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Return of the Emblem Chapter Ten: Converging Destinies


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"Pfaugh! You have no sense of adventure. That was the greatest moment of our lives, and you know it. Anyway, of course they'll save us. I'm a bastion of the free market! You, though, maybe not. They might not have room for both of us; you might want to lay off the ale and hardtack."

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"Please. If they're going to save one of us, do you really think they'd save the crotchety archer with a demon horse when they could have the charming knight who will defend them in their journey? Besides, if they can't fit both of us, they'll just leave your horse behind. Simple."

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A Man Called Gar

Gar yawned. It seemed he was finally starting to feel some fatigue. He stretched and whirled around to head back down below-decks, but the crew quartermaster was flapping at the drunk brigade. Man, they really cut into the rations if they were being flagged for it after only a couple hours. There was also some other unimportant thing about a sinking ship, but it probably wasn't the one Gar was on or else there'd be actual activity. Still, it would be kinda funny to see how the drunkies flew.

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"If they try to leave Chariot behind, I will murder them all with my bare fucking hands."

Rook turns slowly to face the ship, cigar in the corner of his mouth. He produces the spyglass again and gazes into the distance with it, standing on the edge of the ship. "Anyway, I'm certain they'll manage it. Looks as though they'll be coming shortly. I can feel it in my bones... I'm not going to die today. And if Death tries to come for me, I'll nut the bastard and kick him in the plums."

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"Alright, well, from what I understand, a rebel ship crashed into the Leverager, which more or less preoccupied their crew," Blake began, morosely. "At the same time, the rebels doused all the lamps in the port around the Leverager, at which point Raquel and Veronika came running up to the Prometheus to get everyone. I basically got into an argument with Raquel and sent her up to the Prometheus after I knew what was going on, along with Robin. Anyways, John and Sophia had went to investigate the dousings, which led to both of their deaths, John by a meteor spell, Sophia by an arrow to the heart.

"The other rebels attacked us right after, and, given how stupid I was, with going straight after the enemy, I didn't notice that Raquel was assisting us until the enemy ace stabbed her. I got him, but not before he stabbed Lia as well..." Here, the swordsman trailed off, as he remembered the event. "Anyways, I staunched Raquel's wound until help came, and, well, I then went and helped crush the rebels. One pegasus escaped, but the kid who doused the lamps and an apparent 'friend' of one of the dead rebels surrendered to me.

"The kid was entrusted to a local dragon and its' guards, but the 'friend' is actually in the hold right now, with Shadrak guarding her area. I don't think she's a threat at this point, because of the way she surrendered and her behaviour while she was being escorted, but I didn't want to risk having this ship and its' escort be intercepted by a vengeful rebel ship or something. I also figured that keeping her out of sight, for at least now, would be the best idea, which is why I haven't mentioned it to anyone else. And now," Blake concluded, "You're up to speed."

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"Hmm. I guess my options haven't changed ... not really," Reign noted, mostly to himself. He then began to chuckle a little. "As angry as I am, it's my own damn fault Raquel got injured. Again. For everything that happened, I could have been there. Keeping her out of harm's way is my main objective here, so that's what I should be doing. I'm either going to have to convince her to stay on the sidelines from now on or guard her myself." He shook his head adding, "I really don't see any other options here."

"That's horrible," Zoe interjected. She sat a strange looking drink down in front of Reign as she continued. "You really couldn't convince her to stay behind and she got hurt? And what are you going to do about the woman you captured? Won't the others eventually find out about her?"

"Why is this green? Is this a vegetable blend?" Reign inquired upon closer inspection.

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Marella sighed. "Get down from the side. Either they'll send people or Andrei will come back or we'll swim. No matter what, we'll be fine. We might lose some equipment, but eh. There's always places to buy more. No need to be impatient. They'll get here when they get here. Our ship isn't sinking that quickly."

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Quartermaster, quartermaster… Where had Katrina heard that term before? Oh yeah, that meant he was kinda important. Well Zach and Aneda were still coming, so she wouldn’t drown right? “Er, yessir Mr. Quartermaster sir. We’ll be back in a jiffy,” she said, saluting. With her passenger on board and Aneda hopefully following, she had Volga leap off the side of the ship and made a beeline for the sinking vessel. Thankfully the wyvern wasn't drunk too.

When they arrived two figures were on deck, a guy on a horse and some armored chick and Katrina had her wyvern hover just off the railing. With the noise of wingbeats communication would consist of a lot of yelling. “Hey! What’s going on?”

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"Oh hey. Look at that. They came to see what's up. Like I told you they would. Now stop being ridiculous and behave, ok?" Marella shouted up to the wyvern rider, "Well, our ship is sinking. Besides that, we're mostly just relaxing waiting for our useless pegasus rider to get his butt back here and tell you guys that we're sinking. But I guess since you're here now we don't need to wait for that. Oh, and like I said. Our ship is sinking. How are you?"

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The cold night winds along with the serious situation (and a pinch of willpower) had managed to sober Zach up enough to where he could formulate a plan for the situation. On the deck there were two people and a horse, the horse probably wouldn't be making it sadly....

Calling down to the duo Zach shouted "I think the Wyvern can handle taking you Miss! The pegasus might not be able to carry that armor so your friend should go with her, I don't think we can take the horse too though!"

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Rook grits his teeth, and turns to Marella. "You go with them. I'm going to get Chariot and my personal chest onto the lifeboat, and try to row to their ship. I'm not leaving my faithful steed behind."

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“Um…. I’m pretty good,” Katrina replied. Well, Marella asked. Then archer guy yelled about being rich or something. Silly archer. They were going to help them anyway. The horse would be a problem though, even with the lifeboat. Well, first things first. Katrina maneuvered Volga over Marella. That armor looked a bit heavy for Volga’s back. “We’re going to pick you up, ok? We’ll take you to our ship and see if they can’t help your friend too.”

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Rook manages to bundle Chariot into the lifeboat, because he isn't flying with Zach and Marella, as was previously established.

"Right, boy," he says, trying to sound soothing as he tries to remember how rowing works, "we're gonna make it to that ship, then we're gonna be okay. You hear me? Everything's gonna be okay."

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A Man Called Gar

Gar was gonna make a bet with someone nearby that having a drunken rider fly a wyvern would have resulted in both crashing into the ocean, but the take-off for them was too smooth so he didn't bother. A good thing too since he paid attention to their flight, and as far as he could see, they didn't sink.

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"... We had a lifeboat. You didn't mention the lifeboat. I..." She sighed. Turning to the wyvern rider, she nodded. "That's fine. I don't mind. Go ahead. I'd rather be picked up by a wyvern than be stuck in a lifeboat with him and his horse. Again."

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“Alrighty then, easy, Volga. We don’t want to hurt her.” This was now the drunk wyvern shipping service, apparently. Volga descended with her hind feet on deck and gripped Marella with her forearms. A few wing beats later they were airborne again, heading off towards the Prometheus.


OoC: Someone shoot me.

[spoiler=The worst part is I was laughing the whole time]

Synthia stood up suddenly. Something felt odd, and for some reason it wasn’t the white void surrounding her. There were two far off figures standing with their backs towards her. Naturally, she started walking towards them.

“Hello?” No response. “Hey, guys.” Nope, that didn’t get one either. She settled for poking the taller one in the shoulder, hoping to provoke a response. To her horror, it did. They fell to the side, revealing the maggot infested corpse of John. The urge to scream and the urge to vomit warred strongly within her. Backing away didn’t help her situation, as her collision with something was followed by a sickening splat. Turning around brought up face to face with a bloody Sophia surrounded by her own entrails. She ran.

She ran and ran, and continued running until she ran into something. It was a familiar something, and she immediately latched on to it. “…Dad! Oh my gods, it was horrible… There were worms, and and intestines, and-“

“Shhh, it’s ok,” he replied, patting her back. “You only failed, that’s all.”

“Wha- you mean this is my fault?” she said, wiping her eyes. She looked up and he was smiling.

“You’re my little failure. Always have been.” And then he was holding up a mirror, and Synthia was maggots.

Synthia woke up with a start, managing to smack her head into the above bunk with expert aim. When she curled up on her bed whimpering afterward it was hard to tell if it was because of that or something else.

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Aneda had already beat Katrina back, shouting "Katrina is heading back, they've got another person, maybe more I wasn't paying the utmost attention, and a horse over there, ship is sinking pretty fast as well!" before vomiting into the ocean. Cool.

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Main Deck

"Wait now," the quartermaster replied to Aneda after hearing her report, though he decided to wait a moment while she got rid of some of the contents of her stomach, shaking his head all the while. "Now say that one more time? One person? A horse? What?"

Captain Delan approached as well, but kept his eyes on the ship that was going down. Once he reached the quartermaster and Aneda, he began looking through his spyglass again. "Huh, horse on a lifeboat. Give me half sail, we'll swing around and pick them up."

"Aye, Captain! Half sail, on the double! We've got a lifeboat to haul in so get your gear!"

Gabbie felt the sway as the ship began to turn toward the sinking merchant ship and sat up to look around. "Okay, wha ...?"

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