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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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"The Leverager was rammed by a smaller ship- and there were quite a number of armed men on it. I don't know much about their exact numbers or equipment though," she admitted to Shadrak during the flight.


Nadya raised an eyebrow at Valter. "Uh, this ain't a passenger vessel until I decide it is- and I'm not acceptin' free tagalongs for the moment. Luca ain't exactly used to two riders and I don't wanna have to deal with the extra weight with a fight goin' on," she said.

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Seemed as though Synthia had taken care of the problem at hand, but it wouldn't hurt to toss out his own words on the matter. "No I can't fight! But I can heal wounds quite well, most of your friends should be right behind us anyways right?"

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“Sorry, I didn’t mean to presume,” Valter told Nadya, backpedaling quickly. That was not the response he had hoped for at all. Unless Nadya suddenly changed her mind (unlikely) he’d either have to carry both of them or leave one behind. He didn’t really want to strain Phyllis’s back though, however short the trip would be. “I can either take one of you or attempt taking both, but we’d get there a bit later…" he said to Robin. "Also, Phyllis isn’t a drake. Please don't compare her to one."

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Raquel had never stopped running and quickly responded to Nadya by yelling, "We'll just keep running then," before disappearing into the Dauntless. Once she had her staves, she came back out and started off again. It wasn't the smartest move since she was already tired from all of the running and it was only getting worse. Despite Valter's offer, she was a little too angry and in too much of a hurry to pay much mind to the exchange between him and Robin.


"So another ship fight, huh? The last one wasn't so bad. Let's try to wrap this up quickly," Shadrak replied.

Chaos Central

Things were getting tense. It was too dangerous to mess with this kid for too much longer, but he had to confirm something. "Just one more thing," John began. "Who is big sis, and what does she want?"

"... you should go," the boy warned with a concerned look on his face as he slowly pulled at his arm. He managed to get it free in John's surprise. Was that genuine concern for his safety?

"Please, just tell me who she is," he pleaded as the boy backed away toward the shadows.

"Bobby, douse the rest of the lights! Now!" came a woman's voice. John then heard the distinct sound of a bow stretching.

Before he could react, the arrow came flying out of the darkness and pierced his knee guard like it wasn't even there. "Hng-GAAAAARGH!!!"

"Oh no, John!" Sophia ran toward him to help and Gil followed, roaring angrily.

As if things weren't bad enough, the boy set the bucket on the ground and began to move his hands around in a strange fashion. He'd guessed wrong, the boy was a mage. The water in the bucket began to rise out of it like a snake before forming into a large sphere in front of him. The boy looked pityingly at John while he did the rest of his work. The ball split six ways and flew off to douse the last six lamps. The boy's face was the last one he saw before it all went to hell. The tome ... where was he hiding it? A rather pointless thing to worry about now but ...

The sailor smacked his gun down against the guardrail in frustration as John, Sophia and the wyvern disappeared. "Dammit! Knew I shoulda shot that kid! Now I can't see or hit a damn thing!"

It was pretty dark where they were, but Sophia still managed to find John easily enough. She knelt down to help him with his injured knee while Gil circled around to guard them from the front. The boy had left and returned to 'big sis', apparently. "It's going to be alright. I'll heal your injury and then we can head back to the ship.

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A Man Called Gar

Things always went from bad to worse. An arrow came from the darkness and crippled Armor-Guy. Other-Girl and the wyvern ran at him immediately, over Gar's objections. Gar wasn't close enough to grab her, and the lumbering lizard made it even worse. Gar dashed to the side just in time to see the boy bring out a tome and send water off to douse all the lamps. Gar's night vision wasn't trained enough at the moment to fully discern everything, but Other-Girl did make it to John-Armor-Guy. "Get back here!" Gar shouted at them before shifting his own position. No taking risks now.

It wouldn't be long. Gar pulled off his cloak, revealing his new red long-coat. Before pulling that and his belt of pouches off and bundling them all together, the red coat becoming the outer cover as it was a fair bit more visible in the limited light. Underneath that coat he had switched clothes to a darker blue set with a hood to blend better into the darkness. He unsheathed his knife and poised, waiting for the next action to happen.

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The last lights just went out. And a scream from someone who sounded awfully like John rang out through the air. This was not good.

"... Zach, you're a thunder mage, right?" Blake asked, as he slowly moved towards where the last lamps had been extinguished. "How far is your range?"

He had an idea, but it wouldn't work if they just fried themselves or their allies.


More and more lights were going out, as one person from the Leverager went to confront someone in the darkness. Grant couldn't make out who the other figure was, but evidently negotiations didn't work, as there was a blood-curdling yell, and the rest of the lamps were extinguished. Siege by night. Just was Grant needed.

The duelist drew a second bolt and began to twirl it in his other hand, while keeping an eye out for enemies. No need to investigate. That would just leave him ambushed.

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Valter sighed. “It’s fine, just get on-“ And then Raquel went racing by. Was she serious? “Come on, we’ll can catch up and get her too,” he said, offering a hand to Robin. Mercy help him if he was going to let an exhausted girl run into a battlefield because he was worried about his horse’s back. Phyllis was important, but not that important.

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Robin quickly pulled herself up, swinging her leg over Phyllis's back as she took up a position behind Valter. "Raquel, get on!" she exclaimed as she made sure she was mounted on the horses back just right, using her legs to grip the sides. "<Why do little girls like these things so much?>"

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The thunder sage was just as cautious as his companion at the moment, withdrawing his tome from the confines of his jacket, ready to shoot off an attack if need be.

"Yeah, thunder is my specialty, I can be as accurate as need be for up to fifteen meters.... Kinda tapers off after that but if I can concentrate I might be able to go up to twenty meters." He muttered to the swordsman, trying to keep quiet.

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"Alright, well..." Blake trailed off, trying to do some math. They were about 30-40 metres away from the lamps, so not close enough to fire. Even if that were the case, if they were to fire they might hit whoever was injured, which would be bad if it WAS John.

"... Hold your fire for now. If you see an opportunity once we get close enough to not fry whoever just screamed, I want you to cast a lightning spell as far into that darkness as possible. If we can blind them we can launch a surprise attack." They'd need every advantage they could get, while they waited for reinforcements.

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With Robin situated, and not really caring if Nadya followed by this point, Valter had Phyllis take off at a light jog. They caught up to Raquel within five seconds. “You’re not going to keep up by running, you know.”

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"Right, stick close together, we can't work well like this if we split up." Zach nodded in conformation towards Blake, the duo were still edging their way towards the sound from earlier. With weapons at the ready hopefully they would be prepared for anything that was hidden by the darkness surrounding them.

'Just a little bit more, and I can aim wherever I please.'

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How she wound up in the water, she didn't know, but Maw was a very unhappy cat, swimming to shore and away from the annoying racket the humans were making.

When the grenades went off, Gytha hurried away from them. When sailors began to mobilize against one other, she joined in the effort put forward by the Leverager's crew. Her sword couldn't each any of their enemies at the moment, so she just sheathed it and ran and slid to the railing, keeping low and letting the slick deck carry her as a grenade passed overhead and exploded behind her. Then, from her relative barricade, took a quick survey to try to find a target as she readied her pistol. I'm goin' t' have t' restock on rounds again, I'll wager...


He was talking to his fellow pegasus rider, but Synthia spoke up first, suggesting he look after them if he was so concerned. I'm only concerned if this guy's pegasus is the first target the enemies see and take aim at and he can't fight. Norbert mentally grumbled. Then, the guy who was possibly a relative of Raquel's who worked for Weyland answered his question. Apparently he couldn't fight but he could heal people.

"What are you doing making yourself the target, then?!" he called back, genuinely surprised and quite disapproving of the healer's choice, "Let someone else be the first thing the enemy sees! And when we get there, keep alert! Don't let them touch you!" He doubted this guy had ad any combat flying practice. His pegasus probably didn't know how to fly as evasively as one who'd had experience, either. It was possible they had had training, but he didn't have time to ask. They were fast approaching the ship. Or rather where the ship should be. It was pretty dark. He could only hope that this pink-haired guy would at the very least remain alert. Norbert would do his best to look out for them until the others arrived, but he was a little concerned how long that would last in a worst-case scenario.

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Things were happening pretty quickly and suddenly, apparently. No time to actually have a conversation, which sucked for Mushirah, but just as Aneda was getting ready to mount up and go help out, she was stopped. "Wait! Take me with you, I'll help out, I know I can!" and as Mushirah was saying that, she pulled out a pecuilar metal sphere from her backpack after a few moments of rummaging, and just as quickly securing her backpack under her cloak. "I'm a magic user, and I can help out. You seem to be in trouble, and the faster you guys can get back here, I'd assume you can leave right? I wanna leave too and I'd feel, for some reason, like a jerk if I sat by and did nothing. Mapping this world can wait, you guys can't... So lemme help, would ya?"

Aneda was sold when Mushirah mentioned magic, of course. "Well don't just stand there, get on!" And then dreams happened, I don't know. Fuck I'm frustrated.

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Valter catching up to her so quickly and effortlessly only served to remind Raquel of how long this was taking and of how tired she was. She slowed to a stop and bent down to try and catch her breath. She could barely breathe at this point, much less talk. "Fine ... help me up-" Instead of climbing up behind Robin, she fell to her knees. Not one of her finer moments. "I'm ... I'm alright." I can't even run a mile. What am I supposed to do like this? I'll be an easy target. No. It doesn't matter; I'm going! She quickly pulled herself up and tried to get up behind Robin again.

Gil continued to growl into the darkness to keep away anyone that might try to finish John off, but for all the enemies he could detect, he couldn't tell exactly where they were. It was just the cover Sophia needed to treat his wound, though.

"Just hold on. I can fix this, I just need a little light," As soon as Sophia created enough light to see the wound, an arrow whistled by her, causing her to flinch, fall backward and inadvertently douse the light all at once. "Eek!"

They've got us ... as soon as they know where to shoot, they'll shoot, John realized. "Sophia, it's too late. Get back to Gar and help the others when they get here."

"I can't leave you here in your condition, John!"

"Sophia, go! If you try to heal me again, the light will give us away! That arrow barely missed you! Please, just listen to Gar and get out of here while you still can!" John pleaded.

"I ... I can't. Not like this ..." Suddenly she noticed another light rising up in the distance. It was a bright orange light that sounded like a small rocket going off. It left a trail of red flames in its wake as it rose a hundred feet above the docks. "What ...?"

"Sophia ..."

As the sailing inferno began to descend down on them, the area began to be slowly illuminated by it. John looked behind him to see Sophia red orange by the approaching flames. She in turn was looking off toward the source of the arrow to see a woman mounted on a horse with a bow at her side, and the little boy standing pitifully by her side. The two of them were flanked by a girl with a cloth masking much of her face, and a legion of fighters. The last thing Sophia saw before the meteor hit was the woman loosing an arrow. It struck her in the heart and she fell right before John's eyes.


All three of them disappeared when the meteor spell struck, the blast lit up the entire area for a few moments, but then everything went dark again. John. Sophia. Gil. They were all gone.


By the time Raquel was up and mounted, the meteor spell had reached the height of its climb and was quite easy to spot from anywhere on the docks. "What is that? A siege spell? W-we have to hurry! Come on!"

They wouldn't be getting anywhere before it hit, and they could hear the blast from where they were. Please ... don't let anyone be hurt ...


"Nooo," Gabbie pleaded with reality as the siege spell descended on her allies. "Nooo nooo nooo," and then it struck. "N- ... you've ... gotta be kidding me ..." She steered Ringo down to the docks away from the fighting on the Leverager and landed. She quickly grabbed her lance and prepared for battle. As much as she wanted John and Sophia to have somehow survived, she couldn't focus on that. They were next if they let their guard down.


Shadrak saw the meteor come down as they approached too and was shocked. "That was a meteor attack! They're hitting us from both sides! Come on, we've gotta get down there and reinforce them right now!"


Plan A, cover fire, was a bust, so it was time to move on to Plan B, fight fire and darkness with fire and light, specifically torch light. Gar was soon approached by one of the Leverager's crewmen who promptly said, "It's risky, the way these people attack anything in the light, but if you people just run off into the dark, they'll eat you alive, so take these and see if you can't get this place lit up again. It's dangerous, but at least if we get the lights back on they've got no place to hide." He extended a few torches for Gar to take, and was planning on passing them out to the others as soon as he could reach them. "Be careful, and good luck. We've got the starboard side covered ..."

Lia 24/24

Faatina 15/15

Davod 15/15


Raquel 18/18

Gytha 24/24

Miri 21/21


Nadya 24/24

Bert 18/18

Valter 15/15


Grant 21/21

Synthia 12/12

Luka 15/15


Nika 15/15

Shadrak 18/18

Katrina 21/21


Gar 9/9

Robin 15/15

Mushirah 24/24


Gabbie 21/21

Aneda 18/18

Chelsea 15/15


Zach 15/15

Blake 15/15

Warlock A (Defending- Aggressive) 24/24

Bard A (Aggressive) 21/21

Monk A (Aggressive) 15/1


Wyvern Rider A (Defending-Aggressive)

Fighter A (Aggressive) 18/18

Soldier A (Aggressive) 18/18

Warlock A

Class: Level 1 Warlock

Raw Stats

HP: 8 STR: 0 MAG: 8 SKL: 6 SPD: 5 LCK: 1 DEF: 6 RES: 2

Simplified Stats

HP: 24 MT: 8 Hit: 6 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 6 Resistance: 2

Weapon 1: Advanced Shield Dark Tome

Special Item: Bulwark

Overall Stats

HP: 24 MT: 8 Hit: 6 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 6 Resistance: 2 (8 Advanced Shield Tome)

Monk A

Class: Level 4 Monk

Raw Stats

HP: 5 STR: 0 MAG: 7 SKL: 8 SPD: 5 LCK: 1 DEF: 1 RES: 2

Simplified Stats

HP: 15 MT: 7 Hit: 8 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 1 Resistance: 2

Weapon 1: Precise Light Tome E

Overall Stats

HP: 15 MT: 7 Hit: 8 (12 Precise Tome) Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 1 Resistance: 2

Bard A

Class: Level 5 Bard

Raw Stats

HP: 7 STR: 0 MAG: 4 SKL: 7 SPD: 9 LCK: 3 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Simplified Stats

HP: 21 MT: 4 Hit: 7 Evade: 12 AS: 9 Defense: 1 Resistance: 1

Weapon 1: Mend Staff

Special Weapon: Combat Knife

Overall Stats

HP: 21 MT: 4(5 if CK) Hit: 7 Evade: 12 AS: 9 Defense: 1 Resistance: 1

Wyvern Rider A

Class: Level 5 Wyvern Rider

Raw Stats

HP: 8 STR: 8 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 4 LCK: 1 DEF: 8 RES: 0

Simplified Stats

HP: 24 MT: 8 Hit: 3 Evade: 5 AS: 4 Defense: 8 Resistance: 0

Weapon 1: Advanced Barrier Axe

Special Item: Bulwark

Overall Stats

HP: 24 MT: 8 Hit: 3 Evade: 5 AS: 4 Defense: 8 Resistance: 0 (6 Advanced Barrier Axe)

Soldier A

Class: Level 5 Soldier

Raw Stats

HP: 6 STR: 6 MAG: 0 SKL: 8 SPD: 4 LCK: 2 DEF: 5 RES: 1

Simplified Stats

HP: 18 MT: 6 Hit: 8 Evade: 6 AS: 4 Defense: 5 Resistance: 1

Weapon 1: Improved Precise Lance

Overall Stats

HP: 18 MT: 6 Hit: 16 Evade: 6 AS: 4 Defense: 5 Resistance: 1

Fighter A

Class: Level 5 Fighter

Raw Stats

HP: 6 STR: 9 MAG: 0 SKL: 6 SPD: 5 LCK: 2 DEF: 3 RES: 1

Simplified Stats

HP: 18 MT: 9 Hit: 6 Evade: 7 AS: 5 Defense: 3 Resistance: 1

Weapon 1: Steel Axe

Overall Stats

HP: 18 MT: 9 (11 Steel Axe) Hit: 6 Evade: 7 AS: 5 Defense: 3 Resistance: 1

Objective: Rout the enemy!

Reward: 10

Hint: Try not to lose your momentum and don't allow the enemy any.

Bonus Objective: Defeat John and Sophia's killers during the same turn.

Reward: 10

Hint: One wields a Synthesized Bow; the other wields a Meteor Tome.

Option: Light the lamps!

Info: At the cost of an action, a character can light one of the lamps. Doing this reveals a dormant enemy combat team. Be careful; dormant teams will not stay dormant for very long once they've been revealed.

Battlepost Limit: 8



OoC: The multiple combat team entries in the discussion thread has me confused, so we'll sort that out later, at which point, I'll put the official combat team list in this post.

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I fucked up rolling but not like it mattersZach attacks Wyvern A (fluff to come later)

Zach uses Overcast! -4Skill +4 MT +2 from Davod= 24 MT +6 from Roll = 30 MT

Zach attacks Wyvern for exactly 24 damage! Kill!

+5 for Blake/Zach


For a brief moment Zach was actually able to see again due to the bright red light coming from the meteor spell that had just been conjured. Only enough time to see John, his wyvern, and a girl completely destroyed by the spell. "John!" the sage needlessly cried out right before the impact. The force of the meteor coming down managed to kick up enough wind to almost knock the young man off of his feet, just managing to stay standing.

'No... no there's nothing I can do for him... We've got company anyways!

Just as Blake had called out to take down the Wyvern, Zach had already let loose a rage filled blast of electricity. Enough force behind to drop both dragon-kin and it's rider, sending them crashing to the ground in a smoking heap

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And with a ram on the Leverager, as well as a meteor spell from the darkness, Lisandra wasn't quite sure what to do, until she spotted a group of opposing magi. Perhaps one of them had fired the spell? Figuring that taking them out would be helpful regardless, Lisandra aimed her gun at the man in front, and fired, narrowly missing the man's heart, yet still tagging him in the chest, likely collapsing a lung and severing a major artery.

Well, he likely wouldn't last long either way...


And so combat began. Everything was a mess of spells and bullets flying, and Faatina couldn't really see a whole lot. What she did see, however, was one of the magicians taking a severe hit, yet not quite falling... with that healer nearby, it would be patched up if she didn't intervene. Charging the man, she began to swing her lance, only to notice the counterspell being fired towards her, however, it was swiftly deflected by Davod, and her lance found it's home through the man's chest, this time clearly skewering the heart.

'I still have momentum, I can still keep going...!'

Following through on that thought, Faatina brought her lance around, and struck at the earlier noted healer before he could react, dealing a heavy blow to the man, sending his staggering. However, it seemed not enough, as he managed to get past her defenses with his knife, launching two quick blows. The first was rather inconsequential, Faatina thought at first, as it rather harmlessly struck her chestplate without causing any real damage. The second, however, using the positioning from the first, slipped through a chink in her armour, piercing below the collarbone.

The pain was intense and immediate, and Faatina found herself almost instantly short of breath, with the wound bleeding heavily. Instinctively knocking the man back with her shield, and witnessing an arrow bury itself in the man's throat soon afterword, she began to back off from the remaining enemies, noting that her lance arm was giving her a constant pain whenever she moved it.

"Damn... he got me good..." She cursed, as she tried to apply what pressure she could to that wound, noting that at the very least, the bone didn't seem broken.

Lisandra activates Heroic Stance!

Lisandra attack Warlock with her Pistol!(Avoids counter due to range apparently)

15 hit - 6 evd, hit! 28 Mt - 6 def, 22 Damage!

Lisandra 20/24

Warlock 2/24

Faatina attacks Warlock!

Warlock counters vs. Davod! 8 hit, miss!

15 hit - 6 evd, hit! 13 Mt - 6 def, 7 damage!

Faatina 15/15

Davod 12/15

Warlock 0/24

Faatina activates charge!

Faatina attacks Bard!

12 hit - 12 evd, hit! 12 Mt - 1 def, 11 damage!

10 hit - 6 evd, hit! 11 mt - 7 def, 4 damage! CRITICAL HIT, 8 damage!

9 hit - 6 evd, hit! 7 mt - 7 def, 0 damage!

Faatina 7/15

Bard 10/21






Davod/Lisandra/Faatina +10

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An arrow whistled out of the darkness and strikes the pegasus knight who lit the lamp, which revealed some enemies in the darkness.

(3,1,3)= Autohit! 8-4= 4 damage. Aneda 14/18

Warlock A

Class: Level 1 Warlock

Raw Stats

HP: 8 STR: 0 MAG: 8 SKL: 6 SPD: 5 LCK: 1 DEF: 6 RES: 2

Simplified Stats

HP: 24 MT: 8 Hit: 6 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 6 Resistance: 2

Weapon 1: Advanced Shield Dark Tome

Special Item: Bulwark

Overall Stats

HP: 24 MT: 8 Hit: 6 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 6 Resistance: 2 (8 Advanced Shield Tome)

Monk A

Class: Level 4 Monk

Raw Stats

HP: 5 STR: 0 MAG: 7 SKL: 8 SPD: 5 LCK: 1 DEF: 1 RES: 2

Simplified Stats

HP: 15 MT: 7 Hit: 8 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 1 Resistance: 2

Weapon 1: Precise Light Tome E

Overall Stats

HP: 15 MT: 7 Hit: 8 (12 Precise Tome) Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 1 Resistance: 2

Bard A

Class: Level 5 Bard

Raw Stats

HP: 7 STR: 0 MAG: 4 SKL: 7 SPD: 9 LCK: 3 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Simplified Stats

HP: 21 MT: 4 Hit: 7 Evade: 12 AS: 9 Defense: 1 Resistance: 1

Weapon 1: Mend Staff

Special Weapon: Combat Knife

Overall Stats

HP: 21 MT: 4(5 if CK) Hit: 7 Evade: 12 AS: 9 Defense: 1 Resistance: 1

Wyvern Rider A

Class: Level 5 Wyvern Rider

Raw Stats

HP: 8 STR: 8 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 4 LCK: 1 DEF: 8 RES: 0

Simplified Stats

HP: 24 MT: 8 Hit: 3 Evade: 5 AS: 4 Defense: 8 Resistance: 0

Weapon 1: Advanced Barrier Axe

Special Item: Bulwark

Overall Stats

HP: 24 MT: 8 Hit: 3 Evade: 5 AS: 4 Defense: 8 Resistance: 0 (6 Advanced Barrier Axe)

Soldier A

Class: Level 5 Soldier

Raw Stats

HP: 6 STR: 6 MAG: 0 SKL: 8 SPD: 4 LCK: 2 DEF: 5 RES: 1

Simplified Stats

HP: 18 MT: 6 Hit: 8 Evade: 6 AS: 4 Defense: 5 Resistance: 1

Weapon 1: Improved Precise Lance

Overall Stats

HP: 18 MT: 6 Hit: 16 Evade: 6 AS: 4 Defense: 5 Resistance: 1

Fighter A

Class: Level 5 Fighter

Raw Stats

HP: 6 STR: 9 MAG: 0 SKL: 6 SPD: 5 LCK: 2 DEF: 3 RES: 1

Simplified Stats

HP: 18 MT: 9 Hit: 6 Evade: 7 AS: 5 Defense: 3 Resistance: 1

Weapon 1: Steel Axe

Overall Stats

HP: 18 MT: 9 (11 Steel Axe) Hit: 6 Evade: 7 AS: 5 Defense: 3 Resistance: 1

Hero A

Class: Level 1 Hero

Raw Stats

HP: 7 STR: 9 MAG: 0 SKL: 9 SPD: 6 LCK: 2 DEF: 2 RES: 1

Simplified Stats

HP: 21 MT: 9 Hit: 9 Evade: 8 AS: 6 Defense: 2 Resistance: 1

Weapon 1: Armorslayer Sword

Overall Stats

HP: 21 MT: 9 (13 vs Fighters,Soldiers, Knights) Hit: 9 (13 vs. Fighters, Soldiers, Knights) Evade: 8 AS: 6 Defense: 2 Resistance: 1

Myrmidon A

Class: Level 5 Myrmidon

Raw Stats

HP: 5 STR: 7 MAG: 0 SKL: 9 SPD: 7 LCK: 2 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Simplified Stats

HP: 15 MT: 7 Hit: 9 Evade: 9 AS: 7 Defense: 1 Resistance: 1

Weapon 1: Swordslayer Sword

Overall Stats

HP: 15 MT: 7 (10 vs Myrmidons, Thieves, Mercenaries) Hit: 9 (13 vs. Myrmidons, Thieves, Mercenaries) Evade: 9 AS: 7 Defense: 1 Resistance: 1

Shaman A

Class: Level 5 Shaman

Raw Stats

HP: 5 STR: 0 MAG: 10 SKL: 7 SPD: 5 LCK: 1 DEF: 1 RES: 3

Simplified Stats

HP: 15 MT: 10 Hit: 7 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 1 Resistance: 3

Weapon 1: Spellslayer Dark tome

Overall Stats

HP: 15 MT: 10 (15 vs Bards, Magicians, Monks) Hit: 7 (10 vs Bards, Magicians, Monks) Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 1 Resistance: 3

Warlock A (Defending- Aggressive) 0/24

Bard A (Aggressive) 0/21

Monk A (Aggressive) 15/15


Wyvern Rider A (Defending-Aggressive) 0/24

Fighter A (Aggressive) 18/18

Soldier A (Aggressive) 18/18


Hero A (Subvert) 21/21

Myrmidon A (Subvert) 15/15

Shaman A (Subvert) 15/15

Battlepost limit for this battle: 8

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A Man Called Gar

Well shit. Gar's warning went unheeded, and Armor-Guy and Other-Girl and teir lizard went up in meteory glory. Hope I don't get blamed for this. The others arrived too late to prevent that, though they certainly went straight into revenge mode. One of the crewman brought up some torches for Gar and the arriving others to use. He reluctantly took one before joining in the revenge himself. Someone had already illuminated a new portion of attackers, and Gar cleaned out one of the three quick as could be.


He dropped the torch on the robes of the magic-user. Let that light up what it could. He fell back next to the others. Close to his other target: Robin. He cleaned his knife.

Gar attacks Shaman A, Gar hits, Gar doubles, Gar deals 10 damage minimum, Gar Vantages. Shaman A is A Crimson Mess.


Gar/Robin +5 points (10 total)

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As the others arrived, a crimson spell rose into the air. Moments later, a massive fireball lit up the darkness, allowing Blake and the others to see John and Sophia, of all people, just before they were engulfed by the flame. It couldn't be, but it was: John, the toughest member of the party, was gone. So was Sophia, one of their best healers. How could this have happened so fast? The man's mind blanked, for a few moments, as he panicked.

By the time Blake came back to his senses, those damned enemies had finally shown themselves. Amongst them were a wyvern and an axe-wielder. Time to distract himself from that terrible sight.

"Zach take the rider," Blake said, as he advanced towards the fighter. The sound of thunder ringing through the air was all the swordsman needed to hear to begin his assault. The axeman, to his credit tried to defend himself, but his adversary stabbed him through the chest, and tore out his blade, pushing the body away from him as he did so.

[spoiler=Roll]Might + 2! (Bard Bonus)

Blake activates Heroic Stance!

HP - 3, STR + 2, SKL + 2, SPD + 2, DEF + 1! Now 12/15, 11, 11, 10, and 3(6+1 DS).

Evade is now 12.

Might is now 13.


[2,5,5] = critical hit! 2(18-3) = 30 points of damage! Fighter A is defeated!

Blake 12/15 HP

Fighter A 0/18 HP

Team Blaze gains 5 points. Now 15. (5 from duo bonus)


A meteor spell was just cast. A meteor spell, of all things. That was overkill. Grant began to slowly approach the scene of the blast, as others arrived and began to fight. He wouldn't intervene just yet. These fighters seemed to have had this.

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...What the hell just happened? John and Sophia were there, then the giant ball of fire, and now darkness. Synthia nearly fell off the damn pegasus. Were they hurt? She didn’t see the arrow from the air, but the disturbing lack of sound after the attack spoke volumes. Luka had the right idea. “Fucking land, now.”


“On it!” Katrina shouted, pulling Volga into a dive. They were approaching quickly now, and the ground was coming up fast. To avoid barreling into allies they had to land further out, but the wyvern ran to close the distance quickly. “Hop off or stay on. Decide quickly, we don’t have time!” The swordswoman would definitely be more effective on foot, but the shaman could cast from the wyvern unimpeded. Volga’s tack had enchantments for that very purpose.

As unlikely as it would be, perhaps John was still alive. She wouldn’t know until these bastards were dealt with, though.


Phyllis and her passengers arrived later than most of the others, with most of the fighting underway already. Robin immediately hopped off, but that still left Valter with one more person to worry about. With all the chaos about it probably wasn’t safe to leave Raquel near the fighting, but it definitely wasn’t safe to take her further towards it either, so he took a third option and rode over to the Leverager’s ramp where it was marginally safer with the crew members about and such.

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