very eyes! you should feel honored to be setting your eyes upon such beauteous anomalies such as we~!"

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"They're building Recusants left and right, but everyone's being real hush hush about the details of the attack. If they knew just one person took out three of our testing tanks, they would halt production and start questioning us for answers. We'd have to go with the Neviskotian story or tell them there's a criminal group out there that breached Weyland's security. It's a lose-lose." Anna explained. "They're more concerned with beating up Vanguards, though so the Astra Bows are only being given to high ranking officers and elite bowmen and they're still testing what they can do with the Visceral Bows, so I haven't heard anything about them in awhile. I don't think any of them are going to be ready in time to help out in Central, though."


"Last time we didn't have much of a choice, but Lilith got it down before anyone got hurt. It doesn't have any way of staying stable once we start moving it, though. Maybe if we had an earth mage ..."

"Don't worry about it. Weyland Enterproises is paying for the next crane, so we just let them do what they did before and we're home free. Besoides, they're going to give us a better version once we make it back, anyway. It probably won't have the crane issues ... I dunno, we'll see." Gabbie chimed in. And then something no one was expecting happened. The fox woman returned in an instant.

"Wha-!" Raquel took a step back. "W-what do you want from us?"

Gabbie eyed the fox woman dubiously. "And what's with the hat?" Yes, she cared more about the funny hat than the ears or the nine tails.


Lance began leading as he and Veronika hauled the barrel of gunpowder up the loading ramp and onto the main deck. Reign followed the up to that point and then splintered off to inquire about the crate he was carrying. He thought it might go in the galley, but it could also be put elsewhere for storage if it wasn't the first box of provisions the cooks would be going into. "Hey, where do the chefs want this?" he asked a crewman leaning against a wall below the aft deck.

"Take it to the galley and leave it there. If the boys want it moved again later, well ... that's someone else's problem."

Reign shrugged. True enough. He headed for the galley to deliver the crate while Lance and Veronika carefully approached the staircase. One step at a time they took things until they were below decks.

"Not bad, you can lift, that's for certain. Sure ya don't want to join the crew? We could make an exception for fighters like you and Gytha, I'm sure."


"So I won the race, right?" Mandy asked again.

Talitha gave a tired miserable look in response for a moment before snapping out of it. "Bye, Bert." she spoke up, giving the pegasus rider a small wave. She figured that was the best time.

Other Street

"How does that work, exactly?" Ryou inquired about the two of them getting along.

Yori immediately cut in though saying "No need to pry. So, you're going to help old Fyo see a little bit more of the world? That's very good of you."

Ryou nodded. "Yeah, that ... also makes this a little awkward. You see, I was wondering where the two of you were from and, how you felt about Tracea so far. If you're travelers, then I doubt either of us could convince you to settle down here. At least not right away." Ryou came clean.

"I'm just glad to know that Fyodor will be getting some help with this sight seeing. My family can only do so much with the Empire ... what's that expression? 'Breathing down our necks'? Something like that." Yori added.


Well that almost makes the days we've spent in this rundown mining town worth it. I'm not sure about the next few, though. "Thank you, Layla." Cecily replied in a hushed tone as she caught the gold.

After Layla left, Cassandra slowly stood up sighed. "Nothing is like I thought it was. I'm not sure what to do or how to handle this ..."


Katsu nodded. He had been trying to envision some of their search and how things might turn out, somewhat worst case scenarios, mostly. Perhaps finding Kikuko in the hands of some shady individuals and having to kill them to rescue her. Perhaps having to travel to the borderlands or even into the fallen's territory just to find her. That one was truly the worst case scenario, but there was no way he could take on so many fallen and protect Hana. For now, he was just praying that her captors were human or nonexistent. <"We can say goodbye once he returns.">

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Well, it sounded like it was time to go. Giving one, last, half-effort wave to the women, Norbert addressed Valter. "Didn't get much sleep last night or something? We can head back now; I'm done here."


<Ah, I guess he's doing something I shouldn't interrupt.> <"Alright, Katsu-san,"> Haruo replied, <"I'll go get my staff. It's the last thing I need.">

She was already heading for the back door, but Hana's parents came into the house through it before she reached it. Daichi was holding her quarterstaff. <"Ah, Hana, you're ready to go?"> Hana's father asked as he entered the room.

<"Uh, yes, father,"> she replied, melting into her true identity seamlessly.

<"Good. Here, I want you to take this with you,"> he replied as he handed her the staff, <"Katsu-san will be able to teach you how to use it while you're on the road.">

<"Oh. Yes, that will be useful,"> she replied, playing along with the prompts he was giving her.

Daichi took in the scene before him for a moment with a smile. His daughter looked ready for anything. <She's really grown up, hasn't she? Ah, I am so proud of her! Hana is such a brave girl.>

Sumire, meanwhile, was his polar opposite. While he was smiling lovingly at his daughter, she held a cold, impassive expression.

Figuring this was the proper time to do so, Hana bowed deeply to her parents. <"Thank you for this opportunity."> Rising, she smiled at her father, then looked a little uncertainly at her mother. <"I will do my very best. I will return with Kikuko; you'll see!">

<"Even if you do not,"> Sumire spoke up, sternly at first, but then softening some, <"you must return someday.">

Hana grimaced. She didn't really want to return home without her little sister and she had a good idea as to why her mother wanted her to return. <"I..."> Hana began, finishing the sentence a bit more honestly as her eyes wandered over to her father, <"I couldn't allow myself not to see you again.">

<"Good. Maybe this will be good for you,"> Sumire offered hopefully, <"perhaps seeing this life you've been wanting for yourself will make you understand which life is truly where you belong.">

<"I'm sure it will,"> Hana replied.

<"Well...good luck,"> Daichi farewelled with an encouraging nod, though it was clear by his eyes that he, himself, wasn't too confident.

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"If history's any indication, there will be another battle over Central soon enough anyway," Connor said. "I thought the military already knew about this criminal organization and Sardis the tank buster- maybe they kept quiet for our sakes," he guessed aloud.


Veronika smiled a little as they carried the keg below decks. "I'd consider it, but I do plan on helping Raquel see this through. Also...I'm looking for someone and I think sticking with Raquel is the best way to find him," she said to Lance, slowly walking down the steps.

Layla and Clara

"I always reward good work. I suspect you'll be be receiving a more dangerous task in the future after Sardis's inevitable failure, so I suggest you enjoy the peace while it lasts," Layla suggested, heading towards the door.

Maybe Sardis will succeed and we won't have to do any fighting? That'd be nice. Clara thought to herself.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"What I want, my pretty little merchant, is to know more about that peculiar little artifact you carry that gives off such an impeccably strange aura. Come now, it's so much easier for everyone if you just tell me~" Kit mused to Raquel, before turning to the lancer beside her.

"And I'll have you know that this hat, like the rest of my ensemble, is a fashionable accessory to highlight my charms~ Come now, you have to admit it looks cute on me~"


"Whatever you say, Mandy." Faatina gave up, not willing to attempt to counteract the woman's disposition.

"So what should we do next?"

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"Alright, well, that doesn't sound too good," Blake said in response to the report that they lost another member of Dagger. Judging by the fact that Raquel had managed to be downed, Cloak had done just as bad if not worse than Dagger. Geez, where had he gone wrong? The swordsman contemplated this question, as he fell into silence.

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A Man Called Gar

"Yeah, well if it's any consolation it was less your fault and more the fault of Lia going on a rampage just prior to our intervention," Gar said because he was a nice guy like that. "That more-or-less gathered those spread throughout into two big places instead of a slow piece-meal effort for Dagger to cut through while Cloak did whatever."

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"Yeah I don't think they would want that spreading too far, but that aside, I think only Major General Alexakis knows any of the details. I don't know if she's been forth coming with any of them around other officers. Hopefully she hasn't. Hammer Industries has a lot of friends in the military and they would love to know that a charged singularity is all it takes to deal with a Recuscant." Anna explained, sighing at the thought of a smear campaign popping up out of the blue, courtesy of the rival company.


Raquel began glancing all over the place. Artifact?! Oh no, it's the emblem! She's probably not with Sardis, though, or she would already know everything she needs to know and just attack us ... what should I do? She won't stay back and Gytha's the only one who can really do anything here. Sure enough, Gabbie's lance was on Ringo's saddle, and at this range, the fox woman could have produced a human shield or attacked if Robin tried to draw an arrow and shoot. Gytha on the other hand still had a pistol loaded and ready to go. "It's my 'artifact', and that's all you need to know." Raquel tried to come back firmly.

"'Hoighloight'? Even I don't tease that hard." Gabbie scowled.

Raquel glanced annoyingly at Gabbie wondering why they were even having that conversation.


"'Lookin' for someone'?" he echoed. "What's his name? We'll keep an eye out ... for what it's worth." Lance offered, shrugging a bit as they carried the keg along. There were plenty of others below deck setting things down nearby and heading back up to the main deck, while others were heading farther down into the ship to the holds.


"Well we should still head to the outskirts. It's safer there for Tali." Mandy answered.

"No racing this time! I almost ran someone over trying to catch up." Talitha quickly chimed in.

"Darn, okay just regular pace this time, heheh."


Cecily sighed. "Understood." Couldn't go anywhere nice; couldn't do anything nice. That seemed to be their lot in life lately.

Sardis stood near the bar with his arms loosely crossed, waiting for Layla to leave. After that ... well, one step at a time, but he didn't want to give Cassandra too much time to sit on whatever information Layla filled her head with.


All matters were settled and the goodbyes and farewells were being exchanged. Katsu stood up and picked up his things before walking over to retrieve his swords. he secured them over his gear and held the furoshiki in his hands for the moment. <"We will return with Kikuko ... or ... news of her."> Katsu promised, though he had to throw in the last part. For all he knew she was dead and leaving off the latter half was just making a promise he couldn't keep. At the very least, the two of them could discover what happened to her, and if she was still alive, which he hoped with all his being, they would do whatever it took to rescue her and return her home. After one final bow to the Kazemis, Katsu turned to head out.

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"Aww, there's no reason to be like that~ Is the pursuit of knowledge such a taboo to you? I've never seen anything like it before, curiousity needn't be a crime, no?" Kit replied to Raquel, as she began to daintily saunter forward towards the merchant girl, her pace laid back and somewhat lazy.

"And come now, I see no problems with teasing~ Mutual benefits you know, the boys get something to look at, and well let's face it, they'll have far more trouble trying to stick swords in me if they can't walk straight~" Kit continued to Gabbie, turning towards the lancer slightly, still making her way closer to Raquel.


"Yeah, it might be best if we kept a more shallow pace this time around..." Faatina agreed, waiting on one of the others to lead the way.

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"Hoy, just what're ye plannin'?" Gytha spoke up evenly and clearly from behind Raquel. She'd been watching the conversation play out stone-faced and indeed had been casually keeping ready for a quick-draw if it came to it. "Yer not entitled t' know someonthin' just because yer curious. It's her artifact n' she doesn't want t' show ye, so best t' just move along."


<"Goodbye!"> Hana gave one, last farewell before following after Katsu and heading out the door. Hana's parents followed as far as the doorway and watched them leave.

Once they were around the bend and out of sight of her parents, Hana again dismissed her feminine gait and over-all way of carrying herself in favor of a more masculine one. <This is so exciting! I finally going to be able to travel around and I won't have to hear mother's criticism anymore! I wonder if Katsu-san will really teach me how to fight better along the way. I wonder how father knows him, too. Maybe he's a soldier or even a mercenary! I bet he's really good at fighting. Father let me travel with him to find Kikuko, after all! I'm a little nervous since this is my first time travelling so far, but I just know this is going to be just the release I've been needing! It's my big chance to be myself! Well, kind of. I'm being Haruo, but at least I can follow my dreams! Actually, that's pretty selfish... Right, I need to focus. I have to find Kikuko. That's why I'm out here.>

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"Well it's not as if Neviskotia is throwing around singularities all over the place- at least I don't think they are. Still better to keep any design flaws classified though," he agreed.


"His name is Pavel, Pavel Malinov. Probably won't be an easy man to find, but I appreciate the effort," Veronika said to Lance genuinely. I have to wonder if the Guardians aren't looking for him as well- you think they'd try to protect their own... she pondered, carrying the keg along.

Layla and Ripper

Having said her piece, Layla decided to exit the tavern and begin heading out of the tavern, Ripper in tow, their destination far from the ghost town that was Sardis's base.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"Oh wait, I'm probably keeping you. What were you planning on doing after Raquel left, again?" Anna asked, feeling she should probably handle some things herself. Veronika wasn't due for awhile, but she still had to find a nice meeting room to set up and contact the various captains before any of them set out. She had work to do too, though she could be rather quick about it and could spare another minute or two.


"Or torture ... depending on how you look at it." Gabbie replied to Kit's explanation. She then began looking around to see how many other people were around. Not very many, and no guards from where she was standing, but a few people sparing the exchange a glance, and why not, this was not something any of them saw everyday. "Hmm."

Raquel took another step back, only recovering half of the distance Kit was closing each time. "Just a little too close for comfort; you came out of nowhere and that's usually a bad sign." Raquel defended. "If you can sense it from a distance, then please stay at a distance." she said, taking another step back.


"Hey, ya never know," Lance replied. Once they reached a few more kegs on the gun deck, he said "Alright, we've gotta set'er down nice and slow. Don't wanna drop it, now; it'll roll right off into the others and while that'd be funny as all get out, we'd probably have an injury, heheh."

Reign meanwhile dropped off the crate in the galley and then strolled back out onto the main deck with his hands behind his head. He noticed the captain up on the aft deck after he turned around, and he was still keeping an eye out for something or other. "I wonder if he's expecting someone." Reign stopped a passing sailor the first chance he got. "Hey, is the Captain expecting guests?"

"Only 'guests' I know about are the unwelcome kind, the rebels."

"Huh, alright, thanks. I'll go grab another crate or something." Reign replied with a sigh.


"To the outskirts!" Mandy took the lead, and Talitha made certain they weren't lagging behind this time, though it was much easier this time since Mandy didn't have Summer moving faster than a canter. "Hey, if either of you spot a restaurant, let me know. I'm getting a little hungry, heheh."


As Layla left, Sardis uncrossed his arms and leaned up against the bar counter, waiting for Cassandra to come back down. When she didn't, he stopped leaning and started walking, heading up stairs to investigate.

Cecily kept her eye on him until he was out of sight. I hope this doesn't get out of hand. What is Cassandra to them, anyway?

Once he was upstairs, he barged into the room Cassandra was staying in. "What are you doing?" he asked her, looking neutral for a change.

She slowly picked her head up and replied "Thinking about the emblem ..."

"Oh? What did she tell you."

"That you're a failure."

Sardis sighed. "I admit things haven't gone as smoothly as I'd hoped, but Layla and Zerachiel are too shortsighted. We're no closer to true defeat than you are to the sun. They can't see a major victory beyond a minor defeat and it makes them too quick to kill otherwise useful assets. That kind of thinking will compromise everything if it gets out of hand. That's why I'm in charge of this project."

"... project?"

"We waste too much time talking," Sardis suddenly came back with. He then tossed Cassandra the emblem piece he carried. "Resume your training."


Katsu began slowing down as they walked. Not having any idea where the hell they were going, he offered the lead up to Hana, and just to make sure she knew what he was doing and why, he said <"Our first stop should be the woods, but I don't know the way. Do you remember where the cave is you mentioned?">

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Valter woke from his light nap to find that the others had left already. Disappointing, he hadn’t meant to be out that long. “No, I’m fine. It’s just habit,” he replied a bit sheepishly. He began riding Phyllis towards one of the roads leading from the clearing. “It’s been a while. We should probably stop by the Leverager first and see if there’s any news on ships.”


An Ursian and Neviskotian, beating the odds! Katrina couldn’t help but smile. “How does it work? Friendship and perseverance~” she replied to Ryou. Then he explained his original intentions, and she added a bit more soberly, “Yeah, I wouldn’t be able to stay even if I wanted to. I’ve got family back home.” Well then, enough with the non-happy stuff.

“It’s really kind of your family to take care of Fyodor, Yori. How did you meet him?” she asked.


Layla left, and Cloe lost her rigid stance. “Whoopee…” she said, twirling her finger in the air. “Well, at least the next mission will be entertaining. Probably.”

Then Sardis went upstairs, and she gave him a passing glance. "Heh. Damage control?"


Well, Synthia’s shopping trip had mostly been a success. Her bag now contained things that were actually edible, including a few pears for her new horse. She discovered that the mare had a taste for them when it pilfered one from a merchant’s stall… That had been embarrassing. The mage had bought a bridle but no saddle. The Kigenese style was weird and she figured she’d just buy one when they reached Ursium. As such, Synthia rode out of the markets bareback.

Edited by roymbrog
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