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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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"Don't you..." Starting to question Zach's motives, Aneda shut herself up, already noting in her head as to why he didn't want to move Lia. "I can agree to that. Katrina, you take... Lia, if you would..." She figured that perhaps the mage didn't want to hold the body of one so dear just yet, not like that anyway. It's bad enough having to tend to the dead, but this...? What is wrong with this world? "Please?"

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Robin had kept silent since Lia's death, not really saying anything. She wasn't sure what she should say. Zach had been absent for two years now, and in that amount of time, he had found Lia. Now Lia, a girl she barely knew, but mattered to Zach, was dead. However, she felt it was a poor choice to remain idle.

"Zach, do you want me to help as well with moving the bodies?"

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It took a short bit, but once Bert was cooperating, the doctor too closed his eyes and began to focus on his fingers and ... whatever they were doing there. After awhile, the room was eerily silent and Reign took notice, glancing over from Raquel to see what was happening. Was he using magic on Bert? Probably dark from the looks of it. "Will be asleep shortly; I'll walk you through the removal procedure since you volunteered," he quietly said to Sinbad.

Main Deck

Turning back to Gytha, Delan smiled and accepted the handshake saying, "Indeed. And welcome aboard the Prometheus by the way. We'll be setting out soon, so it might be a good time for you to pick out a space for yourself and then get a tour of the ship."

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Gytha shook the hand heartily and cheerily, then snapped into a salute. "Aye, Captain!" With that, she turned and hurried over to the Dauntless to retrieve her bag, then nearly ran below decks, but had to back-track back to Captain Delan to ask him. "So, need t' know who'd make a good guide b'fore I can find a place," she mentioned. All she needed was a name, really, then she could follow the previous orders.


Norbert tried to continue to focus on his breathing after the doctor spoke, but he couldn't help but take in the words himself and think about them a little. It was his brain's reflex especially since it was concerning him. Removal procedure? The arrow, right. Wait, the Doctor's not doing it himself? It wasn't entirely easy for him to relax at that point, but he did keep his eyes closed and his mouth shut.

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"Aye, sir! Thank you!" Gytha replied just as energetically as before as she went over the name again in her head so she wouldn't forget it as she proceeded down to where she assumed the galley was.

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Katrina felt a bit of anger when Zach told what he had done. Not at him though, it was at the murderers. They got what was coming to them as far as she was concerned. Aneda volunteered to help, and for that Katrina was grateful. “Thank you,” she replied. “Um, I can take Lia…” It made sense that way; Katrina was clearly the smallest of the three. She walked over and gently picked up the girl before waiting to follow Veronika.

OoC: I’ll get Synthia part later

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Good, Katrina was going to be the one to carry Lia, at the moment Zach still wasn't in the mood to have to argue about something like that. The bottle was still calling after all, and that's where he'd be after this was over.

"Thanks." He muttered to the smaller green haired woman. He actually thought for a moment he might be able to carry John by himself, a foolish mistake as it was. As soon as Zach had gotten the body off the wyvern he almost started to stumble, managing to brace himself against the mount. Grabbing a hold of John's belt and tossing the dead man's arm around his shoulder somewhat made Zach uneasy, but this was probably the best way to move him. "Mind grabbing the other shoulder Aneda?"

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Taking to the other side, the rider hoisted up her half of the body in an effort to keep Zach from tipping over. "If you wanna lean more of him on me, that's fine." She suggested if only to try and make things all around easier for the guy. Why am I being so casual about this? Sammy's death brought me to tears almost, but this just shook me... Maybe I'm becoming desensitized to all of this death bullshit? Gah, I-I shouldn't be thinking about this, I just need a good nights rest and something to keep my mind off all of this.

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"That's just fine. I don't expect you to have interact with all of us. However, don't think that we won't be keeping an eye on you," Blake warned. He was getting tired of threatening the magician, but someone had to, and Shadrak wasn't in a state to, what with being so easily provoked. The swordsman himself wasn't in a good state right then, but, well, he could deal with it later. He had to wait, at least, until everything was settled and the Prometheus departed.


The captain's conversation with the female sailor was paused for a moment to mention the cook, who knew a little ice magic. The gesture was appreciated, but unnecessary, given that Grant could handle the freezing himself. Once the sailor finally took off, the duelist spoke again.

"Thank you for the offer," Grant said, referring to the cook's potential aid, "But I can preserve the bodies quite fine on my own. Actually, I was going to ask about whether or not I could gain passage aboard this ship. I'm not actually associated with those mercenaries."

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"What sort of 'methods' do you mean exactly? Were you an assassin or something?" Connor continued to question Gabbie. Not sure she'd make a very good assassin- Gabbie doesn't seem quiet enough for a stealth mission.


All the dead bodies seemed to be handled, so Veronika took it upon herself to find the brig, which was located near the back of the ship- well she thought it was the brig anyway. She managed to open the door with one hand, then she placed Sophia on her back and closed the cleric's eyes. That'll have to do for now... Veronika thought to herself.

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By working together Zach and Aneda had managed to carry John's body down to where they were keeping him and the others, not exactly an easy feat. Coordinating with the pegasus rider they managed to set John down next to Sophia, seems that would be that for the moment, Zach really didn't want to be down here longer than needed anyways....

"Do you need me for anything else? If not I'm going back to what I was doing before." He tiredly said. "You're welcome to join in if you want too..." inviting the other women to drown their sorrows.

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While the doctor worked on putting Bert to sleep, Reign returned his attention to Raquel, who was now stirring instead of just muttering randomly. He kept quiet trying not to disturb the doctor, but eventually Raquel came to. Her eyes opened slowly and she saw the top of Reign's head and the ceiling. The slight swaying motion she felt let her know that she was on a ship again. Soon she glanced at Reign himself and saw the exhausted, worried, and utterly depressed look on his face and began to tear up. "... I ... I don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore ..." From the sound of things, she at least knew what had happened to her. She slowly reached up with her left arm to wipe away the tears. "Are you alright at least?"

"... no," Reign replied honestly, his frustrated tone causing Raquel to wince.


"Okay it's ready. Tell me what you think," a young woman said before setting down some food for a young sailor at a table.

He took a fork and dug into the mix of meat and vegetables. "Mmm, is this beef 'n veggies or veggies 'n beef?" he asked, a bit concerned about the prevalence of a vegetables in his serving.

"Ahem, can I get a new taste tester? This one is broken," she teased, speaking to the woman sitting next to the sailor, who just so happened to be Anna.

"Right away~" Anna played along.

"Ugh, that's just what I need, girls teamin' up on me. Alright, I'll behave. Bottoms up, I guess." And with that, he took a big bite of the serving and began to chew, investigating its taste and texture. The girl who originally served it to him leaned in from across the table to better witness his reaction. "..." He eventually swallowed but there was no telling what he thought of it; his face was oddly blank for the moment.

"Well?" Anna inquired. Even she was getting a little impatient, though she was still smiling.

The man's head dropped and hit the table, narrowly missing the bowl. Both women flinched. "Silas?" Anna poked him with her finger a few times. "Wow, he is broken."

"Omigods, Silas!" exclaimed the chef girl.

"... ... ... this must be what ambrosia tastes like~" came Silas' muffled voice.

The girl and Anna sighed in relief.

Main Deck

"I don't see any problem with that. You're on good enough terms with Raquel and Connor's group, and you do seem to be offering your services gratis," Delan replied to Grant.

Gabbie raised an eyebrow at Connor's question. She wasn't even looking in his direction though. Instead she was staring off at the black ocean. "Are you sure you want to hear about stuff loike that ...? Sometoimes the messiest kills leave you with the cleanest conscience," she asked and then began musing aloud.

All Aboard

Of course it wouldn't be quite that simple; when Blake, Shadrak, and Suzume arrived and made it onto the ship, one of the sailors approached them. "Hey hey, who's she?" Some people they recognized, and others they didn't. At this point the chances of a stowaway were just astronomical.

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"Well Uncle must have some idea about your past before hiring you- he's pretty thorough like that. I think I should know too- I'm not a child, I can handle "sensitive" subjects," he reassured Gabbie.


"No, you're all free to do as you will," Veronika said to the carriers, before heading out of the room. "I'm going to go to the infirmary to see how Raquel is doing- good night everyone," she said to them with a nod, before exploring the ship to find where the infirmary was. Just stay busy- that'll keep your mind off of things. she told herself mentally.

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"She's a mercenary, and she's with us," Blake instantly replied, not even bothering to turn to face the sailor as he continued on. While the first part might've been a lie, the second part of that statement was entirely accurate. Suzume was with them, and he really didn't need to waste his time trying to convince the sailors, who didn't even see the battle, that she belonged with the group. Especially considering the attention it would draw.


"I wouldn't really call it a 'service'," Grant said, serene, but slightly miffed internally, by the implication that he was a professional freezer. Though, most ice mages probably were tasked with such mundane jobs, so he guessed that the error was forgivable. For now. Anyways, time to move on. "What will the fee be, in that case? And where is the brig on this ship? I'll go and preserve the bodies immediately after this is settled."

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Drinking, huh? That'd probably be a bad idea right now. God knows I'm upset enough as it is, I'd probably do something stupider than usual... Staring at the bodies in front of her, Aneda let out an exhausted sigh. I shouldn't think that way, right? I need to put on my happy face, for the others if not for myself I think. Leaving the dearly departed and catching up with Zach, hoping that she'd be able to shake the repressed feeling she had right now. "Bet I can outdrink you~." she blurted in a rather playful tone.

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Zach was mildly surprised to see it was Aneda that had followed him first, he'd thought it'd be Katrina truthfully. Ah well she'd probably follow soon as well so no big loss there. At the offer of her drinking contest though the faintest smile made it's way onto Zach's face "I've never lost a drinking contest in my life, and I certainly don't plan on starting tonight sweetheart. Course, this is probably gonna be a three way contest, wouldn't be right to lave Katrina out."

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"Right, instructions on the procedure... Lay it on me then. I'm mostly just fetchin' tools and handing them to ya when you need ta switch, right?" Sinbad remarked to the doctor, wondering if perhaps he had bitten off a mite more than he could chew.

At least this will be a learnin' experience, he thought to himself. Pink haired filly seemed to be all right now, even talking a little, so if this fella pulls through then all in all 'tweren't so bad as it could have been then. Still, have to wonder just what on earth these folks got mixed into. They didn't seem to be either Kigen, or Skotian, here... Not from the looks of it anyway.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Norbert was still trying to focus on his breathing, but when he heard Raquel speak, his eyes snapped open. "Is she awake?" he asked, temporarily forgetting the instruction issued him and instead focused on Raquel's state. Though he had a thing or two to say regarding what should and should not have happened, his initial response was one of concern.


Gytha rushed happily into the galley. There were only three people there: two women and a man who was face-down on one of the tables. She wasn't entirely sure if he was ill or something, so she slowed down, walking over at a more normal pace and asking with a bit of concern, "Uh, are ye a'right?"

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"Projectile removal requires careful timing and the arrow shaft may just be another obstacle," the doctor began a somewhat lengthy explanation that was inevitably going to amount to 'Sinbad, you're doing most of the work'. "I might need to reinforce this spell in order to prevent him from awakening during the procedure, which will require at least one hand. I will also require the other in order to initiate the healing once the arrowhead is removed, whether or not I'm reinforcing this spell at the time. Therefore, I recommend operating with three hands ... one of mine and ... both of yours."

Around that time, Bert's eyes popped open, and the doctor reacted with little more than a glance at first. "Close your eyes and relax. You can speak with her in one minute," he said. It would be much longer than one minute, but not from Bert's point of view.

Overhearing the situation, Reign turned around for a moment. "If you need an extra pair of hands with this, I'll help too. Raquel's fine now."

The doctor looked to Sinbad. "You work well with others?"


"There's three girls now?" Silas' muffled voice inquired from the table.

"There's over twelve, remember?" Anna explained.

"Oh ... right. Hi," Silas waved over his shoulder with his head still down.

"Um, hi," the girl gave a small wave to Gytha. "I'm Zoe."

Main Deck

"And the fact that he didn't clue you in doesn't say anything?" Gabbie prodded a bit, teasingly. At least it made the subject a bit lighter for her than it really was. "If you're just dying to hear about it, you'll have to pick a better place than the main deck. The things I've been through aren't ... aren't things I'm comfortable talking about just anywhere and with just anyone around," she added, frowning at all the people wandering about.

Close by, Captain Delan was still speaking with Grant. "Forty-five. Thirty-five if you're willing to help out. Zoe could always use the help with the food stuffs and I'm sure the others might need some help with things from time to time."

And also relatively close by, the sailor was eyeing Suzume. "What's with the hood?"

"It was raining earlier and the clouds haven't yet lifted," Suzume quickly followed up with. "I'll remove my hood once I'm inside."

"Heh, alright, fair enough," the sailor replied, lightening up a bit. "Well hurry up and get inside; we're leaving in a few minutes here." Just as Suzume started walking, the sailor put his hand on Blake's shoulder trying to hold him back for a moment. He quietly told the man, "Do not let that one get away," and winked.

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Robin gave a soft sigh of annoyance as Zach walked off. Losing someone you cared about was a horrible thing to go through, and it was something Zach had just gone through himself. Yet, now, when Robin had tried to help, he had ignored her entirely. "<Way to make me feel like crap Zach.>" she muttered to herself before touching her head and feeling the place where the pegasus had struck her. It would be a good idea to get that checked out.

Glumly she headed down to the infirmary, coming in and sitting down on one of the cots. She was sure there were people with more pressing wounds there, she could even see a healer working on removing an arrow from Bert.

"Get shot Bert?" she asked, her voice clearly down and more curious than insulting? "What had got that arrow stuck in there so bad?"

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Again, he was told to just relax. It was becoming a bit harder to do that, but he was assured he could at least talk to Raquel in around a minute. Reign offered to help out and the doctor asked if the other guy worked well with people. This is just strange... I'm not entirely sure how comfortable I am with the idea of all these guys trying to take an arrow out of me.

He'd already closed his eyes again when he heard Robin ask him a question. Well, this must be a weird scene for her... It would be to me, anyway. "No, I wasn't shot. That's why I have an arrow sticking out of me," he replied sarcastically, keeping his eyes closed, before responding more seriously, "Yeah, I was shot." Grimacing at what he was just realizing, he continued, "It's stuck deep because I fell on it when I passed out from that thunder attack, I guess." The thunder attack had been the more pressing issue at the time.


"Ahoy," Gytha cheerily greeted, "Me name's Gytha. I'm a mariner n' I'll be sailin' with ye t' Sergio. Th' Captain said I might be able t' find Silas here."

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"Is it a broad-head or barbed?" asked Robin, looking up. "I can remove a broad-head easily enough for you if you want. I do it all the time back home. A barbed head would be best left to the healer though as he can mend it as it comes out."

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Blake, despite his exhaustion, somehow faked a smile and nodded at the sailors' order. The other man had gotten the wrong idea, clearly, but that just suited him fine. Better than the alternative, anyways. The swordsman then continued on with the magician and possibly Shadrak, towards the general living quarters. Alright, now it was a matter of finding an empty and unused room, and making sure no one would accidentally stumble in. Then, he could deal with other matters.


"Forty-five it is, but I'll still help out if you need ice or some wind magic," Grant said, as he retrieved his pouch to count out forty-five gold. He wasn't one for physical labour, but anything magic-related was generally good practice. The duelist finished counting the money out and offered it to the captain. "Here's the gold. Now, if you don't mind, could you direct me to the brig? I may as well start with that matter."

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