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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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"The Prometheus is in the northern docks. Look for a smooth gray hull, though you shouldn't have too much trouble. That's where I'll be and I'm easy enough to spot, right?" Delan smiled in response.

Reign stood up only to find that he still didn't come close to Delan in height and said, "Yeah ..."

"Well I'm off. Gonna get things ready on my end. I'll contact you when I can, Delan," Daniella explained. Delan nodded and then she left.

"So then, to preparations. I'll be at my ship waiting for the Dauntless and the rest of your people."

To the Future

With the shopping done, Raquel's group headed back to the Leverager. Somehow though, Veronika, Connor, and Reign beat them there and told them about the new ship and her captain, Delan. That was good news, but with that storm coming, they had to focus on moving the Dauntless. It wasn't long before Anna showed up in person with the dockers, who had been paid quite a bit more than normal to do the job and do it quickly. While the Dauntless was being secured and ready for unloading, John and Sophia arrived and relayed the news about Burke. Raquel was nothing short of shocked, but there was little to be done now that he had apparently left. There was the matter of moles in the group, but they seemed to just want to keep an eye on them for now, and apparently Burke was willing to answer questions if they bested him in battle. The hell? Still, nothing to be done about it at the moment.

Raquel was full of regret at her timing, though. They got the Dauntless down, but the storm arrived as if it had been waiting for just that moment. It would be hours before any of the ships could safely set out from the looks of things, and it was getting noticeably darker. Anna had paid the men to get the Dauntless from one ship to the other, so they kept working, hoping the winds wouldn't get any worse. Eventually they did, though, and the men had to stop, with the Dauntless sitting right next to the Prometheus and still hooked up to the crane.

Back at the Leverager, Bogdan waited. Lev waited. No one was going anywhere with the winds this bad. Even if Lev and his squadron got through the storm well enough, they couldn't risk flying the eggs back to land in this weather. It just wasn't happening. Raquel took one of her heavier cloaks so she could deal with the rain and came back to the Leverager to check in on Bogdan. That was where she met Lev proper. She only felt worse knowing that the Leverager was stuck in port until the storm passed, but at least the imperial navy was here to help out if something happened.

"It's good to know that Ursium's youth isn't completely indoctrinated to those ways. I'm glad you're here to support us in this, Miss Valcyn," Lev continued with their conversation.

"Umm, thank you," she bowed a bit reflexively.

"Thank you. We owe you a great deal. If there's ever anything we do for you, please let us know," added, winking at her. Next he turned to Bogdan and asked, "Heard anything from Filat, yet?"

"No way to keep in contact, especially not in this weather," Bogdan answered with a scowl as rain drops assaulted his face.

"Quite true, and it's getting really dark out. If this rain doesn't stop soon, we'll have to think of something else. The dragoons aren't an option right now either, I'm afraid."

"Dragoons?" Raquel echoed curiously.

"Water wyverns that swim instead of fly. Their riders are excellent swimmers and could retrieve the eggs where we'd fail. This is a situation where I'd like to call on their services but alas, I can't predict the weather."

It was more and more waiting, a couple of hours in fact. Once the rain finally stopped, Anna quickly ordered the dockers to get the Dauntless aboard the Prometheus. It wasn't fun work when everything and half of everyone was soaking wet, but they got it done. Now they were ready to leave. The Leverager could now set sail. The Prometheus could now set sail. The Warmonger could now set sail. So what was stopping the former?

"Oh my goooods!" shouted a frightened sailor as he ran away from the starboard side of the Leverager's main deck. A smaller ship was coming into port way too fast to stop before colliding with the ship. Bogdan and Lev glanced over just in time to see the ship illuminated by the lamps and then it hit. Raquel went straight to the floor and the whole ship leaned hard to port. Some of the sailors fell off into the water as a result.

"They're persistent," Bogdan said as he got his footing back.

Lev helped Raquel up and said, "You're kidding, it's really them? The rebels? I'm mobilizing my squadron. We kill them all here and now and that solves one of our problems."

I knew it ... I took too long. If I had just swallowed my pride and gotten the Dauntless off as soon as we got here, they would have been long gone by now! This is all my fault ... "Captain, let me help!"


"This is my fault; don't even pretend you'd still be docked here if it wasn't for my oversized transport."

"You and your companions don't have to shield us completely. We can fight and we have more men than you do," Bogdan noted. "Let us handle the ship. Gather your companions and defend the docks. If they manage to surround us, we will need your help and we don't want the enemy storming the main deck. It'll be chaos. Help us maintain control of the area until the guards arrive."

"Okay, on it! Let's go, Veronika! We've got to get the others over here!"


The stage has been set ... partially, but what we need now is for the PCs to be placed. As some general advice, do not place your PCs in town or anywhere that Raquel and Nika won't be able to get to them in time. They won't search the whole port just to find stragglers; they don't have the time, so keep that in mind. Right now the best places for pcs are on or near the Leverager (main deck or docks), or on or near the Prometheus (main deck or docks).

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Veronika scanned around, they had some of their group with them, but there were some key members missing...inclufding Nanahm. Nanahm had expressed his wanting to leave just a few hours earlier...she'd definitely miss the man both on the battlefield and off, but she couldn't afford to have her thoughts linger on him with a battle approaching. "We'll have to hurry- even if we're missing a few people it's better than leaving the Leverager without aid," she said to Raquel, jogging towards the Prometheus.


Nadya helped Sandrock and Riley settle in below the decks of the Prometheus, which was thankfully a bit more spacious than the Leverager. She was waiting with Luca outside however, as the ship was unlikely to leaving during the storm. We'll have enough time to be cramped out later, I don't mind bein' a little wet for time bein'. she thought to herself, looking at the dark stormclouds.


"So...you said this ship had flood protection runes. Are there wind resistance runes as well? Not that I necessarily want to test them against the storm mind you, especially since the Warmonger wouldn't be able to follow, but I'm curious if the Prometheus could handle it," Connor asked Captain Delan out of curiosity. He had taken to hanging around the captain after doing a quick transmutation earlier on the sword of one of the horsemen in their group.

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A Man Called Gar

Trip back, reuniting with others, new ship announcement, STORM, money solves everything, Armor-Guy and.... Armor-Guys-Girl arrive to relay news about some enemy guy named Burke. Moles and such too. Armor-Guy probably totally thought one of them was Gar, of how did his shadiness affect other's perceptions of him! Well, it was entirely possible for it all to be a lie, a carefully crafted move on Burke-man's part--though it was entirely possible to be true too.

The storm worsened after they got that ridiculous wagon back to ground, causing Gar to pull up his cloak hood as the winds and rain battered the port city and all the people and other there. He decided to stick by the Leverager, hoping to catch some certain others to talk about things now that he wasn't busy. That... didn't come to pass. Minutes after the rain stopped, what came to pass was the Leverager getting rammed like it was a castle gate sending sailors overboard and some on deck facedown unto it. Gar of course wasn't one of the ones who fell down as he balanced himself out by flipping about like the crazy bastard he was. He was extra glad to be rid of the wine bottles though, they might have slipped out and broken if he still had them. His pouches--save the money and food ones--weren't designed for acrobatics with such items. Why he was thinking about the skills of his leatherworker when they'd just been rammed was anyone's guess.

And the ones who rammed them were... the rebels? Seriously? These rebel twits cannot seriously believe they'll be able to overpower the Leverager crew, drag out the dragons or eggs--have I already forgotten which ship is carrying which?--and sail out perfectly fine. Gar's thoughts were amazed at the ridiculousness of this... suicidal plan. The tailing ship from the days at sea was good. The rebels were too well-trained to waste something on such a suicidal ram like this. There was something more here. And that meant... that the Dark Utka was probably the real target. The sheer hit from that ram would make any movement during the storm even more of a reckless sail. Not leaving anything to chance Gar checked over the railing to make sure. The Leverager was the proud new owner of a giant-ass hole in its hull.

So, now the question was to tell Captain Bogdan? It was possible the man had already figured it out. But if he hadn't, it could distract him from the battle at hand. But if Gar said anything, ideas might get thrown around and attacks into the storm with other ships might be a possibility.

Gar sighed, he did feel something about doing that Emblem dump to the reasonable Captain. What was it? Amusement, that was it. But hey, the guy let Gar on board he at least owed him something. Nothing! Hahahaha, yeah.

"Captain!" Gar yelled through. "This rebel plan is suicidal, they might be going after the Dark Utka, and leaving these men to die to cripple the Leverager and its crew to prevent pursuit."

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Keeping to herself on the ship, Mushirah had taken to her drawings, sketching various sights she'd seen that day. She would've done more sightseeing but with the strom incoming she opted to just be where she was gonna end up before it happened and avoided a catastrophe like rain getting all over her work. The mere thought of that happening made her shiver. "That would've sucked... thank the gods I got it all sorted out beforehand though!" she said to herself. The sound of rain seemed to be letting up, and while it appeared to be dark outside, Mushirah was still longing for some fresher sea air. Her belongings safe in her backpack, her cloak wrapped tightly about herself, she decided to just bask in the cool sea breeze. I can't wait to go beyond mapping out ports... Not that I hate em, I just really wanna see something new, something fresh... something cool maybe? Heh, but dad always said I should just be thankful for what I've got, not to get greedy and all that, but what's the harm in a little bit of it, pops? Ominousss...

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So the goods were exchanged, the Dauntless was loaded, unloaded, and reloaded, and the Prometheus was ready to set sail. Blake promptly departed for the Leverager, once everything else was more or less set. Raquel and Veronika had went over there to check on Bogdan over two hours ago, so perhaps something had come up during the storm which had delayed them longer than expected. Or perhaps they lost track of time, which was entirely possible. Regardless, he probably wouldn't miss the boat if he went to check. And if he did, well, perhaps it would be for the better.


Rain was always nice. It kept the air nice and light, and generally speaking there was nothing quite as refreshing as a stroll in the rain, to Grant. The wind was... less appreciated in this scenario. So with no small amount of displeasure, the warlock retreated into the marketplace for a few hours, darting from tent to tent half-blind in a feeble attempt to seek shelter from the salty winds.

Eventually, the storm passed, and the duelist returned to the port containing the Leverager. He'd may as well see if he could gain passage now, instead of lollygagging around for the next few days. The man had just entered the main docks area when an apparently suicidal ship collided with the Leverager. Oh boy. Grant brandished his tome, and swiftly made his way to the Leverager to see what had exactly happened. If it was those rebel lunatics, he'd probably just make a break for the market. Otherwise, perhaps he could get himself free passage by helping out with disposing of the attacker.

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The BZ Boysssssssssss

Zach stuck around and talked with Fyodor a bit more after the explanation of the Thunder Shield and the chaos needed to properly use the technique. The young man and the dragon discussed other uses of thunder magic along with some concepts of what it could do aside from pure combat. Truthfully it had been the best instance of learning Zach had ever received in his life so far, being able to talk to someone so knowledgeable was like a dream come true to him. Sadly of course all good things must come to an end eventually, after staying for quite a bit it was finally time for him to leave, making sure to thank Fyodor for all of his assistance and showing just how grateful he was Zach left. Mireille was still there, she'd probably want to talk a bit with the dragon now as well, she'd catch up anyways.

- - - - - - -

While starting to make his way back to the ship, where he assumed everyone would meet, Zachary was going over everything he had learned so far this day. Quite a good haul all things considered, Kerrigan had never focused much on Thunder magic itself so this was a real treat. Vaguely recognizing the area where he was from earlier in the day the mage kept going back towards the docks, but it looked like it might still be a ways off. Thankfully he managed to catch a glimpse of familiar blue hair headed in the same direction he was.

"Hey Blake!" He called out, rushing to meet up with the swordsman. "You mind if I go with you for the rest of the way? I'm just getting this bad feeling about something and being with another of the group sounds good right now."

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Katrina and Aneda had eventually gone to find a restaurant and spent a few hours in town before walking back through the rain (the wind wasn’t very conducive towards flying and Volga’s wings made great umbrellas). Now they were at the Prometheus and it looked like the group was ready to go. Katrina was sad. It was unlikely she’d get to see her new friend again, but even so… “If you ever travel to Neviskotia, you should come visit. Port Lukin, Allister’s mercenary guild, ok? Hell, we could be pen pals!” Unlikely, given that Aneda was always traveling. Where was Katrina supposed to send the letters to? “I’ll miss you. Good luck,” she said, hugging the taller girl.


So after finishing their meal and extracting 6 gold from Bert (not nearly as much as it could’ve been), the quartet of mounted people returned to find the Dauntless being moved to their new ship. Spiffy. Valter got his sword upgraded by Connor, Synthia spent her time trying not to get wet, and that is the gist of what happened to my peoples up to this point. More details may be forthcoming.

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Gytha had nearly fell over when the Leverager was rammed. Instead, with a shout of surprise, she'd managed to fall forward into something of a crouch and only slid a little on the wet, slippery deck. She'd been hanging around aboard the Leverager, waiting for further instruction from Raquel. Due to the storm, she and Robin hadn't had time to look around port. She did feel a bit sorry for having not been able to fulfill that promise, but she could probably just look around the next port with the archer. Things certainly were more fast-paced than how her life used to be.

Speaking of fast-paced, Gar had already formulated an idea as to what the rebels' plan was and called it out to Captain Bogdan. It was a good plan, but was it the one the rebels were using? The mariner looked up to where Raquel and Captain Bogdan were for some indication of what she should do.


The meals didn't take all that long to finish and when the price came, Norbert was relieved to find out it only came to 6 gold, which he did, in fact, have on him. So, he was able to pay for the food with a clean conscience. After that, they headed back to the docks. Norbert was hoping those wyvern riders were gone. They didn't actually reach the Leverager, though, as on the way they met up with the Dauntless's move from one ship to the next. So, they went along with them and got a look at what would be their home for the next...however long it was going to be until they reached Ursium.

It was a bit stormy out -- which turned into a lot stormy by the tome they got to the new ship -- so neither pegasus nor rider was happy, but it was Rizen who was fussing about it the most. She was continuously shuffling her wings and snorting unhappily every few moments. There wasn't much to do besides wait, though, since the Dauntless couldn't be lifted onto the ship in this weather. Norbert himself chose to enter the Dauntless and wait in there, much to Rizen's frustration.

When the rain stopped and the wind died down a couple hours later, Norbert exited the Dauntless and Rizen shook herself off and flapped her wings in an attempt to dry off. The Dauntless was moved onto the new ship and everything seemed ready to go, though a few group members -- including Raquel herself -- were still away. So, that induced more waiting.

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"Sure, I guess," Blake said upon being accosted by Zachary. He didn't mind being accompanied by another member of the mercenaries, as that meant rounding everyone up wouldn't be as tedious. "As for the 'bad feeling', you're catching on. Bad things DO tend to happen to this group. You get used to it after a while."

Hopefully this wasn't the case for the delay, but if in the event that it was, his money was split on whether it was the Organization, or Gytha getting herself into trouble, given her previous actions.

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Raquel kept running. Anyone who wanted to follow could, but she hadn't remembered to leave orders for anyone who was already present. Once she was off the ship, she took off heading up north hoping to reach the Prometheus and return with the rest of the group before the fighting got under way.

Bogdan, Lev, John and Sophia

If Gar was right about the rebel's plan of attack, then the Dark Utka was probably facing a bigger threat, and regardless of how they even found out where the ship was, they had to get a message to them. No wait, that was wrong. There was no way they could find out where the Dark Utka was and if someone went to warn them, that was just someone they could follow. Bogdan paused to think about it just a bit more. Maybe there was some loose end, something he'd forgotten while trying to think of the proper way to address the situation. "..."

... Cornelius. If they could find out where the Dark Utka was, it was because of that bastard. "The Utka won't fall before we deal with these people. Strong defense; keep the casualties an ship damage to a minimum. We'll send your squad to the ship once we defeat these lunatics, Lev." It wasn't the perfect plan, or even close, but they had to focus on the threat in front of them for now.

John would have volunteered to go and gather the others, but Raquel took off running before he got the chance. At least Veronika was following her. Gar sure seemed to know what the enemy was planning here, though even he had to admit that this wasn't a good time to be reaching that far. Speculation could wait. He grabbed his lance and prepared to hold the main deck with the others until Raquel came back.

Sophia looked around at the area their group would be defending from. It was oddly void. Nothing but dock and street lamps. Suddenly one of the street lamps next to a building went out. It looked like someone had splashed water on the inside, but there was no one there. The rising steam was the only indication. "Uh John. Someone just ..."


Sophia pointed toward the doused lamp which from where they were standing just looked like a dark spot in the distance.

"Oh great." Then another one went out the same way. Dousing the lamps to hide their approach? We can't just wander over there. "Let's stay put for now."


Not aware of the impending skirmish just yet, Gabbie relaxed in the galley of the Prometheus. Well not relax really. She was actually making small talk with the chef woman while she grabbed things to eat for dinner and share with Ringo. It was a nice enough chat, but she had a wyvern to feed and so left back up to the main deck where Ringo was loitering and sat down on his shoulder. "Here ya go," she said before giving him a rather large strip of jerky.


The shopping trip turned up some interesting finds, but Shadrak didn't find what he was looking for. He shouldn't have been surprised. Even if he had somehow found a dark seal on the market, it probably would have cost him a fortune. They would be safe enough until they reached Ursium, so he decided to focus on other matters. This time it was his own training again. They wouldn't be leaving until Raquel and the others returned, so he went down to the docks to enjoy the stable ground again while he could and practice with his barriers.


"No runes for dealing with storms, but our sails have been bonded, so they're quite resistant to tearing. They would survive the storm no matter what, but we'd still take on quite a bit of water and the rigging would be compromised just the same," Delan explained. "Handy magic that," he added with a smile.


Reign had a thing for exploration and windjammers were new to him. The metal hull was interesting enough on its own, but he had to see more and went exploring the lower reaches of the ship. The cots were looking like they would be more comfortable for the trip back to Ursium too. That was good, since they would be the last comfortable beds he'd ever sleep in if anyone back there recognized him and turned him in. He eventually decided to take a nap on a cot he'd claimed off in a corner. Sweet dreams, maybe.

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After a few minutes of silence as Zach and Blake made their way down to the Leverager, a familiar figure appeared in the distance. A familiar pink-haired figure, to be precise. Raquel was running their way for some reason or another. Probably because there was an attack, or a fight, or something. Great. The swordsman increased his pace as his employer grew closer and closer.

"What's going on?" Blake asked, rather calmly, as he was within speaking distance of Raquel. Best he'd just get to the point.

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A Man Called Gar

Captain Bogdan accepted that the Dark Utka being under attack was at least a possibility, though it didn't really change plans. Well, there was one way to get what the enemy was planning, but one of the talents required for that Gar was sorely lacking in. Was there anyone to fill in the missing gap needed? Gar did a quick recall of whom he'd met. Yeah, Robin. She could disable one of the enemies so they could do a quick little "question" session on the enemy plans.

Man, if only he knew where she went after the shopping trip. Oh well. Gar shrugged to nothing and headed over to the brow--and saw the port-lights going out instead. "Oh that'll make things tricky for a rendezvous." If all them went out they'd be fighting by moonlight on a cloudy night giving the enemy all the advantages. Not to mention round 2 of splitting into Cloak and Dagger as if that wasn't painful enough for nearly everyone else already.

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A hug from Katrina returned in kind, Aneda held on a little longer, but not much longer. "I'll definitely look into it. After all, this is just a job, I can cut out at any time given the... abnormal circumstances this thing warrants, haha. And of course I won't forget it, I'm not some sort of frumpy jerk! You're a friend, I don't care if it's been half a day or half a century, friends are friends, I like doing things for friends, end of story!" Not wanting to say goodbye, Aneda was putting it off until it was absolute... "So, are you just gonna wait or were you gonna be heading out really soon?"

Looking at the sudden influx of people around her (she may have not been paying attention), Mushirah scanned the crowd. Lots of mounts, are they by chance in some sort of group or club or something? Oh! I wonder if anyone would wanna help me out with making maps! Approaching a Pegasus rider who seemed to be talking to a fellow flying wyvern rider person, Mushirah cleared her throat. "Um... good evening, and pardon the intrusion, but are either of you any good at drawing? Or anything relating to it?"

Davod was busy on the leverager kind of freaking out. An attack, wow, that is so original. They couldn't just, IDK, relent or anything, or perhaps throw a begrudging respect party fille dwith bitterness yet reverance, no, just gotta keep murdering all the time. Well at least the feeling is mutual "What?!" Nothing, nothing, just spouting expository, pay attention and don't fall off you dumbass.

Nanahm was too busy at his new job which featured a salary, health benefits, and a full hour of sleep every day. He's happy to at least put his skills to use without having to be burned and shot at, at least not by people trying to kill him.

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Well, Raquel and Veronika were off running but Gar, Sophia, James and another she'd seen around the group had remained on the Leverager. From that, Gytha guessed they would be standing with the Leverager's crew once again. Veronika and Raquel were probably going to get the others, so Gytha stayed on the ship and drew her sword. It was best to be ready in case they were attacked soon, after all.

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Well Aneda wasn’t going to forget her, but she still didn’t want them to leave. As selfish as it was, she had hoped the group would stay in port a few days. She liked this bunch of weirdoes. “I was going to wait here, if that’s alright. I wouldn’t be able to find a ship till tomorrow anyway,” Katrina said.

Another girl she hadn’t seen before approached and interrupted at that point, but unfortunately the wyvern rider couldn’t help. “I’m sorry, I’m not much of a, um, drawer myself…”


Synthia really didn’t want to be on this ship right now, but with the horrible weather earlier she hadn’t had much of a choice. Now that the rain had let up she had come up on deck mostly in an attempt to get off the damn thing to wait on solid ground instead. She passed by Katrina and Aneda and some other girl asking questions, decided to butt in, but didn’t stay to chat. “Good luck with that. You missed our artist by half a day.”


With the Dauntless loaded up and a good chunk of the group accounted for (either at the Prometheus or with Raquel), chances were they were heading out pretty soon. Phyllis should probably be taken to the stables now, Valter thought. Eh, maybe later. At the moment he didn’t see the need to move from where he was on the docks. Everything was damp, but that didn’t matter if one was already soaked.

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The mage managed to see the pink haired girl just around the same time that Blake had, she certainly seemed to be distressed about something.

'Dammit, why do my bad feelings always have to come true!'

Following after the swordsman, Zach met up with Raquel. "What's wrong Raquel? Did something happen?"


Pinky number two had been with the rest of the group for a while. Currently he was walking next to some black haired mage girl, getting off the ship they had waited on, seems like things were about to get bad.

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Heads Up

As soon as Raquel stopped to chat, she immediately regretted it. All of her momentum was gone, and she could tell she overexerted herself. Realizing she would never get up to speed again, she turned to Veronika and said, "Gah ... go ahead with out me! Warn the others!"

Then she turned back to Blake and Zachary and explained. "A ship just ... rammed the Leverager! The rebels probably caught up to us! We need ... everyone down there to help them defend the ship!" she explained as she panted.

Lights Out

John kept an eye on the lights, trying to track the progress and Sophia did much the same though looking far more worried. If the others didn't get back before all of the lights went out, they might start getting picked off in the dark one by one. Then something completely unexpected happened. John saw a small figure step into the light and douse one of the dock lamps with a bucket of water before moving on to the next. "It's just a kid doing that ...?"

"Why is he doing that?" Sophia wondered aloud. "Should we stop him?"

"I'm not sure. I've got a bad feeling about this."


It seemed like Shadrak wasn't the only person who wanted to enjoy the solid ground while he could, though now he was a bit tempted to move farther away from the small gathering. He liked his privacy. Something stopped him though. There was a mage girl he didn't recognize conversing with them. Not that she looked like a mage, but he wasn't feeling the same aura he felt from Synthia. Even that mercenary rider was still hanging out too, he just noticed. A mage and a wyvern rider. Hmm, yeah. It might be a good time to act, he thought. To prevent another close battle like at the manor in Tremere, they would need some new people. It was also all he could do to have more people around to help if more people started dropping in on them again like that furry woman or Burke.

"Excuse me," he greeted as he walked over. "Are either of you two headed for Ursium?"

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Oh, so it was the rebels. Who rammed the Leverager like any good pirate would. Well, if Blake was a gambling man, he would be broke, but that wasn't important right now.

"Right, well, I'd prefer it if you would go up to the Prometheus, Raquel," Blake said, as he remembered the results of the manse battle. "Zach, can you escort Miss Valcyn? I'll go help those already defending the ship while you and the others return." As soon as he heard an answer, he would bolt.


One by one the port lamps began to go out. Someone was dousing them, which was definitely not a favorable move for anyone in port. Grant drew a bolt from his patch and began to twirl it, searching for the culprit. If they were found, they'd be hit. No mercy right now, given this whole port attack business.

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“I’m not,” Katrina replied to the handsome young gentleman Shadrak. “Um, do I need to leave?” That would be awful. Well really she had to leave at some point anyway, but she didn’t want to go now.

OoC: I’m going to hell

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A Man Called Gar

"Heh, a kid, looks like they slipped someone in in the port and are bribing the little brat to do that," Gar commented. "If we do anything to stop it we'll look like such villains." Gar chuckled.

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"Oh shit, why does this always have to happen the way I don't want it to...'

Zach was about to argue with Blake about going as backup for the other man but he was right really, Raquel would need help for the moment, no telling if someone might try to ambush her on the way. With how damp everything was at least the lightning mage would be at an advantage in any fights for today.

"All right but don't do anything stupid until I get back okay?! The others can take care of Raquel once I get her there, then I'll come back you up!" He nodded to the other man. "Come on Raquel let's go!"

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While he'd been waiting around on solid ground with Rizen, a crowd began to gather nearby. It involved some wyvern rider, Shadrak, Synthia, Aneda and some...pink haired guy? Was he another relative of Raquel's? Well he...was leading a pegasus. Huh, that was something one didn't see every day: a man with a pegasus. It was worth investigating. This also might have been a good opportunity to talk with Aneda. He'd been meaning to since they met, though the chance hadn't really come up until now. There would likely be a lot of time while on the ship to talk to them, but might as well start on it now since the chance had come up.

Aneda appeared to be already locked in conversation, so Norbert walked over to the pink-haired guy first, Rizen following behind him. "Hey," he greeted. He was getting better at icebreakers, apparently. "You going to be riding that ship to Ursium too?" he stuck his thumb in the direction of the Prometheus.

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"Zach!" cried out Robin as she hurried to catch up with the others. "If you are going into that mess, I want to go with you. I am sworn to protect Raquel and... I do not want you getting hurt without me there to help you."

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And suddenly Robin showed up out of nowhere, actually this would be useful. She could take care of Raquel while he and Blake dealt with things. "Perfect timing Robin, you handle Raquel and get her back to The Leverager! Me and Blake will try to handle things for the moment, get everyone else to catch up with us!" He said, already starting to take off, motioning for the swordsman to do the same.4


While Luka was going over things in his mind it seemed that someone had decided to approach him. Another male riding a pegasus at that, not something you saw everyday.

"Hello there." The boy said breaking away from his train of though. "Yes I am going along on that ship it seems, I'm an Employee of Weyland Enterprises and I thought it might be best if I offered my services to Master Connor while he made the journey back to his Uncle." Patting Rika while he spoke, seems like she could feel something wrong as well.

Edited by Eail
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"Wait-wait-wait! I need to go back to the Leverager, not the Prometheus!" she quickly explained. When Zach followed up asking Robin to escort her there, she was surprised to see him heading off toward the Leverager. "Waaaaait! I still need my staves too!" Well that was just great. Was there anyone besides Veronika who might be heading back to the Prometheus?

John and Sophia

"You think they're using a kid to douse the lamps?" John responded. "That does make sense ..."

"That's awful. What should we do? Can't we stop him? Wouldn't one of the dockers stop him if they saw what he was doing?" Sophia inquired.

"I don't see any around," John noted as he scanned the area.

One of the sailors quickly approached, noticing the trio just standing around talking. "Hey, what's goin' on?" he asked, his gaze following theirs to the kid who was dousing lamps one by one. "What in the hell is that kid doing?! We'll be completely blind from this side if he puts out all the lights!"

"We know," John said.

"It's not gonna sit well, but we need to stop that kid and get those lamps back on. At this rate they'll be able to get close enough for ranged attacks and we won't have any idea where we're bein' hit from!"

Maybe I should do it. An arrow isn't enough to stop me if they do start attacking, John mused.


"Actually quite the opposite," Shadrak replied. "You've been traveling with us for awhile already. I was wondering if you had any other jobs right now ... if not then, you should definitely consider working with us."

Edited by Phoenix
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